
Compassion’s Braver Angels

Impressive values,
like love,
claim resources that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
mentally glad wealth.

Oppressive disvalues
like homophobia and racism
and sexism and ageism
and ableism
and monoculturing disregard
for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide,
express what we are against
because these are sources of sadness,
bad health suppressions,
sad impoverishing depressions,
even mad disrepairing
retributive repressions,
investments in revenge,
apartheid demands for militarized retribution,
negative win/lose 0-sum
closed system reparations
repeating historical-monocultural
entrenched distrusted dissociations

Continuing viciously recycling
straight white patriarchal injustices
rather than positive win/win restorations
of positive
herstorical virtue circles,
polyculturally spacious
inclusive webs of EarthMatriarchal Peace.

The proposed 8th prime principle
does not positively promote
therapeutic justice.

Decontextualized focus on what we are against
betrays giving full mindful 4th Principle witness to
our disvalue shadows
against economically exploitive monopolies,
colonizing monocultural trauma,
white patriarchal monotheistic supremacy,
straight cisbinary monotony,
monochromatic anthroprivileged risk
overwhelming Earth’s resilient therapeutic opportunity.

Our health and environmentally safe wellness values
for compassionately mediating our 7th positive principle
breed universal health
and feed unitarian wealth
of sacred EarthMother’s unconditionally warm working web
playing interdependently win/win games
promoting resonantly sentient love lives,
nonviolent wombs
polyculturing sacred communion

Like 8th Principle sperm
universally purposed
to conjoin EarthTribe’s unitarian
green/blue 7th Principle egg.

Our 7th Principle declares our positive joy
for healthy natural life
and wealthy spiritual love
embedded in sacred EarthMother’s empowering web
valuing co-invested AnthroPeace Warriors
co-infested Muses
co-passionate Sages.

Do we need and want an 8th Principle
taking a bold
revolutionary further step
to explicitly articulate what we actively disvalue
as the ecological antithesis
of Earth’s sacred systemic 7th Principle
of a polyculturally inclusive EarthTribe
restoring our sacred green/blue indigenous communion?

I believe our positive principles
of therapeutic health,
empowering a wealthy sacred win/win web of polycultural beauty,
enlightened Earth/Anthro balance,
grows non-violently profound neurosystemic peace,
culminating in peak experiences
of our most recent 7th Principle.

And I believe in the synergetic completion
of perfectly pitched 8 octaves
for articulating MuseTherapy Resilience.

When the first photograph
of Earth’s revolving
green-blue living egg-womb
was broadcast back to Earth,
anthro-privilege could physically see Her
sacred healthy wealth
of profound eco-political value,
in Her health-wealthy prime
7th unitarian value
of PolyCultural Communion.

Now, in this new post-millennial Anthropocene,
we already begin to feel threats
of EarthSystemic oppression,
neurosystemic chronic trauma,
EarthTribe depression,
onset of anthrosupremacist remorse,
rabidly defensive denial
of rapaciously incorporated overpopulation,
despair that Win Universal Earth
and Win Unitarian Anthro healthy 7th Principle Consciousness
of herstorically positive indigenous intent
for whole-systemic thrival
too quickly fades,
foreshadowing today’s 8th Principle dispassionate discernment.

If we would dismantle sacred Earth’s historical-monocultural
systemic trauma Oppressors
of organic regenerators
recreating love-life’s multigenerational
PolyCultural Communion,
Then we might choose to restore 7th Principle EarthJustice
by letting go of less resilient
traditional win/lose anthrosupremacist images
breeding neurosystemic dissociation
and feeding toxic disvalues
of patriarchal monotheistic colonization,
monoculturing cisbinary predation,
capital economic monopolization
of therapeutic EarthMother sacred healing values
choosing regeneratively felt win/win
universally open, transparent
and unitarian holistic, vulnerable
ecotherapeutic webbed, nonjudging
nonshaming systems
for restoring PolyCulturing Communion

Thereby dismantling 8th negative anti-trauma disvalues
confronting Anthropocene privileged systems
of history’s monotheistic imaged
patriarchal natural capitalistic maninfested destiny,
a win/lose devolutionary privileged assault
and dispassionate battery
overpowering EarthTribe’s restorative peace
ecotherapeutic resources.

Can Earth’s monotheistic major force
of retributive injustice nature
and repent
and commit to restore
7th Principle panentheistic wisdom peace
for this,
and the next 7 sacred millennia?

Bicamerally indigenous compassionate minds
want wealth conserving hearts
and need health liberating bodies
to wisely know
neurosystemically intelligent
Win/Win 7th Principle
therapeutic opportunities
for EarthTribe sacred healing
AND Monoculturing AnthroSupremacist
Win/Lose 8th Principle
trauma warnings
against further EarthMother dissociative harm

Against impressive values,
reconnecting love,
reclaiming 7th Principle resources
that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
emotional resonance
spiritual resilience,
mentally glad wealth.


Cooperative Desires

My dubiously protagonist Self
outgrows toward a co-invested
co-governing center

A core UnWhite House communication center
Tao training for sacred positive
and trauma negation memories

Into ecologically
and economically
Right whole open
PanenTheistic Intelligence

Amping up
co-relational win/win choices
through unconditional regard
of panentheistic
inside/outside co-discernment
voiced choices

Ego secularized
by LeftHemisphere
health and safety cooperative
evolving old tired competitive
revolutionary predative theories

Not mentioning
survive together to thrive
communal co-empathic
win/win imaginations
empowering enlightened co-governance
animating histories

My intimately win/win highest and best
co-redemption narratives
feel like a sacred housed cooperative
trauma-free awareness
and copassionate intent
to live together EarthTribe curiously,
yet confidently,
win/win committed
sacredly together

On, but not overpowering,
my cusp of traumatic anxiety triggers
and co-therapeutic anticipated compassions
together deepending mutually co-invested
ownership and co-therapeutic
natural health and spiritual safety

Calls my sacred housing cooperative images
merging projects for
and from
cooperative nondogmatic experiences
comforted by food and energy
nurturing resilience

Appreciating river-front environmental green
and clean
co-relational preservation
not at all bully mean

co-discernment spirit-mind/nature-body skills
of cooperative
co-governing communications

For green cooperative resilience
reproducing inside imaged
EarthPeace therapeutic homes
and panentheistic gardens
competing mortal space
throughout immortal time
for EarthTribe’s Here/Now resonance.


Rooted Thesis

I have been reading a rootless thesis:
Lack of commitment to a permanent home
causes depression,
over-commitment to inside claustrophobic voices,
failing immune systems,
fear of outdoor climate pathologies,
alien predators
threats to our own ongoing ecopolitical empowerment
too competitively overwhelming
to ever get unstuck
from relentless ruminations
representing financial survival issues,
tensions about paying electric bills,
oil bills,
gas bills,
or WWW perpetual connectivity bills
or pepperoni pizza delivery bills
surviving on plastic credit deficit spending
without balancing dollar bills,

Paying interest extortion
to financial institution extractors
buying hedge funds
against defaulting mutually ecological health systems
denuded by industries
stripping forests and swamps,
marketing automated rifles to young adults
and middle-aged LoseCash/LoseFace suboptimizing pessimists
betting against their own grandchildren
with green visions for WinWin extending family rootedness,
in this historical place
unfolding from great deep learning depths
before and after which WiseElders cannot speak

While reading a rootless thesis
that lack of commitment to rooted historical home
causes MotherEarth’s depressive climate
oppressing RightWing weather,
suppressing cooperative-rooted meaning,
repressing rootlessness wild
as compared to superlative WinWin love
knowing this HereNow rooted SpaceTime
primal ZeroZone relationship,
ultra-violet octaved light culture,
ecofeminist with ego-sacred patriarchal matriarch
Earth with SunLight
Yin with Yang

Cytosine-squared Uracil
notnot polynomial as polyphonic primal HereNow Relationships
dualdark enlightenment
awesome wonder
UltraViolet Loving GreenHealth

Right with Left,
reading a less rootless thesis,
Lack of permanent commitment
to ego-centric home
causes ultra-violent anti-green depression,
LoseLose undeniability
of healthy futures
residing rooted green thesis together
absorbing ultra-violet antithesis.


Cooperative Therapy

EarthTribe lives with



as cooperative integrity,

Yin-root of Yang

compassioning filled-up mind,

metaphysical spacetime’s place,

polyculturing home.


EarthTribe’s chronic issue

with and from

stimulating and responding

causing and effecting

winning and losing

dialectical behavior’s therapeutic intent,

silently implied assumption

of primally inclusive Thesis.

From how far back in orthodox history

has this Prime Relationship hypothesis emerged?

Which Thesis do we prefer, and why?


Are we in a human race to save scarce time,

without enough for all EarthTribe,

to profusely sweat resonant resolving power

overflowing with bucket lists of diversely correct needs

and inclusive righteous wants,

our asks,

our truly organic special interests,

our WeSelf-marketing,

our egoistic self-delighted wisdom?


Is that who we are,

what we inherited,

how we want our  autistic kids to live in

this great transitional


Millennialistic Tribe?


Or, could we belong as parasitic cooperators


prime rooted in power of equi-valent solidarity,

mutually subsidiary,

harmoniously balancing


eco-logical orthopraxis?


Do we have sufficient time

for gratitude,

sharing this benign EarthHost

we think of as an ecosystem,

we resolve to co-prehensilely embrace

as integrating incarnation’s multisystemic relationships,

we permaculturally plant as self-optimizing polycultures,

we learn as Deep and Wide Ecology,

we humor as eco-centric Zeroism,

wishful willing messianic redeemers,

self-inflicting wild polypathic prophets,

we compute as (0)-sum geometric crystal forms,






quantic dancing functions and gravity’s restrained relationships,

frequencies of analogical energy

and digitized,




binomially balancing informational development trends,

thermodynamic and electromagnet-ionic panentheism

smooth-structuring ragged chaos,

bionically speaking,

both Universal Metric  closed-field Set

and metadynamic,

openly magnanimous



Metaphysical Positive/Yang greets Negative/Yin

as Physical Universe’s non-polynomial timeless chaos

returns his Grand Empirical,

Polynomial Space-carnating Way.


EarthTribe lives cooperative integrity,

spacetime’s polyculturing EarthHome.

Each moment plant’s nutrient seeds,

yesterday’s twisting,

and hopefully tomorrow’s turning,

synchronic swimming-flying flowers.



