
Compassion’s Braver Angels

Impressive values,
like love,
claim resources that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
mentally glad wealth.

Oppressive disvalues
like homophobia and racism
and sexism and ageism
and ableism
and monoculturing disregard
for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide,
express what we are against
because these are sources of sadness,
bad health suppressions,
sad impoverishing depressions,
even mad disrepairing
retributive repressions,
investments in revenge,
apartheid demands for militarized retribution,
negative win/lose 0-sum
closed system reparations
repeating historical-monocultural
entrenched distrusted dissociations

Continuing viciously recycling
straight white patriarchal injustices
rather than positive win/win restorations
of positive
herstorical virtue circles,
polyculturally spacious
inclusive webs of EarthMatriarchal Peace.

The proposed 8th prime principle
does not positively promote
therapeutic justice.

Decontextualized focus on what we are against
betrays giving full mindful 4th Principle witness to
our disvalue shadows
against economically exploitive monopolies,
colonizing monocultural trauma,
white patriarchal monotheistic supremacy,
straight cisbinary monotony,
monochromatic anthroprivileged risk
overwhelming Earth’s resilient therapeutic opportunity.

Our health and environmentally safe wellness values
for compassionately mediating our 7th positive principle
breed universal health
and feed unitarian wealth
of sacred EarthMother’s unconditionally warm working web
playing interdependently win/win games
promoting resonantly sentient love lives,
nonviolent wombs
polyculturing sacred communion

Like 8th Principle sperm
universally purposed
to conjoin EarthTribe’s unitarian
green/blue 7th Principle egg.

Our 7th Principle declares our positive joy
for healthy natural life
and wealthy spiritual love
embedded in sacred EarthMother’s empowering web
valuing co-invested AnthroPeace Warriors
co-infested Muses
co-passionate Sages.

Do we need and want an 8th Principle
taking a bold
revolutionary further step
to explicitly articulate what we actively disvalue
as the ecological antithesis
of Earth’s sacred systemic 7th Principle
of a polyculturally inclusive EarthTribe
restoring our sacred green/blue indigenous communion?

I believe our positive principles
of therapeutic health,
empowering a wealthy sacred win/win web of polycultural beauty,
enlightened Earth/Anthro balance,
grows non-violently profound neurosystemic peace,
culminating in peak experiences
of our most recent 7th Principle.

And I believe in the synergetic completion
of perfectly pitched 8 octaves
for articulating MuseTherapy Resilience.

When the first photograph
of Earth’s revolving
green-blue living egg-womb
was broadcast back to Earth,
anthro-privilege could physically see Her
sacred healthy wealth
of profound eco-political value,
in Her health-wealthy prime
7th unitarian value
of PolyCultural Communion.

Now, in this new post-millennial Anthropocene,
we already begin to feel threats
of EarthSystemic oppression,
neurosystemic chronic trauma,
EarthTribe depression,
onset of anthrosupremacist remorse,
rabidly defensive denial
of rapaciously incorporated overpopulation,
despair that Win Universal Earth
and Win Unitarian Anthro healthy 7th Principle Consciousness
of herstorically positive indigenous intent
for whole-systemic thrival
too quickly fades,
foreshadowing today’s 8th Principle dispassionate discernment.

If we would dismantle sacred Earth’s historical-monocultural
systemic trauma Oppressors
of organic regenerators
recreating love-life’s multigenerational
PolyCultural Communion,
Then we might choose to restore 7th Principle EarthJustice
by letting go of less resilient
traditional win/lose anthrosupremacist images
breeding neurosystemic dissociation
and feeding toxic disvalues
of patriarchal monotheistic colonization,
monoculturing cisbinary predation,
capital economic monopolization
of therapeutic EarthMother sacred healing values
choosing regeneratively felt win/win
universally open, transparent
and unitarian holistic, vulnerable
ecotherapeutic webbed, nonjudging
nonshaming systems
for restoring PolyCulturing Communion

Thereby dismantling 8th negative anti-trauma disvalues
confronting Anthropocene privileged systems
of history’s monotheistic imaged
patriarchal natural capitalistic maninfested destiny,
a win/lose devolutionary privileged assault
and dispassionate battery
overpowering EarthTribe’s restorative peace
ecotherapeutic resources.

Can Earth’s monotheistic major force
of retributive injustice nature
and repent
and commit to restore
7th Principle panentheistic wisdom peace
for this,
and the next 7 sacred millennia?

Bicamerally indigenous compassionate minds
want wealth conserving hearts
and need health liberating bodies
to wisely know
neurosystemically intelligent
Win/Win 7th Principle
therapeutic opportunities
for EarthTribe sacred healing
AND Monoculturing AnthroSupremacist
Win/Lose 8th Principle
trauma warnings
against further EarthMother dissociative harm

Against impressive values,
reconnecting love,
reclaiming 7th Principle resources
that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
emotional resonance
spiritual resilience,
mentally glad wealth.



No one speaks of Rapture

What could one say
short of singing
and dancing
graceful tandem play?

Even evangelists
seem less sure
Rapture is a grace-filled promise
of reward for virtue
and not merely a hell-fire threat
to punish capital idolatry,
greedy sophistry

Wondering whether global Rapture
is more a sacred blessing
and less an inhumane curse
against our ignorant enemies

Or somehow both therapy
and trauma
depending on the day
and divides
and polarizing history
of secular dark unholy Truth
devoid of sacred Beauty

Antithesis to EarthTribe Rapture
which would feel more inclusively therapeutic
in all the great divine
deeply hidden
genderal places
AND humane
communion spaces

Ecstasy of empowerment
and integrity of enlightenment
tracing back through
Her synergetic win/win history
of not 0-sum synergy

Yintegral Yang mystery
wu-wei hypostatic union
win/win co-redemptive Rapture
of non-violent communication

ComPassion praxis
rituals of co-empathic communion,
mountain shading valley

Transcendently omnipotent strength
embracing immanently omnipresent flow
back and forth
down and up
past and future

Sun Light and EarthPeace Powers
reproducing seasons
and reasons
anticipating hard polarities
passion curious holistic
remedies for mortal terror.

of secular filthy fecund mind
greets sacred fertile body
meets mindful truths
of boundless EarthTribe beauty.


Less Challenging Dances

I find it easier
and, admittedly, more fun
to climb through tough terrain,
piles of leaves,
loose rocks,

and when
my goal is not to push sweaty through
by force of independently superior will,

to dance
with EarthTribe’s diverse
and miraculous co-creations,
sometimes feeling monstrous,

While marching
up our co-arising
complexly gorgeous,

Some might say “athletic”

And, when more still,
too quiet to dance,
transport myself
from points A
through fully alphabetized Z

I sit with members
of my inter-connecting choir
to sing my solo
inside dialogues
and depressingly competitive debates

Rituals of stuck
in ambiguous refrains
and angry rounds
of songs I’ve come to care for
yet fear to unload out loud

Taking turns
to catch up
and on
and on
without permitting any advice
regardless of how unilaterally wise,
nor comment
before this circling non-dialogue
completes the time allotted
for this therapeutic day
of deeply listening monologue.

And then my dance
begins inside
as sung by curiosity.

Open ended,
round and full of comprehensive stretches
across all open intersectional space
and sufficient
inter-connected time
to rhyme our stories
sung in resonance
of universal therapy
for uniting traumas.

But curiosity
does not predict
responses right
and wrong
or either serenely left
or redly fight.

Curiosity draws
us out toward undiscovered
yet felt recovered
reconfirming choirs of angels
singing Earth’s therapeutic climates
of bravely danced


History Lessons

Victims of Straight
Patriarchal History
are usually not hopelessly unenlightened
and permanently disabled

Ostracized by Self
and/or Others
from healthy democratic
co-redemptionVictims of Straight

and medicated
and meditated
into Truth seeking Beauty,
Sacred Voices seeking Secular Choices
reflecting cooperative EarthTribe’s
most win/win integral
indigenous Wisdom.

The unStraight
are not unPeople
living outside touchable
tangibly co-invested
co-operatively healthy
wealthy society.

We have always been inside
Earth’s natural/spiritual mind
nondualistically embodied
and political structure

Which co-created us
co-passionate communicators
from past regenerations
toward future generations
seeking wealth-optimizing cooperative health.

Our co-empowering solution
to emotional and cognitive apartheid
is not always forced to colonize vulnerable prey
for failure to rise
to some self-empowered
top OnePercent

Overpowering those Others
and voiceless
in superstructures
of echoing monocultural oppression
negative repression
rather than positive impression;
anxiety defeating anticipation.

Healthier democratic resolutions
can transform win/lose competitions
into win/win cooperative social structures
as We The EnLightened People
of democratic compassion
become organically organized beings
within our health wealthing
EarthCentric Tribes.

Such environmentally transcendent transformation
does disempower StraightWhiteMonoCultural privileged
monochromatic views
of monotheistic
secularizing Purpose

Divorced from sacred democratic Meaning,
attenuating resilience
and resonance
with marginalizing
predative colonizing intent
of Might Makes MonoCulturing Right
for anthrosupremacists.

A StraightWhitePatriarchal capitalist
consumer model of historical education
assuming monotheistic
“From Above”
autocratic powers for controlling communication
cannot peacefully
or therapeutically
or justly
or sacramentally
avoid a co-passionate threat
to healthy co-producers

Wealthing positive deviant ecofeminists
leading organic EarthTribe
with unrelentingly curious
dipolar nonpartisan solidarity
of EarthTribal organic compassion.


MonoPolistic Issues

The MonoTheistic conclusions
self-righteously drawn
by too many Straight
Male corporate leaders

More comfortable with their asset management skills
than uncomfortable with their power overish tendencies
of systemic capitalism
historic kleptocracy
transcendent autocracy

Is dark-skinned slavery,
dark-minded disempowerment,
defensive proprietary oppressor
zealously predative mistakes
assuming lack of sacred
in profane Other.

By contrast,
the PolyEcological resolution
of EarthMother indigenous wisdom
is multicultural co-investment
in healthy democratic
win/win wealthy polyvagal neurosystems

Finding universal
uniting salvation
in resonantly resilient
health care energy

Massively co-mediated
co-operatively owned
and nutritiously nurtured
addiction to EarthPeace
multiculturing healthy democratic
healing justice.

When our religious beliefs
don’t mention
and challenge
systemic racism,
then we suffer
from anti-ligion,
dissociative division,
Other punishing injustice,
more than we restore worship
with all Earth’s multiculturally healthy
resilient diversity,
Truth and Beauty
of cherished sacred life.


Resonant Muses

Tensions between professional teacher
and therapeutic integrity
are as old as cultural wars
between knowing scientific theories
and feeling artistic expressions.

How many times have I heard
I am a teacher
not a therapist?

How many times have we noticed
I can’t LeftBrain effectively learn
when I don’t feel
and hear,
can’t touch
and smell
and taste RightBrain healthy resonance
and long-term safe well-being resilience?

How long might it take
to wrestle with why “professional therapist”
sounds and feels
like a patriarchal capitalist
so suspiciously predative
oxymoron to my own compassion needs?

To feel
to personally
deeply and widely listen
know thriving
sacred solidarity futures,

Therapeutic wealth
of integral
educational health

Rooted in Left/Right bicameral balance
informed by polypathically enlightened
indigenous wisdom experience
of past
felt and touched
humane regenerators
courageous resonators
curious integrators
amusing muses
impassioned musicians.

If we are all disempowered empaths
with multicultural learning goals
I might better understand
universally therapeutic
communally polyvagal neurosystemic
and ego-preferred polynomial values

Are healthy
when ego-centers
transform from disabled
RightBrain interdependent prominence
to re-sourced
with indigenously sacred
transparent meaning
of integral well-being experience

Rediscovered in secular professional purpose
of compassionate vocational healing
co-intelligently restoring well-being relationship

Bicamerally re-storying
bilaterally communicated
binomial co-arising compassion

Of LeftBrain educated Truth
after engaged by deep peace
sacred Other listening
for integrity’s empowering
enlightened cooperative potential

Yet still,
disabled EarthTribe Beauty,

Wrapped solidarity rapt
in synergy’s promised professional
therapeutic Trust,

Harmony’s impassioned Muses
echoing time’s evolving Thrust.


Disabling Corporate Culture

Dynamically spiraling fractions
of potentially integral energy
win/win cooperative
and win/lose disruptive

Against peaceful eight octaves
of eight
is one hundred per day
full-octave spectral revolutions
during bilateral peace-sentry nights

for fractal 4 = NonZero ReGenerative
indigenous spacetime dynamic
century sensory wisdom

Integrity’s sacred RightBrain ReWeaving Potential
to Climax Reset
for yet another Business
As Naturally Usual
Fibonacci Octave-Neural Outcome
Holonic Spirited day

Ecstatically filled
with intersectional FractalGroup
primal family

Organic in/out-sided experiential
Holonic LifeHealth Play

With regenerate pattern
synergy rhythmed
spiraling bilaterals
of health structure maps
for fractal collaterals
like sacred integral
territorial DNA

Redeveloping another dynamic
eco/theological envelopment
of Music,
and MetaPhonic
historical euphoria

LeftBrain seas
in 3/12
three dimensional
hourly and daily
temporal space

While RightBrain hears
in 4/4 sacred surfing fractals
for annual
seasonal un/redevelopment

Deep RightBrain interweaving
binomially thoughtful maps
with flowtrend feeling
integrity territories

dipolar co-arising
regenerative four-seasoned
structured time

For healthier pedagogical maps
deep RightBrain
interdependently sacred connected
by transparent vulnerability
ability to recommunicate
resistance to monoculturally marginalizing
autistically ghettoizing
mental hospitalizing
unhinged OTHER populations

Oppressed remains
for cooperative peer-educated persistent
monocultural domination
of middle class straight white
PatriCapitalist AnthroSupremacy

AND, in this polycultural win/win
therapeutic cooperative
co-passionate resistance,
we thereby restore public
and climate health education systems
engaging in wealthier deep learning

So, oppressed Earth’s great climatic health
as polyculturally woke
fractured fractal wounded wealth

EcoTherapy for re-educating
history’s English privileged classroom
for unstraight
traumatically suppressed people,
for oppressed organic
integral planning and implementing
secular purpose
and sacred meaning systems
more favorably impressed
by Teacher Mother Eartha

Dynamically spiraling fractions
of potentially integral
octaves of harmonic energy
win/win resiliently cooperative
and win/lose
degeneratively disruptive.


Silent UnPrivileged Stories

When I was a Big Brother
for Jason,
an African-American 10 year old male,
we went into his apartment
so he could look around
for a long overdue library book.

As I accompanied him
from room to sparsely furnished room,
looking in nearly vacant closets,
the only book we found
was a phone book,
looking silently neglected
much more than actively abused.

My first white male privileged
feelings about his Mom
had to do with blaming her
for probably not even feeling ashamed
for her irresponsible choices
while economically and politically administering
their bookless house
in this pre-WWW information age.

But, then I began asking questions.
What could Jason tell me
about his Mom’s life
when she was his age?

What were stories
familiar to her,
or retold
or experienced
and re-experienced,
therapeutic or traumatic?

Through this widening narrative moment
of multigenerational conjecture,

I also learned to question
what traumatic straight white male stories
are experienced by gay
and bisexual
and transsexual 10-year-olds,
regardless of racial identification,

And by 10-year-old girls,
perhaps regardless of racial identification,
or even further amplified
by being doubly,
and silently, outside
straight white patriarchal privilege.

I found myself
incapable of briefly imagining
much less deeply,
unflinchingly contemplating
the trauma
of growing up poor
and lesbian
and black or brown
or too red
or too yellow
without any books
or stories,
or retold
or experienced
about how her 10-year-old life will matter,
could be healthy, someday,
would ever be felt safe,
unless held shamefully silent,

Not appropriate material
for books
or retelling
or experiencing straight
male dominant stories,
and political narratives
about retributive trauma
and not multicultural
democratically inclusive therapy.


Advent of Climate Depression

After required Thanksgiving Day
and depressing night
I awoke surprised
by release into ego-homelessness.

What could sad night despairs mean?
Reiterating loss of identity
mysteriously appearing on this habitat’s coldly absent roof
of sacred grace

Why would capital depression,
RightBrain suppression
and historic patriarchal suppression
suddenly gang up more gracefully,
less threateningly,
on ZeroZone ego-homelessness
freely chosen
before rudely thrown out
for lack of paternal place.

RightBrain fullness of soul
remains ZeroZen timeless re-identification
one empty homeless side without exterior shelter.
But, for how long could eternity reweave
temporary housed DNA souls
becoming Earth’s healthy resilient lifeline?

Advent invites homeless nurturing adventures
into matriarchal kindness, silent advances
into wildly blind blizzards
binding sun’s enchanting rainbow promise
of watery return to Earth’s temporary spring sanctuary
refueling DNA’s homeless
yet robust
absence of living boundaries

Toward, rather than against, Earth’s healthy wealth
future identity transgenerating
transubstantiating temporary sanctuary
in humane health-identity space,
Earth’s co-arising sacred time
of ego’s secular summer
for ecology’s climate climax.

Mutually homeless failing falling theology pilgrims,
EgoYang and EcoYin polypathic souls
by Earth’s great green sanctuary assigned
to re-study timeless regenetic root systems
playing WinWin ZeroSoul revolutionary games
for homeless trusted identity, sheltering
from wildly wounded wandering
within chronic asylum anxiety,

Lost in lonely inside forests
outside breaking,
patriarchal fake-sanctuary voices
inside cooperative matriarchal wombing choices.

A lot of cold windy Dad talk
in each infant WinWin womb
by Mom’s resolute inside nutritional walk.

Homeless ego child
re-connecting this eco-womb,
preparing to journey home again
each sacred light of wintry advent’s dawn

After thanksgiving days
and depressing night
re-awakening surprise
of ego’s wandering
adventurous soul
revolution dawning in darkest brights.


Can’t Make You Stalk Me

Turn up the lights
Fold up the bed
Turn up those voices
outside my head
Lay out for me
Feed me with lies
Just hold me up, your patron saint
Do matronize me

‘Cause I can’t make you stalk me
if you won’t
You can’t make your mind think something
it don’t
Here in my light,
in these early hours
I will pick up my heart
and not feel your power
But I can’t, no I won’t
‘Cause I can’t make you stalk me,
when you don’t.

I’ll freeze my eyes,
then you won’t see
The heart you don’t feel
when you’re not holding me
Evening will come
and you’ll do what’s wrong
Just give me till then
to give up this song
And you could give up our wrong

‘Cause I can’t make you love us
if you won’t
You can’t make your mind feel something
it don’t
Here in our light,
in these late hours
I will pick up my heart
and I’ll feel our power
But I can’t, no I can’t
‘Cause I can’t make you stalk peace,
when you don’t.


With apologies to Allen Shamblin and Michael Reid who cooperatively wrote one of my favorite songs.
