
Orthodox v Orthopraxis

Yogi Berra said:
In theory there is no difference from practice.
In practice, there is

Applying this to communication theory:
In nonviolence theory
there is no difference from practice
of win/win compassion.
Yet, in Business as Win/Lose Usual
Patriarchal political monoculturing practice
and Capital monopolistic economic intent
there are no virtues calculated for compassionate communication,
for merciful creolizing political views,
and restorative forgiveness
for matricidal sins
of our StraightWhite Patriarchs

Ignorant about healthy polycultural,
therapeutic integral relationships
in response to systemic trauma.

Nonviolent communication orthodoxy
enlightens everything
but nothing positive win/win prevails.
Compassion’s transparent and vulnerable win/win practice
unveils every positive relationship
becoming co-empowered
but no one person knows why.

In our EarthRestorative lab,
nonviolent verbal theory
and compassionate nonverbal practice
are bicamerally combined:
nothing win/lose prevails
and every resilient relationship
compassionately feels why
0-sum theoretical assumptions
do not comply
with Earth’s Whole Open Systemic
virtuously therapeutic practice
of avoiding viciously competitive theories.


Freedom to Taste and See

Our green campus favorite
MuseSpeech Teacher
always hosted outside seminars
at noon,

And served chocolates
while mentoring
Her systemic theology

“Doesn’t get on well
with academic secularized ecology
we have
and have not
personally experienced.”

This is today’s thesis
and antithesis
for engaging stories
of synergetic peak experiences,
amusing EarthBright passions,
peace-warrior beauty,
scents of sage sensed joy.

S/he mediates lunchtime vocations
inviting us to try again
replacing all our “mono” orthodox theories,
with “poly” orthopraxis
to reconsider
healthy freedoms
shamelessly uncovered
through personal experience.

Trading in monotheistic theories
for polytheistic compassion

Monocultural nationalism
for polycultural globalism

Mono-polistic win/lose contention
for poly-polistic win/win intention.

As our internal clocks
move from ZeroSoul search
to OneSum find,
s/he concisely
and precisely creolizes
resilient bipartisan
through less transient opportunities
for curiosity

“Thank you for investing this lunchtime
with me
and each sacred Other
to learn to listen
before speaking nighttime’s questions,
wondering and wandering on
and on
about why tumescent monotheistic poles
most always feel so happy
to taste and smell
our officious pantheistic holes.”


Valentine’s Day Resilience

for grace already received
is a robust measure of generosity.

Compassion scans for generosity’s fullness
felt within
as incarnated without

As dispassion predicts greed’s anxious emptiness.

Giving is physical and/or verbal
while generosity is mental and nonverbal.

like loving,
hoping for a return of grace
within your lifetime’s future,
does not share
or stretch
your gift of generosity.

hoping to receive in equal measure,
plus interest,
plus loyalty,
plus admiration for our generosity,
is an investment
which counts the cost
of risking loss

Not necessarily a failure of gratitude,
or love,
for oneself
as for Other,
and also
not an outward compassionate act
of inward
mind-nourishing generosity.


Same Old Solo Song and Lonely Thanksgiving Dance

A mental health difference
between being stuck
in an impoverished designation
and being stuck
trying to merely survive
with mostly “Loser” marginalization
ancient locked-up degeneration

Feels like same difference
between economic red-lined
unenlightened Othering
smothering suppression
and flat-lined politically disempowering

Feels like a thoughtful distinction
with a felt difference
between stuck
in a LeftBrain dominant
win/lose survivalist
Either/Or neurosystemic instinctive imposition

And slowly becoming unstuck
through a more joyful mind/body journey
developing win-left/win-right
thought/felt polycultural
Integral Therapeutic 1/0
ReStorative Peace Communion
inside/outside reconnecting
bi-genderal neuro-systems

As sacred as the hell
of 0-sum impoverishment
and less secular than the heaven
and monotonously ego-1 promised
by LeftBrain dominant
thrival of the monochromatic mightiest
seriously constipated prominent
monocultural supremacists,
who won’t even freely give
a hit
for win/win 1/0 peak experience

Pretending their root chakra systems
don’t degeneratively stink

Predative practitioners
of EarthTribe’s
violently colonizing
Straight White privileged
historic monotheistic drama
regeneratively compromising
the 1-Elite v 0-NonElite
unGolden-Ruled co-mediators

Win/lose v win/win
sub-optimal 1 v 0
bi-gendered polypathic
bipolar polymathic experience
systemically disorganizing
and miscommunicating trauma;
rather than nonviolently communionating
systemic win/win therapeuic
polyculturing co-passionate i
well-sung hung
and brilliant wellness wombed
resilient compassionate dance
vertical and horizontal
body and mind
space and time
EarthTribal passionate interventions

Restorative justice intentions,
conservatively liberating green
ego/Yang eco/Yintegral
root systemic chakra
win/win health and safety
neurosystemically co-binary
and EarthEmpowering
bipartisan communicating
mono-1/poly-0 soul
root chakra
ecopolitical EarthTribal
sacred life

Is also synergetic love
win/win cooperative
healthy Left
and safe-felt environmental Right

Liberating/conservational wings
emotional/nutritional expressions
inside-mind/outside-body communications
healthy co-passionate

Dipolar co-arising
resiliently safe biosystems

Singing more duets
while dancing in warm
sometimes wet
and wild,
win/win virtuous
1/0 co-binary passion circles.
fueled by 1/0 root chakra
spiraling reconnecting cycles
sometimes lonely courage
all times eternal
revolving healthy curiosity.


BearQueen Proclamation

There’s much to be said,
without diplomacy,
said the Queen
to her Bear

In favor of ancient
transparently royalist wisdom,
“Don’t even look at me.
Either you got it,
or you didn’t!”

Either you get it
or you don’t
And I most certainly do!
rumbled Her Bear
to his Queen.

And yet,
said his Queen
to Her Bear

I feel something
must also be said…
A proclamation!
of win/win consorts
and copassionate co-investments
and mutually satisfying

roared Her Bear
with his Queen

Proclaiming cooperative economics
of love
Her most Royal
Peak Experiential
Universal HealthCare Decree

Which even the ElderPriest found long-winded,
“That’s my sacred,
not quite so sensory,
ecosystems territory,

To which the Queen
most regally replied
as if She had not just been conversing
with a nearby Straight White Trucker

Not the way we do it!

unless you have wandering issues
with your patriarchal vocation,
added Her Wondering LoverBear.


Deep Valleys

Perilous fall risks
these double-binding thoughts
with feelings still nascently attached
positive and negative,
often complexly ambiguous
as an old variegated sock
chew toy

Stumbled over in emotive colored sequences
contrasting tasteful language
comparing visions sweet and sour,
bland touch not grand
but better than feeling bitter
qualitative resonant/dissonant scales
of magnificent maleficence
and malicious magnificence

overflowing personally compelling
dispelling private passions
remain within a high and wide
yet deep and narrow
multigenerational polyculture
of co-empathic compassion

To heal sacred MaternalEarth
and thereby correlate
all Her multiculturing
divinely languaged
singularly health-hearted
dizzying slip-shod business

Positive and negative
universal uniting
and severing
ecopolitically co-invested emotions

Eco-logically restorative
climate resilient growing
peaceful co-messymanic valleys
of resonant reconnection

As reliable as an old
hand knit pair
of variegated socks
before repurposed
as sacred scented chewtoys.


DisOrdered Sons and Fathers

May all sacred,
but not quite omnipotent,
fathers learn this day
as we impatiently correct
our stress-disordered sons

That respect is earned,
so maybe disrespect is too
positive and negative layered
for and against authority
for and sometimes restlessly against
repeating Business As Usual
white middle-class dadisms:

You snooze
you lose

May apply to your lethargic
chronically anxious
cannabis-fed son

And yet feels counter-intuitive
for babies
and us great grandads
who need our outside rest
away from commercial
too lit up
and loud
and relentlessly plastic
inhumane degradations

In such a rabidly anxious hurry
to wait for inevitable pandemics
and genocide,
forest fires
dry river beds

Taking a snooze
feels like a healthy alternative to:

capitalist narcissism
anthropocentric monotheism
monoculturing nationalism
painful survivalist isolation
demented diseases
species extinctions

safety and defense-oriented males
on a bad day
in a depressing moment

yackity yack disrespectful
feeling privileged to rightwing exclusively define
“real [and not indefensively stupid] men.”

Yet quietly hiding
under these sacredly respected
and secular unrespectful unsuspecting layers
of diverse manhood hues and cues
and patriarchal cultures

Capital invested climates
prefer cooperative integrity
over dormant faith-based respect
and creatively traumatic disrespect
and unenlightened
stress-triggered unrespect

Desecrating sacred solidarity feelings
learned today
as synergetic need/want supportive
communication systems
sometimes impatiently correcting
my pre- and post-traumatic
stress disordered father


TRANSubstantiating Inductions

Don’t want to be reductionist
obeying only secularized rules

Would prefer to grow more
sacred inductionist
rediscovering golden win/win tools

For imagining
and re-membering
why win/win ancient relationships,
like space and time,
humane and divine
here and there
circle and square
pole and hole
purpose and goal

Feel more sacred
than win/lose dueling competitions
seem routinely dissonant

Despite StraightWhite Paternalistically Capitalist
secular indoctrination
disrespecting ecofeminist experiences
of resonantly resilient
compassionate relationship

Guiding sacred inductive curiosity
to restore eternal health and safety
sacred communions
within each reiterative communication
string through holonic communities
of resonantly cooperative freedoms
uniting wealth resilient experience

Lavishly conserving
future regenerators’ trauma-healing
romantic re-memories
sacredly dramatic
peak and peaceful co-elationships

Replacing immigration threats
by Other colonizers
Restoring emigration strengths
with cooperative creolizers.


Freedom to Dance Sacred

We thrive finding freedom
to speak out
to dance around
and sacred shout
to sing full-stop gospel
turn’em out

Outside our secularized cells
of dominant win/lose evolution
protagonist predation theories,
desecrating aparta-cisms,
jingoistic decultured
shameful jisms

Having His MonoTheistic elitist
StraightWhite Capital-Headed Way

Extracting all polycultural Truth
Sacred Trust
CoEmpathic CoPassion

Degenerating all polyphonic
elegant Beauty

Raping ecopolitical Grace
of and for Sacred EarthMother Justice,
just EarthTribe ReGenerative us

Singing and dancing
in sacred eco-political circles,
spiraling lines
of seasonal fertility
reasoned agility
prescribing Whole Open NeuroSystemic Peace,
multi-regenerationally timeless

Requires polycultural positive health value
for playing win/win nicely
with and for
elegant and intricate
GoldenMind/SacredBody wealth

nonviolent sacred communion
for ReStorying sacred sharing circles

Coming out of secularized
monoculturing closets
for multicultural freedom
to include sacred Indigenous-Taoist Wisdom
rooted in whole open panentheistic
sacred nonzero-spacious/temporal Souls

Climbing root and nail chakra
out of our anthrosupremacist closeted UnSouls

Longing to sing and sacred core dance
WuWei freedom
neuro-systemic lusty prance
to recreate,
ego-mental/eco-physical health thriving

DiPolar appositionally sacred
vertical mind/body bilateral balance
Left/Right bicameral resonance
fractal dance resilience

why does +1 communication universel

campfire Light

-(-0) metaphoric unitarian,
mind/body EmPower
polypathic encircling romance
of Prime Relationship?


Learning Skills

Communication learning systems
like organic people
and plants
and living planets
could include education subsystems

employing nonviolent principles of communion

To optimize multicultural health
most polyculturally inclusive
thriving EarthTribe communion

To repair retributive justice win/lose
discommunicating corrupt systems
to restore global green/blue
regenerative peace

holistic win/win learning systems
could include historic education
reconnecting secular and sacred
ego/eco-bilateral systems

Employing co-passionate principles
of trauma prevention
social crime prevention
and state autocracy prevention
and federated kleptocracy prevention

Unitarian inter-continental communication systems
redundantly responsibly regenerative

could include polymorphic learning
co-empathic socio-emotional skills
employing compassionate organic communication
win/win mediating dialogue
metamorphic reflection

To optimize health wealthiest
EarthTribe polycultural communication
for learning climate thrival skills
healthier organically together
than falling robotically apart.
