
Messiahs and Bodhisattvas

What do top and bottom
above and below
leader and follower
day and night
mountain and valley
up and down
above and below
high and low
pole and hole
convex and concave
vertex and vortex
frontsides and backsides
dominant and recessive
north and south
colonizing and creolizing
without and within
transcendent and indigenous
crown and root
sperm and egg
knowledge and wisdom
thought and feeling
mind and body
orthodoxy and orthopraxis
light and power
enlightenment and empowerment
exegesis and eisegesis
capital and corporal
SunFather and EarthMother
salvation and co-redemption
justice and peace
orchestration and co-mediation
accountability and co-responsibility
investment and infestment
co-arising and co-gravitating
have to do with
causing health-loving Egos
and effecting wealth-living EcoSystems?

Asked his
MonoTheistic Yangiversal
messianic thoughts
of her
PanenTheistic Yinatarian
bodhisattva feelings.

Not sure,
s/he replies,
Perhaps messiahs sing
while bodhisattvas dance?


Blue Brush Witness

As she lays down her blue brush
in a blue-trimmed cream
dream stone basin
of darkening water

She realizes
inside voice has been thinking
about double negative paradox
as -x/-y
can’t win pathology

Of way too much Patriarchal Capitalist
dogmatic Business As Boorishly Usual,

and prescribing her
is cruel
calculating dismissal
don’t matter

Let her splatter!
while he eats
his white survival cake

Mindlessly unwoke
to future predative
desecration issues
promoting and marketing
trauma-inflation corporations
inviting frequent-flyer
evangelically missioned Narcissists

Who probably don’t think much
of a universal peak salvation experience
yet do feel deeply united,
maybe even energetically synergetic,
about their own sacred memories
of EarthMother’s original Win/Win
multi-colored co-invested
warm wet unconditionally cooperative

Through time’s changing
hue and culture and cry
LeftBrain verbally emerging
too dominant

Thereby, curiosity remains difficult to contain
to deeply listen for feelings to explain
this sound and sight for blue brushes
tinting her slowly turning water
flowing sadly
back through Patriarchal
anthroprivileged time

Emerging blue
and grey
darkening ecocide.


NonDelusional Illusions

A temporarily useful illusion,

like Wall Street knows something
about inevitable climate pathology
disvalues of anthrosupremacism
worth illusive core investment value

is not necessarily
a merely utilitarian delusion
about timeless principles of value

like human dignity
and organic integrity
and profoundly polycultural beauty.

A temporarily useful illusion
may have long economic
and robustly deep political roots
in universally integral illusions,
round robust reflections,
gut feelings,
intuitions of past fruition
regenerating win/wins
and not degenerating
LeftBrain Loser deductive logos
and RightBrain Loser inductive
merely threadbare mythos

Languaged thoughts about useful things,
like narrative knitted feelings
from thriving co-relationships,
derive from articulating threads
in allusive indigenous wisdom

Long felt panentheistically
and/or enthymematically
not not yet
does not quite illuminate positively present

Win/win round cosmic
holonic, organic, systemic
rememory of Yangfull Trust
loves Yintegral Beauty

Usefully refines,
polyculturally win/win
healthy democracy’s peak wealth illusion,
valleyed allusive delusion
in-between implicit wisdom
and explicit knowledge,
and enlightenment

spiraling whole open
systemic energy
non-zero summoned
cooperative illusive experiences
non-zero summed
energy systemic
open whole spiraling
encircling dismembered delusions.


Dearly Departing Christians

Many of you live
humbly and heartily
patriotically and industriously
nutritiously and faithfully
in Western and Southern States,

United in this time of shrinking reservoirs,
dying rivers,
hurricaned coastal residents

Displaced by floods,
invasive mold,
voracious rot and rats,

Barren top soil,
failing electrical networks,
inhumane heat,
decimated forests

Bereft of soil-restoring permaculture,
robust polycultural nutrition systems,
victory community re-engagement gardens.

U.S. long-term resilient infrastructure
to support your children
and grandchildren,
is so threatened by North American climate degeneration
that your own great-grand regeneration,
should they actually be born
and thrive long enough to be successfully educated
about U.S. pre-millennial history,
about rabid post-millennial partisan monotheistic
about your own Christian evangelical anthrosupremacism

These great grandchildren
will be shocked and appalled
stressed and depressed
that you substituted “pro-life”
for anti-abortion rabidity,

Mystified that you thought this non-issue
about whom more effectively supports healthy life,
blue liberals or red conservatives?
(when the answer is,
and always was,
both, responding to trauma
and divinely together)

Why have you set the long-term
EarthTribe stage for shock
and degenerative awe
against our next seven survivor generations?

Why have you spent all your Christian fundamental investments
on aborting universal health care
and not one red cent
on supporting future humane life

On a restored permacultural USA
health and resilience plan
for future survivors
of your ego-atheistic accomplishments,

and massively inhumane genocide,
have already become an ecological
and theological problem
for your dark
and entirely nonRapturous

You are currently betting on unredeemed idolatry,
for Hell on Earth
instead of Heaven on rebirthing Earth

Investing divisive vitriol
carried, marketed, transported
by StraightWhiteWesternMale privileged
massive communication systems

Become so loudly
and brightly beamed
into the hearts of Earth’s green co-messiahs
and inter-religious ecofeminist bodhisattvas,

Western and Eastern teachers
and prophets
and mystics,
and artists
and philosophers
and creation theologians,
green indigenous matriarchs
co-investing in cooperative
resilient healthcare economies
and bipartisan
bicameral political empowerment

Not mentioned by your vituperations,
solemn sermons
against sadly exigent
induced abortions,
a mote in liberal eyes
ridiculously and myopically beamed
through dogmatically theoretical
predative voices
red blood chillingly comfortable
with denying current abortion
of sacred EarthTribe.

Where in the Gospels do you find Jesus?
On the side of the Roman industrial militarized complex,
ecocidally against God the EarthCare Creator’s polycultural love
for all sacred lives,

Empowering fertile
deep listening
and learning
and holy nature-spirited compassioning lives

Including your own great grandchildren
who may survive
after reluctantly relinquishing
degenerating hope for health sustaining life
in these disuniting States

No longer suitable for peaceful
resilient life
because, in significant part,
you have taken your pro-life position
against individual mothers’ rights
while mute
or actively disdainful
about protests against patriarchal
Capitalist corporate
white privileged abortion
of a living
sacred MotherEarth

When will your survivors
learn about your polyculturally cooperative reform,
your inter-religious green revival,
your sacred holy nature/spirit
indigenously wise

Of and for all
that becomes divinely humane
enlivened permacultural Truth
greets polycultural Beauty

As LeftBrain bicameral enlightenment
meets RightBrain multicultural empowerment

As Yang strong conservation
repeats Yintegral liberal love

In lavishly global
EarthTribe compassion
for future sacred survivors
of Western and Southern State
climate desecrating


Widowed ComPassion

Said the old widow cook
to the drag queen son
feeding his/her dying abusive dad,
while offering her nurturing donation:

“I don’t want your money.
We’re not savages, yet.”


Resilient Redemption

Probably few of us
have capacity
to see ourselves
as both Angel
and Demon.

Many of us
have had the experience
of demonizing
and punishing ourselves
for sins of the past
extending into our present
unresolved trauma.

Hopefully many of us
have also had the experience
of forgiveness
and saving ourselves
from sins of the future
because someone shared with us,
in some effective way,
that nothing
is always your autonomous fault

If only because
no organic creature,
anthro or otherwise,
is born
or can survive
radically autonomous
from non-ego centers.

Personal identity
follows interpersonal
ecosystemic individuation
and effectively.

I hear healing opportunity
in this responsible
yet not solely responsible
both/and way of consciousness

As well as traumatizing risk
of denial,
too cheap self forgiveness,
too easy hiddenness
of our secret
most private
feelings of guilt
about harming another

Both intentionally
and without malice,

A woman’s reluctant decision
to abort may feel unresolvable
between angelic win/win desires
and demonic win/lose fears
and angers

As might
her reluctant decision
to buy a gun
and several ominous rounds
of deadening ammunition

To protect herself
and her children
from traumatic demons
at her flimsy door

Not considering
her lack of experience
with braver angels
hoping to reassure her.

Therapeutic angels
may also wait,
and impatiently,
outside that same door,
searching for health’s
most wealthy bell
to dispel
shared dark shadows

In-between silent demons
we abhor
and sacred angels
we redemptively adore.


Savory Springs

If pulpy green words
had red meat nutritional value,

As feelings have openly positive
and closed negative
nurturing peace normals
and turmoil boiling abdominal
abominable abnormals,
robust health feeding
and sick bad watering,

What would you choose
to feed your co-passion learning kids,
your cornucopia complex spouse,
your significantly nonOthered
this ego-cooking day?

If fertilizing actions
were rooted in compassion
as light
fades into night

Dreams for healing yourself,
for saving this EarthTribe
for Whole Earth empowering
dawning peaceful governance,

and what
and when
and where
and why
would you co-passion with,
co-invest with,
co-operate with feeding bright?

This PeacEarth crunchy day
and Justice restoring
spring flowing
heart glowing
starlight witnessed



like trust
and repentance
and the salvation of heroes
slowly getting back up,

of Other
and others
and self,

is not instant,
like a package of oatmeal
or grits,
because growing
and regrowing trust
is a process,
like growing flowers,
blossoming in their
and our own
best time for resilience,
restoring beauty
and peace

like repentance
and the win/win salvation of souls,
isn’t all or nothing,
except in those climatic moments
of anger,
when it is nothing,
and except in those climatic moments
of joy,
when it is all

When we are fully engaged
in trusting this place
investing this time
within win/win EarthTribe
mundane sacramental life

Just right
for getting back up

What’s left
for giving Other
yet another chance
to not screw us up.


BumperSticker Salvation

I’m behind a dull white Chevy sedan
developing a lived-in look
while waiting for a greener light

With more than sufficient time
to read two rather ragged bumper stickers
in radical red,
relentless white,
and smoky blue.

The left side message
right in front of my resting wheel
reminded me of my waiting shame
that Jesus had to die
because of my personal sins
for which no one else
could even be partially
pulled out to blame

Only confirming
my bad-self flame
burning along with
a ZeroSum Win now
to delay Losing later
our all-in financial
and partisan lame game

Selling out to our competitive patriarchal
hierarchical shame
of predative corporate Christian Capitalism,
which is what remains
of Cooperative Economics
after squeezing all natural
indigenous spirit wisdom
out of wealth
is health optimizing life.

If only I were less selfish
and lazy
about mediating good-faith
healthcare co-investment cooperatives
as I move along
through each nonviolently communicating
day and night

Bringing me back to the bumper sticker
on my right wing
reminding me,
There is room left
at the Cross for me

Which immediately feels threatening,
ominously judged
and found collectively guilty
for my personal lack of faithful
healthy Soul,
big shortages in potential win/win co-investments
like gratitude for PolyCultural GreenHealth Communions
wherever I might stumble into them again
acting like We care
about health wealth resilient Us.

So, I’m tragically predestined
to climb onto the same rugged cross,

[and why is our cross always so iconically “rugged”
rough and primitive
ragged and wretched
manly and rapacious?
Why never graceful,
potentially metamorphic

Losing today
to maybe survive until tomorrow morning’s
StraightWhite God
declares redawning
timeless omnipotence
to judge all my tomorrows.

there is a room for me
at the patriarchal foot
and the capital head
of threatening
punishing mortality
inflamed by oppression
of LeftHemisphere dominant
StraightWhite PatriCapital
anthro-divine individualistic
monotheistic supremacy

Worshiping healthy SunEnlightened humanity
by denying a wounding Cross
we have win/lose ZeroSum created
and recreate each day
between each nightmare
against sacred Earth’s polycultural communioning
win/win NonZero Soul
optimizing sacred Integrity’s
economic empowering

Of a love so radically liberal
Jesus could get more democratically down
off our CapitalistCorporate cross

And then
I’m suddenly no longer behind a dull white Chevy sedan
developing a lived-out look
while waiting for my greener light.
