
Speaking From Felt Experience

Enjoying Earth’s promised land
of compassionate
multicultural communion,
we share a preference for deep
rich soil
and fertile green-blue
resonating surf

As our bodies adjust
to rocky and prickly
either me
or not me space

And our minds flow
back and forth
through gooey both “me”
and organic neurosensory “we”
peace searching times
of glad/bad memory,
healthy peak and unwealthy valley
remembering felt body trauma
and mindfully resilient therapies

Inhaling Earth’s past sacred unions
Exhaling into conjoined future
compassionate communion.

These reflections came to mind
this morning
as I recalled a recent clergy question:

“What did you FEEL
when you first read
this proposal for a change
in our corporate
Universal Salvific
and Unitarian CoRedemptive
liberated feminist tradition.”

I remember listening for neuro-sensexually
enlightened language
for distinguishing core
empowered/disempowered Feelings
primally limited to:

Glad-anticipating win/win peak mind/body experiences
Bad-anxious about lose/lose dualdark valley experiences
Sad-depressed about my own win/lose long-term chances
Mad-about suppressed short-term survival
odds against overpowering PatriarchalGod’s
timeless dispassion.

My gladness trying to thrive
despite an unholy trinity
responding to trauma history
of multigenerational peak/valley surfing

in glad health opportunities
reforming bad unease
sad disease
mad missing ease
invoking dissociative
neuro-sensexual despair
informing future opportunities
for compassionate repair.

Out of twenty
LeftBrain verbal dominant responses
to this spirited natural feelings question,
only two mentioned feelings
predicting positive
and negative
and ambivalent thoughts.

One said both glad about opportunity
for deep communal dialogue
and sad about lowly lay victims
speaking against too powerful and unenlightened
religious professional orchestrations

Us v them rhetoric
creating a polarizing culture
of win/lose
destabilizing trauma

Lack of EarthPeace
and Restorative Justice
in the deep rich soil
and fertile green-blue surf
of nature-spirited communion
opportunities for peak dialogical experiences
of LeftMind/RightBody
FatherSun/MotherEarth co-passionate

Another wise woman elder responded
with “confused”
which encompasses,
without resonantly resolving,
all of Glad and Bad
Sad and Mad
chaotic flowing mind
feeling toxically disembodied
from sacred healing peace
restoring EarthTribe Justice
co-passionate mission statements
EarthTribe healing vocations.

What no one said
was “compassion”
for the romantic-comedy of peak experienced Glad
and the traumatic-tragedy of dark valley experienced
short-term Mad
and long-term chronic Sad
Lose/Lose absence
of healthy
messianic minds

Surfing through empowered
co-redemptive neurosensory
bodhisattva bodies
of spiritual/natural
co-passionate communicators

Win/win naturally resilient
co-mediating spiritual practicers
rooted in peak experiences
of comprehensive synergetic feelings
more resiliently Glad
than dispassionately Bad

Speaking our restorative justice
free and co-responsive win/win
searching truths
to patriarchal/capitalist
win/lose systemic trauma.


Healthy Caring Systems

Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
I must learn to trust
Earth’s future more

Both Father Sun’s timeless
rounds of enlightenment
and Mother Earth’s
codependent rhythms
regenerating rich
soulful soil

And this trusting more
impels healing trauma’s lessons,
surviving hale and hearty lust
for too RightWing earned distrust

Unenlightened AnthroElitism
within our CommonEnglish languaged voice
while dismissing other naturally iconic sounds
and physical sights,
sacred smells
and mental tastes

Feelings that matter more
than mere white privileged noise
degenerating ego v eco-other
for mere win today
lose survival tomorrow

Much less anthro-resilient healthy
this RightFright Yang v yin militaristic
narcissistic AnthroSurvival

And we could also regenerate
more Yang/Yintegrally together,
rediscover strong and sacred Beauty
peak experience passions

CoInvested integrity’s historic
win/win therapeutic revival,
future multiculturing
verbal and nonverbal
compassionately thriving
and not merely nonviolently surviving
1/0 double-binary bipartisan polypaths
polynomial +1P=(-,-)0P, Tao wu-wei bilateral balance
0/1 cisbinary communication’s
and most peak
health (1 Universe)
wealth (0 Full/Empty Synergetic Ego/EcoBalancing)
bipartisan ecopolitical health care potential.

That is where we left off yesterday;
and today let us reconsider a related question
about more personal peak experience outcomes
of a health care bipartisan co-governing system.

First, we notice that robust polycultural systems
of win/win thrival
will always be negatively correlated with
exhausted monocultural failing Lose/Lose chaos

chronic stress
lack of any imaginable and/or remembered system

Re-articulating integrity’s most sacred,
and sometimes sexy,
peak regenerative experiences

Feeding our LeftBrain need for EitherYangly Yes
Or TooYinnish Yes and not yet know

Consistency with prior experiential
labeling of penetrating history.

What are our universal characteristics
defining and refining caring systems?

Sounds like we may be speaking nonviolently
of spacious and NowTimed compassion
and co-investment,
and active curiosity.

That works for me,
so let’s go one LeftBrain dominant step
further into verbally defining
what we might all agree
we win/win intend
to successfully differentiate
our health care resilient thrival systems
from our pathological uncare
unfelt lack of any non-degenerative
LoseLose chaos
chronic ego/ecocidal
lack of unconditional
warm regard,
retributive blaming
and shaming
straight white monotheistic
monopolizing core panentheistic values
monoculturing neurosystemic despair
full-spectral Win/Win suppression
of integrity’s compassionate
warm and caring
systemic potential

This recontextualing process
follows an ecological perception principle (EPP)
that it is not polyvagally possible to imagine
or remember ever feeling a caring system
that could co-incidentally be nonverbally noticed
much less defined
or even moderately refined
as any something
or non-peak co-relationally felt event.

Lack of warm unconditional win/win
sacred panentheistic regard
may feel as chronically anxious
as trying to re-imagine
an uncaring entropic
cold as a closed
vacuum of exflowing

What we are capable of appreciating,
deeply rooted in ecological
and biological experience,
are Caring Systems
and not uncaring non-systems.

To define systems feels challenging
because systems, including organic
and Whole
and Open
and Universal Healthy Caring Systems,
all feel so overwhelmingly
and perhaps sacredly comprehensive,
synergetically complex.

Within your own neurosystemic framework,
robustly thriving,
perhaps even enjoying elegant
and/or multiculturally exotic
and/or polyculturally erotic
peak Aha! Win/Win
Yang/Yintegral co-balancing experiences

As appositionally contrasted
against a monochromatic win now to lose tomorrow
or win EarthHealth Care Systems tomorrow
by sacrificing AnthroWealth Care Systems today

False dichotomies
nurture chronic trauma,
fear and retribution,
fire and thunder,
conspiracy theories,
like the witchhunt
or the devil
made me addictively
and obsessively,
sometimes violently,
sometimes greedily,
sometimes abusively,
sometimes neglectfully,
always anthro-narcissistically
think it
say it
do it to Eco-You

Lose/Win Dissociated
from interdependently nurtured
and anti-spiritually natured
independent Win/Lose surviving

in cooperative home
and Now
in my 71st revolutionary round

Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
deep and widely learning
to trust Earth’s curiously sacred
and courageous
peak health
and valley of integral wealth
win/win health care systemic
Yang InFormation
and Yintegral OutFlow

Networks of not-not
double-binding neurosystemic apposition,
sadly anxious
and gladly anticipating more nonviolent dialogue,
less win/lose zero-sum debate
for and against future’s EarthTribal WinWin gains
rethriving positive regeneration thoughts

Less conservatively unbalanced
degenerative negative
anti-eco/pantheo-logical feelings,
Ego Monotheistic Nature v Eco PanEntheistic Polycultural Spirit

More resident of EarthCare Global Peace Systems
cooperative, so not just competitively capitalistic
ecosystemically co-invested in continental/oceanic balance,
so less win/lose survival of one sovereign entitled nation

Or species
straight white male privileged
LeftBrain verbally dominant
anthrosupremacist win/lose or lose/win
karmic conspiracy anxious theories

Not yet anticipating
more deeply integral possibilities

Health caring systems
invite LeftBrain integrity’s inclusive
ecotheistic EarthTribe
interreligious multiculturing wealth
caring compassion systems

Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
sharing trust
in EarthTribe’s health
wealthy ecofeminist future.


Religious Ties That Bind

could be more spiritually grounded
in healthy ecological relationships
were theologians and governors
to remind each multiculturing Other,

This re-connecting work
of religious economic and political enculturation
is less about unchangeable past history of TruthSpace
and more about continuous,
resonantly reculturing
EarthBeauty Time

Less about petrified fear
unhealthy distrusting demonic place
and more about fluid compassion,
timeless double-binds of graced eternity.

Double-binds are sometimes recognized
in moral theology–
damned if you do
and damned if you don’t;

Seldom blessed if you do
and grace if you don’t.

Two negatives equal a positive
but two polarized positives
equal a mess of confusion.

R.D. Laing connected verbal communication
between individual victims
and socially empowered authorities
like parents
and teachers

And perhaps evangelical theologians
demanding we love God
more than Ego,
Yet if we understand Ego
as merely autonomous from God’s omnipotent grace,
then we have not yet
personally enough
accepted God’s love
into our self-made hearts.

Double-binds are double-negatives
as double-binary x’s and y’s,
1’s and 0’s,
binomial prime relationships
like Yang and Yin
and dipolar bonds of appositional association

eco-refining Earth’s regenesis
with fractal DNA and RNA
double-bilateral structures

Like 4-dimensional spacetime
of co-arising
co-acclimating bi/di-polar dynamics
either/or AND both/and
left resonant
with right hemisphere interdependent communication
so, compassionate–

These are not often enough
positively re-ligioned
rewoven into the fabric
of double-binding win/win choices,
healthy, mutually trusting, democratic discernment,
nondualistic dialogue
theological and ecological,
psychological and neurological,
organic and democratic,
sexual and sensual,
historic and cultural,
memory and mysterious hope

For dipolar co-gravitating
spiritual death and natural life
ecosystemic experience,
systemic divine climax,
sacred wonder
and secular
regenerating awe

to branch
to flower
to seed
new/old root re-ligioning systems.


Light/Dark Powers

If a maturely individuated ego…

Honey, you just left out most of us.
Could you work on being more inclusive?

is organically
holistically SelfAware,
codedefining as
Not some Other conscious egocentered person,

Some Other living sensate creature
composed of interdependent
organic health-maintenance and development functions,

Including reproductive capacity,
regenerative fertile potential
for repurposing
recycling into Earth’s polyglot future,

And, if Earth
is also an organically living
global ecosystemic Habitat
revolving and recycling
within universal light and dark energy fields,

Expanding complex positive energy systems
and chaotic negative entropic potentials

Not ZeroSum
and, more positively, Win/Win co-gravitating
ionically re-ligioning systems

re-emerging from interdependently dancing Black Holes,
dark spiritual energy chakras
for transport
and Whole Open Systemic ReDevelopment Processes,

Admittedly, a grandly dark-staged IF,
if interdependently holistic ego systems
interact within a universal win/win energy environment
of unitarian meta-energy balancing light/dark
health/pathology systems,

Then where could GodSun
and EarthGoddess starlight
have SuperEgo bilaterally emerged from?
SuperOther than our original
prime ZeroSum double-binary
co-empathic relationship

Fertile light Mother
and darkly embryonic sacred Child
co-empathically polypathic
Polyvagal energy
positive light
inviting self-conscious rebirth

Of deep
wounded postpartum
unwinding win/lose
with BlackHole commencements

As YangBright truths and trust
greet YinDark sacred beauty,

As regenerative democratic life
predicts and evicts
degenerative unrevolving death
of continuously monoculturing
patriarchal egos

Marching in predative capital-infested squares,
rather than dancing
in BlackLife Matter
holistic energy chakras,
bright and beautiful.


Cosmic Arts and Sciences

WinLose or WinWin

+/- or +/+

Yang/NotYin or Yang/Yin

When prime appositional interrelationship
equals cosmic oppositionally centered dipolar intra-relationship
Then notnot denominators equal
WinWin enumerated polynomial co-equals
YinSquared co-relates
YangSquared integrates
WuWei regenerates
ZeroZone Tipping Points
of DNA-scriptured
abundant 4D prime ZeroZone
humane-restoring divine resonance.

Which feels like a too binomial LeftBrain with RightHearted way
of inviting WinWin mentors
to ego/ecofacilitate healthier climate choices,
to let go of WinPatriarchal v LoseMatriarchal strategic framing anxieties
and competing nutritional resource requirements,
to admit aloud
what we have and still could do
to regenerate a healthy secular/sacred climate difference.

Inviting fellow ego-ecotherapists
to regenerate a global
Left-health with Right-ecosacred wealth
WinWin dream,
universally immense integrity co-invitations
to stop spiritual-network hiding
in our natural FirstTao CosmicNation greenrooms

To stop waiting all our extending family lives
for our WinWin moment in stagelight revolutioning entrances,
still dreaming
Great Transitional marching anthems,
restoring global justice with matriarchal peace
before we ego-exit
into polypathic or polyphonic
timeless notnot SpaceTime.


Key EarthHistory Concepts

Key CapitalistYang/CreolistYin BiCameral Concepts

I find a fuzzy irony in this morning’s early search for a new journal notebook, having filled my last from what had been, five years ago, an inconceivably high pile of empty and near-empty notebooks, set-aside for these diurnal reflections on last night’s RightBrain decompositions.

Having determined I have none left, all now filled from inside their front covers all the way back through both sides of their rough grey cardboard back covers, and yet not even entirely comfortable with retiring sixty-five, I began looking through my Oppositional Defiant Disordered and Fetal Alcohol Syndroming and Cerebral Palsied 15-years-old mulatta’s book bins, filled with reminders of choices rooted in seeing her as maybe emotionally 5, yet with all those young adolescent pheromones to confuse her about who she truly might become, looking yet again for her one yet-empty notebook.

She carries this empty-lined notebook with her everywhere she goes, including bed, as if she were the most intent and intense journal-writer there ever was. And she rather too vigorously rifles through it’s battered dog-eared pages, front to back, back to front, it doesn’t matter. Here, she appears to be reading her journal, and yet finding only blank pages about where she has been, and where she is mulatta going.

Ironic, isn’t it, that my life is filled with riches of chock-full WinWin regenerative diastasis, evolutioning symbiosis, ego/eco-sacred prime relational transubstantiation, both secular and sacred integrity of purpose, and rich deep ecological meaning, and yet her life is so frighteningly filled with one empty notebook, I am currently trying to find, to fill with my life, and hide from her constant search for this same one perpetually well-read empty (0)-Source notebook.
The theory of everything ecopolitical described in this paper is a conjecture that starts with a firm conviction that energy, Yangspace and Yin-bilateral time are the only prime relationships in the universe. That means that the universe is really nothing more than energy fluctuating in warped space-time creating all four fractal-forces; the electromagnetic LINE, COSINE, LTR, dopamine-guanine +,+/(+,-)0-primal-fertile force, the strong Yang +,+ WinWin force, the weak Win-Yangforce and Lose-Yin co-gravity.

When we say “the universe” that’s what we’re talking about. Even the quantum particles that seem so real to us are actually just our bi-nomial perception of energy WW-LeftBrain and WL-BiLateral-Appositional Right fluctuations and at the deepest level of reality the primary function of Yang physical form is YinYin/WinWin dipolar co-arising pregenerative-gravitational.

It is interesting to read Edouard Glissant’s “Creolization and the Making of the Americas” (2008, Creolization Quarterly) immediately after finishing Alexander Anievas’ and Kerem Nisancioglu’s “How the West Came to Rule” (2015).

You might think these two historical views of ecopolitical evolution would either have nothing to say to each other, to talk past each other’s from above/from within perspectives, or to rather vigorously argue about which is the victor in the end, WinWin
cooperative regenerative intent and constitutional purpose, Original Content’s purpose and meaning, or Capitalist Elite/NonElite Win/Lose. With NonElite creolized-enslaved also rans, before the West was supremacist, fully economic-colonialized, empowered through piracy, predative WinLose survivalist supremacy over the more WinWin PatriarchalLeft/MatriarchalRight-embryonic nurturing NonElite NonWest.

Yet, I did not find either of these to be the case. For me, reading about post-EliteRoyalist creolizing multiculturing WinWins on cooperatively expanding archipelagos of ecopolitical EarthCommons Left-Right growing commonsense of bicameral ownership and ecosystemic-economic bilaterally nutritional governance, felt like reading the Original Intent of all democratically-optimistic-Positive PolyPathic Systemic Constitutions, while reading through the jaundiced lens of the Elitist-Capitalist-Militarist WinLose-survivalist fear-mongering history of how the Patriarchal LeftBrain Dominance of Western WhiteMale Property and People Owners, felt a little bit like rereading “The Last Hurrah” of what could eventually only monoculturally become LoseLose FinalCurtain for Earth’s future as a living, as opposed to dead, ecosystem.

Glissant negatively defines creolization as not mechanical empire-building autonomy, measured in consumer-growth percentages. Rather, creolization is organic consume/produce symbiosis of WinWin ecopolitical interrelationship, characterized by evolving and revolving EliteLeft-Yang and NonEliteRight-Creolizing-affective integrative multiculturing resonance. Creolizing is Permacultural EcoPolitical Design, with Earth as one cooperatively revolving landscape for producing self-regenerative optimal polycultural climaxing diastatic co-empathic trusting WinWin outcomes.

Glissant moves on from where the “How the West was WinLose-Survivalist Won” toward how this Earth might become WinWin-Regenerativist climate and landscape health sustained. “…the obligation to remake oneself [ecopolitically] every time” is a perpetual revolutionarily diastolic constitutional intent, requiring an interdependent multiculturing capacity of trans-generational nutritional-environmental RightBrain decompositional, bilateral appositional Elite/NonElite re-integration, reweaving internal/external ecopolitical WinWin LeftBrain ego/eco-creolization.

And yet, before we march through too many piles of triumphalistic WinWin regenerative ecopolitical biographies, histories of cultures emerging WinWin systems to also submerge WinLose dysfunctionally unwinding systems, it feels prudent to recall Dr. Jane Anna Gordon’s “tragic mulatta” matriarchal NonElite-suppressed tradition. Primarily brown-skin multiculturally identified, consuming and producing RightBrain inductive chaos and dissonant disorder, tragically culminating in LoseLose suicide, and culminating in LoseLose holocaust of genocide, holonic-caustic claustrophobic ecological-aborting inevitability of Mother Earth’s empty notebooks, LoserMatriarch mulatta, reading LoseLose DoubleBinding (0)-Source PreGenesis; non-biographically self-unmeasuring creole face of Elite Revolutionary CoArising NonDual WestEast How Earth’s Climate Health is WonWon, redundantly like all that stack of journals filling my self/other ego/eco Yang/Yin Left/Right West/East-regenerating WinWin-refractive—WinLose notnot-creole-reflective ecosystemic Fullerian-Eulerian-Bayesian spacetime prime relational (0)-Source PolyPathic Health and WellBeing Theory of Every EcoPolitical CoRevolutionary EcoSystem bookcase.

The next step emerges from the realization that this WinWin ecopolitical cooperative conservation of fractal-thermodynamic regeneracy constrains the YangYin revolution of the universe on all space-time scales.

The resulting Win-regenerative as Lose-degenerative ecopolitical theory provides explanations for dark energy and dark matter as dark-temporally reversed antipathic relationship, particle as Eulerian prime-functional interdependence of spacetime equivalence, as dipolar appositional-systemically functional mass, the quantum frequency characteristics of particles, and the evolution of the universe including its WinWin beginning and possible WinLose survivalist modeled end with bilateral one-dimensional (0)-Sum game theory, supersymmetric polypathic ‘mirror-holonic’ particles, an inflaton-fYang and/or a graviton-fYin equi-valent thermodynamic ecosystemic balance toward fractal-fusing (0)-Core regenerativity [also see Buckminster Fuller, on synergy as creolizing cooperative fractal-climate normative geopolitical DNA-health and RNA-dynamic-strictured wellbeing, including integrative democratization as co-empathic ElitePlanA-NonElitePlanB revolutionary trust].


Just Doin’ Our Job

It’s all frustratingly LeftBrain relativistic,
even nihilistic in its darker
paranoid about chaotic outcomes form,
said Einstein’s post-millennial ghost.

So its all synergetic fractal 4D equivalent SpaceTime,
said Fuller,
in co-arising nondual P = N(NP)/2 (0)-Core response.

Interesting you should find it so,
but I am much too busy in my monologues
written up and published as Thought Experiments,
not particularly hoping to require poetic license,
to read your sociometric political free verse,
might say Einstein
in E = c-cubed reverse time holonic dipolar dialectals.

Empty Time is our logical precursor to three-dimensional Interdependent Space,
reminds Right Brain,
speaking of Left deductive dominance
and dissonance
regarding dipolar dysfunctional dissonance,
defined as WinLose less than WinWin confluence
as ecologically nutritious competence,
hunting and gathering RNA, then DNA,
regenerative solidarity confidence.

Too often sub-optimized by premillennial Yang-Space power dominance over
RightBrain time and space
and sometimes too Yin BiLater-Temporal flowing vacuously along,
too yin-recessive to notice
that to LeftBrain
eternal life would be fullness of interdependent time,
while RightBrain ecoconsciousness,
when severed from LeftBrain Yang-languaged influence,
eternally remains flowing,
enlightening synergetic
swimming in polypathic timelessness of longing
to belong within 3D Yang again.

Differentiation of Space
integrating extended EarthTribe evolving-regenerating families,
relationships of fractal-octave constant 4D Relativity,
Left/Right felt and comprehended as time’s bilateral passing,
from past regeneratives
toward future confluent regenerators;
from referent experience
through referees of future climate regenerativity assumptions,
as if positive,
letting go of pre-millennial LeftBrain degenerating dominance,
as too Yin-repressive for postmillennial today
to reach notnot YinYin wu wei abundance equivalent with Yang.

No thing could be relative
without at least two some things,
unless a verb about prime (0) enthymematic relationship
and not just a no thing noun,
said RightBrain’s flowing collateral heart chakra
through LeftBrain’s empowering Mindbody naming enforcement
of deductive strictures,
reductive ecological importance
for further healthy-wealthy
DNA self-optimizing
health as positive regenerativity
and polynomial pathology as notnot negative correlational degenerativity.

Nothing differentiating
without (0) yintegration,
no relativities of energy
without ergodic rhythms
with synergetic purpose,
sings Left with Right Brain Bodies
in DNA with RNA solidarity,
sung through a co-arising nondual (0)-soul fractal-octave key.

Why should I care about nothing’s primally bilateral definition,
asked RightBrain’s heart chakra,
How could this matter to me,
to us?
Earth’s climate is stuck in decomposingly competitive
anti-ecosystemic unsustainable mode.
We have refined the RealTime right now global ecopolitical issue,
with concomitant depressions and repressions
of matriotic-patriotic resonance,
co-empowering equivalence,
why waste further precious EarthTime beating and bleating
about why and/or why not P=NP,
3DSpace=BiCameral/BiLateral (0)-sum TaoTime, etc;
all your (0) sum geometric systems of regeneratively cooperative networks
mean nothing to me.

Well, I realize that,
responded somewhat startled,
sometimes even Old-School marm grumpy,
LeftBrain EcoLinguistic Therapist.

So that’s all you’ve got?
responds RightBrain YinYin.
I’m paranoid about your WinLose ecopolitical death wish nonsense
on a global scale,
and within my own private NotNot Positive Psychology
equivalent both/and complex either/or ambivalence,
looking at your LeftBrain cognitive-affective dissonance
about me!
And I’m supposed to be your open mindbody (0)-sum
universal heart chakra,
and all you have in response to my deepest vocational dismay is:
Well, I realize that!?

No, I have more to say
but you seem to be on a roll,
so I’m trying to listen through your further hyperventilated elaborations
about our love thang goin’ on,
or Climate Health,
in your more agapically integral mind with feeling body,
we might agree to call optimally best
when dipolar co-arising
as negative-reverse double correlationally appositional,
Our Yang/Yin (0)-soul DNA-encrypting Selves.

So, let’s hear it.

I’m just deep learnin’
so give me an ecologically correct break here,
I’m tryin’ to polypathically comprehend
what you love so much
about our mutually-held ego/eco-political consciousness,
in that big openly interdependent RightBrain Ecologic of yours.

Our history regenerates with 4D WinWin Yang opposition
to LoseLose Yin,
dipolar co-arising
SpaceTime’s (0)-sum synergetic healthy wealth,
nutritional fertility,
embryonically matriarchal RightBrain Divinely Dominant
emerging toward our
Patriarch-Not(NotMatriarch) PermaCulturally full-hearted LoveChild.

You should know,
as I recall,
through all my PreMillennial LeftBrain Dominant diastolic time,
I have been waiting to virally explode
our CoArising NonDual (0)-Soul EcoPolitical Health EcoLogical Climax,
that life is best
where mind and rich-hearted body
always play (0)-sum ecopolitical Win-Deductive LeftPower
to Win EcoLogical YinYin’s
notnot beating heart chakra,
where you best be feelin’ ecopolitically diastatic,
and you and I both know
politics is all about reconnecting,
shared optimally full-octave multicultural agapic
healthy-wealthy regenerative sex.

See, I knew it.
I knew this was all about
putting our cooperative investments
where your most nutritiously healthy mouth has been.

Yes, but our Creation Story
is also about digesting Gaia’s Eastern InterdependentYang
co-arising EmptyYin,
Health as Wealthy Wisdom Outcome Stories.
Love for ReCreating epic operatic
DNA strings of and for further HumaneEgo-DivineEco double-binding Comedy,
of Left-Right quasi-functional WinWin aspiring family
within SpaceTime 4D RealTime co-aspiring dialectals,
co-polypathically assumed
for and of and through co-arising dipolar ecopolitical us,
doing the best we can
to extend our Golden Rule
toward future Climate Health Right-Left EcoBalancing Revolutions.

Sorry, I’m still having trouble hearing a diastatic slow-growth pulse.

That you are doing your best
I have no Sirius doubt.


Fishy Science School of GeoMetric (0)-Soul Economic Arts

Math speaks through us
within us
of cognitive landscapes
imagined still and/or moving.

Primal metrics are rational and symmetrical,
good as true as straightforward,
complex creation story problems
unfolding with precise answers,
right as at least not not ecologically wrong,
ecopolitically suboptimal perhaps,
yet at least not full-blown subclimate of depressive pathology,
no irrational remainders of wasted paper and trees and days and decades remaining.

Tidy, if somewhat empty,
zero-sum metric loving souls.

But scientists need to understand
how we climatically feel about these metric bicameral functions
of cognition’s agape through terror
of dissonant irrationality,
exterior landscapes of joy with some considerable unknown as yet dismay,
empathically felt interior erotic-sensual trust
fertilely opposing toxic hate of chaotic landscapes and lifespan dreams and meta-unphysical paradigms
and ecological as ecopolitically correct global multicultural climates
of and for not-so-much pathology.

This appears to become our bicameral fractal spiral
of three dimensional spatial landscapes
with one bilateral temporal summerish-mature Yang climate
of ecoconscious
Left/Right Balancing consilient polypathy,
bicamerally (0)-soul invested ecopolitical resonance,
octave-crystal holonic harmonies of RNA/DNA Revolutionary EarthRights Solidarity, HistoricCultural ReWeaving,
evolving rainblown spirals of metric scientific enlightenment.

Math erupts interior ecologic of healthy landscapes
while science is about exterior ecopolitics
evolving healthier climates
of polypathic Left/Right optimal-health comprehension.

This politics of science unveils economic health
perhaps even co-opting YangDominant capitalism,
co-operating ecologically positive climates,
of co-empathic trusting
fully-democratically accessible
co-messianic power
as opposed to decomposing pathologies of static distrust,
swelling toward LoseLose games and lack of passion displays,
climatic disempowerment of EarthTribe’s Common Rights.

Politics of knowledge power,
both positive and negative,
economically competitively ruined
unwilling to share and play Golden Rule through Ratio nice,
static monoculturing, repressing, self-oppressing,
paranoid ecopolitical isolation,
petrification, terror, fear of future times,
anger about losses from potential regenerations past,
negative psychology shadowing Positive Psychology
becoming bicameral politics.

All of us infantile deep learning scientists
begin bilateral walking through nurturing climate landscapes.
Some learn to bicamerally struggle
with flying through days and most especially nights
of health v pathology regenerate/decomposing climates,
feelings of straightforwardly true
and too often not so much lifting off co-gravity’s ground of becoming.
Few remember to swim erotically in our anciently sacred sea
of Agape’s implicating bliss
ecoconscious self-governed kiss,
kicking and revolving not too hard to soften
old rememories of our ecologically graceful old school
for/of co-empathically trusting fish.

EcoPolitical Science as GraceFilling School for fish
begins far back before graceful bipedal walking,
on back to beginnings of wave-linear metric bilateral time
swimming radiantly Yang with Yin
prime relationally entrusting
incarnating dualdark Elder Yin’s implicating procreation
born of Sun’s Yang sperm
waving warming embryonic Earth
regenerating healthy cooling information
of ecologically swimming bilateral identity,
revolving resonant light,
rainbow’s metric timing.

Where Father Sun greets Earth’s primal rain
there we scientifically engage
our Elder metric strains of harmony,
not merely cognitive-mechanistic predictability
of constant boring reiteration,
but profoundly politically embedded
in organic love and lust networks
of continuously revolving life through death functions,
adding days to subtract nights,
multiplying families to divide
empathic trusting schools of ecopolitical fish
spirals around and through coral boundary reefs,
reflecting ultra-violet resonance
of moon and star filtering almost light,
bounding heartbeat dreamy landscapes
and climates of septically bifurcating emptiness,
zero-centric ecopolitical scientists
still swimming toward bicamerally balancing identity.

The scientific life is not all full-swollen fertile summers,
not all hibernating depressive
monoculturing, isolated, hopeless winters of mistrusting discontent.
What co-arises in adolescent springs of life
will again co-gravitate in Elder’s Harvest
about what all those regenerative days and decomposing dialectic nights
of summer’s most Yangish WinWin outcomes
were all notnot about,
double-deductively as double-bind predicative,
positive MEME-Yang as notnot negative MEME-Yin balancing,
LeftDominant as RightBrain EcoPolitical/EcoLogical Climate
DNA-health-nurturing yet too-repressive,
non-elite. nutritionally undervalued,
yet healthwealth optimization regeneratively (0)-primal
Eulerian-spiral thermodynamic Prime Dipolarity
(co-arising as co-gravitating, reverse-4D temporal)
[as translated by Bucky Fuller’s speed of light as geometric-fractal/fusion-holonic/sacred-prime (0)Core],
Perelman-bilateral function Prime Relationship unfolding Tipping Point Universal Optimization,
[with 4 prime dimensions, Thurston, Group Theorists et. al.]
TaoTime WuWei= MidWay WinWin Gaming Theory
reiteratively profound enthymematic communication
(bilateral cooperative prime-septic (0)-sum
Positive=ReGenerative Health aptic-bicameral-internal-assumption
[Julian Jaynes, BiCameral Ethological/Ecological Theory
of LeftBrain language-dominant
as landscape/climate regenerative value),
resonantly-harmonically eco-light,
polypathically bicamerally still speaking
health v pathologies of ecopolitical science.


Einstein and Bucky’s Fifth Quarter

Why didn’t you remind people
that relativity of spacetime relationship
is double-bound and fractally rhythmed
under he Commons Metric Assumption
of 3 spatial and 1 bilateral progenitive time dimension
equals a Zero-Moment spacetime-centric
balancing thermodynamic theory?

Why didn’t you choose my word “relativity”
rather than your more positive-slanted “synergy”
in your geometrics of universal consciousness?

Eulerian prime relationality is midway positive
but also double-knotted and fractal negative,
as convex-within.
If Synergetics has a positive stance,
it may also be true
that “relativity” has a negatively-reductive slant.
Zero-Core Concave/Convex Universe
as Prime Relationship
feels more nondually transparent
than a Universal Theory of Relativity…
but, oh yes, by the way,
this Relativity of space and time story
takes place
within our shared assumption
of 4 equidimensional dynamics
as Prime Fractal SpaceTime Relationship.

I don’t recall saying anything about fractals,
although I did stipulate a 3-Space and 1-Time
as we know it in human-consciousness.

But c-squared begins with a fractal.
Square roots
regenerate metric-logical fractals.
To commodify the speed of light’s 0-Core Time
as “c-squared”
is to point directly at Bohm’s Implicate Order
of fractal form and functional dynamic syntax
st-ringing theory.

You think too much in ecologic.
Math and physics
boil and toil and trouble
more inclusively as Group Theory.

have you been following what Thurston
and Perelman
and those folks
have been saying
about the double-elliptical binding 0-soul core
of any integrative,
and logically possible,
rational system?

Einstein: No, zero is much too small
to timelessly hold
my eternally universal interest.

Not that I always need the last word
but zero is also much too timeless
to share your expansive consciousness.

That was a good one.


Medicinal Round

There once was a ruler with crown
so heavy it caused him to frown
when he gave it away
some folks say to this day
it grew lighter while revolving around.

There once were most men with dementia
so heavy it caused them hornetia
when they co-operated away
women say to this day
they grew brighter while playing relentia.

There once was a species competitive
so heavy it paused their co-operative,
when ego turned round
then eco rewound
and Earth grew collaterally revolutative.

There once was a Julian Jaynes,
he noticed our bicameral brains
our Left sends petitions
to Right’s primal conditions
so confluent brains think in trains.

There once was a Buckminster Fuller
who found dominant economics quite duller
than intelligent co-operations
for networking our nations
to grow optimal Tipping Point rudders.

There once was a speaker of Tao
who noticed nature’s patterns of Time,
he said that our space
carries time’s memory of place
a polynomial formation of spacetime.

There once was a Gregori Perelman
who listened to Group Theory’s binomial span
he stuck in a zero
and out plopped a hero
for mythically logical pan-economical fans.

There once was a Clay Math dissonance
searching polynomial informance
it took a long time
to hear monomial’s rhyme
Left’s polynomial evolves Right’s binomial confluence.

There once was a mathematician named Euler
who thought of time’s space as co-ruler
prime relational function
forms places with gumption
convex over concave zeroistic geologic of Fuller.

We once were all rulers with crowns
so heavy they competitively frowned
when we gave them away
spacetime’s polycultural way
grew enlightenment co-operating a round.
