
ReCentering Domestic NonViolence

This brisk, sunny March morning, I return from delivering my son to his adult daycare van.

Upon opening The Norwich Times, I delight to read the new Center for Safe Futures “will be taking a huge step forward in how well we can serve the growing number of our neighbors who need help with domestic violence…”

After reading the article, I am delighted about this significant half-step toward a more integrated and holistic service structure to improve safety and well-being outcomes for victims and survivors of violence, assault, stalking, physical and verbal hate-crime abuse, black-market sale pricing for using powerless and unheard and unseen and uncared for human bodies commodified to provide third party capital profits, and other disturbing forms of predative trauma.

Violently polarizing drama threatens trust in neighborhood-felt survival, and our civil, compassionate community thrival, every time we hear, and, god forbid, exhaustively watch depressing, national history-making news brought to us by our uncivil, wounded and wounding retributive criminal justice systems; uncaring, unhealthy, and certainly not holistic empowerment systems for nonviolent reconciliation.

My colleagues on the Norwich Youth, Family, and Recreation Advisory Board have become used to my eagerness to celebrate half-steps toward win/win strategic restorative peace while simultaneously sternly reconsidering our missing nonviolent communication step away from retributive win/lose justice systems. World wide webs pitching prey against predator, cultivating my despair about polarizing dissociative drama rooted in divisive demonizing trauma systems that do not empower resilient health and safely resonant domestic wealth.

Down near the bottom of the first front-page column I read, “Service providers and community partners will work together to break the [systemic trauma] cycle of violence and abuse.” Wow! Now this is an unexpected good news mission statement!

On second thought, it does echo messianic scriptured messages about the Christian Prince of Peace’s salvific mission, and that, so far, feels like an aging, poor in spirit, and increasingly despairing half-empty step toward downsizing EarthJustice expectations for global nonviolent peace and justice.

In my wild decaffeinated morning meditations, this eagerly anticipated aspiration, to break the win/lose bonds of systemic trauma, reminds me of a huge covenant change proposed for discussion at All Souls UU, in New London.

“We covenant to dismantle racism and all forms of systemic oppression.” I wonder how we would practice such powerful “Beloved Community” passion. How could our faith communities help break the vicious cycle of violence, abuse, and emotional neglect fueling neurosystemic trauma?

Perhaps Restorative Justice and Peace Reconciliation practices of nonviolent communication could empower transparent and vulnerable dialogue between defendants and predators, so often brought together and stuck together by addictive codependence–which feels safer, and economically healthier than aching loneliness, emptiness, hopelessness, despair of punishment, shame, blame, Othering judgments that we do not merit unconditional warm regard.

My own therapeutic feelings of hope, informed by Multicultural Community Mediation, focusses on safer and healthier and emotionally wealthier compassionate relationships. Empowering intention and win/win designed retention I cannot find in this article. It misses a redemptive half-step that could prophetically declare we will not tolerate the “vengeance is mine” heresy that perpetuates future victimization. Excommunication brought to us by judicial and police systems inciting weaponized trauma among those voted least likely to succeed by disassociated peers.

Is it reasonable to hope this Center for Safe Futures, and all the best intervention and prevention practices advertised by an expanding Family Justice Center model may be fully baptized in the peace-making waters of Restorative Justice?

Will domestically healthy and safe mission statements survive the ribbon cutting to become resiliently saved from past systemic trauma sins of our Straight White Patriarchal fathers?

I guess I’m still waiting, as my acidic coffee stomach turns cold with impatient curiosity, for some other brilliantly brighter good news front-page article announcing the multiculturally grand virtues of neurosystemic trauma-informed therapeutic projects to ReCenter Healthy Bodies and Safe Mind Wellness Futures.

Compassionate futures that restore virtuous communion circles of therapeutic repair–and not viciously retributive, accountability trauma hierarchies continuing to promise more efficiently enlightened from-above services, still half-stepping toward managing a universally disunitarian pandemic of dissociative despair.


Muted Muses

We may need a rest left here
right now
said the Muse
to his Warrior
and her Sage.

In compliant spirit,
Sage feels a rest not
not significant
in music’s octaved stories
of wealthy
deep cultured
enlightening revolutions

Anticipating a Warrior’s peaceful relationship
between sound of tears
and silence anticipating fears
of dwindling years

Resting nonverbal
and arresting verbal
Muse full and empty
nonviolent communionations
resonant +/- Sage of time-squared Light,
resilient 1/0 Warrior of Earth-placed Power

and singing
and dancing
Muse of octave crowning sight
and deeply rooted sounds
from darkest healthy
wealthy night

Amusing in-between
0 root chakras
and 1 crowned
LeftBrain dominant minds,
bicameral core hearts
connected to both Warrior’s fierce
love lost and found music
and rhythmically danced power
and arresting

and sound
personal -(0) Muse embodied feelings
with public +1 Sage/Warrior
Win/Win thoughts

Dancing our bilateral
universal salvation walk

Singing our bipartisan
unitarian redemption talk.

Polypathically speaking,
We may need a rest left here
right now,
said the song/dance stealthy Muse
to his mind/body healthy Warrior
and her Crown/Root wealthy Sage.


Tao of Resilience

Better together
than falling apart.

Inside I sigh
between sad traumas,
mad bad dramas
fading together
when not
not thought and felt glad

Better left together
than falling
falling right wing apart

Outside we cry
for health balanced justice
restoring wealth
amongst resilient us,
becoming enlightened
and left-right co-empowered.

Better communion together
healthier together
wealthier yang-strong union
together co-passionate becoming

Better together
than falling
failing Sun’s spirit
reversing Earth’s nature,
bright light
slighting shadow showers
of EarthTribe powers,
roots failing
despairing apart

Inside against outside
ego against eco…

Returns better together
better inside together
better outside together
than falling inside
against outside


Redemptive Economics

Economies of cooperative redemption,
like taking turns licking melting ice cream cones,
favorably contrast to
stingier economies of personal private
sticky and prickly ownership

Including feeling entitled to purchase
whatever and whomever
I can afford to buy or rent
in cash up front
or through a commercial commodifying
installment plan product
with interest paid out
to a not personally invested corporate banker

So often straight white He
with legal right to demand full repayment
on my unfortunate self-overextended

Economies of competitive secular development,
rather than sacred cooperative resonance,
sadly and madly contrast
compete against
empowering richer economies
of compassionate and resilient stewardship
not entitled to purchase sacred Earth

Nor to shop for bargain basement llands
and seas
and laborers
unpaid for cooperative working foundations
win/win playing
and designing co-creators
copassionately co-invested
in sacred polycultural joy relationships
and on
and now sadly under
our future gladly flying over and around
ecologies of win/win wealth

permaculturally healthy
and robust enlightened financial systems
producing politically empowering
passionately resilient outcomes.


Morning Rounds

I woke up this morning
wondering where I was last night
when this morning,
a glint in my mind,
before wandering how I last got home
here from last night

without probable gumption
maybe if I figured transport out
and in
I might have a clue about why
I woke up yesterday morning
wondering where I would end up last night

And just before last night’s end
when this morning couldn’t yet answer
any endtime circling questions
I wondered how I arrived
at this tomorrow
and the ecocidal same

Approaching win/win play
and avoiding win/lose AnthroSupremacist work

Before becoming fully present
to yesterday’s disempowering promise
once curiously engaging
resilient win/win more

Sacred listening nighttime deeper
and multicultural trauma-prevention
daylight wider
long-term cooperative
co-invested ego resilience
following my most resonant
win/win sacred ecosystemic
re-entry Tao of brilliant
nonviolently communicating
inside/outside balance

Of morning rounds
perilously in-between lose/lose
nightmare traumatic despair
and win/win delight
daytime therapeutic repair.


Empowering Local Peace

A problem with breath-focused sitting
eyes hooded
closed down sensory receptor meditation,
in my peak omnipotent mindful experience

This inside passive form of seeking resilience
presumes we consistently care
about furthering our
health care vocations,
organically sacred to some,
merely biological to more chronically traumatized
emotionally challenged
by histories
of neglect
and/or multigenerational mysteries
of emotional/verbal
physical/nonverbal abuse

The opposite of nonviolent communication
to restore egojustice
and repair trauma damage
to panentheistic
yintegral ecopeace

Which is the opposite
of monotheistic
yang-supremacist ecocide

As enlightened resonance
of Sun Worship
is to dark dissonance
against Earth empowering
resilient Win/Win
health care meditation systems,
physically active
and metaphysically robust movement,
therapeutic empowering
co-passionate peak neurosensory
resilient inside/outside
meditation systems
for enlightening
exhausting, but not manic,
exhilarating, but sustainable
intense, but not anxious
anticipations of time-sufficient
left/right bicameral
thought/felt resiliently sacred
restorative justice

Organic co-passioning
timeless warm round
expansive light empowering
all forming and flowing
inter-religious interconnections
in-between natural/spiritual regenerations
of co-operative
co-invested ecopolitical
robust and resilient
EarthTribe peace.


Learning From Loss

The hardest losses
are those too late to repair
what has been win/win time lost
to despair

Just as love
cannot co-arise
where fear grows
fully uprisen
a prison
predicting anger’s nearby
impetuously apprised

So too,
Freedom cannot thrive
where addiction has hard helped
us feel we are not softly worthy
to survive

“Loser” labelled struggles
with addiction
cannot feel free of affliction
nor can giving in
to addiction’s short-term affections,
powers to feel escape
from personal
and communal,
and political,
and monotheistic

Social judgment,
and shame,
developing hard
stiffly cold silent screaming

Depressing loneliness
self-ostracization issues
win/lose closeted
fear-based shame defenses
against Old School GoldenRule
loss of co-invested love


Sacred Communion

Sacred communion,
said the retiring priest,
feeds and waters my bipartisan vision

Gazing deeply within
and beyond
what is in front of,
and behind,
my bilateral balancing

And ears
rehearing a moment apart
from what has gone before
and whom we will sacredly become

More resiliently,
if not eternally, after our anthro-privileged
win/lose zero-sum colonizing evangelical
RightWing ways
pass over
and away

To give more green cooperative sway
for this divine/humane
win/win compassion play

More resilient
and inter-religiously resonant
polycultural health and
patriarchal trauma-prevention
on this
another sacred communion
capital-invested day

Allows me to see
we universally breathe
and breed
and bleed
and feed these three

WinWin cooperative opportunities
WinLose competitive anthroprivileged risks
and LoseLose zero-sum conclusions
immortal sealed despair
predicting nonzero-exponential
physical health predicates sacred metaphysical wealth

Trinitarian neuro-systemic polycultural imprints
on EarthTribe conscious lives
including future histories
this sacramental body leaves behind

Seeing sacred communionation
transpiring parts of the win/win spectrum
growing polymathic integration

To help Peace Restorers understand
co-arising convergence
of polypathic appearance
within RightBrain nonverbal experiences
panentheistically felt
and LeftBrain verbal monotheistic thoughts
reflecting peak consciousness
during ecstatic communion practices

Noticing our resonantly peaceful presence
in non-dogmatic
non win/lose must choose sectarian
dis-integral studies

Analyzing neurosystemic happiness
healthy wealth care
positive psychology
mental health
trauma prevention,
transformative non-ecocidal integrity
restoring peace.

Restorative EarthCommunion
promotes neural integrity
systemic confluence,
integrity of EcoPeace flow
synergetic feelings
and EarthTribe well-being
sacred solidarity
unconditional warm thoughts
sacramental intentions
spiritual-mental health practices

Encouraging health care education
through co-empathic reflection
to promote resilient compassion
and co-invested care
for each win/lose trauma
and judging
and blaming
and shaming Other
sinful anthro-privileged
entitled narcissistic
RightWing evangelical
win/lose trauma-reactionary
frightened and angry
universal salvation/damnation
either saved or depraved
win/win or lose/lose
self-and-Other condemning
intrapersonal Voices

and oppressors
more than win/win nonviolent communicators
helping me find EarthTribe Commons sacred ground
for promoting therapeutic bipartisan reflection

And for restoring EarthTribe justice
and polyculturally resilient peace
yet to come
up there

In our win/win sacred EarthTribe
future communion of co-invested
everyday messianic saints
reflecting on sacred therapeutic
mindful communionations.


In grateful dialogue with Daniel Siegel, The Mindful Brain, p. 320, speaking of Transpirational Integration:

“Transpiration gives us the vision to see beyond what is in front of our eyes, that we are a part of what has gone before, and what will come after these bodies are long gone from this dimension of our lives. Transpiration allows us to see that we leave an eternal imprint on the lives of others and on the world we leave behind.

Seeing transpiration as a part of the spectrum of integration can help us to understand the convergence of its appearance within contemplative and religious practice, and its presence in the nonsectarian studies of happiness and mental health [and peak experiences, including deep learning felt experiences]..

Mindful awareness promotes neural integration. Today, more than ever, we desperately need a scientifically grounded view that supports our societal encouragement of reflection to promote compassion and care for each other. The integrative role of the mindful brain offered here may be one approach that can help us find common ground for promoting reflection in our lives now, and for generations to come.”


Aunt Eartha’s Winter Interview

What are your most winterish
critical trauma events
in these most recent
three millennia?

just my traumas,
and not their corresponsive
for restoring EarthJustice?

Please go on
and on
questioning my questions
seemingly without end,
like an arctic wind-blown
starless night
in eternally restless January.

As you say,
and, but for this grand analogy,
you would pay dearly
for your unsprung youth,

Back in pre-colonial daze
of sacred tribal glad,
mostly naked clad,
Fall harvests produced fertile gratitude,
more of a positive
win/win attitude.

In those last warm and golden times
of nature nighttime naivete
some Governor,
a Wise Elder, perhaps

No matter how Patriarchal,
would deep dream think
to set defenses against
each sacred Other

Yet pantheistically inclusive Mother Earth
could not feel ripe
or right, apart

Summer fullness
and winter dormant absence
fail to positively correlate
Earth’s spirited spring minds
and physical womb-falling bodies
with metaphysical,
sacred bipartisan,
deeply thoughtful
yet hibernating
frustrated feelings
failing to confluently
and competently understand

and excommunicating
across seasons
and present seas
of sacred vulnerable immigration
followed by thoughtfully transparent
slow-grown emigrant sacred status
rooted in wisdom
and freedom to,
not freedom from
and some other kindless

Immigrating/Emigrating EarthTribes
exhaling summer’s sway
and migrating winter’s WombDream play
back in to sacred circling
and recycling stay.

Thanks for that,
Aunt Eartha.
Sounds like less of a summery answer
and more of a deep wintering question.

Yes, my dear,
and what does winter taste
and look
and feel like?

Restoring Earth’s
seemingly endless
cold white privilege,

Thawing into
more spring/fall balance,
sacred green/blue global
yet apparently dormant,

Sorry, Aunt Eartha,
drifting off,
wandering in winter wonder

EcoTherapy, once around again,
regenerating global
GoldenPlaying Peace

Within this silent wintered star’s
bright prolific night.


Gods of Power

If God
and gods
and other paternal powers
resource love,
and not hate

And if we believe
that love fades
with encroaching fear

Faith strong rooted
in personal
and professional
and economic
and local
through global
trauma experience

And if god
and great paternal rulers
and warriors
and heroes
are free of Loser fear

If straight white paternal privilege
felt more free to grow omnipotently capable
of unconditional multicultural regard
for EarthTribe’s surviving health
and regenerating wealth
and recreated Earth thrival

Then it seems likely to me
that victims,
and/or other-victimized,
of and for addiction
chronic stress
incapacity of reliable health care
for all EarthTribes,

Victims of LeftBrain patriarchal education,
parenting by verbal and physical domination,
preaching by intimidation and shaming,

Victims of peers
and professional colleagues
for punishing and mutual blaming,
escalating mis- and dis-communication

Miss out on bicameral deep sacred learning,
parenting by safe and healthy cooperation,
preaching by mentoring and listening,
peers for healing mutual mediation
and panentheistic re-framing
opportunities for compassion’s integral redaction
of sacred EarthJustice HerStory

Understoried womb
of soulful nutritional
nurturing EarthMother
regenerating ecopolitical soil,
polyculturing eggs

These are all potent Paternity’s most sacred
co-invested opportunities
for expanding mindfulness,
enlightened co-empathic empowerment

Free of chronic fear
angered by traumatic
patriarchal inhumanity

Here lies sacred curiosity
to replace
win/lose aggressions
with courage to embrace
health is social wealth
naturally spirited impressions.

Fathers of communication
and learning problems
engaging compassionate
nonviolent opportunities
to expand emergent win/win resilience.

Fearless, unconditionally loving
and lesser rulers
most sacredly informing
therapies for trauma,
chronic stress,
self-rabid righteousness

Anthrosupremacist narcissism,
lust for monopolies
of secularized,
capitalized Paternalistic
unrealistic over-powers
expensively waged against

Peacemaking unconditional regard
of fearless
ominipotently omnipresent
omnisciently panentheistic
polyculturally healthy
emotion intelligence

Nonviolent communications,
restoring free freedom
to restory
patriarchal traditions
militarized punishing injustice systems

With monocultural tendencies
monotheistic theologies
neglected and abused ecologies,

But, if God
and gods
and other paternal powers
resource love,
and not hate

And if we believe
that love fades
with encroaching fear

We might also trust
that loves grows more resilient
with cooperative win/win
intent to democratically
and globally initiate
omnipotently mindful
resonantly sacred

Courageous teachers
who remain curious students,
Enlightened parents
who remain win/win empowered children,
who remain cooperative co-governors,
who remain resiliently co-invested

Messianic heroes
who repair local trauma
with bodhisattva global reinvestment
in peace

Conservative paternalists
restoring green climate justice,
fearlessly engaging omnipotent integrity
of curiosity’s copious compassion

On sacred land
and sensate seas
where kindness
and mindfulness
are free
of fear
and anger,
and chronic stress,
which cost everyone

Including omnipotent God
and monopolistic corporate gods
and the lesser patriarchs
of scriptured history
exploring integrity,
most therapeutically sacred

Natural manly health
is also spiritual goddess EarthWealth,
bipartisan communal potential.
