
How To Change Your Climate Consciousness

The NY Times BestSeller,
How To Change Your Mind,
is about
How to change your Left or Right
Or Left and Right
dominant default demand Consciousness,
therapeutically from LoseLose distrust
to WinLose mistrust
to WinWin bilateral
and even multi-lateral

But to speak of changing Minds
when curious about revolutions in personal consciousness
is like confusing mundane Weather
with lifetime development of local/global EarthClimates,

Some climates emerge more locally monocultural
and some inviting polyculturally pro-active outcomes,
outgoing voices following diverse polypaths,
intuitions of deadening pathology
through vibrant positive health

Multicultural EarthClimate
enculturations of Wealth competitive
lethargically hoarded
and rabidly self-infested
and more revolutionarily holonic when cooperatively viral

EgoPolitical West and EcoNormLogical Ancient East,
Dualistic Either/Or Deductives
and NonDualist Both/And Inductions
Interdependent cooperative climates
democratically student-teaching freedom and courage choices
of bilateral co-awareness

Globally unfolding Left/Right default monitoring co-conscious controls
Networks locally active WinHealth/WinWealth opportunities
to improve each day and night’s Win/Lose discernment

Weather preferences suboptimal
subliminally inducting:
If you’re not RightBrain greyscale depressed
about competing to expand
Divides between deep polycultural creolizers
and rich monocultural predators
and violence proselytyzers,
about exponential potential
for burning climates
and revolutionary healing

If you add in humane-divine former forest memories
and bountiful ocean memes
and EarthTribe hunter of Paradise enthymemes
living on TippingPoint Edge
of both secular Land
and sacred timeless Sea

Then you might uncover
egocentric anti-ecological histories,
personal and historically epic,
hysterically dyspeptic,
reacting against DNA’s refueling bionic
inevitably resilient
poly-ionic healthy Trust

For WinWin powers with Love
Over WinLose suboptimal dissonant weather maps
of geopolitical violent history
erupting into patriarchal power-under herstory
matriarchal cooperative educational power with
revolutionary WinEgo/WinEco-Consciousness
ReCreation Stories

Of AnimaMundi’s secular/sacred EarthTribe
synergetic integrity Creolizers,
post-WinWin Revolutionary CoCreators
of PositivEnergy Democracies

Climates of Matriarchal/Patriarchal Trust
in reforesting healthy EarthLand
and detoxing EarthWater-Bearers
and all health-loving re-creators


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