
Full Moon Surfing

While the sacred ecologist within
re-cognizes Bucky Fuller’s pre-millennial insight

What appears,
from a transcendent distance,
to be a static
entirely monocultural
universal Vertex,
A Black circular Whole
at New Moon midnight,
while circling outside
physical Earth nature

May also feel
like an ecstatic unitarian Vortex
from a co-empathic inside
panentheistic spirit
of complexly synergetic compassion

Especially when experiencing
a peak polycultural
mountain/crown-1.00% SunLight
valley/root-0.00% EarthPower

1 Prickly Here
enters co-invested Gooey 0 Now,
inserts the ghost of Allan Watts
conserving Red
nutritional economic AnthroPrivileged
LeftBrain precessive Vertex
reconnecting with Green
nurturing eco-polycultural EarthTribe
RightHemisphere recessive Vortex

BiCamerally polypathic,
binomially polymathic
throughout Full Moon
peak and valley surfing
in and out-side

In bodied Here
and back out expiring Now
0/1 iconic Peace Warriors,
ironic MusEcologists,
ionic Vertex/Vortex
Crown/Root Sage MetaPhysicists
in hypostatic triune reunion

Right-felt/Left-thought communion
EarthTribe reconnecting
under a Full Moon,
peak and valley
vertex and vortex
crown and root chakra
compassion surfing
in solidarity
with the indigenous wisdom
of prickly Crown MotherTrees
nurturing gooey RootSystemic
co-infested peak experience

Empowering further orthopraxis
with BlackWhole root systemic compassion

vertex-from above
and vortex-from within
panentheistic Integrity.


Deep Valleys

Perilous fall risks
these double-binding thoughts
with feelings still nascently attached
positive and negative,
often complexly ambiguous
as an old variegated sock
chew toy

Stumbled over in emotive colored sequences
contrasting tasteful language
comparing visions sweet and sour,
bland touch not grand
but better than feeling bitter
qualitative resonant/dissonant scales
of magnificent maleficence
and malicious magnificence

overflowing personally compelling
dispelling private passions
remain within a high and wide
yet deep and narrow
multigenerational polyculture
of co-empathic compassion

To heal sacred MaternalEarth
and thereby correlate
all Her multiculturing
divinely languaged
singularly health-hearted
dizzying slip-shod business

Positive and negative
universal uniting
and severing
ecopolitically co-invested emotions

Eco-logically restorative
climate resilient growing
peaceful co-messymanic valleys
of resonant reconnection

As reliable as an old
hand knit pair
of variegated socks
before repurposed
as sacred scented chewtoys.


Earth Hugging

What could I do?

What to do
when your biological,
and even formerly sober ecological,
relationships suddenly veer insanely romantic?

Or worse,
and yet
not always distrustful,
or not,
maybe deeper sadness
and occasional manic gladness
emerging inclusively wider questions
of approach and/or avoid

Both romantic
and yet soberly pedantic
sometimes before,
to plan, for after
feeling up
and/or sore
predicts anxiously down,
as genocide
predicts ecocide,
as biological attraction
follows ecological co-invested transaction
secular lust
must be felt sacred just
to know need for win/win romance
from greed for a winner take all
anthroprivileged chance
to flex power
without sharing light,
capital wealth
without nutritional health,
disvalues of Yang infestment
without Yintegral co-investment values
without co-operative elation

My rabid rabbit hole
suddenly re-opening inter-religiously
grasping indigenously divine romantic
or sacred nomadic history
not told
or remembered

When mother trees
and father limbs
felt sexy
and bark,
like skin,
felt consensual,
ecologically curious
and biologically courageous

Mystically nondualistic
Yanged up healthy
and yet also,
more kinda ecofeminist
Yintegral safe sex
yet curiously pantheistic MotherEarth
[is, and is not my sacred EarthMother]
outrageously romantic wombing

What to do when
win/win romantic co-investments
don’t go green cooperative ecstatic
resiliently resonating peak experience?

Instead, may feel not just egotistic
but also HumanPredative
pedantic privilege
more than ecologically resilient
and/or romantically brilliant,
depending, I suppose,
on which side of the secular courage
v sacred curiosity
I may feel,
and need,
and want this day

Worshipping manly mountains
and crouching in warm breezed grassy valleys
multiculturally enlightening
and polyculturally empowering

New ego/eco-logical systemic questions
about what to do
when One dominating monotheistic
dogmatically scripted
religion in Power

And yet
disproportionately GrandMother funded
and nurtured
and fed
while marginalized,
still feeling disenfranchised
and stuck

On what to do
when your biological
and even formerly ecological
sacred relationships
suddenly veer insanely win/win romantic

I suppose it has something to do with
avoiding your personal slam-bam purposes
to feed and breed
our EarthRevival slow-grown
inspiraling cooperative
deep sacred meaning
is also highest and best mindbody use,
not abuse

Tipping WuWei toward
P = N(NP)
equitable chance
of ego/eco-systemic
win/win resilient
bio/eco-logical resonant
as LeftBrain Either/Or
Light v Dark
is to RightBrain Both/And
+1/-(-0)= PolyMathic EcoPolitical Equity

Expressed in
polyvagal neuro-systemic communication
polypathic eco-systemic not not mental health systemic
thought/felt trauma prevention
internal/external resonant affection
resiliently romantic
good health humored
co-inspiring balance issues

Which keep obsessively
and compulsively,
and liberally
and approaching
fleeing courage
and fighting/freezing curiosity
looping back
to what should I do
when my biological health
fights my former ecological wealth
of co-empathic communication systems,
suddenly and insanely veering
pan-sensory win/win romantic?

Seems a whole lot more
than merely not so win/lose traumatic.


Pequot River Land Trust

or twice,
maybe thrice,
surely not
not fractal

A clan of crazy ecofeminist
conspired with an 88 unit residential castle
in a historically converted
colonial-red brick bad building

With a sometimes soggy south wall school,
but not a pool

With a toxic Brownfield
to the South
and a healthy playfield
to the North

Overlooking Connecticut’s Pequot River,
We plotted
and mystically strategized
in sibilant circles
of reinvention

Without pretention
And also, sometimes,
without hearing much retention
of what silent Others
might, more paternalistically
have disinterestedly said
about corporate kleptocracy
of our home planet Earth

Distracted by paternalistic
colonizing over-shoot
into capital hoarding
closed and toxic dgenerating
anthrosupremacist extraction systems
of economic and politically chauvenistic
apartheid sponsored disintegrating health care
giving is also cooperative receiving
win/win resiliently therapeutic systems.

Our panentheistic worship patterns
are nuanced sacred eco-logia
avoiding dogmatically fundamental
unwoke and unwelcome absence
of over-investing
in disempowering communal Yinside DoorMats,

Externally oppressed
by prickly but ineffective predators
wiping their StraightWhite Privilege
to bow to Mammon’s narcassistic
bedeviling superpowers

For, eventually,
enlightening LeftBrain verbalized prejudices
against sacred RightBrrain muted
yet co-empathic trust for feelings

Of both blue sky
and green forests
co-investing with Mother’s re-membered
communal ecofeminist transporters
and nonviolently communicating
great and small transitioning

Left and Right bilateral
human health balanced brilliance
relies on MotherEarth’s sacred wealth
ecoministerial resilience
of indigenously wise
sharing and caring
for our tilling tools

strategizing in Earth patterns
breathing in resilient eco-systems
of light
to breathe out ego-recentering networks
of win/win co-invested power

CoMediation thriving yet again
until EarthMother’s last breath rasp
echoes Her first
majestically fluid EarthTribal gasp

Win/Win Whole Open Systemic
in/out-side bipartisan health values

Collectively lost
momentarily and pandemically pausing
in Non-0 reverse-time
double-boundaries of sacred mythos
and secular logos
paradoxing double-negatives
equal appositional co-arising positives

Both True and Elegant
as +Positive PolyNomial Open Whole Systems
equal= -/- PolyMathic DiPolar Balancing Resolution
as +1 = -(-0-squared) CoBinary NonZero Resilient Win/Win Equity

When LeftBrain exponentially triumphant
when all bilateral hands are dealt
in positive fractal squares

In Holonic PresenceSpace
delightfully empowering
One universally panentheistic
inspirating living planetary flow

Of eternally sacred,
and ergodically regenerative
timeless moment positive energy
reclaims not-not wu-wei
flow to grow
healthier together
than degeneratively apart
trying to remember
if this is laxative night.

More resilient,
don’t you think
and often feel

So, we co-invested
a People of the Pequot LandTrust
nonprofit association
for historical preservation,
including mindful practices
of Indigenous Ego/EcoSystemic
Resilient Wisdom

Unconditionally regarding,
re-communing free of StraightWhitePatriarchalCapitalist trauma,
cooperatively re-investing
for WuWei Resilient Earth-empowering outcomes
secular/sacred cultural balance,
Left/Right partisan creolization
for healthcare optimization,
+1/-(-0) ecopolitical equity

YangHealth equals Yintegral NonZero Systemic Wealth
for regenerative
usually cooperative
fair-weather days
engaging in multigenerational health governance
through wu-wei Pequot Rivered
seeking up/down river
BiCameral PolyNomial Balance.

We took our Resilience Project Theory
to the Clay Math Club
supported by systemic panentheistic theology
of wise crone
Golden win/win Resilience Rule
applied organically
for ego/eco-logia health care
wealth received designs
in nonzero-sum metric balance

Where six of One,
for reasons slightly beyond
LeftBrain reductive incomprehension,
feels, rather LeftBrain precisely,
yet also RightBrain systemically,
like half a dozen of Non-0
stands in for Other times
and double-binding
mythic fractal octaves
in duo-decimal months
light/dark appositionally co-arising

Like breathing in lightenment
to breathe out dark intensely felt
and unconditionally regarded
ego/ecologically balancing

BiPartisan love of health
is not in competition
with compassion
for restoring EarthJust
global peace

At least win/win intentionally,
As our wise old transeregeneereators,
grey and white haired gardeners
reflect sun’s light
while digging yet deeper
more Resilient Organic Projects

Projecting goals in soil
and soulful LandTrusts
for historic Beauty
preservation of Rivers
and healthy EarthTribe’s Green/Blue inspiraling
panentheistic living
breathing in and out Planet

Where our LandTrust indigenous designs
take us back
where S/He started

Our 0-Zone
most valuable resilience assets
are a healthy Pequot River
and our wealthy nutritional
health care giving
and receiving
breathing in and re-seeding out

And sacred ecofeminist
panentheistic Non-0
Open Whole Systemic
wu-wei Taoistic,
indigenously wise
deep listening
trauma anthroprivileged LeftBrain informed
souls for ego/eco-balanced

Isn’t trauma
as +1 Whole Holonic HealthSystem
is not -0 Closed Claustrophobic
chaotic entropic
viciously deteriorating

Lose/Lose global climate trauma
is not Win/Win universal
cooperative restorative justice
informing nonviolent communication
and health/wealth optimizing care
and interpersonal experience.


Transition Town Time

It was E. B. White
who famously lamented

Waking each morning
feeling prevented
from improving
his worldview experience

Or waking each morning
feeling joy
for improvements made
during views of Earth
sacred smack in Her
other wise dead head

Or something
probably not so involved
but with the same
missing the potential

Waking each morning
committed to enjoy improving
my co-invested worldview
sacred health-humored
wealth of experience.

But not in a preachy
judgment way,
more of a cosmic beauty
sacred green holonic
kinda open wholeEarth systemic
sort of win/win play

More trauma-informed
by advocates
for green cooperative
deep learning non-violent communication
ecofeminist EarthTribe Day
and Transition Town Time
for restoring resilient EarthJustice.


Sexier Santa Passions

Community trauma prevention
sounds not so sexy
to absent-minded mayors
and perennial kleptocratic players

And growing a regenerative Learning Community
isn’t really ecojust about restoring
healthy democratic justice
for a somewhat sexier
and robust multicultural environment.

Both of these Win/Win Game Theory
trauma-informed learning theory applications
remain paternally erectile
mountainously synergetic
strength functions
of community YangWoke experience

And valleyed ecofeminist
indigenously EcoMatrimonial Wise
for growing integrity’s flow
of nonverbal ecstasy
nonviolently yin
peak rebirthing experience
polycultural win/win wombed learning
co-passionate communionation

Sacred root chakra souled
and yet carnal
as rich
erotically fertile soil.


Stepping Outside to ReGather

Easy to get stuck inside
my heads outside
our neglected hearts

Breathing in and out togather
fumes of historically fueled
graphite sheeted walls
too all-encumbering to smell
as monoculturing trauma

Failure to wonder
nuanced appositional
bipartisanly dipolar
looking for mediating
median win/win dispositions
still felt alone inside
too all-encumbering

for buoyant
unconditional gratitude,
sacred panentheistic regard
for MeWe potential co-passionate

Hard to remain unstuck
outside my self-too-serious walls

Outside my age-appropriately lust
for good-humored transparent
mind/heart bipartisan embodied
spirited natural bust

Inside my vulnerable skin,
sacred root bilateral

Red RightWing integrity
of indigenously wise
bicamerally thoughtful
green positive feelings

Fresh transcending verbal-yang
and nonverbal-yin

Win/Win Green LeftWing Yang
either/or deficient
RightWing Resistance
to LeftBrain
magnificently efficient

1/0 co-binary
co-arising dipolar

polymathic universal
and polypathic unitarian
polyphonic octaves
of double-binding double-fractal
health is social wealth
co-invested nutritional policy

PolyCultural resilience
non-violently win/win championed
power-with healthy bicameral democracy
for internal/external better homes and communities

Balancing inside-only
zero-sum thoughts
chronic leftbrain dominant trauma

Creolizing with GreenGaian
polypathic win/win
unconditional co-mediating regard

For both secular thoughts
and sacred 1+Yang/-(-0)Yin
root chakra

WuWei balanced
tipping point ego/ecosystemic balance
for co-governing health and safety

dialectical sacred circles
of regenerative communionation

bicameral co-binary information processing
co-passionate binomial win/win
co-binary resilient compassion structures
cooperative owned best
when indigenously managed
with ecofeminist L/R=1/0 co-empathic
restorative ego/eco-justice
co-governing healthy democracy
Taoistically indigenous space/time
bicameral co-empathic wisdom:

Easy to get stuck inside
my heads outside
my own neglected
win/lose traumatized
RightBrain connected heart

Hard to remain unstuck
outside my self-too-serious
anthrosupremacist walls
to blessings

More universally sacred synergies
unconditionally EarthTribe co-invested
warm and joyfully trans-sectarian
copassionate regard
for unitarian health
and better LeftBrain verbally dominant
nonviolent safety
from further Win/Lose
polyvagally neuro-systemic
chronic genocidal lose/lose trauma
leading to ecocidal climate drama.


Feminist ThanksGiving and Taking

and DisAbility
and All Colors and PolyCultures Deeply Matter

engage neuro-systemic
sacred felt natural reflections
inviting spiritual polytheistic

Indigenously remembered
as clearly not
Straight White Predative Male
monotheistic worship

Left liberating responses
resisting AnthroPrivileged
monoculturally rabid

Lack of polytheistic
indigenous wisdom
sacred EarthCommons
contextual give and take intelligence.


Blank Page Syndrome

Blank page syndrome
feels like full page longing
to be done with some work project
that will not slowly grow worthy
of my time
and certainly no captivated reader.

I feel victimized,
tortured, actually,
by blank page syndrome

Where I want to feel some opening
and rewarding opportunity
and not dull risk
of further unnoticed failure
to richly
and wisely communicate
warm and wild communion.

My blank pages
demand content
spilled across blue horizontal lines
with a red left side vertical

Demarking where orderly thought correctly begins
to unfold top left
unfurling cause effectively
toward right bottom

Yet Left dominance
overpowers Right feelings prominent
circling and recycling
whirling and spinning
spiraling out of win/win control
re-membering risks
of nontransparent failure
falling brawly short
of both peaceful Truth
and vulnerable Beauty.

Yet a bleakly black blank canvas
with no red
or blue bicameral communion rules
or tools
feels most frightening
intimidating of all
vaporous calls

“I can’t draw,
or sketch,
or paint,
or write,
or sing,
or dance,
or speak out woke”

Can’t preach
or teach inside voices
ignoring outside echoing choices
to evoke
childish dreams,
daydream schemes
to become Earth’s greatest love
of blank paged warm regard
for how we flew
and walked
and swam
and grew to Here embodied
meets Now compassioned mind

trusted EarthBeauty
dipolar co-arising
all scared yet sacred Time’s unfolding

Win/Win regenerative
peaks and valley sand
defining ecstatic
aesthetic lines
refining intimate circling graced spaces
etched throughout
neuro-systemic elegant
multigenerational potential

Not not synergetic journeys
deeply and widely
back and forth
out and inside
polyculturing communion

While staring at this straight lined
and otherwise white privileged
square-cut manufactured page

Holding my green health hope
and content contented circling pen
praying for worthy inspiration.


Bruising Words

Words too often have rough edges,
bloody histories,
lines more defined
than relentlessly imaged cliffs,
worshipping sacred sunlight shades
of high hazards

Coveted risks
more than needed opportunities
to hard wall wail against wild creations
unmoved by words
without animated calling
or wooing wilderness

Offending worded weapons
seducing well-schooled tools

Sounds with edges
and without

Opening and closing
edgeless sighing pause

Slowly awaiting surf’s slow
slavish turn
to reach for shores
absorbing thoughtless
