
Weapons of Trauma Defense

When personal narcissism
and tribal autism
choose our words
as hurting
weapons of trauma defense

Rather than choosing wealth
of healing tools
for compassion’s therapeutic unfence

We soon find
that no one cares
to impatiently listen
outside our partisan walls

For whatever future win/win kindness
and EarthCare forgiveness
we cannot trust
will last.


Spangled Star Banners

Oh say, did you notice
a national predative anthem?
Moving immediately
without reflection of starlight
sent or received,

From waving flags predicting weapons
fueled by complexly masculine
militarized corporate industries
of mutual defensive risks
against international cooperative opportunities
to coinvest

In smoke-filled dawns of manifest destiny
toward freedom for all
self-righteous straight white males
especially with a divine right
as Earth’s owners of enslaved
exploited property,
and home to the brave mercenaries
of death
and dying
and divestment technologies.

This anthem
is based on a patriarchal
and spiritual
and natural
and ecological
theological error.

Nowhere in our personal experience
nor our economic or political history
do we fight for freedom.

We do fight against oppression
but we flee,
apart or together, toward freedom.

Emigration is about exodus
toward hope and freedom.

Declaring wars,
and investing
our collective fears and angers,
These are about lands taken from reserved,
and feminized
and marginalized
and enslaved laborers,
forced immigrants into non-elite oppressions
of nationalism
elite v non-elite dualism,
absence of win/win communication,
monoculturing suppressions

Where polypathic left with right win/win prominence
longs for polycultural confluence
rather than cognitive/affective dissonance,
flag waving
nationalistic predative anthems
sung empty-heartedly
with elitist left-brain opulence.


Strong Health Defense

Avoiding risk
is not always the best way to feed
and assertively, but not overbearingly, water
resilient opportunities.

is not always the best way to build
resilient ecofeminist cooperative opportunities.

It may too often be exclaimed,
“The best offense
is a strong defense.”

Defensive strategies
begin to look remarkably aggressive,
even left-brain overbearingly offensive.

I don’t recall the reverse claim,
“The best defense
is an affluent
effluent offense.”

Probably because this is not necessarily true
to resiliently healthy experience.
Mosquito repellent bracelets
seem more sustainably effective
than bombing my entire lot
in predator/prey life
with toxic insecticide.

And yet,
I’m not sure that the more popular aphorism
is any more true or false.

The most resilient and powerful defense
against suffering and loss,
against climates of pathology,
already feels too self-isolating
lacking in healthy robust curiosity,
too anti-degenerative
to actively regenerate hope
and cooperative faith
and win/win co-passion
and gratitude
for courage to face new frontiers of awareness
with those
and that
now less known,
less connected,
less resiliently
resonantly etched into our global gratitude
attitude experience.

If we were to re-image offensive strategies
to grow win/win economic/political gratitude
as Yang-strength,
mutually empowering;

And, Yin-effluent flow
as defensive ecofeminist opportunities,
invitations to ease off the left-brain dominant
either/or thinking
enculturing win/lose
inflaming gas,
We might find ourselves with feminists
resisting patriarchal extraction histories
predicting only future Loser economics
and Loser ecological disempowerment
of otherwise healthy robust futures,
Yang-offensive and Yin-defensive balance.

But, resistance without resilient win/win offensives
does not effectively balance our tipping point
double-bound offensive/defensive optimization,
inviting us toward cooperatively-held articulate
resilient healthy purpose,
robustly wealthy sacred meaning
experiencing Yang-health
as Yin beauty-wealth,

Universal offense-wealth
as unitarian defense,
slow-grown communal
ego-political win/win integrity;
healthy-wealth optimization,
right-brain prominent enculturation,
resilient both-offense-and-defense resonance.

A frog in a patriarchal well
does not know the great ecofeminist sea.


From Where We Stand

If only men could give birth to a child,
do you think and feel
early-term abortions
for healthy sustainable financial reasons
would continue to catalyze RightWing resistance?

If the Second Amendment was only for women
to own guns for hunting
and self-protection
primarily from men,
do you think and feel
banning military automated weaponry
and even the elegant hand gun
for domestic use
would rally patriotic protectors
of uncompromised and unregulated gun sales?

Why yes?
And why not so much?


Massively Mediated GreenPeace

Recent confrontations
between older RightWing defenders of orthodox violence
and younger LeftWing liberators for inclusive cooperative peace
and restorative,
therapeutic green justice,
have all been massively mediated
between Donald Trump’s Make America Grotesque Again campaign threats
to promote unhealthy narcissistic uniformity
against more LeftWing integrity
of democratic hearts
for liberal humane-divine love.

Personal political experience
has taught more faith in cooperative webs of interdependent compassion
more cooperatively powerful
than competitive walls
of hostile military-industrialized
automated ballistic autonomy.

Rather than an explicitly resilient conversation
about what we hope to healthy achieve
through wealth of compassion
and co-empathic democratic powers
with all natural/spiritual
ego/eco-energetic people,
non-violent plants
and non-sectarian planet,

The candidates for WiseElder defense
of orthodox Business As Usual capitalistic Truth,
when WinWin cooperative GoldenRule confronted,
by actively hopeful universally democratic youth
for liberally compassionate unitarian liberty
confront a hypothetical Wall
to deny non-apartheid neighbors,

Walls not so overly defensive for White male property enslaving owners inside
significantly contributing to further pathological sectarian divides
rooted in ignorance
supremacy theories

That White northern and western males
were, and are,
more clearly incarnating King James translations
of White male God’s divinely imaged inspired intentions
granting privileged grace
for evangelical BadNews WhiteMale Elders

Colonizing their weaker, but gratuitously better, half RightBrain minded women
and children
and indentured servants
until we get their Win/Lose ballistic and high-walled defenses
more right
than networking compassionately left
dismissively unmediated
through cynical attachments
more WinLose toward long-term climate LoseLose
than rapturous WinWin,
both short and long-term
ego- and eco-systemic healthy wealth.


Refugees for Growing Wisdom

I’m listening to my least favorite inside voice
still reminding me in inconsistent Yang denial
of his own internal Yin belonging
to non-violently long for resolutions
toward a more PositivEnergy CoOperation.

This time
“I don’t believe in No Gun Zones.”

It does echo his bad bully boy
not believing in Climate Pathology,
not believing in universal health care giving
and receiving,
not believing in Christmas
as a time of divine-humane coincidental rebirth,
creolization on a revolutionary restorative scale,
or is that Easter Promise?

Not believing in the importance
or even comparative strength of integrity
over weaker mendacity,
LockerRoom Talk
and BackRoom Assault,
not believing in power and revolutionary peaceful pace
of pertinent PositivEnergy Democracy,
Active Love and Hope
over evolving competitive impertinence
of NegativEnergy Elitism.

Not believing in music,
or rainbows,
or multi-colored deep dualdark yin-listening,
not believing Truths
could have integrity of in/exformation
flowing bilateral co-arising symmetry,
regenerative spiral DNA health and nutrition structure,
Sacred Beauty.

Beauty and Peace
and love for mused integrity
do not pretend to care in slightest twitter
if we believe in them or not;
and probably more notnot double-binding cognitive-affective

Like mistrust
between economic trust
and political anti-trust assault.

These are not orthodox or even heterodox creeds
and public multicultural service contracts
to be read and believed and trusted
or not,
although perhaps more divine inspiration
of polypathic messages
in polyphonic media.

Yang PolyNomial Positive Strings and Rings
Cycles and Recycles and Organic Resilient Revolving Systems
bipolar not yet quite believing,
daring to dipolar Pos-PosEnergy hope,
in equitable democracy
with notLose-notLose
equals Win-Win commitment
to DNA with RNA
resiliently buoyant
Permacultural Resonance.

Either you can hear
EarthSoul within
and SolarSpirit without
as nondual appositions
of Earth’s PermaCulturing Core ZeroZone
without guns, and with seeds and plants to share,
and without other Yang-Too-Dominant
ballistic climate pathologies,

Or, I do not yet have
WiseElder WinWin ZeroZone saturation maps
to see and hear your bicamerally resonant yin-territory,
polycultural landscape hopes
and prime relational ZeroZone health wealth dreams.

Perhaps if I learn to better sing and dance
more and less bitter love songs
and restorative gospel anthems,
this inside voice I least appreciate
could see how denying Earth’s long operatic history
as a No Gun BioRegional Zone
sounds to yin ears
like denying co-responsibility
for an epic muiltigenerational holocaust

Denying hope for matriotic peace.
Denying commitment to future healthy climates.

Denying inside democratic voices
for healthier restorations.
Denying outside democratic voiced songs and rhythms,
narrative landscapes of healthy wealth
redolent with karmic grace integrity
of each Here as Now potential
Eco/Ego holonic nested
therapeutic resonating moment.


Prodigal Parenting

When I read the Prodigal Son story
I do my best to find my own story
empathizing with both brothers
as victims of injustices
learned through self and other punishment
and economically dominant political control
by others,
heavily investing in self-victimizing images.

Then I try to see how this all feels
for their restorative justice and peace-invested patriarch,
advocating for healing motivational causes
and hurtful family-divesting behaviors.

Then I wonder
if I would prefer that Father
to a birthright to own me father
who believes it is his totalitarian sacred vocation
to control my soul’s polypathic directions
and my other sensory erections
and affections
and dis-affections for victimizing victimless-criminals

Which is, by accessible logic
and ecologic,
an oxymoron worthy of evaporation
like degenerative military-intelligence
and like gun-control,

As if the entire pathological point
of investing in hate- and fear-mongering
is something other than to control your situation,
which can only be sufficiently protected by owning
and transporting,
selling and buying and competitively trading,
and seriously investing in guns
as if the U.S. Constitution has nothing else to say
about healthy self-defense,
and growing well-being,
and unity,

Preferably through automated military-grade weapons
for arming your home-militarization school
of and for further ToughLove competitions
in Win-Lose (0)-Sum HardKnocks
especially for unredeemably hopeless criminals
who obviously don’t know Jesus,
much less an omnipresent regenerative Gaia Goddess
of ReStorative Justice and Matriotic Cosmological Peace.

Because you missed that half-day in school,
while out behind the woodshed,
bullied for cranky behavior
or deviant imagination
or verbal risk-taking
rather than being invited
to embrace MotherEarth’s natural-spiritual experiences
and co-investments
in Win-Win Golden Rules,
like water your wilting flowers
and not your exponentially prodigal weeds.

Or perhaps a bilateral Tipping Point resolution
hidden in bicameral co-tensions,
noticing basic ego-eco co-presence,
breathing in and up Yang,
out and down Yin speeds of bilateral restoration flow,
co-acclimating light
from Here’s phylogenic-interdependent fullness
through Now’s hologynic-emptiness…

I usually get stuck on empathizing with the Prodigal Son
as victimized and enslaved through retributive punishments
for his victimless crimes,
other than against his own ego-health,
which isn’t wise
but not exactly cause to create a victim either.

I seldom move on to how grateful I would hope to be
to have back my brother who rejected us
back when he might have been more fun
to hang out with.

As for the ReStorative Justice Advocate
and Green CoOperative Farmer Father
for 7-Generations of Tribal Peace,
that co-empathic thought experiment
is way past my pay grade.


Threatened Organic Economies

“No federal agency should ever…declare war on any sector of our economy”

says EPA chief Scott Pruitt.

I wonder how uncomfortable Secretaries and Parents of Health and Human Services could be

with any Protection Agency

declaring war on all sectors of our human health ecology.


Why BlackWaters Grow BrownField Boundaries

If I have this right,
and I almost certainly don’t have this Left-Deductively right,
our Environmental Health and Safety Protection Agency
and our Public Health and Safety Education Department
have recently co-invested in BlackWater WinLose EcoPolitical Empowerment
through PublicSector Piracy…

No, honey,
not piracy…

Well, yes,
privatization of public-sector cooperative health and safety regeneration
by contracting mercenary pirates of WinWealth for me
or LoseHealth for you.
Robin BlackWater stealing from rich Empire USA cooperative Original PublicSector Constitutional Intent,
to feed the poor starving NonElite military-industrial-educational-financial-insurance Elite BiggestWin for Upper Management and StockOwner Wealth
whether or not this is good for Earth’s ecological Regenerative-Cooperative Health and Safety.

Well, when you put piracy in that Robin BlackWater WinElite/LoseNonElite context, it feels appositionally reversed,
like you see piracy as robbing from the entitled rich
to not give out to the lumpenproletariat working-class farmers,
patriarchal hunters and matriarchal gatherers,
also bicameral LeftDeductive and RightInductive CoEmpathic Health and Safety Trust DNA-enabled,
but sometimes also concerned about their thin boundaries from conjoining the
even more NonElite LoseLose homeless and hungry.

Yes, well,
that is probably where this image of Robin BlackWater,
stealing from GreenEarth disenfranchised regenerative potential
to give us BrownField-growing cognitive-affective toxic dissonance
toward ecopolitical rabidity and military-industrial blasted overpopulation
further removed from potential health and safety WinWin cooperative PublicSectors
co-owning and managing polypathic fields
of co-empathic OriginalIntent endeavor.

My Robin BlackWater iconic images began with wondering why?
Why was BlackWater our obvious international nation-state choice,
whether you reside in the Americas,
or the MiddleEast,
or China,
or Africa,
our choice for subcontracting military-industrial WinLose responses to Piracy,
theft of health and/or wealth from Elite EcoPolitical Corporations,
both Public and Private,
Cooperative WinWin EnCultured and Competitive WinLose
Patriarchal Fundamentalist Robin BlackWaters
not playing cooperatively-regeneratively nice with
Matriarchal Radical AntiRevolutionaries Loving SlowGrowth (0)-Sum EcoPolitical EcoJustice
EgoDeductive/Eco-Inductive Integrity Health and Safety CareFlow,
Owned and Administered for Left/Right Health and Safety
Dominating Peace and Internally Equivalent RightBrain Integrative EcoJustice.

Then I realized that BlackWaters,
to create nothing more than new BrownFields
throughout what was MultiCulturing Green/Blue AquarianEarth,
are the logical LoseLose firing line
when LeftBrain would rather DominateOver than DanceWith
RightBrain’s cooperative health and safety public/private sector ownership
and management of WinWin co-regenerating
democratic Elite/NonElite GreenEarth Health and Safety PublicSector constitutions
of humane-divinely nondual co-arising
Mutual Left/Right Assured Health and Safety Optimization,
rather than more BlackWater WinLose Mutual Piracy Destruction.

This way of seeing BlackWater
as WinLose PrivateSector Piracy Experts
flirts with LeftBrain ElitistDominance of PolyPathic WinWin TruthClaims,
yet is neither intended or accepted
as merely another paranoid conspiracy theory
about the bad old Capitalist PrivateSector Elite
grabbing hard-won exhausted dollars
from the poor little lumpenproletariats,
provoking their fears of themselves becoming terrorized and enslaved homeless and hungry pathetic alcoholics
addicted to RealityShows with WinLose ethically ambiguous,
and therefore smuggly humorous,
emotionally positive-deviant outcomes
so long as our Elder RightBrain remembers to identify
only with the Elite,
and not so much the loser nonelite also ranWin to eventually Lose
rational-enlightening egoLeft/ecoRight-consciousness,
balancing cooperative visibility.

Alright love,
but I do worry about demonizing BlackWater
for so successfully becoming what our WinLose U.S. EcoPolitical Elite
AND cooperative NonElite have supported,
prevailing WinHealth Cooperative Ownership and Upper-Management
as Fully EcoLogical Wealth through LongTerm LowerManagement disinvestment from PreExisting Pathology Expenses.
After all,
isn’t that the only way for Elite PrivateSector health and safety corporations to grow further TopHeavy HealthyWealth?
You know what Jesus said,
the rich should get richer
and the poor will inevitably WinLose down to ecosystemic poorer.

Yes, well,
he more likely said
Blessed are the PeaceWaters
for they shall inherit this BlueGreen Aquarian Cooperative Earth.
I would not demonize BlackWaters by becoming my avatar of Global PrivateSector WinLose Piracy
upon NonElite PublicSector cooperative ecopolitical Original Intent.

Perhaps it would help if you could move on from what you don’t intend,
to more positively state what you do more regeneratively WinWin intend.

I think we could be more cooperatively WinWin productive
by unveiling how we see our diverse ecopolitical hierarchy,
our health and safety care as WinWin regeneratively optimal
and WinLose degenerative-dissonant piracy, predation by mercenary transfer of WinWin responsibility to WinLose competitive authority structures
with inevitable recycling of degenerating pathological climates
chaotically and often violently erupting LeftBrain competitions
struggling against
RightBrain bilateral Elite/NonElite CoEmpathic ReGenerative CoMentorship.

Elder RightBrain’s Original Health and Safety Protection Cooperative
can only become WinWin owned and contractually LeftRight eco-managed
therapeutically rotating economic/political healthwealth consumer resources
with cooperative (0)-sum production
of global GreenEarth self-regenerative balance–
not so much BlackWater to BrownFields Piracy
of lumpenproletariat co-investors.


Yin Speaks Yang

I was reading Lakoff’s story
of what he learned at Berkeley
about international relations,
when I found my RightBrain offering further nuance;
not to deny what is here,
but to add what is also here,
but not explicitly stated,
about regenerative ecopolitical health and safety.

“The ‘rational’ approach to foreign policy was governed by a set of conceptual metaphors,
taken as simple common sense,
as metaphors [of and for regenerative v degenerative systemic processes] often are.
As a special case of An Institution
is a[n Organic-Holistic-Interdependent] Person,
there was A Nation is a[n Organic-Multiculturing] Person.”

“In addition,
a common metaphor for rationality is used,
Rationality is the Maximization of Self [as organic subsystemic part of MultiReGenerative Other]-Interest (or ‘utility’ [as health-wealth fertility]),
which entails that it is ‘irrational’ [and unhealthy] to act against one’s self-[intergenerational WinWin multicultural]interest[s].
These two metaphors are then combined to yield:
A [Healthy, Happy, Secure] Nation is a Rational [Organic TransReGenerational Polypathic] Actor[ess].”

“…we get as an entailment
the central thesis of the [organic] rational [trans-regenerational evolutionary] actor model
in international [interfamilial, intertribal, interspecies] relations:
Every [healthy] nation
acts [bicameral] rationally
to maximize its [health-wealth] military [Yang] strength [prosperity],
economic[-ecological hybrid] health [and happiness, with long-term defense of safety],
and political [cooperative polypathic] influence.”

on this conception,
is taken as
[discontinuous, deductive-only, reified, either-or] universal
and occurring at the [technology, tool, framing, modeling] level
of the
[organic, living,
matriarch nurturing,
bicamerally mature-evolving] state.”

I feel so eviscerated.

Get over it.
not either-or.
You still got all your parts,
just more integratively co-aligned.

Yes, ma’am!
Who got out of bed on the wrong side today?

Don’t even try it.

I’m going back to my “Political Mind” without you.

And, if possible, dangerous.

You really aren’t going to let me have the last word today are you?

I thought I was your last word,
your everything.
