
SunGod’s Fertile Evolution

From Darwin, and other naturalists,
we learned survival of the fittest
as polymorphically equivalent
to thrival of the fit-in-ingest.

Hmmm,…fittest mutual cooperators
…or maybe peer-to-peer positive-to-positive
equals reverse correlative negative-to-negative communisystemic.


At least permacultural naturalists
speak evolution of biosystemic species
as an EarthTribe emergence
toward polycultural density
of healthy relational balance
among networking interdependent ecosystems,
or so we might conclude
from inter-species political relationships
and nutritional economic transactions
and toxic exploitive peer-to-peer competitions,
monocultural dominations,
border mutual immunity defenses,
subliminally outlined
by PolyCulturing BeLoving Internal as External Garden Paradise
of sacred-natural regenerative potential,
ecological balance.

or synergy
or integrity
or creativity,
or regenerativity,
or co-gravitational integrity,
or nondual co-arising bicameral ecoconsciousness,
and whatever emerges as your most regeneratively active TruthGod,
your Great Transitional Purpose eco-larger than ego-self,
deep-nurturing network trends emerge diastolically toward global diastasis,
peer-to-peer universal yang-power
with yinyin richly balanced fertile flow-pattern
of WinWin Gaming EcoLogic
speaking Creativity as holonic healthy truths
of light’s thermodynamic balance
polymorphing time’s incarnation
through Eulerian nondual co-arising Primal Function,
convex-yang bi-elliptically (0)-soul equivalent
with concave double-binding yinyin bionic balance
polymorphic to WinWin fractal-RNA regenerate function
of Time’s Health-Enculturing Revolution.

It matters to global evolution,
as to personal Interior Garden evolution,
this density of polymorphic fitting-in
cooperative political and economic intention
toward ecologicl fractal-octave nature-spirit ecoconsciousness
of explicating-yang and implicating-yinyin bicameral order
as bilateral fractal-fold (0)-soul center of Dialectic Time,
as primal tipping point of CoPresence,
surfing co-gravitationally between Alpha Original Intent
of SunGod’s Light
through (0)-polymorphic fit-in-ingest Point
of future’s primal Earth polymorphic consciousness,
Time’s elational-regenerative v. contentious dualdark evolution
of Truth’s healthy love
absorbing, co-redeeming nondual PastAnger as FutureFear.

Photosynthesis of light as fuel
enlightens polymorphic rich density of light’s divine polypathic (0)-soul,
Prime Relational MidWay Point,
humanely divining god’s teleology
as regeneratively potentiating eco-intelligent LoveNetworkIdentity
surrounded by suboptimizing AngerFear Hierarchical Management Protocol,
BusinessAsUsual competitions
feeding hungry cooperatively-healthy
divinely humane
polymorphing ecosystems
dancing and singing and vocationing and gardening
in EarthTribe’s Primal LoveNetwork.


Gospel of Yin, with Yang


it’s yin again.

It’s not true

what you say,

that I don’t like science.



your reified sentience,

fueled by solar gnostics

back a couple millennia ago,

pursuing spacetime’s permaculturing path,

dreaming and wondering and wording truth

in faithful Prime Relationship

between researcher and incubating laboratory,

redeemer and creator,

effect and cause,

response and multisystemic stimulus,

form and polycultural function,

you and me.



evolves no more or less spiritually than science;

bipolar polypaths toward active peace,

shared light.


religion’s path grasps love’s goodness and beauty,

while gnostics prehend faith’s truthfulness and proportion,

or not,

or not not,

so yes,

spiritual bipolar balance

merges faith with love

truth with goodness,

me with you,

Right with Left hemispheric balance.


I’ve come before,

so many times I’m growing tired,

appearing in male bodies

trying to speak your culture

in some way you might

risk stepping into optimizing polycultural balance,

multisystemic ecotherapy,

remember that entropic trends

are learned by closing,




over-populating systems,


not Open, harmonious, confluent,

my gnostic yin with your religious yang,

your Right natural systemic intuition

with Left linguistic calculating deduction,

dipolar  coincidental regenerative systems

born with DNA-discoding,

unknotting fractal-folded Zero-soul,

balancing out and in,

convex and concave,

atomic and wavilinear,

digital and ecologic,

space and time,

positive and negative,

before and after,

as without, so within,

as above, so below,

this spirit-nature binomial balance

of yang and yin.


Entropic dissonating experience of nature’s temporal principles

threatens faithful incarnating passions for ego-self,

reifying, rather than reiterating, ecological systems.

Faith in bipolar Self as Redeemer,

regeneratively potentiating positive life for all

as mutually mentoring parasites,

flowers from hope in our benign Earth Host root system,

yang as diastatic yeastfully articulating yin,

EcoAtmanic system’s universal intelligence,

tao of yin’s diastolic gravitational waves

filling yang’s enlightening bangs, borders, margins.

Without hope for this benign Earth teleology

this human race loses to entropic unraveling

of memory’s space and time,

hopeless despair that together we have become too much and many

yet never enough.


I know no other way to invite your polypathic evolution

into dipolar balance,

away from speciated Oppositional Disorder,

absence of hope for faithful true relationships

and this growing ricochet eco-effect

as multisystemic gangs and bullies

lose faith in face of screaming panic wildness,

meeting defiance with defiance,

rather than a restraining hug

and reassurance that we are all in this together,

keep the faith that Left’s purpose will find peace

in Right’s iconic


coincidental harmonizing

universal mindfulness

of light’s full-octave purity,

transparent Yang

emerging from dark Yin balancing

nature’s diverse systemic frequencies of form and  function.


When yang swings left,

flex right yin,

and vice versa.

Repeat regeneratively.



Yang, for mute Yin.
