
Evolving Messianism

Regenerative Orthopraxis as Messianic Teleological Function


Do Earth’s natural systems predict an emergent messianic reconnecting vocation between our natural environment and ourselves?

Permaculture Design has recently evolved from agrarian roots to notice, analyze, plan, and facilitate regenerating polycultural systems within our Interior Landscape as well as within Earth’s Exterior Landscape. Regenerative systems are living rather than static because they do not simply reiterate a prior systemic state, or Self-identity; they are more than simply self-perpetuating and self-defining systems. Regeneration, living systemic evolution, accumulates information extending from prior enculturing generations into the present. Biometrically speaking, this cumulative “permanent” information follows natural instructional messages from the continually reconciling, absorbent, salving, confluent logic of DNA/RNA development structure, and octave frequencies.

In Synergetics 2 (1979), #987.075, p. 322, Buckminster Fuller speculates that Universal Intelligence is DNA/RNA programming, the “cosmic-coordinate system to be embraced and accommodated by the epistemography of synergetics.” Fuller explains synergy as both love and ergodic, incarnating, formative incubation peculiar to living, regenerative systems. Optimal synergy and love are liminally outlined by dissonant, unsustainable trends, in both our External-organic and Internal-ecological Landscapes.

Messianic themes are culturally ubiquitous. “The state of the world is seen as hopelessly flawed beyond normal human powers of correction, and divine intervention through a specially selected and supported human is seen as necessary.” (www.wikipedia.org, Messianism) The cultural roots of messianism trace back to shamanic functions. Messianic intent bridges Earth’s degenerative dissonant suffering and loss with our future’s regenerative teleological purpose. Messianic fertility improves with multisystemic composting orthopraxis by permacultural prophets, designers, and synergetic system developers who not only practice and teach, but comprehend vocation as mutual mentorship–walking the walk together, while talking.

We need only change the messianic power source from divine intervention to integral multisystemic interventions growing out of Basic Attendance, or positively deviant noticing. Positive deviant mindfulness explores appositional relationships between ecological and economic values and disvalues within a stressed, sub-optimizing, environment or population.

Our shared messianic goal, as a species of permacultural mentors, is to optimize harmonious regenerative values, by actively encouraging our demons to diet; reducing dissonant disvalues and unraveling chaos, with over-stimulated trends toward monopolistic and over-crowded silos of marginalization and discontent; the weed-patch. Regenerative polycultures, Edenic homes and gardens, optimize with inclusively balanced values, functions, grace, incarnation, reconciliation. Intervention design analysis looks for tipping points and redundantly harmonious efficiencies in flow, function, form and pattern sequence.

Regenerative orthopraxis embraces a mutual-mentor “calling,” a creative exterior and interior  mindfully developing adventure in compassion. Deep permacultural ecologists follow a wu wei  ego-discipline toward a (0)-sum inclusive economy, a Win-Win strategic ecological vocation shared by all living cells.

For most of us this is about learning how to live a more cooperative and ecological life hoping to serve the well-being of our grandchildren’s grandchildren, as served by our grandparent’s grandparents, elder species and genetic cousins, stardust, back toward our Original Meaning as future’s polyculturally blooming Omega Point.

We evolve as messianic global interns born of, by, and for Earth’s teleological incubation.
