
Giving Way

Who am I
to give Light’s sway
to Earthly kindness?

Who am I
to praise
love’s bold told synergy?
sun sung soprano
diva voiced

Through life’s more challenged
LeftBrain capitalized energies
in dark basement shunning
echoing not yet dead
predicting survival choice.

Yet choice
may here
and there be wrongly voiced
regarding numerous sins
without apparent smothered victims
preferring to expand
win/win resilient
thriving to rejoice
is obviously brilliant

Restoring justice
non-verbally unchoiced
sacred Whole Systemick-identity
could become our mind repletely full
of fertile health defaults
reseen as wealthier
when just-right

To avoid further trauma narratives
degenerating loss losing fried-out markets
in a regenerating win/win land
where 1 is not
not also 0 empty nonchoice
out to sea

Back/forth mindful
of the timely voice
sung and signed silent
inside thoughtful
Integrity’s rejoice

For resiliently healthy
universally salvific
win/win wealthy

frosting on the cake

Abating win-1 to lose-0
less than restoring win/win kindness
Yang and Yin’s binomial rebalanced

When mindful with this quest
for who are We to give
Light’s empowering sway
to Earth-compassioned
win/win wealthy

We’re all doing our therapeutic best
toward a trauma prevention Earth
easing off inside loathing diatribes
becoming Kindness Tribe

Curiously repeating
How do we already
give Light’s empowering sway
to grow Earthy kindness?


BearQueen Proclamation

There’s much to be said,
without diplomacy,
said the Queen
to her Bear

In favor of ancient
transparently royalist wisdom,
“Don’t even look at me.
Either you got it,
or you didn’t!”

Either you get it
or you don’t
And I most certainly do!
rumbled Her Bear
to his Queen.

And yet,
said his Queen
to Her Bear

I feel something
must also be said…
A proclamation!
of win/win consorts
and copassionate co-investments
and mutually satisfying

roared Her Bear
with his Queen

Proclaiming cooperative economics
of love
Her most Royal
Peak Experiential
Universal HealthCare Decree

Which even the ElderPriest found long-winded,
“That’s my sacred,
not quite so sensory,
ecosystems territory,

To which the Queen
most regally replied
as if She had not just been conversing
with a nearby Straight White Trucker

Not the way we do it!

unless you have wandering issues
with your patriarchal vocation,
added Her Wondering LoverBear.


Supreme Dreams

Regenerative health opportunities
engage divinely omnipotent passions
omnipresent copassions
omnisciently felt cooperative intent
of co-invested green panentheists

necessarily whole organic
synergetically requiring
dipolar co-arising round corporate risks
of eventual degenerative time lines

To project and prepare sufficient safe space
and healthy multi-generational time
for subsequent recreative iterations,
sacred economic exchanges,
co-empowering transactions,
resilient nonviolent communication relationships

win/win health systemic
optimal EarthJustice
trauma prevention
enlightening bodymind
EarthTribal resilience
of co-invested empowerment.


Transition Town Time

It was E. B. White
who famously lamented

Waking each morning
feeling prevented
from improving
his worldview experience

Or waking each morning
feeling joy
for improvements made
during views of Earth
sacred smack in Her
other wise dead head

Or something
probably not so involved
but with the same
missing the potential

Waking each morning
committed to enjoy improving
my co-invested worldview
sacred health-humored
wealth of experience.

But not in a preachy
judgment way,
more of a cosmic beauty
sacred green holonic
kinda open wholeEarth systemic
sort of win/win play

More trauma-informed
by advocates
for green cooperative
deep learning non-violent communication
ecofeminist EarthTribe Day
and Transition Town Time
for restoring resilient EarthJustice.


Sexier Santa Passions

Community trauma prevention
sounds not so sexy
to absent-minded mayors
and perennial kleptocratic players

And growing a regenerative Learning Community
isn’t really ecojust about restoring
healthy democratic justice
for a somewhat sexier
and robust multicultural environment.

Both of these Win/Win Game Theory
trauma-informed learning theory applications
remain paternally erectile
mountainously synergetic
strength functions
of community YangWoke experience

And valleyed ecofeminist
indigenously EcoMatrimonial Wise
for growing integrity’s flow
of nonverbal ecstasy
nonviolently yin
peak rebirthing experience
polycultural win/win wombed learning
co-passionate communionation

Sacred root chakra souled
and yet carnal
as rich
erotically fertile soil.
