
Speaking From Felt Experience

Enjoying Earth’s promised land
of compassionate
multicultural communion,
we share a preference for deep
rich soil
and fertile green-blue
resonating surf

As our bodies adjust
to rocky and prickly
either me
or not me space

And our minds flow
back and forth
through gooey both “me”
and organic neurosensory “we”
peace searching times
of glad/bad memory,
healthy peak and unwealthy valley
remembering felt body trauma
and mindfully resilient therapies

Inhaling Earth’s past sacred unions
Exhaling into conjoined future
compassionate communion.

These reflections came to mind
this morning
as I recalled a recent clergy question:

“What did you FEEL
when you first read
this proposal for a change
in our corporate
Universal Salvific
and Unitarian CoRedemptive
liberated feminist tradition.”

I remember listening for neuro-sensexually
enlightened language
for distinguishing core
empowered/disempowered Feelings
primally limited to:

Glad-anticipating win/win peak mind/body experiences
Bad-anxious about lose/lose dualdark valley experiences
Sad-depressed about my own win/lose long-term chances
Mad-about suppressed short-term survival
odds against overpowering PatriarchalGod’s
timeless dispassion.

My gladness trying to thrive
despite an unholy trinity
responding to trauma history
of multigenerational peak/valley surfing

in glad health opportunities
reforming bad unease
sad disease
mad missing ease
invoking dissociative
neuro-sensexual despair
informing future opportunities
for compassionate repair.

Out of twenty
LeftBrain verbal dominant responses
to this spirited natural feelings question,
only two mentioned feelings
predicting positive
and negative
and ambivalent thoughts.

One said both glad about opportunity
for deep communal dialogue
and sad about lowly lay victims
speaking against too powerful and unenlightened
religious professional orchestrations

Us v them rhetoric
creating a polarizing culture
of win/lose
destabilizing trauma

Lack of EarthPeace
and Restorative Justice
in the deep rich soil
and fertile green-blue surf
of nature-spirited communion
opportunities for peak dialogical experiences
of LeftMind/RightBody
FatherSun/MotherEarth co-passionate

Another wise woman elder responded
with “confused”
which encompasses,
without resonantly resolving,
all of Glad and Bad
Sad and Mad
chaotic flowing mind
feeling toxically disembodied
from sacred healing peace
restoring EarthTribe Justice
co-passionate mission statements
EarthTribe healing vocations.

What no one said
was “compassion”
for the romantic-comedy of peak experienced Glad
and the traumatic-tragedy of dark valley experienced
short-term Mad
and long-term chronic Sad
Lose/Lose absence
of healthy
messianic minds

Surfing through empowered
co-redemptive neurosensory
bodhisattva bodies
of spiritual/natural
co-passionate communicators

Win/win naturally resilient
co-mediating spiritual practicers
rooted in peak experiences
of comprehensive synergetic feelings
more resiliently Glad
than dispassionately Bad

Speaking our restorative justice
free and co-responsive win/win
searching truths
to patriarchal/capitalist
win/lose systemic trauma.


Powers of Integrity

Integrity can feel overwhelming
when compared to underwhelming

Nascent powers of joyful integrity
have emerged perhaps too late in life,
which feels sad,
at best bitterly happy
to take so long
to move from wounded child
into integral binomials

Like thinking universally
feels unitarian,
and global consciousness
grows interdependently intersectional
and even inter-religious,
and ecosystemic health
feeds polycultural joy
breeds polypathic integrity

Synergetic as win/win transpartisan
co-empathically felt
thoughts anticipating co-operative
happy dialogue

While economic co-investments
joyfully contribute
to shared green/blue
revolutionary political co-passions

religioning theological
regenerating ecological win/lose
wounded children
and win/win
joyfully healthy
quietly smiling elders

Feeling sensually sinful
thinking neuro-sensory soulful
silently smirking
sainted biosystems.


ProLife Selection Reflections

RightWing evangelical Capitalists
competitively invested in StraightWhiteMale privilege,

And win-ego/win-ecopolitical LeftWing
multiculturally democratic
prominent LiberalLovers
of EarthRights ecofeminist solidarity

Might together stop
to polyculturally notice

Capitalist competitive debates
do not remember
or co-invest in win/win Left/Right dialogue

Seeking bilateral resolutions
also bicameral-interior solutions,

Capital-fed RightWing fundamentalism
of Either/Or reductive
secularized thinking,
even if devoid of resilient health-and-conserving-safety feelings,
is nearly impossible to let go of,

Without also LeftWing remembering
regenerative historical-multicultural his/herstory
of ego/ecosystemic binomial health/wealth restitutions,
restorations of win/win ego/eco-justice,
pre-violent lose/lose non-verbal communications.

Restoring win/win Left/Right-bicameral wings
of win/win luminous
and dual/dark appositional reverse
face of the bilaterally light/dark
50/50 greyscale full/half
neuro-sensory belonging/bi-lateral longing moon
spiraling dynamic circles
of remembered recycling
regenerative health/degenerative nonwealth
EarthTribe polypathic binomial consciousness

That win/lose capitalism
RightWing evangelically fundamentalist
All or Nothing ego-empowerment thinking,
remains cognitively and affectively dissonant
with win/win multiculturally-valued
democratic health
rooted in cooperatively-invested
polynomial = not(not) polynomial
binomial luminous
polyculturing integrity’s
Paradise/Pleasure EarthTribe Potential
for healthiest resilient wealth.

From this perspective,
it feels luminously simple
to conservatively
and safely
grasp on

Restoring win/win dialectical justice
rather than further win/lose retributive injustice
with those we disagree with,
aptically and synaptically and integrally and appositionally,
at least until we cooperatively select
Earth’s salvific restitution,
sacred/secular co-redemption,
social-capital democratic co-passionate
multicultural Left/Right communion
enlightening systems.

The lose/lose opposite of win/win communication,
and experience of communion,
and historic memory
of healthy community economic development
is not aptic non-communication,
mere untrust,
win/lose mistrust;

Opposition to selecting authentic democratic healthy communication
is deliberate lose/lose anti-communication,
anti-healthy-wealth winLeft/winRight feedback systems,
rememories of ego/eco-systemic
multi-regenerational health/wealth

ReVolutions of ecopolitically developed,
conservatively redeveloped,
liberal love predeveloping
enveloped resonant polyphony,
poly-nonegotistic-theistic integrity’s not
not NonZero-Sum
polynomial Left/Right bicameral balancing
integrally empowering
enlightening potential

For selecting green eco-feminist win/win
multiculturally valued wisdom,
rather than continuing on
with Business As Usual
complex and chaotically dissonant confusion,
in this time of continuing divestment
from both Earth and Ego healthcare crisis,
win/lose capitalist-patriarchal hierarchical
straight white male leftbrain dominance,

v win/win multiculture-valuing
ecofeminist democratic circles,

when it is possible to co-redeem
both/and rightbrain multi-interdependent contextual intelligence,
by merely replacing the “v”
with a dipolar co-arising “/”;

where multiculturing leftsides of the waxing moonlight
are Yintegrity’s Paradise Enlightening Promise
and the more monoculturing rightside of waning luminosity
is YangCapital’s Pleasure EmPowering
health/wealthily togathering.
