
Compassion’s Braver Angels

Impressive values,
like love,
claim resources that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
mentally glad wealth.

Oppressive disvalues
like homophobia and racism
and sexism and ageism
and ableism
and monoculturing disregard
for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide,
express what we are against
because these are sources of sadness,
bad health suppressions,
sad impoverishing depressions,
even mad disrepairing
retributive repressions,
investments in revenge,
apartheid demands for militarized retribution,
negative win/lose 0-sum
closed system reparations
repeating historical-monocultural
entrenched distrusted dissociations

Continuing viciously recycling
straight white patriarchal injustices
rather than positive win/win restorations
of positive
herstorical virtue circles,
polyculturally spacious
inclusive webs of EarthMatriarchal Peace.

The proposed 8th prime principle
does not positively promote
therapeutic justice.

Decontextualized focus on what we are against
betrays giving full mindful 4th Principle witness to
our disvalue shadows
against economically exploitive monopolies,
colonizing monocultural trauma,
white patriarchal monotheistic supremacy,
straight cisbinary monotony,
monochromatic anthroprivileged risk
overwhelming Earth’s resilient therapeutic opportunity.

Our health and environmentally safe wellness values
for compassionately mediating our 7th positive principle
breed universal health
and feed unitarian wealth
of sacred EarthMother’s unconditionally warm working web
playing interdependently win/win games
promoting resonantly sentient love lives,
nonviolent wombs
polyculturing sacred communion

Like 8th Principle sperm
universally purposed
to conjoin EarthTribe’s unitarian
green/blue 7th Principle egg.

Our 7th Principle declares our positive joy
for healthy natural life
and wealthy spiritual love
embedded in sacred EarthMother’s empowering web
valuing co-invested AnthroPeace Warriors
co-infested Muses
co-passionate Sages.

Do we need and want an 8th Principle
taking a bold
revolutionary further step
to explicitly articulate what we actively disvalue
as the ecological antithesis
of Earth’s sacred systemic 7th Principle
of a polyculturally inclusive EarthTribe
restoring our sacred green/blue indigenous communion?

I believe our positive principles
of therapeutic health,
empowering a wealthy sacred win/win web of polycultural beauty,
enlightened Earth/Anthro balance,
grows non-violently profound neurosystemic peace,
culminating in peak experiences
of our most recent 7th Principle.

And I believe in the synergetic completion
of perfectly pitched 8 octaves
for articulating MuseTherapy Resilience.

When the first photograph
of Earth’s revolving
green-blue living egg-womb
was broadcast back to Earth,
anthro-privilege could physically see Her
sacred healthy wealth
of profound eco-political value,
in Her health-wealthy prime
7th unitarian value
of PolyCultural Communion.

Now, in this new post-millennial Anthropocene,
we already begin to feel threats
of EarthSystemic oppression,
neurosystemic chronic trauma,
EarthTribe depression,
onset of anthrosupremacist remorse,
rabidly defensive denial
of rapaciously incorporated overpopulation,
despair that Win Universal Earth
and Win Unitarian Anthro healthy 7th Principle Consciousness
of herstorically positive indigenous intent
for whole-systemic thrival
too quickly fades,
foreshadowing today’s 8th Principle dispassionate discernment.

If we would dismantle sacred Earth’s historical-monocultural
systemic trauma Oppressors
of organic regenerators
recreating love-life’s multigenerational
PolyCultural Communion,
Then we might choose to restore 7th Principle EarthJustice
by letting go of less resilient
traditional win/lose anthrosupremacist images
breeding neurosystemic dissociation
and feeding toxic disvalues
of patriarchal monotheistic colonization,
monoculturing cisbinary predation,
capital economic monopolization
of therapeutic EarthMother sacred healing values
choosing regeneratively felt win/win
universally open, transparent
and unitarian holistic, vulnerable
ecotherapeutic webbed, nonjudging
nonshaming systems
for restoring PolyCulturing Communion

Thereby dismantling 8th negative anti-trauma disvalues
confronting Anthropocene privileged systems
of history’s monotheistic imaged
patriarchal natural capitalistic maninfested destiny,
a win/lose devolutionary privileged assault
and dispassionate battery
overpowering EarthTribe’s restorative peace
ecotherapeutic resources.

Can Earth’s monotheistic major force
of retributive injustice nature
and repent
and commit to restore
7th Principle panentheistic wisdom peace
for this,
and the next 7 sacred millennia?

Bicamerally indigenous compassionate minds
want wealth conserving hearts
and need health liberating bodies
to wisely know
neurosystemically intelligent
Win/Win 7th Principle
therapeutic opportunities
for EarthTribe sacred healing
AND Monoculturing AnthroSupremacist
Win/Lose 8th Principle
trauma warnings
against further EarthMother dissociative harm

Against impressive values,
reconnecting love,
reclaiming 7th Principle resources
that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
emotional resonance
spiritual resilience,
mentally glad wealth.


Messiahs and Bodhisattvas

What do top and bottom
above and below
leader and follower
day and night
mountain and valley
up and down
above and below
high and low
pole and hole
convex and concave
vertex and vortex
frontsides and backsides
dominant and recessive
north and south
colonizing and creolizing
without and within
transcendent and indigenous
crown and root
sperm and egg
knowledge and wisdom
thought and feeling
mind and body
orthodoxy and orthopraxis
light and power
enlightenment and empowerment
exegesis and eisegesis
capital and corporal
SunFather and EarthMother
salvation and co-redemption
justice and peace
orchestration and co-mediation
accountability and co-responsibility
investment and infestment
co-arising and co-gravitating
have to do with
causing health-loving Egos
and effecting wealth-living EcoSystems?

Asked his
MonoTheistic Yangiversal
messianic thoughts
of her
PanenTheistic Yinatarian
bodhisattva feelings.

Not sure,
s/he replies,
Perhaps messiahs sing
while bodhisattvas dance?


Let My People Shine

At sixteen
People’s Bible Church
sent me from rural Michigan farm lands
to Moody Bible Institute
in siren-screaming Chicago

Church fathers assumed,
despite curious evidence to the contrary,
that I was a StraightWhiteMale
wanna be choir director

Because I could sing with gospel appeal
and dance with evangelical zeal.

It was in Chicago
I learned some LeftBrain orthodoxy
of RightBrain orthopraxis
I had always felt,
from the Muse within.

This mind/body orthopraxis of singing
peak and valley embodied feelings
as opposed to merely memorizing lyrics
and vocal intervals
and rhythms
and sacred silent rests
in Earth’s indigenous Wisdom

Would sometimes swell up and out
from the souls of my Yang conducting feet

Music beginning with primordial
root chakra Yintegrity
positively impressing our full
sacred neurosystemic embodied

Heading up and down
and all around my heart chakra
mind/body double-binding
in-between nonboundary
where transcendent monotheistic gospel
orchestrating, from above
cherishes EarthMother’s immanent empowerment,
mediating, from within
moving soulful choices
inviting good news Yang voices.

Those instructors who were planning
to more comfortably conduct
with their dominant right wing
orthodox uninspired messaging bodies
did not actively encourage us
to move below our stagnant necks

On the other hand
we had one woman of color
who invited each morning
conducting from the souls of our feet
with sufficient passion
to raise FatherSun’s
octaves of co-enlightenment.

She conducted warm-ups
considerably more athletic
than eremetic

Stretching compassion’s inside muscles
primal joint relationships
bicameral minds and lungs and hearts
while reaching
preaching outside ancient light/power
Musing memories
of dance
and prance
and, occasionally, communal trance.

merely sixteen,
I returned to conservative
rural homophobic xenophobic patriarchal anthro-privileged
RightWing dominant
People’s MonoTheistic Bible Church
more comfortable making metronomic
points like the 4/4
fractal sign
of a triumphantly crowning cross

While singing,
from my own entitled head-voice
repeating orthodox melodies
from disembodied traditional memories

At my peak experience best,
from my core heart chakra diaphragm
breathing in dogmatic history’s choices
while expiring more sacred
gay and trans-inspiring
of ancient healthy sung passions
and wealthy moving beauty
written across every bipartisan resonant heart

Good news singing
and LeftBrain orchestrating
but not really great shoes moving
and RightBrain mediating
cooperative engagement in communal resonance
and community full-bodied
root-systemic resilience

Strong enough to carry
through six days
of secular ecocidal
lack of sacred Yang/Yintegral orthopraxis
transcending mere orthodox
religiously repeated narratives

To more fully embrace
song and dance
gospel-passioned praxis
orchestrating FatherSun’s Yang dusk
while mediating MotherEarth’s Yintegral
empowering redawn
of indigenous nondualistic
nonverbal wisdom

Wellbeing mindful sung
Wellness rooted dance
up and out
from the souls of our feet
on EarthMother’s natural beat.


Organic Empowerment Systems

It seems we might find
currently undervalued economic
and political health benefits
by applying organic principles
of our healthy PolyVagal NeuroSystem,
at least polyhonically shared
by all God’s devilish
and angelic creations.

This NeuroSystemic structure
is fundamentally bilateral
and constantly changing
co-acclimating current experience
with past integrally fluid
co-adapting Win/Win
empowerment biased
supremely climaxed health-wealth Paradise memories,
not to be confused with supremacist
left-hemisphere dominant supremacy–
capital-patriarchal-corporate Business
as Monoculturing Win/Lose
Predator/Prey Usual.

In this neuro-sensory win/win
CoAcclimating health-wealth bicameral Game,
healthy organic resonance,
deduced by left-hemisphere empowered frame focus,
and wealthy ecosystemic resilience,
inducing interdependent right-hemisphere prominent
enlightening co-empowerment
and vice-versa–much more of an internal/external dialogue

Does not predict
further Business As Monoculturally Competitive Usual,

Does not anticipate
fatiguing SuperEco/AutonomousEgo debate
about politically
and economically correct paths
neuro-sensory lives
toward healthiest win/win wealth.

This win/win gaming
empowering-strong lefts
enlightening-civil and civic interdependent GoldenRule rights
bicameral WorldView
of where and how and why
co-empathic attachment outcomes
are also win/win polyculturally healthy democratic,

AND why and how and when
chronic competitive DisUnAssociation
left-hemisphere dominant
autonomy predicts Win/Lose
self-perpetuating apartheid
detachment outcomes

Wherein lies the cutting edge,
the heuristic tipping point
risking Lose/Lose despair
and active distrust
and competitive runaway ego/eco-disintegrating
bipolar eco-political divestment
inviting nihilistic
anthropocentrically rabid
viral Death/Hellfire monoculturing
further fundamentalist
GoodMe v Bad-Distrusted-Aliens-Heathens-Reprobates
deserving of no mercy
or compassion,

Reserved for retributive political justice disempowerment
and redistributive economic rich predators robbing from poor
unenlightened social-political-economic-neurosensory
divestment from attending to social-eco-political victimization

With further Lose/Lose monocultural DeathCulture risks
embedded in left-hemisphere xenophobic rabidity
because of unconscious anthropocentric bias
for HumanNature
over against
Other transcendent competitively
and retributively unjust divine Win/Lose
Either/Or privileged SuperEgos

politically and economically unimpressed by
right-hemisphere prominent
interdependent Earth/Soul Win/Win images
health/wealth cooperative
co-arising dipolar sensory experience memories,

Multiculturally regenerative
polyculturally emergent co-empathic memory networks
multi-regenerational organic neurosystemic win/win
polypathic ego/eco-acclimating
positive neuropsychology experiences

Bicamerally polypathic
multi-bilateral mathic
polynomially healthy Yang win/win bias balances
not(not) bicamerally-squared and -reiterative Yintegrity

Dynamically spiraling
double-binding positive neuro-psychology
double-binary group polynomial
DNA-fractal regenerative
co-passionate natural empowerment
spiritual enlightenment communication systems

Win/Lose unsystemic
Lose/Lose anti-systemic
resystemic Win/Win complexity
presystemic chaos
insystemic strengths
exsystemic flow
of information

Fractal Win/Win over Win/Lose process structures
and binomial ego/eco-neurosystemic correlated
therapeutic win-win/toxic lose-lose
All Saint/No DevilishSinner
restorative/retributive justice and peace
OneEgo/NonZero EcoSystemic polyvagal
Whole Organic-Interdependent System neurological
bicameral process
for win/win strategic
co-passionate communication
sacred/secular empowerment
enlightenment polypathic Win/Win
health/wealth polypathic
creolizing, not colonizing, outcomes
for mental
democratic health care
giving and receiving
neuroplastic sensory systems.


Attachments and Aversions

I wonder if
what Buddhist classic meditation teachings
refer to as “attachments”
and “aversions,”
a Western medical doctor
might label with different words,
such as addiction
and dissociative diversions.

In both frames
negative illusions may be recognized
and appreciated
as deep opportunities to learn;

Negative delusions are not accurately cognized
and are depreciated
as too risky
not to repress
and hide
from any therapeutic
transparent (not self-shaming)
and vulnerable (not self-blaming)
with our contemplative EgoTherapist within
and our medical-model EcoTherapists without.

Positive illusions,
attachments and/or addictions,
may be accurately cognized
as sensory attractions,

Whether smells and/or tastes,
touch and/or feelings,
sight and/or sound,
eco-reception and/or mind/body communication,
exterior and/or interior,

May have potential
to therapeutically transport
away from addiction
and toward less ego-obsessive attraction,
and away from self-serving,
potentially predative, attractions
to positive sensory pleasure,
cooperatively intended
and personally
and bilaterally
and bicamerally healthy wealth
of becoming completely satisfied
centered in HereLeftYangSpace/NowRightYinternalTime
and in past sensory satisfying memories
and in future images
imagination of pleasures
climatically encompassing
all of the above.

Addiction to cooperative multicultural
and bicameral
bilateral peak sensory experiences
could be a healthier opportunity
than addictions to competitive ego-monoculturing
and mono-atheistic
and autonomous predator/prey
sensory risk ambivalence

Where things don’t necessarily smell
or taste inviting,
don’t necessarily feel grateful to touch
or feel inside my mindbody,
don’t necessarily transcendently transport
when compromised win/lose beauty seen
and ambiguously uninviting truth heard,
falling short of healthy co-addiction
to Earth’s vast multicolored wealth
of sensory ultra-nonviolent
EarthTribe Yintegrity.


Liberal LeftWing Flight

It has been said
Charles Darwin was not happy
with leftbrain’s Survival of the Fittest
without rightbrain’s ecosystemic health roots
in Thrival of the Fittin-ingest,

Which Bateson,
and other systemic ecologists,
would later call interdependent co-acclimation,
and Jane Gordon politically theorizes
rare histories of win/win creolization
with much healthier outcomes
and wealthier too,
than leftbrain’s fascination
with wealth-acquiring colonization.

Foolish leftbrain dominance,
so unaware history has regeneratively concluded
there is no lasting resilient wealth
without ecosystemic EarthClimate health.

Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations
produced similar unease
about evolutionary theories
denying the primally obvious
Health of Interdependent NationStates
through robust natural/spiritual Earth consciousness,
co-passioning double-binding nonduality,
like bipolar either Yang or Yin of reductive ZeroSum reasoning
and dipolar both Yang with Yin of inductive ZeroSoul co-nurturing.

While Adam Smith’s leftbrain wrote,
“The necessity of civil government grows up
with the acquisition of valuable property…
till there be property there can be no government,
the very end of which is to secure wealth,
and to defend the rich
from the poor.”

His more interdependently ecosystemic rightbrain
was feeling,
“The opportunities of civilizing governance grows up and out
with the acquisition of healthy interdependent properties
of communal co-acclimation…
till there be cooperatively integral properties
there can be no ego/ecosystemically thriving co-governance,
the very beginning through end of which is to secure health,
and to defend the poor
from the kleptocratic colonizations
of the too leftbrain dominant rich.”

Where “capitalism permits wealth
to purchase,
and profit from natural resources,”
notes Kenneth Cloke’s ecosystemic analysis,

There also,
integralism, integrity,
invites health to invest in,
to cooperatively own wealth,
and resiliently benefit with nondual natural/spiritual resources,

Not only LeftBrain “exhausting the land on which our food is produced,”
but also RightBrain feeding our soil-souls
from which our sensory nutritional awareness is rooted
and wombed;

Not only “poisoning the water we drink
and polluting the air we breathe,”
But also healing the living waters we consume
and collaboratively purifying the air trees breathe
and bicameral lungs digest

Not merely “the sale and consumption of fossil fuels,
irrevocably heating our planet,
altering our weather,
raising sea levels,
extinguishing countless species
and threatening the survival of millions,
if not all species”…

But also re-investment in natural/spiritual
left/right systems
interdependently cooling our robust planet,
re-acclimating our weather,
re-lowering sea levels,
cooperatively planting and nurturing countless species
and fostering the thrival of ecosystemically resilient millions,
if not all left/right
yang/yin balancing
anthro/eco-systemic life
on secular/sacred
unfolding explicate/refolding implicately co-arising
win/win binomial ZeroSoul compassion with Earth.

Where leftbrain’s either + or (-,-)1
is also rightbrain’s resolution
both + and (-,-)0-Soul,
like positive psychology polynomials
equivalently health/wealth valued
as not-not polynomial
neurologically interdependent polypathic web systems,
inviting both wealthy rightbrain polyphonic co-passion
and further leftbrain healthy curiosity.

Note: This piece is heavily indebted to the dialogue and conflict resolution work, growing more robust resilient democracy systems, as found in Kenneth Cloke’s “Politics, Dialogue and the Evolution of Democracy.” concerned with how to win/win discuss race, abortion, immigration, gun control, climate change, same sex marriage, and other Hot Topics.


Hearing v Listening

LeftBrain western dominant enculturators
hear cries for wealthier entertainment

with stronger emotive listening courage,
they might more accurately RightBrain listen
for messages from Zero-Soul eastern silence
proclaiming global longing
for healthier nutritional contentment.
