
Speaking From Felt Experience

Enjoying Earth’s promised land
of compassionate
multicultural communion,
we share a preference for deep
rich soil
and fertile green-blue
resonating surf

As our bodies adjust
to rocky and prickly
either me
or not me space

And our minds flow
back and forth
through gooey both “me”
and organic neurosensory “we”
peace searching times
of glad/bad memory,
healthy peak and unwealthy valley
remembering felt body trauma
and mindfully resilient therapies

Inhaling Earth’s past sacred unions
Exhaling into conjoined future
compassionate communion.

These reflections came to mind
this morning
as I recalled a recent clergy question:

“What did you FEEL
when you first read
this proposal for a change
in our corporate
Universal Salvific
and Unitarian CoRedemptive
liberated feminist tradition.”

I remember listening for neuro-sensexually
enlightened language
for distinguishing core
empowered/disempowered Feelings
primally limited to:

Glad-anticipating win/win peak mind/body experiences
Bad-anxious about lose/lose dualdark valley experiences
Sad-depressed about my own win/lose long-term chances
Mad-about suppressed short-term survival
odds against overpowering PatriarchalGod’s
timeless dispassion.

My gladness trying to thrive
despite an unholy trinity
responding to trauma history
of multigenerational peak/valley surfing

in glad health opportunities
reforming bad unease
sad disease
mad missing ease
invoking dissociative
neuro-sensexual despair
informing future opportunities
for compassionate repair.

Out of twenty
LeftBrain verbal dominant responses
to this spirited natural feelings question,
only two mentioned feelings
predicting positive
and negative
and ambivalent thoughts.

One said both glad about opportunity
for deep communal dialogue
and sad about lowly lay victims
speaking against too powerful and unenlightened
religious professional orchestrations

Us v them rhetoric
creating a polarizing culture
of win/lose
destabilizing trauma

Lack of EarthPeace
and Restorative Justice
in the deep rich soil
and fertile green-blue surf
of nature-spirited communion
opportunities for peak dialogical experiences
of LeftMind/RightBody
FatherSun/MotherEarth co-passionate

Another wise woman elder responded
with “confused”
which encompasses,
without resonantly resolving,
all of Glad and Bad
Sad and Mad
chaotic flowing mind
feeling toxically disembodied
from sacred healing peace
restoring EarthTribe Justice
co-passionate mission statements
EarthTribe healing vocations.

What no one said
was “compassion”
for the romantic-comedy of peak experienced Glad
and the traumatic-tragedy of dark valley experienced
short-term Mad
and long-term chronic Sad
Lose/Lose absence
of healthy
messianic minds

Surfing through empowered
co-redemptive neurosensory
bodhisattva bodies
of spiritual/natural
co-passionate communicators

Win/win naturally resilient
co-mediating spiritual practicers
rooted in peak experiences
of comprehensive synergetic feelings
more resiliently Glad
than dispassionately Bad

Speaking our restorative justice
free and co-responsive win/win
searching truths
to patriarchal/capitalist
win/lose systemic trauma.


Feeling Up For Equality

I appreciate the popular democratic intention:

Equality for All.

I might appreicate a more specific,

but perhaps no less populated,


Equality for all victims


outlying thrivers

of Straight White Patriarchal privileged

mentally unhealthy Trauma.

I wonder if a more wholesome masculinity

is a renewed ecofeminist

panentheistic health care face

of past Patriarchal-Capitalist

ZeroSum Closed System

unfortunate RightWing embrace

in the face

of global glooming ecocide.


Sundays Free Of Should

Remember the Sabbath
to keep it holy
free of Shoulds.

A should-free cathedral
of intimate athleticism

Exhausts this sabbath light
at long last
widely dawning deeply stronger
and resiliently handsome
dark as night

In virtuously enlightening response
to Saturnight’s weekly exorcism

Yet another weekday week
weak slow-groan degenerjism

Darkly precipitating
sweaty penetrating night seductive mares

All my life
I’ve been waiting for you
my Sunday not not should
embrace every daytime athlete
with unconditional
warm felt regard

Up on two feet
with spiritually natural intent
of sabbath hot passions
but not exclusively hoarding,
frontal poles
and backside holes

Balancing sabbaths neurosensory integrity
extending virally out and virtuously circling in
stretching strength
of bilateral heart pumps
and lung inflations
and limb elations
stretching Sunday loves
and bipartisan 1 plunging into 0
every polynomial weekday
binomial cooperative
convexly concaved
not-not straight but spiraling round
wholesome inside/outside balance

In co-empathic sabbath passions
free of shaming Others
preaching teaching virginal should not
remember SaturNightMare’s
BlackHole peak experience
anticipating this new athletic Sunday Service

ReLigioning Sabbath
to keep it holy
free of Othering Shoulds.


Grand Mothers Day Dream

My husband and I always enjoy visiting
GrandMother Eartha
on Mother’s Day

She often shares
last night’s dreams,
which often follow rather disturbing peak experience themes

you know,
or maybe not because,
how would I know?

Dreams about Her Straight White AlphaMale trauma

Or maybe inspired by emotional
and sensory neglect
from both SunGod Light
and EarthGoddess Powers
exercised back when GrandMother Eartha
was a fairly happy hooker,
addicted to patriarchal voices
of enlightenment.

She likes to teach us how to share
Her deepest co-invested dreams

In densely present nervous moments
felt native and indigenous
vulnerable and transparent,
healthy and safely sacred

Without grasping
for Business As Usual top-down,
1 PolyNomial YangPole
always feels better
more immediately…

More importantly than
not-not 0-Soul Yintegral Black Hole,
as clearly as +1P, YangPolarity
is healthier and safer than -(-P), Yintegrity

LeftBrain invariant languaged
1 polar light
is better and stronger
than 0 round
empowering whole night
of lunar stars
and wisdom bright

Bilateral appositions
dreaming of less traumatic experiences
while therapeutically servicing
Great White AnthroFather hubris
in whatever worshipful ways
might have felt more sacredly successful,
perhaps even more cooperatively satiating,
possibly even more verbally co-invested
and especially nonverbally co-infested…

Nonviolently communicating,
with eyes and ears wide open,
enjoying sacred smells
and tastes,
touched by voice
and mutual choice
felt secularly lusty
and sacredly trusted

1/0 ego/eco-balancing
convex/concave co-habitating peak
and herstoric
and therapeutic
bicameral double-binary experience
ecobalancing GrandMother’s
bodhisattva EarthTribe

Her way of dreaming
inhumane rapacious past’s intrusion
on Her sacred Dream experience
re-connecting ecofeminist equity

Found by choosing felt sacred presence
through Win/Win ego/eco-therapeutic dreams
filled out in timeless co-presence

Anticipating Great 0/1 ReGenerative Transitions
toward polyculturally positive
Green Health/Wealth TraumaPrevention
bihemispheric neurosensory opportunities.

When GrandMother awoke
just now,
within this Mother’s Day Dream
she remembered previously sharing

When we awaken
we can choose
healthy-left Green Polypaths
AND wealthy-right Red
Straight White AnthroMale privileged
monoculturing monopolies
of both FatherSun Light
and MotherEarth Power

Re-exploring curious mindbodies
expand emergent win/win
evolving dreams
and lives
and loves,
bipartisan co-passions
felt healthy at their peak
and wealthy in our valleys,
so to speak
of core dream values
appropriate to Mother’s Day,
of course

GrandMother Eartha instructs,
and rhymes
and rhythms
more Right MindBody

Your positive intentions
will re-emerge
when you take one timeless moment
to sit
and receive minute messages

dark inside
and lighter outside sounds
filling verbal air
and nonverbal atmospheres
and within multi-sensing integral awareness
of interdependent you

Ego synergetic sensations
rooted in phylogenic deep memories
in bilateral arms
and legs
and eyes
and ears
and nostrils
and lungs
and bicameral hearts
and mind-spirit hemispheres
dreaming ecofeminist left win/wins
and nightmares of AnthroPatriarchal
monotheistic right Revengeful Wins
overtrump Sacrificial EcoFeminist Losses

Multisensory memories
of traumatic duty
to service the AlphaMale’s
darkest pleasures
without equally considering
my own polysensory
peak therapeutic experiences

In age
and time
and place appropriate
Mother’s Day Timeless moment,

Much of what we complexly receive
with all six sensory receivers
now feel much more complexly peaking
in long dense sensing
intense awareness

Of relationships felt here before
and resurging now

Becoming more densely organic
re-organizing win/win thriving

Positive win/win enlightenment
and not-not merely felt faith empowering
ecofeminist bodhisattva

Eartha’s Day dreaming
peak multisensory experiences
co-arising dipolar
found and round
rewound unraveling
enlightening SunGod
empowering EarthGoddess
polyculturally embracing
strong polar 1 and flowing round 0

In/Out Binary for ecological health
and Whole Open EarthTribe
resilient safety again

Still moving forward
through this now surpassing Mother’s Day

Dreams can out-embrace
this inside felt
silent peace pace
in resonant space

Between polynomial Language
speaking of polynormative

Denying win/lose
as anomalous trauma
contextualizing future win/win
economic and political
and multisensory persuasions

Healing GrandMother’s
LeftBrain invariant
concavely traumatized ego
yet also
outside convexly too eco-competitive

For Mother’s Day
mindful intention,
HealthyLeft and WealthWise Right
bicameral balancing hemispheres
Here/Now copresent

Liberally conserving EarthTribe presence
in universal dreams of peace
restoring justice
while Self/Other win/wins reorganize
polyvagal polypathic delight

In both win and lose rediscovery
of paradoxical
SunGod trauma invites EarthMother therapy
daoist Light and Power dreams
of Yang/Yintegral Balance

Mother’s Day moment
avoiding lose/lose despair,
dark depression,

Straight White AlphaMale Historical
Religious and Royalist Colonizing Supremacy
bad smell,
tightening of the posterior,
custody of the eyes
and all those other shameful
and blameful
judged insufficient organs
to resist
and bend to receive,
as is my prostate duty.

In better
and healthier,
wealthier and wiser
EarthTribe dreams

restoring justice
and Mother Eartha’s forgiveness
for raping
what She would have gladly
sacred peak experience given
multi-sensorily received

If you could have been more polite
and grateful
for health care nonverbally given
as wealth more penetratingly perceived
with unconditional warm regard

Especially as compared
to good old red-blooded
rapacious colonizing days.


Feeling Green

I see with new eyes now
why you needed me
to be red
and not so green,
possibly obscene

And why now
my greenness has escaped
into your undeniable public domain

My lack of straight-up red
bloodiness must be my demonic
degenerate choice.

And yet
you become harder now
still denying green co-investments,
could be healthy thrival
and good revival

So trust in truth
became more imperative
to be dogmaticvally sure
I made a wrong
and nasty choice
to be not red
or preferably dead

And if not manly sure
then what else did all these pastors
maybe not get monoculturally
monotheistically right
by never listening
mindfully also win/win left?

What Othering abortions
might you need to question
if red could be wrong?

When mean to green
not just mistrust separate
but red superior

Like humans
are to mammals
and lesser nonpartisan
sentient beings,
like sunflowers
and lilies

in resonant
cool grace-forests

Preoccupied by predations
with allies,
crime prevention
monocultures of punishment
from Divine Empowering Light
outweighing trauma prevention
sacred green win/win
emotional/contextual intelligence

Not quite so paternalistically precious,
mindful of humane grace
through peak cooperative experiences
repurposing EarthTribe’s sacred
seeding space.

So I seed now
why you needed me
to be red
and not so green,
possibly obscene,
because this worldview
could not have been challenged
within your straight white male
chauvinistic non-choice.


EcoFeminist Wisdom Theory

I’ve been warmly remembering
your peak solidarity experience
shared joyfully

When you suggested
in a state-wide wisdom circle
that your cooperative advocacy circle
might feel more robust
and become more strategically
and resonantly effective

If and when
local communities more intentionally share
their current municipal Trauma Prevention challenges

And, in this ecocidal anthrosupremacist sharing,
invite restorative eco-justice co-investors
into a temporary circle of special project alliance

So that local win/lose trauma issues
rise briefly,
and with local/state-WinWin co-empowerment intention,
to collective verbalized consciousness

Just as state and nation-wide governance issues
are now normatively communicated
down and out to diverse branches
to help describe
(not so much LeftBrain SWM dominantly prescribe)
what our state-wide alliance leaders
and policy experts
and natural/spiritual public well-being
ecopolitical resilience planning gurus
have prioritized
for cooperatively co-invested health
and sacred safety of MotherEarth.

Our most inclusive strategic priorities
for this next four green regenerative
restoring cooperative EarthPeace seasons
of organic kindness growth
through healthy robust democracy
co-invested networks.

I have been noticing
how these up and down
in and out
bilateral balancing hierarchies

Also co-passionately communicate
both at peak
and in local valley
toward win/win accomplished
nonviolent communicating
resilient verbally-abled leaders
nonverbally experiencing co-invested

And also,
as you took an acceptable risk
and verbally LeftBrain suggested,
Also feedback from down
and out
toward other Win/Lose entrenched systems
of retributive eco-injustice
engaged, and frequently enraged,
co-passionately communionating
ecofeminist win/win strategic network hunters
and gatherers
togathering this state-wide sacred circle
for monoculturally predative Trauma Prevention
through healthier and safer
eco-resilience planning legislation

Which may feel like the warm co-invested
organic wisdom
of any nurturing
Elder cooperative MotherTree

Virtuously circling up from Her sacred grassroots
information to Her Yang-solidarity Trunk
Root NonZero
Whole-Organic Chakra Zone;

Also in reverse,
re-circulating radiant FatherSun in-formation
solar-bright deep Trunk seasonally enlightening
omniscient yintegral deep
locally embodied root-systemic meaning
both down and up
in and out
through to Her sacred
same Yang/Yin Trunk

Flowing Yintegral feelings
co-empathically down
toward that bicameral balancing network
root system 0-root chakra

Virtuously win/win recircling
bilateral ego-branch/eco-root network systems
leaf and seed recycling
bi-hemispheric co-operating

Enlightening from-above sacred gifts
for empowering MotherEarth’s
rich fertile democratic soil
co-passionately co-invested
within cooperative Earth-network governance

Of Wisdoms’ virtuous win-up/win-down
healthy democratic
nonviolent circles
for ecopolitical co-governance,
branch and root
co-invested alliances
and project self-organizing sub-allied
and resonantly strategic co-investments

Trauma Preventive
strong and flowing
nonviolent-communion circles
yang-led and warm yintegral
liberal-peak branching
from conserving-valley
loving kindness roots
resonating Tao-governance circles

Warmly remembering
this peak solidarity experience
shared joyfully
after our last
state-wide alliance circle.


Trauma Prevention

My most important priority
for personal inside health care
is polycultural outside

Environmentally cooperative
divine health caring enlightenment
empowering humane safe
sufficient wealth care.


Love’s Sufficient Time

I can accept that love
I have time to learn
and earn

can I embrace compassion
I feel sure appreciates me
far more wisely
than I have earned?

Positive passions more pleasant
than I could ever find sufficient time
to brilliantly learn

My adoration spot
on this comedy central
AnalRetentive Stage
more Left Winged
than Right Singed
defensively sedating.

I am haunted
by an oppressively disabling gap
between what I have sufficient healthy time
to accomplish
to communicate
to experientially articulate
as anemically contrasted
to all I can imagine health
and safe wealth doing
togathering in this day,
this week,
this month,
this year,
this final decade
of my personal AnthroGay Pride
and WhitePrivilege
to prefer Black Lives MultiEnculturing Matter
and wild Paradise
PolyCulturing Pleasure

Win/Win bi-everything trans-thriving
positively contagious
as the clap

On a loved ones back
is my gay worldview sound
of one left hand liberally clapping
out FreeDom
ReStorative Justice

Between my NonViolently WinWin Communicating
brothers and sisters

LeftBrain verbally dominant
claiming Peace
I nonverbally feel
RightBrain left outside
closeted gay emotional neglect

In my polyculturally wise universe
feeling all EarthMother’s love,
Polyester is always Lose/Lose trauma
bad news drama
PolyPathic Win/Win
evokes sacred warm
wet 1 within 0 zen rivers
of deeply penetrating gospel

Good regenerative humor
despite toxic rumors
that my indigenous EarthTribe
intentional family
and trauma-infested community
are suffering from an overheated climate
of monoculturing dementia

Increasingly difficult to recall
the love we have had time to learn
is earned one timeless
warm remembering moment
always liberally Here
as time conserving Now,
unconditionally warm
well-moisturized regard

For healthy hygiene
is next to wealthy

A gay gratitude gift
more than sufficiently
out proud
well endowed.


Learning From Loss

The hardest losses
are those too late to repair
what has been win/win time lost
to despair

Just as love
cannot co-arise
where fear grows
fully uprisen
a prison
predicting anger’s nearby
impetuously apprised

So too,
Freedom cannot thrive
where addiction has hard helped
us feel we are not softly worthy
to survive

“Loser” labelled struggles
with addiction
cannot feel free of affliction
nor can giving in
to addiction’s short-term affections,
powers to feel escape
from personal
and communal,
and political,
and monotheistic

Social judgment,
and shame,
developing hard
stiffly cold silent screaming

Depressing loneliness
self-ostracization issues
win/lose closeted
fear-based shame defenses
against Old School GoldenRule
loss of co-invested love


Therapeutic Synergy

Could chronic stress,
like sleep deprivation,
noise and light and air pollution
also derive
by avoiding barely still alive
high-risk trauma messes?

Sometimes sadly beginning
prior to economic and political puberty

Including multi-generational suppression
misogynistic sex tensions
and monotheistic depression
and homophobic repression,
hateful Othering paranoid impressions,
chronic monocultural climate despair,
uncivil disinvested oppressions

by a popular FirstWorld
secularizing, dividing, dissociating
evolutionary theory
of mutual assured predation
degenerating ecosystemic deflation,
ecocidal extinction
of once sacred synergetic EarthLove

Or at least
co-empowering messianic missions
for restoring EarthJustice
mental ego-health is physical eco-wealth

So, go on
all RightWing
service yourself!

I doubt you will find
your God’s RightHand solipsism
resiliently satisfying
much less sacredly edifying.

Uncovering ecofeminists
and recovering peace mediators
are done being your queer punishing bag!
Your indigenous justice
community resonance hag!

Did I hear that out loud?

Oh, any polypathic way,
Does chronic lifetime-anxiety disorder,
win/lose competitive stress,
contribute to multi-generational high-risk trauma histories?

Sometimes beginning long before adult maturing transition
from Either/Or fundamentalist childlike conditions
not Both/And exploring inside/outside
neuro-sensory double-boundaries
in-between healthy, mature win/win resonance
and lose/lose despairing dissonance,
positively and negatively
therapeutically and traumatically

In older adults
sometimes producing increased market risks
and opportunities of dementia,
with unfortunate paranoid demise

Rather than fortunate co-invested
mindbody post-traumatic surprise
of warm unconditional outcomes
in win/win Paradise.
