
Speaking From Felt Experience

Enjoying Earth’s promised land
of compassionate
multicultural communion,
we share a preference for deep
rich soil
and fertile green-blue
resonating surf

As our bodies adjust
to rocky and prickly
either me
or not me space

And our minds flow
back and forth
through gooey both “me”
and organic neurosensory “we”
peace searching times
of glad/bad memory,
healthy peak and unwealthy valley
remembering felt body trauma
and mindfully resilient therapies

Inhaling Earth’s past sacred unions
Exhaling into conjoined future
compassionate communion.

These reflections came to mind
this morning
as I recalled a recent clergy question:

“What did you FEEL
when you first read
this proposal for a change
in our corporate
Universal Salvific
and Unitarian CoRedemptive
liberated feminist tradition.”

I remember listening for neuro-sensexually
enlightened language
for distinguishing core
empowered/disempowered Feelings
primally limited to:

Glad-anticipating win/win peak mind/body experiences
Bad-anxious about lose/lose dualdark valley experiences
Sad-depressed about my own win/lose long-term chances
Mad-about suppressed short-term survival
odds against overpowering PatriarchalGod’s
timeless dispassion.

My gladness trying to thrive
despite an unholy trinity
responding to trauma history
of multigenerational peak/valley surfing

in glad health opportunities
reforming bad unease
sad disease
mad missing ease
invoking dissociative
neuro-sensexual despair
informing future opportunities
for compassionate repair.

Out of twenty
LeftBrain verbal dominant responses
to this spirited natural feelings question,
only two mentioned feelings
predicting positive
and negative
and ambivalent thoughts.

One said both glad about opportunity
for deep communal dialogue
and sad about lowly lay victims
speaking against too powerful and unenlightened
religious professional orchestrations

Us v them rhetoric
creating a polarizing culture
of win/lose
destabilizing trauma

Lack of EarthPeace
and Restorative Justice
in the deep rich soil
and fertile green-blue surf
of nature-spirited communion
opportunities for peak dialogical experiences
of LeftMind/RightBody
FatherSun/MotherEarth co-passionate

Another wise woman elder responded
with “confused”
which encompasses,
without resonantly resolving,
all of Glad and Bad
Sad and Mad
chaotic flowing mind
feeling toxically disembodied
from sacred healing peace
restoring EarthTribe Justice
co-passionate mission statements
EarthTribe healing vocations.

What no one said
was “compassion”
for the romantic-comedy of peak experienced Glad
and the traumatic-tragedy of dark valley experienced
short-term Mad
and long-term chronic Sad
Lose/Lose absence
of healthy
messianic minds

Surfing through empowered
co-redemptive neurosensory
bodhisattva bodies
of spiritual/natural
co-passionate communicators

Win/win naturally resilient
co-mediating spiritual practicers
rooted in peak experiences
of comprehensive synergetic feelings
more resiliently Glad
than dispassionately Bad

Speaking our restorative justice
free and co-responsive win/win
searching truths
to patriarchal/capitalist
win/lose systemic trauma.


Feeling Anxious

When I feel anxious,
endangered by mortal loss
of an immortality
never organically promised
for perpetual pleasures of compassion,

When I feel anxious
aging toward permanent disability
before my Wise Elder fruition
returns to brain fog
from which I came
in embryonic form
and flow
and function,

When I feel anxious
about unmerited,
even worse,
merited infamy
as my destiny
rather than fame
flowering time,
what do I need?
crave for pleasure
just protocol
peace persistence
proper procedures,
and, perhaps,
sacred organic meaning?

When I feel anxious
do I need
deep verbal and non-verbal connections
to those who share a home
with still embodied me?

Do I want reconnections
with healthy neighbors
co-cultivating an intentional
win/win curiously active
healthy and safe
green eco-political community?
resiliently resonant communion?
co-passionate communication network?

Does my own internal RightHemisphere
need healthy and safe communion
while my own activist LeftHemisphere
wants to restore justice
through nonviolent communication
between multiculturally informed,
prescient win/win community mediators?

Do I seek fellow hearty
and healthy Me/We sighted
and cited
home-sited organizers?
committed, yet playful, musicians,
political poets,
cooperative co-investors
in healthy democracy
buoyant EarthTribe advocates
combining party lines
for win/win strategic thrival

When I feel anxious
do I also need
to solitary write
or sing and dance,
or hum
quietly alone
with no witness
but my own?

When feeling anxious
slowly turns
to considering curious anticipation
beyond dark dread,
must I always remain quite so shy?
about intimacy,
hesitant to publish internal dialogue
free of censoring
potentially consensual fear
about patriarchal capitalist
investments in LeftHemisphere
white privileged
straight male dominance
as the healthy-safe opposite
of conspiracy theories
and transcendently divine
dogmas justifying inhumane

When I feel free
to anticipate
our safe and healthy
EarthTribe future,
do I seek
Polycultural Cooperative Investments?
formed by Elder Indigenous Mind,
panentheistically sacred memory
co-empathically robust
health speaking
nonverbally felt
deeply resilient
deep nurturing
positive socio-psychological
multiculturing wealth.


DoubleBoundary Issues

Climate change
does nearly
but not neatly cover up
discomforting complexities
of losing polyculturally rich ecosystems
like transportive air and water
and sacred communion
of sovereign feasting nations

Not really dealing with unresolved issues
like economic boundary chaos

Between each of four regenerative
and degenerative
annual cycling seasons

Awareness of Spring enlightenment
fertility rooting up from inside
and outside
dipolar self/other
regenerative consciousness

DoubleBinding inter-religious healthy arts
and natural wealth economic sciences

And, thereby, empowering
increasingly toxin-laden
atmosphere transport patterns
from Northern MeltDown
spiraling out to equatorial

Both/And Consciousness Boundaries

BiHemispherically curious
about South summer yangness
balancing North winter yintegrity
co-spirating up and down
deep learning
tidal streams
of resiliently sweeping
surging redundance

Implied Boundaries
of atmospheric current complexity

Moving around low-lying
beach bound co-habitations

Competitively embroiled
in monoculturing
anthrosupremacist economics
apartisan inside debates
as if outside climate degeneration
invites us to take our matronly
regal time
with win/lose unelegant assumptions
of Earth’s inevitable demise

Rather than speaking out
for polyculturing health,
for EarthTribe’s Whole Green Peace,
ReStorying Win/Win Strategic Games
for CoOperative Justice

As co-passionately conceived
and resiliently relieved
of all those unsightly
and unseemly stress lines
moving away from
eco-political HealthWealth
optimizing Ego/EcoSystemic
EarthTribe patriotic consciousness

Of Ego’s consensual
EcoSystemic Boundaries

Provoking overheated polar climates
changing Mother Eartha’s cover
dancing complexities of losing
polymathically rich double-binary
ClosedYang and OpenYintegrity
1 and 0
dipolar co-arising
communion of Green EarthTribe’s
indigenous natural/spiritual
nondualistic both/and wisdom issues

More ecofeminist cooperative
than patriarchally competitive
unresolved ambiguity
about dissonance
between rational research thoughts
like science
and intuitively felt
arms of communion
co-operative co-passion

Especially about unresolved
boundary chaos.


War Crimes

War crimes
against nations
are like pandemics
against people

And our neighborly places,
and burrows,
organic host bodies
and soil
and living waters;
sacred spaces,
cathedrals for worshiping integrity
of health
becoming synergistically wealthy

Unlike militarized campaigns
against public health,
devoid of respect
for sacredly shared peace
and EarthJustice

Full of monoculturally diminishing

Virally spreading across widely inclusive victims
of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
unable to contemplate
our own Critical AnthroRace and Gender Experience
of abuse and neglect
including people,
but also plants,
and our biosystemic
formerly healthy planet.

PTSD is an equal opportunity unemployer,
bringing long-term mental/spiritual health issues
to police,
militarized soldiers
following nationalism’s Patriarchal-Capitalist
apartisan line
of war propaganda
more invasively effective
for diminishing humanity
through inciting anger
and inviting fear

Ignoring tools for peace-making
through nonviolent communication
actively hoping to restore
climates and cultures of justice,

To engage public health democracy
for environmentaql peace
and robust integrity

polycultural EarthTribe wealth

Secretions of polyvagal sacred neural memory
prescribing anciently indigenous health
is also EarthWealth
re-engages peace
through polypathic wisdom

Preferring resonantly polyphonic peace gardens,
resilient wilderness sanctuaries,
sun-drenched surf sounding beaches

Hunting grounds,
and recreations destinations
for seagulls

Unfamiliar with war
and PTSD
and crimes against healthcare.


Urgent Health Democracy

Amusing sacred A-musings
like Atheistic A-gnostics

ReDiscover resilience
where Trauma is some part of Life

Win/lose LeftHemisphere dissociating
lack of RightSung resonance

ReUncover indigenous integrity
to feel wise reculturing nuances
between naturally Therapeutic
multicultural spirit dynamics

Health optimal democracy
grows wealth of opportunity
for deep octaves
of integral systemacy

rather than feeding
and overwatering
more Traumatic risk
of patriarchal
opportunistic duty

To ReGenerate eco/theo-logos reflections
on what we healthiest communionate:

Am I Self protagonist
against Other antagonist

EcoSystemic’ly healing
healthy wealth in-forming out-goes
more than Self/Othering
winning over sinning today
to avoid losing disembodied identity
in some disenfranchised tomorrow

Hurtfully devolutionary
monoculturally ordinary
retributively penitentiary
cruel and unusual anti-fairy
dissociatively deflectionary
not inter-religiously extraordinary

lack of compassion’s transparency
experientially coreflectionary
nondeflective musicarried
win/win vulnerably co-revolutionary

Our MeWe
green peace operatic
operations wu-wei
healing PatriCapitalist historic harm
dousing further climate flames
of even more CancelCulture NonCommunion
lack of amusing charm
in LeftBrain’s dominating ways

anti-systemic worst days
entropic best nights
endemic absence
of bilateral
bicameral cooperative plays

Musing inspirations
do not lose gratitude
for our best day attitudes
nor operatic curiosity
about Politically Incorrect furiosity

Worst day fears and angers
about what EarthTribe lives endangered
have been WholeEarth lost
to future expiring
unraveling spirals
of dynamic
Earth respirations
operatic muse desperations

In A-gnostic octaves
double-fractal coloring keys
Me without We forgiving
history’s broken win/lose nest
dissociating nature-spirit’s We celebration
indigenously healthy best

In tegrity,
co passion
a musing muses
of nonviolently sung communication
danced in spiraling fire circles
of octave-structured resounding sound
and music Earth empowering
and sacred Sky enlightening sight

Bicamerally co-governing
therapeutic co-invested
anti-trauma co-infested
co-amusing muse

Singing HerPassion storic
EarthMother/Child infantstructured

Amusing sacred A/C-musings
co-arising A-theistic energies ergodic
A through Z octavely harmonic
eco-logos theognostics

ReDiscover Win/Win cooperative resilience
where Trauma is always red-sky warning
some win/lose non-therapeutic part
of EarthTribe Musing Life

Win/lose LeftHemisphere dissociating
lack of RightSung resonance,
co-redemptive resilience.


Still Processing: Please Don’t Wait

Does sacred MotherEarth
too often want to stop
to process Her nuanced feelings?

Does our desecrating Dad
too seldom demand we stop
to consider grace
and win/win gratitude
for creation
as it has systematically developed
to this current post-millennial date?

Revisiting loyalty to Earth’s global systems
of nutritional economics
and cooperative psychological
bicameral enlightenment
of healthy democracy
bipartisan empowerment

Solidarity with RightBrain integrity
restoring EarthJustice
nonviolent ecofeminist
co-invested communication

Deep listening
to identify EarthPatriotic feelings
of safety,

And more matriotic co-passionate needs
and wants,
felt voices
and thought choices
for healing
from PatriarchalCapitalism
chronic LeftBrain overstressed disorder

Haunted by night mares
ing about feckless EarthMothers
stalled to win/lose process competitions
in autonomous lack
of polycultural communing

Win health to win safe wealth
bicamerally reprocessing
nondualistic thoughts with interdependent feelings.


Moaning Out Meaning

The meing
and mining
and mowing
and moaning
and meaning of life
could not be so different
for girls and boys,

She and he and s/he speaking indifferent
hearing purpose

Enlightening wealthy spirit mess
empowering healthy nature nest,
polyculturing Earth’s most profoundly beautiful
and resiliently truthful
nonviolent EarthPeace future
empowering health investiture

And sacred enlightening safety
for all EarthTribe duty
regenerating mature
degenerating immature
fighting integrity’s great green
transpositional culture.

Future meaningful prediction
depicting past prehistoric light
and power
and energetic meaning redaction

Of Heavenly boys and Earthly girls,
surfing oceans and organic lands,
raining waters in fertile soil
expiring seeds and inspiring eggs
of bicameral toil

Consciousness of EarthTribe’s meing
moaning for more cooperatively resilient
compassionate post-sacred meaning

Contextually integral
polypathic sensory synergy,
multiculturally cerebral
polymathic energy
in meing
and down mining
and out mowing
and deep moaning
and wide meaning
of love’s co-passioning potential.


Feeling Old and Lost

I noticed just yesterday
while glowering about something else
now already
once again

I seem to have lost my good-sensed humor
along my stumbling
isolating internal say

Toward this red STOP! sign
searching for a different way

To find a new Earth center
for healing active hope,

To sing new scales of joyful
sad sharp focus

Performed more locally
and possibly reformed less reflectively
mesmerized by fame’s monopolistic grope.

This new reselective time
Less silently reserved
Less anxiously depressed
Less repressively suppressed.

Each morning’s dawn warning
to worship at new altars

Renewing robust octaves of communion
encompassing organic green nutrition

To redesign all creatures here below
more positive above
good-humored love
with timeless passions
hilariously sensed together
yet tragically shoved

If I were not so sweet sixteen
prepared to restart home’s immigration scene
again for my first time,
what would I rechoose to do
becoming compassion’s singing rally
with rainbow hearted allies?

If I were thirty-three,
my age of messianic crossfire
for all to red angry
horrifying see,
what would I choose to resurrect again?

And why would this revoiced
rechoiced healthier community
support potentiating integrity
with more robust good humor
this well-timed passed over
and back around
on sacred wellbeing ground?

If I were twice
my god’s reflective age
what would we joyously choose
to re-member
as half-life good golden sense
for revolving salvation’s humor?

For this tragic comedy
of tumorous migration
anxiously anticipating
integrity’s full ZeroScores
restoring just right species

All together one predation
praying for exterior relations
more integral summations
than humorless,
silent rumorless
quiet aging absence
of eternal sad-paced mercy,

At least sufficient for noticing,
just yesteryear
while glowering about something else
now already strange sadly queer,
once again forgotten.


Too Big To Fail

Emerging from cooperative economic indecision,
a leftwinged political decision
“Too big to fail”
is also our unecological rightwinged euphemism
for a politically unpalatable
“Too rich to fail.”

This has nothing healthy
or equitable to do with democratic community,
with non-violent solidarity,
with green communion,

And everything to do
with naked inside greed
for short-term crutches and props
to insider avoid,
to outside neglect,
to postpone “till after my term”

Effective long-term
multigenerational public health
without monoculturing extraction
dismally standing in for
polycultural health investment

While anthro-privileged fragility
continues dissonant whistling
in growing cancerous outdoor climates
of pathological darkness
too big to not fail.

Healthy democracy
does not overfeed rich autocratic authority,
instead investing in locally responsible
multicultural responsiveness
including long multigenerational commitment,

Coining a renewing terminology
of non-terminal
liberally conserving
resilient responsivility

Too simple,
win/win sufficient,
healthy compassion solid
to fail
empowerment’s enlightening test
of Earth ReGenerative HerStory.


Money Nerves

Not wanting to make anyone nervous,
pandemics can be unsettling enough
without economic and political surprises,
inconvenient systemic insights,
more expansive circles of empathy
positively impressing
more than negative deep
steep hierarchies
practicing neglectful shallow sympathy
for Others
on distant pagan shores.

These government checks
that come and go in the mail
or by direct deposit
between you and the IRS,
these speak up for

“From each according to her/his financial ability;
to each according to his/her immediate need”

Which sounds suspiciously Karl Marxian
and that Engels white labor-activist guy

Than speaking empowerment efficacy of
and up
and for more competitive evolutionary
Capitalistic Voices
fossil-fueling financial systemic choices

“From each consumer and taxpayer
as much as possible;
to each producer and legal resident
as little as possible
in return.”

These pandemic support checks
are public welfare investments
in our cooperatively held economic
and healthy democratic wellbeing future,
and healthy wealth of future multicultural

With resilient ability to pay back
and long-term financial need
to cooperatively thrive
more than competitively survive

Economic investment values
usually attributed to scary words like
and “Social Engineering”
but also speak of cooperative win/win
long-term healthcare thinking
more than BusinessAsUsual
competitive win/lose scheming,
nightmarish climate pathology
escapist dreaming.

When these twelve
and six
and fourteen hundred dollar checks come
from our federated governing system,
this is closer to Cooperativist Economic Behavior

Than to Communism,
where the State owns all the assets
and capacity to produce cash at will
and redistribute monetized wealth
not based on earnings
but on the number of human mouths to feed
and water
and keep relatively comfortable with sufficient healthy food
clean water
non-toxic air,
reasonably non-traumatic
and highly erratic fire
and weather
and rabidly depopulating epidemics…

So, when your fourteen hundred dollar check
peacefully arrives in your checking account
or in snail mail,
please remember,
with personal gratitude and political respect for integrity,
this is sacred GreenCommunion
at our cooperative federated best;
social democracy of an extended kinship kind.

You and I have no further reason to worship
at the monocultural altar of unfettered Capitalism,

A system patriarchally designed for predators
against their unprivileged prey,
without becoming uncomfortably aware
of our cooperatively unmeasured hypocrisy.
about unpatriotically not supporting
multicultural EarthTribe democracy.
