
Speaking From Felt Experience

Enjoying Earth’s promised land
of compassionate
multicultural communion,
we share a preference for deep
rich soil
and fertile green-blue
resonating surf

As our bodies adjust
to rocky and prickly
either me
or not me space

And our minds flow
back and forth
through gooey both “me”
and organic neurosensory “we”
peace searching times
of glad/bad memory,
healthy peak and unwealthy valley
remembering felt body trauma
and mindfully resilient therapies

Inhaling Earth’s past sacred unions
Exhaling into conjoined future
compassionate communion.

These reflections came to mind
this morning
as I recalled a recent clergy question:

“What did you FEEL
when you first read
this proposal for a change
in our corporate
Universal Salvific
and Unitarian CoRedemptive
liberated feminist tradition.”

I remember listening for neuro-sensexually
enlightened language
for distinguishing core
empowered/disempowered Feelings
primally limited to:

Glad-anticipating win/win peak mind/body experiences
Bad-anxious about lose/lose dualdark valley experiences
Sad-depressed about my own win/lose long-term chances
Mad-about suppressed short-term survival
odds against overpowering PatriarchalGod’s
timeless dispassion.

My gladness trying to thrive
despite an unholy trinity
responding to trauma history
of multigenerational peak/valley surfing

in glad health opportunities
reforming bad unease
sad disease
mad missing ease
invoking dissociative
neuro-sensexual despair
informing future opportunities
for compassionate repair.

Out of twenty
LeftBrain verbal dominant responses
to this spirited natural feelings question,
only two mentioned feelings
predicting positive
and negative
and ambivalent thoughts.

One said both glad about opportunity
for deep communal dialogue
and sad about lowly lay victims
speaking against too powerful and unenlightened
religious professional orchestrations

Us v them rhetoric
creating a polarizing culture
of win/lose
destabilizing trauma

Lack of EarthPeace
and Restorative Justice
in the deep rich soil
and fertile green-blue surf
of nature-spirited communion
opportunities for peak dialogical experiences
of LeftMind/RightBody
FatherSun/MotherEarth co-passionate

Another wise woman elder responded
with “confused”
which encompasses,
without resonantly resolving,
all of Glad and Bad
Sad and Mad
chaotic flowing mind
feeling toxically disembodied
from sacred healing peace
restoring EarthTribe Justice
co-passionate mission statements
EarthTribe healing vocations.

What no one said
was “compassion”
for the romantic-comedy of peak experienced Glad
and the traumatic-tragedy of dark valley experienced
short-term Mad
and long-term chronic Sad
Lose/Lose absence
of healthy
messianic minds

Surfing through empowered
co-redemptive neurosensory
bodhisattva bodies
of spiritual/natural
co-passionate communicators

Win/win naturally resilient
co-mediating spiritual practicers
rooted in peak experiences
of comprehensive synergetic feelings
more resiliently Glad
than dispassionately Bad

Speaking our restorative justice
free and co-responsive win/win
searching truths
to patriarchal/capitalist
win/lose systemic trauma.


Sinning Saints Once More

When I was in seminary
my spiritual director advised me to notice,
as had he,
that there are two kinds of:


Those who understand their calling
as to coldly forgive
and heatedly challenge
all bedeviled sinners

And those who feel called to mentor
gods and goddesses
and all transgender images in-between
to warmly engage
and repeatedly comfort
all divinely endowed
Holy Spirited saints.

Lay Leaders

Those who live for a vacation
from telling Others why they must not do
whatever trauma-afflicted compulsion
we might feel addictively drawn toward

And those whose felt sacred vocation
is to communicate compassionately with Others
to therapeutically understand
what we would most love to be
and become
co-invested in ego-health
and ecosystemic-wealth
re-associatively together

Unconditionally regarding
both categories of Clergy
and Ego/EcoTherapeutic Lay Leaders
and All PolyCultural EarthTribal Creatures,
verbally dominant
and nonverbally
co-passionately prominent

Comforting the nonverbally afflicted
more than verbally afflicting
the too win/lose oppressed
Business As Usual
RightWing Evangelical
anti-ecofeminist gospel truth
is Holy Spirit anathema
with cognitive/affective chronic
bicameral dissonance.


MisGuided Meditations

I am sorry
about my judgmental,
sadly disdainful,
in earlier messages.

Even worse,
I remain embarrassed
for spreading it out
for key staff
and leaders
to well-positioned see
and hear
and feel,
touched by toxicity.

My training
and experience
includes community mediation.

Within this mindful context,
I have tried to understand
what you want,
what you are learning,
what feeds and waters you
in your Presidential Position.

Your responses:

  1. that you know
    and care
    about our residential members,
  2. that you have unusual expertise,
    skills training,
    and/or Business Administration experience
    not available from other members,
    at least not any
    willing to step up
    and out into saying,
    Yes, I’ll help.

I failed to fully fit these
with past mediation interviews.

I was not as surprised by the second one,
as by the first,
because usually those seeking arbitration help
feel they live
in a high-risk win/lose
zero-sum system
punishing loss,
while looking for
their personal most loss-avoidant path
toward personal gain.

More closely regarding #2,
that you have unusual contractor,
business and project budgeting,
business management,
and significant financially successful property management experience

I was impressed
with what you bring
to our leadership table

And yet this does not,
in and of itself,
speak to skill sets
of the Board.

On the contrary,
it seems to me
all this volunteer work
must detract from where your most cost-effective
personal focus needs to be
on your too busy workdays,
probably extending into evenings
and family/friend-lost weekends.

With regard to #1,
knowing and appreciating
win/win health and safety feelings
for residential members

This also did not sound
quite like my personal experience
could typically recall.

When I ask for personal motives,
usually what win/lose business men
speak of begins with financial motivations,
sometimes secondarily supported
by ecological concerns,
occasionally theological beliefs,
political aspirations,
retaining a positive community relations image,
community leadership aspirations,
wanting to be perceived
as a good and competent leader,
in the case of religious constituencies,
wise spiritual Elder.

I have clearly failed
to understand why
you want to continue
Presiding over the Board.

This remains a mystery
shared by everyone I’ve asked.

When I share with them
your two responses to
“What’s in Presidency for you?
this fits with their
Successful Business Leader view
but raises dissonant questions

How could you afford to donate
this much time
and personal interest
without any personal financial return?

This dissonant mistrusting feeling
grows further
by those who have been residents
for many years
yet still do not feel seen or heard

So how could you know
and care about us?

As a mediator
with therapeutic,
nonviolent communication

What do I do with my inability
to accurately and compassionately empathize
with you
on your journey toward fulfillment,
and, preferably, unconditional regard?

To truly understand
and support you
in your personal and social
health and safety self-interest,
and to continue as our business leading

I do not know how
to do both of those things,
and no one who encouraged me
to join the Board
wants me to support you.

That said,
one way sure not to help you
or me understand
and support you
is to publicly judge,
and/or blame you
for circumstances beyond your responsibility
and authority to control.

If I have done that,
when I have done that,
while I am doing that,
I have not been a good person,
I have been a disappointing
multiculturally trained to listen
community-mindful mediator

I have not practiced
even basic nonviolent communication skills

are experiencing further high-risk
chronic trauma
as a result of my negligence.
For these failures on my part,
I apologize.

I often recall
a line of self-discovery
learned from a favorite
and famous spiritual director

in your life now,
and perhaps in your past,
has been with you
at your most passionate
positive best?”

These are often romantic,
and sometimes earlier
healthy and safe parental
win/win relationship histories.

“How would that person,
or those people,
probably describe your sense of humor?”

If you have no idea,
you might want to start there
to therapeutically respond
to deeply engrained
chronic stress disorder.

If you do have an idea,
some warm and welcoming ideas
about what helps you laugh with yourself
(not at yourself)
and with another you trust
and have found attractive,
in some integrally soulful way,
then try to use that co-passion tool
to feel better about yourself,
your personal relationship history,
and your potential
for future healthy
and good-humored
nonviolent communication
for achieving resiliently co-mediated
health and safety outcomes.


What Is Peace Worth?

I wonder what happened
to deep metric learning

That The Autocratic Man
who cannot even run his own corporation
to benefit a healthier planet
certainly does not know how
to preside over executive functions,
economically empowering
and politically enlightened,
of a safely co-invested Nation.

I wonder what happened
to deep metric learning

ZeroSum rooted Open,
not Closed,
for interdependent systemic business
and transparent cooperative reflection

Both, together, more culturally resistant,
and organic health resilient,
for cooperative historic dialogue,

For feeding and watering
economic deep learning co-investment
and democratically engaging health
flow across timeless eternity
of Earth’s great transitioning
health is green wealth care

As contrasted to Yang-Capital strength
of 1-based Closed
zero-sum systems

Requiring EgoCentric dissonant metric assumptions
that autonomy of Either 1-Me
is full spectral empowered
or 0-We is null
and void
and devoid of potential light,
degeneratively nihilistic.

Patriarchal-Capitalist win/lose metrics
favoring RightWing sufficient strength
to survive our endless fear-mongering
through nationalistic war propaganda
is less optimistic
less important
less healthy
less safe
more risky
less Truth also speaking Power

When LeftBrain rabidly exhausted
with evermore StraightWhite industrialized
patriarchally competitive win/lose evolution
toward loselose devolution
sulks in silent

While Win/Win Open Systemic
cooperative compassion
stands aside,
waiting for voices
remembering how
to listen for cooperative empowerment
and not so much competitive
absence of RightBrain
and humane Both/And
nuanced balance
of EgoRisks
for EcoSystemic
Integral democratic Days

And sleep fulfilling Nights
revisioning co-passionate Charters,
engaging Schools
of healthy democratic thoughts
with feelings
co-empathically astute,
acute Both/And bicameral
contextual intelligence.

I wonder why 1 Positive
rational Polynomial
still mysteriously equals
double-negative not(not)
dialectically null
and devoid of positive content
0 square rooted polymathic

Actively reflecting
under Earth’s regenerously divine
Bod hisattva healing tree

On and for and of
inside double-binary resonant
integrally polymathic
neurally polyvagal
dialectical resilience.


Spatial-Temporal Lobbyists

I suspect Albert Einstein’s mathematician wife
taught spatial Left
and temporal bicameral Right Al
to feel the passing
and surging
spatial ebbing and temporal flowing,

and spiraling evolutions
and oceanic NonZero Sum sweep
of 4D overflowing empowerment
in primal Earth enlightening space
in bilateral Yang known causal co-arising

Yintegrally felt not(not) 0Dimensional
polynomial TaoNow Time,
perpetually refilling
as light flows toward dark
toward dawn
toward dark
toward dawn
toward dark…

Like inserting patrilinear
monotheistic aggression
and then extracting reborn
polytheistic timeless
matriarchal climax
everyday temporal 2D revolutions–
when Earth Herself seems to stand still

Full and Empty
Inhaled and Exhaled
Integral and DisIntegrating
matriarchal parenting, EarTheistic
cooperative polypathic
multiculturally amused

RedGod’s YangSpace
verses Yintegral GreenCulture Goddess
bicameral lenses
on internal/external climaxes
passions polyvagally neurological

Systemic WinWin healthy wealth
of NonZero WholeEarth Organic Systems

Expanding enlightened democratic EarthSpace
empowering temporally sacred EarthMother’s Yin/Yang

In EarthGrreen EcoPolitical Peace
restoring bilateral multicultural humane-divinity
truth and beauty
Health and Safety
JustEarthShip in Ego/EcoSystemic Ta(0)Time

BiCamerally Beautiful Truths
of bilateral
also binomial
dipolar Yin co-arising
but sometimes temporally disconnected,
YangLeft indigenous wisdom
listening for nature/spirit 4Dimensional
spiraling seasonal nutrition Memes,
matrilineal memories,

Actively seeking prime bivalent double-time
energy strength and flow
through bionic-organic LifeCultural prime ZeroZone
in healthier patriarchal/ecofeminist
Red/Green co–passionate dialogue

That cuts across the heart
of each polarizing family,
and across the WholeEarth ecopolitical system
against each win/win restorative justice
non-violent communication
compassion of Health-CaringWealth advocate

Hoping this space and time
has finally arrived
to ease off the feed and water pedal
on nationalistic
YangBrain dominance

Playing win/lose ecopolitical games
between ecological health and economic wealth
right now
at the resilient expense
of Win/Win cooperatively owned options

Not heading toward
death climates, cultures, climaxes
ZeroSum, Lose EarthHealth
Lose EgoCentric Wealth

Spatial 4D fractals Left
listening for lovely bicameral
temporal 2D bilateral
climaxing and exhaling
multisensory integrity.


FaithPower Invests in LoveLight

My healthiest ego-loving master plan
converses in truth and beauty communions
with my wealthiest imagined eco-habitat
mistressingly designed

For co-invested
cooperative master planned
in win/win work distressing play,
mighty curious
all double-capital eccentric

neither positive
or negative
yet both positive
and negative dipolar
to become regeneratively healthy

BiNomial awareness
means ecosystemic flow
streams positive/negative
full win/win through empty lose/lose
double-fractal octave spectral
not quite resolved
for leftbrain deductive-only

Of Both/And hypotheses
for synergetically multicultural
polycultural healthy democratic theories
impressing/depressing cultural values/disvalues

syncing up and down,
out and inside
safety and health

Organic NeuroSystemic Life
as love’s enraptured energy
and not so much death of sacred grace
secularizing entropy,

More of an ecofeminist
egalitarian restorative order
and interdependent punishing
dissociative patriarchal complex
reductive negative
pathological memories

Shadowy monocultural v polycultural awareness
of chaotic complexity
felt inside voices
touched by darkening outside choices

Except for MultiCultural
InterFaith CommunioNations
restoring wellness-sung FaithPower
healthy-wealth invites
binomial dancing Communications.

My healthiest ego-loving master plan
converses in truth and beauty green communions
with my wealthiest imagined inter-faith eco-habitat
mistressingly win/lose competitively designed
in this unfaithful GreatTransitional moment
toward win/win healthy democratic
green peace revolution
of Earth’s HealthJustice

My healthiest ego-loving master plan
invites converging
in truth and beauty green inside communion voices
in my wealthiest imagined
multi-faith ecohabitat informed choices
for healthy leftbrain deductive powers
and wealthy rightbrain inductive light.


LifeCulture Eulogy

As climate pathology peaks
toward climax conditions

LeftBrain privileged blindness
and deafness,
replacing savoring,
absence of green
and sea salty blue
bereft of internal robust feelings
and external wellbeing touch
drop unhealthily
unwealthily away
from enabling organic integrity
to know

Empathy is to spiritual consciousness
as sympathy is to sensory awareness

In this second becoming time,
RightBrain legitimately feeling
our life interdependent systems
awaken Earth’s synergetic
climaxing health potential.

LifeCulture’s organic forms
functions of bionic existence
with rights and lefts
ins and outs
downs and ups
exhales and inhales
forward progresses and backward regresses
democracies and kleptocracies
climax gifts and climate warnings
regenerations and degenerations,

Interdependent liberal health
and conserving wealth,

Left and right iconic hands
and changing wings
and restless legs
and minds
and bodies
becoming resilient
resonant ego-recovering
bilateral balance.

Healthy organic life systems
reclaim dynamic in/ex-formations
gratefully contributing to Earth’s integrity
of DNA
and RNA regenerative spacetime spirals
of multi-enculturing climate history

As our present LifeCulture result,
bicamerally restores
and restories wealthy resilience
of EarthTribe polyculturing health
within our peak eco-systemically conscious
interdependent sensory ego-selves.

We no longer have time
or even dying space
without healthy place
to deny our privileged race
without rhyming reasons
past panic seasons
for win/lose bargaining
with supreme LeftBrain dominant patriarchalism

dogmatic monoculturing uncatholicism
denying God’s power to bless sin
yet allow millions of created
uncreated species
to fade beyond Earth’s remembered

Unwanted organic castes
rooted and unflowered
in fertile heterosexism
systemic racism
double-binding binary genderism–
against green democratic cooperatism.

Chronic impatience predicts
peak climates of depression
as critical win/win curiosity
projects positive impressions
fast forwarding through open
whole enlightening systems
empowering EarthTribe co-empathic acceptance

Inviting LifeCulture ego/eco-esteem
recovering our wealthiest hospitality songs
and healthiest horse-powered dances
of tall grass seeds
blowing in fecund wind gusts
secular anthems
sacred hymns
Earth liturgies of spiritual
simple celebration

Gifts of responsive responsibility
beget warnings against coincidental
overwhelming natural authority

Culturally searched
and researched,
historically signed
and resigned
and designed
global trans-national peaks of integrity’s crisis
feeding win/win organic bilateral awareness

Explicating/implicating potential
emerging global multiculturing health
fulfilling peak democratic climates
of resilient
resonant co-empathic wealth.


UnVoiced Choice

Ego’s mind
happily follows along behind
heart connections to iconic metaphors
felt to belong in metaphonic co-passions

Kinda like heart-path complex feelings
and spatially silent rests

Between seasonal meta-4s of empowering light
meets Truth with Beauty
compassionate conscientific minded
artistry hearted
economics of ecofeminist grace

Filled belonging
binomial hearted
nonverbally integral
experiential relationship memories

Light felt positively inviting
engaging theologically sacred
outside experience

Verbal messages
with thoughtful co-redemptive
ecological images mind/heart integral
nonverbally happy
warm co-empathic relationships

Dreamy heart imaginations
re-membering integrity’s potential heart/mind
interdependent freedoms

Through win/win co-invested re-connecting
Great BiCameral ReTransitions
Green from red patriarchal ego identities

Persisting through their-mind/our-heart
home-light Green
regeneratively matriarchal

Win/win strategically mind/heart co-mediated
sacred holonic EarthTribe

Hearts for lit-up cooperative economics
with mind-empowering politics

Interior nonverbal nutrition
speaking exterior
out-there communication

Bicamerally polypathic
psychological feelings
for polyphonic bilateral neurological systems
more win/win minded
and less lose/lose hearted
nurture mind/hearted nature

Spiritual wealth-progressive theology
of Earth’s health-systemic nature

Win/Win positive heart-flow
hidden within
mind’s win/lose nontherapeutic
left hemisphere punishing force
for monocultural autonomy

Upstream past competitive energy
silently waiting for downstream cooperative

Of dignity’s strong-hearted voice
causing interdependent life

CoArising mental authority
with warm heart effective

Heart sensory mind/body love
reflected in world-view healthy mental/physical life

Images of YangStar
constellations re-membering
re-connecting yintegral

Mind ego-belonging
to heart’s eco-longing
for yet more intimate

Healing inside
while mind metaphorically co-invests
in impassioned outside nature

Old original heart
before left-mind privileged

Yet phylogenically mirrored fractal structure
four seasonal
bilateral light/dark power
dynamic DNA spirals

Yintegrity’s communal potential
YangMind compassion for
Earth’s NonViolent Living Future


Faithful Thought Experiment

Imagine your favorite faith community,
whether sacredly vocationed,
or, more prosaic, secularly employed,
is also home to your local Green Freedom Party,
intentionally multipartisan.

This community intends to remain compassionately faithful
to short-term local
through long-term global
public and climate health
of all organic ego/eco-systems.

And you believe
it is your most fundamentally sacred/secular faith,
that polyculturing systems
are more resonantly felt,
and resiliently thought,
empoweringly experienced
and most golden enlightenment reflected,
to be healthy

While monoculturing,
win/lose ego/eco-systems
are more dissonantly
dissociatively felt,
and bipolar ignorantly thought
to be regeneratively stronger
win/lose capital-infested options
for retributively justifying
further business as usual investments
in ego/eco-unlogical short-term local
sacrifice of robust long-term ecological global intellighence
on the altar of patriarchal privileged
mono/theocratic original
from-above transcendent
top of the luminous natural/spiritual hierarchical
divine dividing humane from animistically enspirited
dogmatically divisive
apartheid bipolarizing degenerative structure,
anthropocentrically left-brain dominant

Rather than the circling
spiraling revolutions
of Great Interdependent GreenChain CoEmpowerment
for Ego/EcoLogically BiCameral Balance

Running from contemporary Zeroism
through Whole NonZero-Sum NonViolent NonDualistic Metaphysics
through Universal/Unitarian bilateral balance
of egalitarian democratic
multiculturally interdependent
Blue/Green EarthCommunion,
on back through Taoism’s Yang/Yin
Left/Right dipolar co-arising
co-passioning bicameral experience
of empowering/enlightenment

Nearly timeless
and luminously spatial
loyal multicultural EarthMediators,
win/win strategic nature/spirit facilitators,
compassionate green/blue/red non-violent recommunicators,
restoring ego/eco-justice
yin/yang co-governing peace,
bilaterally co-acclimating
messianic ecofeminist bodhisattvas.

Where verbal violence
and non-verbal multiculturally healthy intelligence
are written across
and deeply within
this deep learning binomial language
best sun and danced synergetically
across each green/blue ecofeminist empowering heart.

From this eco/theological co-reflective center,
your Green Liberty MultiParty home
regeneratively invites your local interfaith dialogue
about how,
eco/theo-analogical secular/sacred
ego/eco-logically reflecting together
for integral restorative win/win EarthJustice,
you might progress
toward a healthier local cooperative win/win empowering dialogue
with more polycultural resonance
and a wealthier short-term local,
long-term global
co-invested economic ecological
ecofeminist alternative to further
self-righteous anthropocentric-winged
degenerative capital lose/lose projections

For evermore patriarchal oppressions
win/lose monoculturing
left-hemisphere dominantly competitive win/lose
either/or dualistic LoseEgo/LoseEco
rabidly viral competitions
polarized red-hot debates
into global unhealthy disintegrating
anti-ecological deprivation
of both enlightening health
and empowering wealth–
a total public and climate health/wealth
lose/lose disaster,
division transparently undivine

Green Liberty MultiParty experiences
self-perpetuating restrictions
on patriotic green multicultural freedom
for all potential healthy red-powered patriarch
and wealthy green-lit ecofeminist
dipolar co-arising BiCameral Community Allies

Reweaving secular
restoring sacred
regenerating natural
revolutioning spiritual win/win healthiest wealth
through and of and for bicamerally inclusive re-MEMEories,

Ecologically EgoYang
universal left-verbal strong explicit reflection
on theologically spiritual EcoYintegral unitarian

Ego/Eco-felt outflowing implied
bilaterally systemic-structured
DNA regenerative health-systemic
empowering/enlightening bicameral experience

More truthfully weighed
and beautifully tipping point balanced
when we feel at home
in our local co-governing
Green Liberty Win/Win MultiParty
for BiCameral Health/Wealth Platforms
Dialogical-Integral Frames
[not so much Dogmatic Debate NonCommunications]
MultiCultural Community Mediations.

Win/Win sponsored by your local/global
GreenHealth Earth-ReGenerNation


The Curiously Democratic Invitation

RE: Cooperative MultiCultural HealthCare Development

Dear Neighbors, Community Civic Civilians:

Curious about win/win economic and political games
co-investing and co-empowering

and present
and healthy regenerative future civilizations,
civil rights
and civic-recentering
curiously interdependent,

Both analogically Either/Or RightWing dominant
and metaphorically Both/And LeftWing prominent
ego/eco enlightening
systemically cooperative
thinking/feeling to ask questions
and imagine, together,
possible win/win healthy and safe future opportunities
without quite so much win/lose unhealthy unsafe family
and individual,
global and local community climate risk

Remembering shadows of indigenous
intimate nature/spirit consciousness
of sacred ecosystemic climax worshipers
and secular multiculturally awesome neighbors
presenting cooperatively co-investing potential
in our communal ecosystemic habitat
for all health-and-safety communal EarthTribes.

You are receiving this invitation
to a virtual win/win community economic development PlaySpace
biased and privileged toward cooperative
democratic win/win health systems

A virtual neighborhood multicultural recovery dialogue
including local faith communities
with contemporary democracy empowering missions
interfaith eco-politically enlightening discussions

re-ligioning physical empowerment
through civil rights
and civic mind-bodied
rights and lefts bicamerally depolarizing
toward win/win historical
personal and political
and economic co-investment experiences

metaphysical interior felt faith
in democratizing spiritual-mental health
within compassionate communication templates
of non-violent communion
transubstanting left/right multilateral union,

As one interdependent civil civic community
cooperative win/win
co-investing in Economic Development Virtual Games
for 20/20 collaborative revisioning
and 50/50 co-responsive
private/public realtime healthy outcomes
through ego/eco-systemic multiculturing
empowering long-term
GoldenRule restoration wealth

Of cooperative democratic win/win Trust,
polynomial Yang
with Not(Not) binomial
polyphonic Yintegrity

Rooted in historical/multicultural
EcoPolitical NonZero-Soul
Whole Systemic
Compassionately Curious
Local through Municipal through Global through Munificent
NonViolent Communication Systems
of and for
cooperatively causing and effecting
Restorative PostPandemic EarthJustice.

With Warm Namaste Wishes,

Your Community Economic Development Commission
