
Speaking From Felt Experience

Enjoying Earth’s promised land
of compassionate
multicultural communion,
we share a preference for deep
rich soil
and fertile green-blue
resonating surf

As our bodies adjust
to rocky and prickly
either me
or not me space

And our minds flow
back and forth
through gooey both “me”
and organic neurosensory “we”
peace searching times
of glad/bad memory,
healthy peak and unwealthy valley
remembering felt body trauma
and mindfully resilient therapies

Inhaling Earth’s past sacred unions
Exhaling into conjoined future
compassionate communion.

These reflections came to mind
this morning
as I recalled a recent clergy question:

“What did you FEEL
when you first read
this proposal for a change
in our corporate
Universal Salvific
and Unitarian CoRedemptive
liberated feminist tradition.”

I remember listening for neuro-sensexually
enlightened language
for distinguishing core
empowered/disempowered Feelings
primally limited to:

Glad-anticipating win/win peak mind/body experiences
Bad-anxious about lose/lose dualdark valley experiences
Sad-depressed about my own win/lose long-term chances
Mad-about suppressed short-term survival
odds against overpowering PatriarchalGod’s
timeless dispassion.

My gladness trying to thrive
despite an unholy trinity
responding to trauma history
of multigenerational peak/valley surfing

in glad health opportunities
reforming bad unease
sad disease
mad missing ease
invoking dissociative
neuro-sensexual despair
informing future opportunities
for compassionate repair.

Out of twenty
LeftBrain verbal dominant responses
to this spirited natural feelings question,
only two mentioned feelings
predicting positive
and negative
and ambivalent thoughts.

One said both glad about opportunity
for deep communal dialogue
and sad about lowly lay victims
speaking against too powerful and unenlightened
religious professional orchestrations

Us v them rhetoric
creating a polarizing culture
of win/lose
destabilizing trauma

Lack of EarthPeace
and Restorative Justice
in the deep rich soil
and fertile green-blue surf
of nature-spirited communion
opportunities for peak dialogical experiences
of LeftMind/RightBody
FatherSun/MotherEarth co-passionate

Another wise woman elder responded
with “confused”
which encompasses,
without resonantly resolving,
all of Glad and Bad
Sad and Mad
chaotic flowing mind
feeling toxically disembodied
from sacred healing peace
restoring EarthTribe Justice
co-passionate mission statements
EarthTribe healing vocations.

What no one said
was “compassion”
for the romantic-comedy of peak experienced Glad
and the traumatic-tragedy of dark valley experienced
short-term Mad
and long-term chronic Sad
Lose/Lose absence
of healthy
messianic minds

Surfing through empowered
co-redemptive neurosensory
bodhisattva bodies
of spiritual/natural
co-passionate communicators

Win/win naturally resilient
co-mediating spiritual practicers
rooted in peak experiences
of comprehensive synergetic feelings
more resiliently Glad
than dispassionately Bad

Speaking our restorative justice
free and co-responsive win/win
searching truths
to patriarchal/capitalist
win/lose systemic trauma.


DisOrdered Sons and Fathers

May all sacred,
but not quite omnipotent,
fathers learn this day
as we impatiently correct
our stress-disordered sons

That respect is earned,
so maybe disrespect is too
positive and negative layered
for and against authority
for and sometimes restlessly against
repeating Business As Usual
white middle-class dadisms:

You snooze
you lose

May apply to your lethargic
chronically anxious
cannabis-fed son

And yet feels counter-intuitive
for babies
and us great grandads
who need our outside rest
away from commercial
too lit up
and loud
and relentlessly plastic
inhumane degradations

In such a rabidly anxious hurry
to wait for inevitable pandemics
and genocide,
forest fires
dry river beds

Taking a snooze
feels like a healthy alternative to:

capitalist narcissism
anthropocentric monotheism
monoculturing nationalism
painful survivalist isolation
demented diseases
species extinctions

safety and defense-oriented males
on a bad day
in a depressing moment

yackity yack disrespectful
feeling privileged to rightwing exclusively define
“real [and not indefensively stupid] men.”

Yet quietly hiding
under these sacredly respected
and secular unrespectful unsuspecting layers
of diverse manhood hues and cues
and patriarchal cultures

Capital invested climates
prefer cooperative integrity
over dormant faith-based respect
and creatively traumatic disrespect
and unenlightened
stress-triggered unrespect

Desecrating sacred solidarity feelings
learned today
as synergetic need/want supportive
communication systems
sometimes impatiently correcting
my pre- and post-traumatic
stress disordered father


How Many Holidays

How many times have I heard?

The family that prays together
stays together

And, the family that eats together
stays together

I know from personal Holiday
and every day
neither of these is necessarily true.

I wonder if the family that sings
and/or dances together,
does stay together,
if only in our dreams.

And how many times have I thought,
and sometimes said?

If not broken,
do not fix.

If Holiday celebrations
are not broken,
then no reason to start singing
and/or dancing
avoiding climatic catastrophe
by creating
and recreating
EarthPeace eucatastrophe.

Only fix fractures
when crumbling climates
are painfully obvious losses

Is a profound example
of LeftBrain Business As Triumphantly Usual
bipolar idealism

Either we are depressingly broken already
Or we are not yet sufficiently flawed
in our current competitive consumer mania

Polarized thinking
predicts selfishly predative feelings,
like marching in vicious squares
rather than choosing
to sing in virtuous circles.

Reduced to merely secular
devolutionary devotion,
Or not yet feeling naked loss enough
for a sacred solstice
revolutionary caroling
song and dance
midnight flashmob
massive howl event.

Fracturing doubts
perilously ignore intuitive warnings:
feeling masked alone,
so not extended family exposed,
never threatening to sing a kind line
or dance risky emotional steps
toward resonant healing

LeftBrain doubts
about losing control
of soberly reasonable celebrations
reminds me that most thought
and felt relationships working now
are threatened by unraveling climate decay,
by natural organic lifetime limitations,
by dysfunctional silence,
by mortal fears
and breaking anger disorders,

By denial of sufficient individual survival
through self-perpetuating love
sufficient for fixing Ever After.

Frequent flyer Left lyrics
devoid of Right rhythmic tone,

Secularized monotheism
not yet open toward sacred panentheistic
song and dance systemic communications
co-arising cognitive/affective resonance
feeling verbalizing thoughts:

If not yet unhealthy broke,
zero-sum bankrupt,
in traumatic competitive
shouting consumptive hate
and all-consuming anger
and consumer fear of crisis,
then what?

Perhaps deep listening
for feelings sung
and needs danced out
with those who do appreciate
individual sacred egos
are win/win made
to become half Other warm
ecosystemic environments
of wellness planning
reassociating Trust

Reconsidered in here
healing musical space
through eternal now not hurting,
hurling time

Win/Win bicameral
dipolar co-arising engagement
resilient unbroken anthro health
is true resonant holiday
and every day wealth,

Earth environmental deep learning
from win/lose brokenness
toward future win/win reweaving
song and dance

LeftEgo/RightEco therapeutically cooperative
mending mindfulness
of integrity’s potential
for resonant healing
individual isolating events
of felt broken climates,

Pre- and/or Post-traumatic stress
inherited from past falling short,
shallow everyday present awareness

Intuitively wanting to fix future
traumatic lose/lose awkward
and malforming breaks
and win/lose competitive risks
threatening long-term consumer malfunction,
and win/win synergetic mondbody integrity
of ego songs
and fire circle eco-dances
recycling cooperative
EarthDay and Night
resilient musical consciousness.
and win/lose risks

With winBody/winMind synergetic integrity
of ego dancing
eco cooperative singing
compassionate NewYear consciousness.


Peace Mediating Poetry

Thanks so much for forwarding
these John Paul Lederach stories
of un-learning academic approaches
to peace mediation.

I wonder if you remembered
my ongoing certification process
for justice-restoring mediation
in complex multicultural conflicting histories;
which are typically antithetical to resilient peace
through ongoing safe and healthy relationships.

With this background,
I was struck by “un-learning”.

To regain his poetic heart,
to remain resonant interdependently forward,
to give priority to emotional intelligence,
to remain actively curious about multicultural context,
and win/win strategic roots of issue-devolution,
we do well to relearn left-brain dominant communication lessons
to co-arise right-mind prominent compassionate listening
before speaking of how to win more,
or at least lose less,
through competitive win/lose
either/or assumptions
contrary to the opulence of Nature-Spirit
function and flow ZeroZone patterns
everywhere immanently transcendent.

From this non-dualistic place
un-learning academic cognition hierarchical models,
maps pointing up to win
and down to comparatively lose conflicts
of self-survival interest,
feels more like relearning both/and,
higher and wider and deeper points
of left with right minded skills,
loves within interdependent complex feelings
curious cooperative historical interests,
emerging courageously power-with
2020 re-vision anticipations.

May Sarton, sometimes a poet, observes
“It is good for a professional
to be reminded…
professionalism is only a husk,

That the real person
must remain an amateur,
a lover of the work.”

“…if to be a poet
means allowing life to flow through one
rather than forcing” love/life
“to a mold the will has” calcified;…

“If it means learning…
the day shape[s] the work,
not [just] the work,
the day,
and so live toward essence
as naturally as a bird
or a flower”

In a meadow
arrayed in warm-lit splendor
health and beauty,
healthy beautiful wealth
optimized by transcendent right-brain interdependence,
metaphoric neurological relationship,
theological re-communication,
holonic co-operation with Earth-wombed Mother’s
healthiest past through future.

We are increasingly invited,
by left with right minded correlations,
to want to do
what our healthiest ego says we must,
and to love what we ego-must
do to ego-eco-theo-logically want
to retain wealth of cooperative inter-communion,
healthy immanent/transcendent relationship climates
becoming/being the opposite of excommunicated,
the apposition of impeached
by disloyal and hate-filled over-reactions
heralded by the insufficient love
of our hierarchical and too-monocultural forefathers

Invites us to restore EarthJustice
one momentary win/win relationship choice
in a lifetime of sacred multicultural invitations.


Departheid Attachment

He once met a girl named Divestment,
She once heard a boy name Detachment,
they tangoed as two
and tangled til blue,
Then bore a misery child of deportment
divisioned DePartment.

S/he once met a god for Attaching
and heard herself named for Reproaching,
they tangoed as two
then tangled til through,
Then bore a hope for encroaching

There once was a feminist named Courage
who met a patriarch named Curious,
they tangoed as two
then tangled, tis true,
Creating compassions less Furious.



Doing Church

Church is usually a noun
for a sanctuary becoming place

But, both church and sanctuary
are scripturally more about revolutionary verbs.

Countering capital-consumer culture
giving and receiving healthy cooperatively-owned sanctuary
are what good news faith communities do
to earn a reputation
for wealth of love,
gratitude for more hope-filled futures
more than autonomously apart.

Synergetically giving and receiving sanctuary
cannot be done with both integrity
and contempt,
And can be optimized with both gratitude for error
and terrifying opportunities
to fast-extend hopeful compassion,
a positive energy democratic crisis
seeking immediate through long-term
WinWin polypathic outcomes.

Recent choices of a good health sanctuary movement
look back to November of 2016 in the U.S.
and to RightWing fear-mongering plutocratic contests
throughout Earth’s non-violent health-sanctuaries,
lower inclusive standards of liberal ultra-violet integrity
to love each Other,
healthy and not so much
just yet.

Health care exercises active compassion
Which could not include
turning a nakedly competing corporate emperor
into the Nakedly Competing International Emperor
presiding over entitled epi-ego-idolatry centers
conservatively loathing liberal sanctuary movements,
extended loving families
of nature/spirits.

Compassion for Naked Emperors
and for our own competing anti-sanctuary ways
invites each green therapeutic vocational call
to re-invest
re-hope for gratefully resilient sanctuary becoming
doing what we still can
integrating active resonant economic hope
with therapeutic ecological purpose
polypathic ethology
sacred secularity
systematic WinWin theology
of liberating
integral love churching
growing greener sanctuaries.


Kindness Between Lovers

Cooperative kindness to others
is a fake kindness
if this liberating word or freeing action
compromises your own integrity,
which is disintegrating thereby,
an unkindness
to your own healthy Ego with Other relationship.

WinLose compromising kindness toward all Others
is not a healthy bicameral kindness
because such white lie words and actions
compromise Earth’s WinWin wealth
of sacred integrity.

Left v Right Brain disintegrity of words and actions
pathological, not even LeftBrain rational,
within my own Ego/Eco bilateral
Inside/Outside healthy integrity.

My sensory-neural map
of and for cooperative kindness
is not necessarily your organic farm integrity territory,
spanning LoseLose past Here
toward WinWin future RightBrain optimization Now,
by reducing Right ecoconsciousness

Of each ego deducting form
faking induced co-empathic kindness
that would overpower shame’s blaming feelings.

LeftBrain verbal secular kind consciousness for Trust
in co-tensioned presence
with RightBrain sacred copresent nonverbal awareness.

Our ecologically nutritional systems
organically digest/eliminate
Whole Open climate systemic stories
are also our humane WinWin
theological metaphysical natures
favoring healthy historic-sacred
WinWin Grace
over LoseLose DeGeneration
anti-development of health-wealth
deep learning kind integrity narratives

And ecometrically Positive Polynomials
equivalently contrasted against Not(Not PolyPhonic)
Zero Kindness Zones
WinYang = Win YinYin
bicameral EgoSelf/Other ZeroSoul consciousness,
co-empathic + = double negative,
as light = dualdark cosmology,
nurturing resonantly resilient non-violence.

A secular LoseLose map
is not the sacred WinWin kind custodial territory.

WinLose capitalist patriarchal media
are not our WinWin bicamerally cooperative
health/wealth message.

The dance is not the nonverbal kindness song,
Our song unseen
without our health-advocating
rain-kind grace dance.

Conflict is not my cooperative FireCircle outcome,
and cooperatives cannot be consensus born
without conflict,
as atheist LoseLose theoreticians
cannot emerge
without prior ecotheistic WinWin
nutritional-matriarchal experience
of Truth/Beauty ZeroZone kindness.


Liberal Operatic Lovers

What cooperative evidence
could we final climate find
for WinWin cooperation lovers
including LeftBrain secular humanities
inviting no more or less valueflow
than RightBrain WiseElder root-branch dipolar etchings
neurologically ancient bipolar temporal systemic
body-branch, mind-root DNA enscriptured holonic trees,
DNA river stream fed
through matriarchal precessive waving lines
in 4D spacetime sacred divine limbic flowing
open multiculturing systems
of secular/sacred memory,

Left nature branches
fed by ElderRight
ecospirit Trust-Energy
both temporal tempered
and spatial bilateral positive
daylight 16 hours
equals 8
fractal-octave median hours dualdark WinWin
LoseLose Negative notnotPathology,
equals co-opportunity
as YinFractal
equals YangRadiant
if you were a lily,
which would, of course,
seem LeftBrain
rather silly.

UnHoly HerStory
of Yang strength
for cooperative integrity
within ElderYin wombs
resonant double-binding
temporal bilateral flowing brainstem roots,

BrainStem Roots
of positive ergodic past physical bodies
and notnot negative bionic,
future bilaterals,
co-WinWin Here/Now gravitating.

Zero Matriarchal Operatic Voices
zen lens
Yang active Trust
with Yin dissonant notnot conflict,
passive-aptic tolerance of notpeace
without health-developmental therapeutic justice.

Universal cortex outside
with yin-unitarian brain root systemed
concaved exforming/reforming
past/future DNA re-associations
on our best Sacred ElderRight remembering days
and reforesting brainstem tree-root justice nurturing nights
speaking through extending family re-memories
of light
with dualdark ecological theology
dialectal operatic communion theories
of epic revolutions.

We each,
separately disassociated
and associated together,
transform our revolutionary rhythmed limbic character climate views
and holonic patterned
natural BrainStem Trees of Trusting AncientVoices
orthodox health in positive beliefs,
hopes to revolve,
change 4dimensional bicameral conflicted,
disassociated ego-space v eco-bilateral timeless time.

RightBrain WiseElders conjoining LeftCortex Messengers
WinWin consorting
EgoConflicts with EcoTherapeutic Matriarchal CoOperative Governance,
co-acclimations without violent crusades,
deductive positive/inductive notnot appositional oppositional
ecopolitical creolization,

Open ecosystems deep and wide WinWin temporal transformation
follow limbic ZeroZones
personal ego/ecopolitical WinWin dreams
ElderSacred Right
notnot vetoing
Secular Left’s rational polynomial informing Voice
speaking through 4D Prime-Relational
SpaceTime NonZero-Sum
TrustLeft with BeautyRight overstory
co-associating dipolar healthwealth nested inter-organic forest trends
with co-associated dipolar ZeroVariance,
bilateral 4D DNA Holy Matriarchal-Cooperative Scriptured
to respect as healthy
CoRelational Revolutionary Operatic Voices.

Personal transubstantiating LeftTruth
as RightBeauty information
EgoLeft with Eco ElderRight
YangCortex bilaterals
nurturing YinSquared LightFlow.

RightBrain train
back through NewBorn temporal/limbic
leaves falling dark and rising light
in unison with BrainStem inductive resonance
includes gratitude for WinLose conflicts past,
now reviewed for WinWin opportunities to do better
healing healthy cooperative growth
of ecowealth.

When Win/Lose anger
self and other blame
for LoseLose competing projected trends
missing WinWin not yet opportunities
to choose revolutionary new ways
to cooperatively respond
with healing WinLose toward LoseLose
pathological dualdark not noticing
yet further feeding anger and fear
and self-without-other blame

Left deductive consciousness
facing critical Life/Death issues,
like universal health care opportunities missed
for robust internal/external unitarian climate welfare,

Or Business as RightWing capitalism
distrusted played-out Win/Lose Climate ZeroSum Usual
risks restoring LeftWing ecofeminist
EarthMother singing/dancing throwback Tribes
of resilient/resonant climate happiness

FireCircles restoring joy and rain dancing
and FullMoon celebrations
of health-wealth nutritional abundance
becoming our own robust 2020
active resonate hearing and seeing opportunity
to recognize dualdark climatic limbic emotions
co-arising and co-gravitating
choosing not to feed and water
Win/Lose monocultural LeftBrain dominions

To create more ZeroZenZone
multicultural balancing
wealthy time with healthy space revolutions
choosing a co-enlightening natural/spiritual response
re-aligning natural-Win/spiritual-Lose toward WinWin
positive energy ecological psychology
re-direction toward bilateral brain’s matriarchal root
NewBorn stems
we all want to further PositivEnergy evolve
from historic past
through herstoric operative reforesting Voice.

Each day’s musical temporal-limbic time
we WinWin ego/eco balancing choose
to re-engage ongoing uncreative dissonant tensions,
we invite deeper re-creative WinWin patterns
of and for Left/Right conflict healing
in love graced secular/sacred
revolutioning strong-hearted operatic lives.


Let Me Entertain Conflicts

dry risk
with wet therapeutic opportunity,
emergent revolutions
co-arise Ego risk
for EcoOther co-opportunity.

We deeply listen with each outside curious voice,
resonantly organizing
each reweaving WinWin cooperative Both/And Other.

Tree root matriarchal systems
Tipping their sacred Points
toward therapeutic transformation,
transubstantiation digesting when ego/eco interfacing
potential Yang/Yin conflict
rather than multicultural WinWin integrity outcomes
transform comparison tools
compatriotic into eco-root systemic matriarchal trees
cooperatively feeding
outside nature with inside spirit
bicameral views

Cooperatively restoring original points of conflicting
competing WinLose mono-regenerational secular views,
anti-herstorical history
of extending matriarch-wombed families
with ancient multicultural memories
embedded in matriarch/patriarch
warm red bright
withstanding protruding dualdark curious predations
DNA shared integrity climax memories
of past opportunities with risk symmetric
Beauty with Trust
Yin with agapic co-arising dipolar Yang.

Either patriarchal orthodox RightWing
or matriarchal ecofeminist eisegetical LeftWing
heuristically curious green climate

Conflicts notice Win/Lose risk
Win/Win opportunity
in-between Ego-RightHand Win/Lose competitions
in rapturous anticipations
AND Eco-Left with Right Biospheric WinWin
Green organic cooperatives
secular Now co-ownership
with sacred Here perceptual co-management,

HealthWealth optimizing receptions,
with our matriarch/patriarch integrity nurturing actions
balancing RightWing reductive risks
against and with
LeftWing sacred inductive opportunity

for Left with Right ego/eco positive attitude,
forgiving remaining conflicts
still needing less mendacious patriarchal generosity
rather than nature/spirit interdependent
harmonizing rhapsodies
in ego/eco dancing lives
in non-violent communicating health/wealth multicultures,
in ecogreen health-branched
and egoblooming
resonant polycultural wealth-rooted systems

theo/eco-logical life
poly/not(not poly)-pathic
binomial bilateral bicameral
WWW Open Whole Nomitive/DeNomitive ZeroRoot
double-binding System

Cooperative rapturous Paradise Climax
YangBang with YinSquared/Squired RunAway Win
ZeroZone Universal IntegriNomial.

Where internal conflict
revolves external Both/And projecting/rejecting contrast,
deep learning health/wealth opportunities
and long-term pathological anti-systemic degenerative risks
divesting diverting away from EarthTribe’s robust future eco-generations

yet to recover LeftSecular/RightSacred
Eco/TheoLogical HealthWealth CoOptimization,
restoring justice with risk to Win opportunity
past retributive RightWing Lose/Lose dominion
over secularizing natural
absence of healthiest green/blue
ultra-violet resonant
red FireCircle WiseElder memories
of past WinWin harmonic warm wombs
outdoor voiced

Dancing with rain,
prancing as rain,
not so much marching for and against “rain”
as baptismal co-invitations.
