
Refugees for Growing Wisdom

I’m listening to my least favorite inside voice
still reminding me in inconsistent Yang denial
of his own internal Yin belonging
to non-violently long for resolutions
toward a more PositivEnergy CoOperation.

This time
“I don’t believe in No Gun Zones.”

It does echo his bad bully boy
not believing in Climate Pathology,
not believing in universal health care giving
and receiving,
not believing in Christmas
as a time of divine-humane coincidental rebirth,
creolization on a revolutionary restorative scale,
or is that Easter Promise?

Not believing in the importance
or even comparative strength of integrity
over weaker mendacity,
LockerRoom Talk
and BackRoom Assault,
not believing in power and revolutionary peaceful pace
of pertinent PositivEnergy Democracy,
Active Love and Hope
over evolving competitive impertinence
of NegativEnergy Elitism.

Not believing in music,
or rainbows,
or multi-colored deep dualdark yin-listening,
not believing Truths
could have integrity of in/exformation
flowing bilateral co-arising symmetry,
regenerative spiral DNA health and nutrition structure,
Sacred Beauty.

Beauty and Peace
and love for mused integrity
do not pretend to care in slightest twitter
if we believe in them or not;
and probably more notnot double-binding cognitive-affective

Like mistrust
between economic trust
and political anti-trust assault.

These are not orthodox or even heterodox creeds
and public multicultural service contracts
to be read and believed and trusted
or not,
although perhaps more divine inspiration
of polypathic messages
in polyphonic media.

Yang PolyNomial Positive Strings and Rings
Cycles and Recycles and Organic Resilient Revolving Systems
bipolar not yet quite believing,
daring to dipolar Pos-PosEnergy hope,
in equitable democracy
with notLose-notLose
equals Win-Win commitment
to DNA with RNA
resiliently buoyant
Permacultural Resonance.

Either you can hear
EarthSoul within
and SolarSpirit without
as nondual appositions
of Earth’s PermaCulturing Core ZeroZone
without guns, and with seeds and plants to share,
and without other Yang-Too-Dominant
ballistic climate pathologies,

Or, I do not yet have
WiseElder WinWin ZeroZone saturation maps
to see and hear your bicamerally resonant yin-territory,
polycultural landscape hopes
and prime relational ZeroZone health wealth dreams.

Perhaps if I learn to better sing and dance
more and less bitter love songs
and restorative gospel anthems,
this inside voice I least appreciate
could see how denying Earth’s long operatic history
as a No Gun BioRegional Zone
sounds to yin ears
like denying co-responsibility
for an epic muiltigenerational holocaust

Denying hope for matriotic peace.
Denying commitment to future healthy climates.

Denying inside democratic voices
for healthier restorations.
Denying outside democratic voiced songs and rhythms,
narrative landscapes of healthy wealth
redolent with karmic grace integrity
of each Here as Now potential
Eco/Ego holonic nested
therapeutic resonating moment.


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