
Orthodox v Orthopraxis

Yogi Berra said:
In theory there is no difference from practice.
In practice, there is

Applying this to communication theory:
In nonviolence theory
there is no difference from practice
of win/win compassion.
Yet, in Business as Win/Lose Usual
Patriarchal political monoculturing practice
and Capital monopolistic economic intent
there are no virtues calculated for compassionate communication,
for merciful creolizing political views,
and restorative forgiveness
for matricidal sins
of our StraightWhite Patriarchs

Ignorant about healthy polycultural,
therapeutic integral relationships
in response to systemic trauma.

Nonviolent communication orthodoxy
enlightens everything
but nothing positive win/win prevails.
Compassion’s transparent and vulnerable win/win practice
unveils every positive relationship
becoming co-empowered
but no one person knows why.

In our EarthRestorative lab,
nonviolent verbal theory
and compassionate nonverbal practice
are bicamerally combined:
nothing win/lose prevails
and every resilient relationship
compassionately feels why
0-sum theoretical assumptions
do not comply
with Earth’s Whole Open Systemic
virtuously therapeutic practice
of avoiding viciously competitive theories.


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