
Compassion’s Braver Angels

Impressive values,
like love,
claim resources that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
mentally glad wealth.

Oppressive disvalues
like homophobia and racism
and sexism and ageism
and ableism
and monoculturing disregard
for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide,
express what we are against
because these are sources of sadness,
bad health suppressions,
sad impoverishing depressions,
even mad disrepairing
retributive repressions,
investments in revenge,
apartheid demands for militarized retribution,
negative win/lose 0-sum
closed system reparations
repeating historical-monocultural
entrenched distrusted dissociations

Continuing viciously recycling
straight white patriarchal injustices
rather than positive win/win restorations
of positive
herstorical virtue circles,
polyculturally spacious
inclusive webs of EarthMatriarchal Peace.

The proposed 8th prime principle
does not positively promote
therapeutic justice.

Decontextualized focus on what we are against
betrays giving full mindful 4th Principle witness to
our disvalue shadows
against economically exploitive monopolies,
colonizing monocultural trauma,
white patriarchal monotheistic supremacy,
straight cisbinary monotony,
monochromatic anthroprivileged risk
overwhelming Earth’s resilient therapeutic opportunity.

Our health and environmentally safe wellness values
for compassionately mediating our 7th positive principle
breed universal health
and feed unitarian wealth
of sacred EarthMother’s unconditionally warm working web
playing interdependently win/win games
promoting resonantly sentient love lives,
nonviolent wombs
polyculturing sacred communion

Like 8th Principle sperm
universally purposed
to conjoin EarthTribe’s unitarian
green/blue 7th Principle egg.

Our 7th Principle declares our positive joy
for healthy natural life
and wealthy spiritual love
embedded in sacred EarthMother’s empowering web
valuing co-invested AnthroPeace Warriors
co-infested Muses
co-passionate Sages.

Do we need and want an 8th Principle
taking a bold
revolutionary further step
to explicitly articulate what we actively disvalue
as the ecological antithesis
of Earth’s sacred systemic 7th Principle
of a polyculturally inclusive EarthTribe
restoring our sacred green/blue indigenous communion?

I believe our positive principles
of therapeutic health,
empowering a wealthy sacred win/win web of polycultural beauty,
enlightened Earth/Anthro balance,
grows non-violently profound neurosystemic peace,
culminating in peak experiences
of our most recent 7th Principle.

And I believe in the synergetic completion
of perfectly pitched 8 octaves
for articulating MuseTherapy Resilience.

When the first photograph
of Earth’s revolving
green-blue living egg-womb
was broadcast back to Earth,
anthro-privilege could physically see Her
sacred healthy wealth
of profound eco-political value,
in Her health-wealthy prime
7th unitarian value
of PolyCultural Communion.

Now, in this new post-millennial Anthropocene,
we already begin to feel threats
of EarthSystemic oppression,
neurosystemic chronic trauma,
EarthTribe depression,
onset of anthrosupremacist remorse,
rabidly defensive denial
of rapaciously incorporated overpopulation,
despair that Win Universal Earth
and Win Unitarian Anthro healthy 7th Principle Consciousness
of herstorically positive indigenous intent
for whole-systemic thrival
too quickly fades,
foreshadowing today’s 8th Principle dispassionate discernment.

If we would dismantle sacred Earth’s historical-monocultural
systemic trauma Oppressors
of organic regenerators
recreating love-life’s multigenerational
PolyCultural Communion,
Then we might choose to restore 7th Principle EarthJustice
by letting go of less resilient
traditional win/lose anthrosupremacist images
breeding neurosystemic dissociation
and feeding toxic disvalues
of patriarchal monotheistic colonization,
monoculturing cisbinary predation,
capital economic monopolization
of therapeutic EarthMother sacred healing values
choosing regeneratively felt win/win
universally open, transparent
and unitarian holistic, vulnerable
ecotherapeutic webbed, nonjudging
nonshaming systems
for restoring PolyCulturing Communion

Thereby dismantling 8th negative anti-trauma disvalues
confronting Anthropocene privileged systems
of history’s monotheistic imaged
patriarchal natural capitalistic maninfested destiny,
a win/lose devolutionary privileged assault
and dispassionate battery
overpowering EarthTribe’s restorative peace
ecotherapeutic resources.

Can Earth’s monotheistic major force
of retributive injustice nature
and repent
and commit to restore
7th Principle panentheistic wisdom peace
for this,
and the next 7 sacred millennia?

Bicamerally indigenous compassionate minds
want wealth conserving hearts
and need health liberating bodies
to wisely know
neurosystemically intelligent
Win/Win 7th Principle
therapeutic opportunities
for EarthTribe sacred healing
AND Monoculturing AnthroSupremacist
Win/Lose 8th Principle
trauma warnings
against further EarthMother dissociative harm

Against impressive values,
reconnecting love,
reclaiming 7th Principle resources
that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
emotional resonance
spiritual resilience,
mentally glad wealth.


Muted Muses

We may need a rest left here
right now
said the Muse
to his Warrior
and her Sage.

In compliant spirit,
Sage feels a rest not
not significant
in music’s octaved stories
of wealthy
deep cultured
enlightening revolutions

Anticipating a Warrior’s peaceful relationship
between sound of tears
and silence anticipating fears
of dwindling years

Resting nonverbal
and arresting verbal
Muse full and empty
nonviolent communionations
resonant +/- Sage of time-squared Light,
resilient 1/0 Warrior of Earth-placed Power

and singing
and dancing
Muse of octave crowning sight
and deeply rooted sounds
from darkest healthy
wealthy night

Amusing in-between
0 root chakras
and 1 crowned
LeftBrain dominant minds,
bicameral core hearts
connected to both Warrior’s fierce
love lost and found music
and rhythmically danced power
and arresting

and sound
personal -(0) Muse embodied feelings
with public +1 Sage/Warrior
Win/Win thoughts

Dancing our bilateral
universal salvation walk

Singing our bipartisan
unitarian redemption talk.

Polypathically speaking,
We may need a rest left here
right now,
said the song/dance stealthy Muse
to his mind/body healthy Warrior
and her Crown/Root wealthy Sage.


The World and the Shaman

Banish listening, and teachings end.
Between “Yes!” and “No!”
How much spectral difference is there?
Between “good” and “evil”
Is the difference not normally 50-50?
That which we fear
Is indeed to be feared;
That which we love
Is indeed to be beloved;
But, alas, distant, yet also at hand, is this dawn of awakening
toward loving to be loved as
fearlessly unafraid of Beloved Climax Community!

We merry-make today,
self-congratulate while sub-optimizing,
As if consistently absorbing redemptive nutrients,
As if playing Mountain Ruler in Springs redolent climax;
I alone am mildly wild with harvesting unemployment,
Like a new-born babe that cannot yet smile,
neither grasping at joy nor averting lost identity,
contention with dissonance is like one without a home.

History’s prevailing culture has enough and to spare,
But I am like one left out,
behind marginal invisible boundary,
my heart and mind must be that of comedy,
Being as muddled,
ambivalently equivalent,
nebulously coincident!

Left-brain dominator cultures are knowing, luminous,
strength self-fulfilling and prophesying futures;
I alone am dull, confused, equivalent.

Egocentric culture is clever, self-assured;
I alone, depressed, repressed, suppressed,
impressed, pressed, pressing, birthing.
Patient as the sea,
Adrift, seemingly aimless tipping points.

We all have purposed meaning,
teleological ecological faith;
I alone appear stubborn and irrelevantly uncouth.
I appear to differ from SuperEgo Culture,
In optimally valuing succulent sustenance from Mother Earth,
universal natural systemic P=NP in-formation.


Note: This is a paraphrase of an ancient Eastern shamanic psalm as written by Laotse, translated by Lin Yutang (Modern Library, 1948, pp. 128-9). While the “I” identity refers traditionally to the “Sage,” and functions within this piece as an effort to describe the shaman’s ambivalent role and responsibility, perhaps even authority, within the Beloved Community, my own word choices are at least partially the result of my own marginalized “outsider” and “observer” experience. At the same time, I am not claiming to have any more or less wisdom than those I actively listen to; which takes us back to the premise in the very first sentence of this piece..

P=NP is in partial response to a Clay Math challenge to resolve the issue as to whether rational and predictable Polynomial information trends either are, or are not, equivalent with Not-Polynomial irrational, chaotic irresolution of problems not resonantly resolved through any language algorithm, bionic pattern of rhythms, iconic symbols of linguistic reason and thought. I believe the answer is evolving toward P is equivalent to NP for the same reason of linguistic logic that a double negative contains equivalent information to its appositional positive icon/polarity/nomial. If so, the negative correlational equivalance may also be the subject and object of David Bohm’s Explicate v. Implicate Order, Fuller’s Convex-Positive v. Concave-Negative geometric place/space, and Taoism’s Yang OVER Yin as essential universal binomiality.


Timeless Mystics

The true mystic respects the value of time
and never puts anything off till tomorrow.
Rumi, M. Mafi translation

Truth Sages respect value
by always living fully in the present;
“tomorrow” incarnates a projection of time’s memory.
He who knows the Eternal Law is tolerant;
Being tolerant, he is impartial;
Laotse, Lin Yutang translation

Eco-logicians tolerate non-primal dissonance
and confusion and dismay and pathology;
while primally confluent, centered, content,
in this eternally present (0)-centric Moment.
Eco-redeemers remain prime relationship balanced
with multisystemic ecotherapeutic practice
climaxing and sustaining
Polyparadigmatic = Polycultural
Beloved Ecological Economic Communities,

Within this Ecologian’s soul
holonically shared without
throughout each EarthTribe event

Life is what happens:
while you are planning other things, (J. Lennon?)
while taking those endless photo opps,
while racing future and clutching memories,
while following our Orthodox map
without internally harmonious eisegetical freedom
of thought, feeling, expression, discovery, learning.

Now-absorbing life hunts Ecotherapists with overwhelming ubiquity,
while permaculture designers hunt synergetic peace
with abundantly ambivalent compassion;

The passionate strength of loving full Climax Community life,
while listening to mindful double-binding flexibilities
within potential Paradise
mutually bowing from past events
toward each moment’s not-not future promise.

Timely death,
and fear thereof,
coincidentally and mutually resolve
this paradox of fearing fear,
knotting not,
redeems next generation’s spacetime opportunity
to regenerate our cooperative Tribe,
while listening for Elder permacultural wisdom.

If your future were mine, could my future not be yours?
If you were mine, then could I be yours?
If you were me, then would I be you?
If I am yours, then could you be mine?
If I were you, then would you be me?
If we are each other then
maybe you can see
there is no sense in “coincidence”
unless we speak truth to
our prime relationship together.

If I am part of you, and you are part of me,
If you are my reflection, and I am your reflection,
then maybe we can each rehabilitate
growing free essentially

and even binomially and globally coincidental forever.

Ecologians respect value
by always living in the Tipping Point of Presence;
“tomorrow” incarnating our full-flow function
of time’s beloved memory.

Note to STEM readers:

In ecological paradigms, love (aka “synergy”, B. Fuller) “therapy” is dipolar related (negatively correlated with) toward/away-from fear and dissonance, toxins, pathology.


In economic-transactional paradigms, optimally live-trending Win-Win systems and cooperative logistics are dipolar related (as positive to negative, as Yang to Yin) to decay, evil, loss, monocultural trending systems, monochromatic, monopolistic, competitive Win-Lose Game Theory logistics and strategies.

In both cases it can be helpful to recall that one double-negative is equivalently balanced with one positive, in any P=NP (0) sum metric and thermodynamically balanced 4-dimensional prime system.


Great-Horned Owl

I remember that walk

with my Great Horned Owl

lying on wilting green bed of grass

next to her severed left wing,

her eyes so Open Sesame

in a cardboard box

my arms were graced to carry

to her grave.


I remember billowing ribbons of vapored breath

sweeping out toward yellow brown hay stubble fields,

our red barn and fake-brick farmhouse,

carrying messianic wonder and hope,

worry and fear and unworthy sobs

for this Earth,

so richly endowed with ionic wisdom,

to choose us for her

Permaculturing Opera.


But, I was eight

with much to unlearn,

and this may be why Sage Owl

had come to vaccinate me,

to show me through her dying

that Permaculture Tribe

mentors me to ask for water

cupped in my young right hand,

open to her infinite swelling eyes

leaking thirsty freedom justice,

tipping sea salty balance

toward all Earth’s shamanic polycultured Tribes.


I buried her for far too long,

apparently justice flies with older wisdom.

We are each ecologically programmed shamans

blindly dodging barbed wire fences.
