
Muted Muses

We may need a rest left here
right now
said the Muse
to his Warrior
and her Sage.

In compliant spirit,
Sage feels a rest not
not significant
in music’s octaved stories
of wealthy
deep cultured
enlightening revolutions

Anticipating a Warrior’s peaceful relationship
between sound of tears
and silence anticipating fears
of dwindling years

Resting nonverbal
and arresting verbal
Muse full and empty
nonviolent communionations
resonant +/- Sage of time-squared Light,
resilient 1/0 Warrior of Earth-placed Power

and singing
and dancing
Muse of octave crowning sight
and deeply rooted sounds
from darkest healthy
wealthy night

Amusing in-between
0 root chakras
and 1 crowned
LeftBrain dominant minds,
bicameral core hearts
connected to both Warrior’s fierce
love lost and found music
and rhythmically danced power
and arresting

and sound
personal -(0) Muse embodied feelings
with public +1 Sage/Warrior
Win/Win thoughts

Dancing our bilateral
universal salvation walk

Singing our bipartisan
unitarian redemption talk.

Polypathically speaking,
We may need a rest left here
right now,
said the song/dance stealthy Muse
to his mind/body healthy Warrior
and her Crown/Root wealthy Sage.


Silent NewBorn Revolution

takes its sweet time
in its work
on our collective consciousness;
the lasting leap from fear to love
in the human mind
will be its masterpiece.”
Walking to Listen, p. 139
Andrew Forsthoefel

Evolution, like redemption,
takes its sweet Christmas is coming time
in its therapeutic work
on our collective climate consciousness;
The lasting leap from competing noisy fear
to more cooperatively-owned and -managed quiet love
and health
in the human mind
and wealthy heart
and dancing feet
and swelling song
will be its master/mistress-piece.

Evolution’s cooperative Silence is huge
and timeless,
the freedom of just-right complexity, not anarchy,
replacing chaotic personal and political identity.

And yet
the opposite is also true,
when silence is not shared
but an isolating prison
of discontenting consent
to mutually hide.

Here, dead time stands hopelessly still,

Freedom of silent eternity,
shared internally,
turned revolutionarily outward to embrace all,
is also absence of liberty
to silently, collusionally,
conspiringly build Ego’s swelling codependent prison
of deep learned despair.

ZenBuddhist teachers
invite ZeroZone silence,
as do PolyCultural Designers, for that nutritional matter,
not to avoid positive robust attachments
but to grow ever deeper and wider healthy roots
absorbing compost of nurturing interdependent passion.

Silent soul co-passion,
positive-positive flowing nutritional ego-eco relationship,
WinWin co-operative
potential for furthering communion’s silent depth,
natural environmental resonance,
EarthTribe timeless resilience,
Golden ComPassion Rules
for exceeding anemic and passive-aggressive non-violent diplomacy
by I win so You must lose threat,
power-overing repression,
attachment to LeftBrain Yang-elite dominance.

Silent compassion
fuels bicameral branching external climate vocations.

On the Left/Yang convex side,
building of resilient global communion,
explores organic meanings for Ego’s optimal vocation
toward personal nutritional wealth.

On Right/YinFlow concave side,
watering resonant climates of internal health,
wealthy sensory and cognitive enchantments,
positive energy attachments
to EgoLeft/EcoRight
GoldenRule DNA climate therapy,
now waves of oscillating Yang
overpowering too thin Yin
underflowing bipolar pre-millennial dissonance.

Left and Right dipolar co-arising together
reweave Yang’s external silent evolution,
ZeroZone center
of oscillating ecstatic Yin compassion waves,
20-20 silent revolutionary cooperative
becoming silent second sight
within/out integral compassionate EarthTribe,

Universal Yang branched Communion
of unitarian YinFlow branching out healthy cooperative Purposes.

If others choose to see this tree structure
Yang exterior communion
as God the Father’s EarthCreation,

And YinFlow loving interior redemptive healing agenda
as His messianic-bodhisattva-missionary EarthPassioned Son,

And silent resilient ecstasy
of EgoSoul as Holy EcoSpirit within

Bicameral hearts and minds
co-arising external healthy enchantments
of God’s EarthCreative
wealthy robust climate,
sacred Home,

I would not be at all opposed,
or even ZeroZone silently.

Multicultural evolution’s cooperatively-owned silence
is reiteratively,
echoingly huge
and timeless empowering waves

For freedom of complex communal economies,
inside and outside organic climates,
replacing chaotic political identity,
absence of synergetic
silent shared integrity.
