
Weapons of Trauma Defense

When personal narcissism
and tribal autism
choose our words
as hurting
weapons of trauma defense

Rather than choosing wealth
of healing tools
for compassion’s therapeutic unfence

We soon find
that no one cares
to impatiently listen
outside our partisan walls

For whatever future win/win kindness
and EarthCare forgiveness
we cannot trust
will last.


Safe Home

SafeHome is not so much a real place
as a destiny longed for
on our lifetime journey toward dynamic well-being,
too healthily robust to fear growing homeless and friendless.

SafeHome is not an unchanging Paradise,
statically without resonantly changing,
slow-turning nutritious seasons,
ups and downs,
ins and outs.

Such conservative stability, uniformity
could never be my red-blooded idea
of brilliantly resilient Heaven.

So, when Earth’s climate pressures,
internally and externally competing
to my point of ego-aggression,
notice chronic stress climbing up my back
and shoulders,
brain stem and frontal cortex
concerned about politically left and personally unself-righteous depression,

When cynicism about never ever loving enough WinWin RealTimes
Real cooperative integrity walks
into co-passioning solidarity,

Then my SafeHome destined child and parent voices
prefer WinWin economic ecological sanctuary
removed from WinLose habitual habitats,
dissonant stuckness
never ever feeling like healthy SafeHome resilience.

Homes resonantly sustained
First, by dynamic cooperative resonance
with all EarthTribes
occupying cooperative health vocational preoccupations

And, Second,
actively seeking sanctuaries cooperatively facilitating,
fueling ongoing multicultural nutritional development

HealthyWealth SafeHomes
plant and harvest socially compassionate,
interdependent health-resonant relationships,
polyculturally resilient,
spiritually and naturally polypathic, nonsectarian,
democratically positive energetic, dynamic systems
forming SafeWombed
universal inside survivor memories
of cooperative sanctuary, originally outside warm wombs

From SafeWombs
emerge WinWin infants, then young and free children
who become WinWin parents and teachers and gratitude preachers,
eco-listeners and ego-speakers
longing for compassionately cooperative SafeHome returns,
pilgrimages toward universal solidarity,
unitarian SafeHome interdependence.

A long strong ZeroZone SafeHome
for robust reunification
within EarthTribe graced communions, healthy
green cooperatives,
permaculturally wealthy
deep learning lifetimes
for green STEAM educational placements,
safe ZeroBalancing carbon-based residencies
in WinWin learning civilizations.




Tree Root BiPedal Investments

Trees sprout nondual co-arising branch networks,
one system rising to greet sun’s light
creating healthy atmospheres for Earth’s political Tribes,
the other branch-system downward rooting into Earth’s rich compost
feeding on gifts of co-redeemers past,
creating healthy Earth skin,
Earth soil-soul economic nutritional exchange balancers
of Earth’s vast politically harmonizing enterprise.

So too,
human nature’s bicameral-neural nondual mindbody network systems,
lungs partnering with Elder Trees
sharing climate control autonomic sounds and voices and RNA surfing syntax,
brained body roots absorbing Earth’s rich regenerative compost
from which we each emerge,
YangEgo Left culturally dominant language syntax
with YinEco Right Earth-systemic DNA fractal-networks,
dialectic peer-to-peer design and development
of regenerative health and beauty intentions,
RNA/DNA solidarity co-revolutionaries
supporting Earth’s vast poly-enculturing economic enterprise.

Trees wax and wane through longer terms
of aesthetic revolutioning purpose,
transgenerationally invested in Earth’s future fertile health.
We might become trees
wise to learn from Elders’ progenitive example.
We share an ecological heart
because we are one (0)-embryonic center
of EarthLove’s regenerate potential.


Bucky Fuller’s Holonic Ghost

Let’s say the number 1
iconically speaks in Left-Yang Universal Language,
root of ecosystemetrics,

while PlaceHolder (0)
bicamerally dreams in Right-YinDiPolar ReGenerative PolyCultural Action,
health-flow of autonomic, enthymematic thought and awareness
influenced by feelings of EarthCentric BiCameral Consciousness
as Plan A,
so number 1 is actually each Ego’s Plan B holon of (0),
DNA/RNA root systemic to fractal-dialectic square root
nature-spirit nondual function.

Yes, OK, you just said that,
all of that,
not for the (0) or first time, and…?

I am listening for resonant resolving echoes
across all multisystemic,
polydigms of full-hued health enculturation trends
of cooperative redistribution of investments,
applied to climatic change outcome analysis
for Great Transitional Cooperative Network ecotherapeutic planning,
for both Interior YinYin Landscape harmonic rhythms
and Exterior Yang political and economic
as ecological Left+Right Prime (0) Relational Balance
of TaoTime.

Oh, so you’re a Taoist now that you’re a ghost.

Yes, but continuing my work in permaculture design
and political-economic cooperative development,
especially now that you have access to Game and Group
Bi-Elliptological Zeroism.

Your saying syllable strings doesn’t mean they are words
with any shared meaning for us mere mortals.

Yes, and making up words and labels for things
based on what we seem to both see and hear
with mutual resonance
also doesn’t necessarily mean
these are not words with shared potential meaning.

Why do you sound like you have merged with Lewis Carroll?
Anyway, how is your message going so far?
Any hot prospects for going viral?
Or have you been cast in the role of Horton
hearing Whos
not available to the rest of us kangaroos?

Anthros are already quite viral enough,
speaking collectively,
no aspersions to those with too many Trump cards,
in relationship to Earth’s future health,
including all currently wavering ecosystems of air,
and contaminated, dehydrating, drained of health soil.

Fire appears to be not only progenitor of human culture
but also our destiny for future generations,
those who don’t drown that is,
or die of ballistic wounds sprayed too freely
by rabid monoculturally unhealthy mindbodies,
raging dualdark anger and fear
of regenerate EarthTime’s fragile Anthro Identities,
seeding despair
of regenerating healthier global active hope enculturation.

Can you give some examples of what you might mean
by healthier active hope enculturation?

Yes. Thank you.
Cooperative ownership and governance structures have proven to retain resilience,
health-survival values and mindbody maintenance norms,
especially when cooperative vocations
are part of a more polycultural political and economic cooperative network
with health-regenerative intent.

Active hope chooses to not wait for Interior mindbody balance perfection
of therapeutic potential
before committing to a proactive family and/or neighborhood participation orthopraxis.

Active hope does not wait until Exterior Landscapes are more cooperative-friendly
to search for ways to daily and monthly and yearly build and maintain healthier Interior Landscapes.

Endo and ecto symbiosis work best together,
unitarian both-and exploring tipping points with either-or universalists.

Oops, I think we just heard from your historic background.

Yes, the systematic parallels between Universalist power structures
as Yang,
balancing Unitarian-Yin integral bilateral equi-flow
of time’s regenesis evolution
is a very old horse.
So resonant,
distinctions of word dance remain important more for PreMillennials
than for any PostMillennial merit of segregation.

Yet their tones and cultural histories are quite disparate.

As are ours,
yet why is it not at least as significant
to explore how these paradigms overlap,
share a nature-ecosystemic map,
have evolved analogous ecological balancing dynamics and functions
within their respective Western and Eastern hemispheric dominance?

To this day I feel UU vocation toward my/our active-hope Truth
speaks through my Left mindbody
as Taoism speaks through my Right mindbody,
co-mentoring our shared bicameral ecoconsciousness,
Earth as antro-other (0, as Plan A)
and ego-self (1, as Plan B) core prime teleology
of becoming and sustaining healthy regenerativity.

You do realize you have merged with Julian Jaynes as well?

Yes, Julian and Martin with his Beloved Community rhetorical events,
and Thomas Kuhn always cautioning us about incommensurable knowledge
across the arc of polyculturing time,
and Lewis,
we resonate and resolve our tinctures and tones and colors of syntax

Thanks so much to all of your Earth ghost guild visiting today,
next time would you mind knocking before entering?

I did knock,
when I left no unpublished thought.

I see your (0) PlaceHolder Point.
