
Compassion’s Braver Angels

Impressive values,
like love,
claim resources that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
mentally glad wealth.

Oppressive disvalues
like homophobia and racism
and sexism and ageism
and ableism
and monoculturing disregard
for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide,
express what we are against
because these are sources of sadness,
bad health suppressions,
sad impoverishing depressions,
even mad disrepairing
retributive repressions,
investments in revenge,
apartheid demands for militarized retribution,
negative win/lose 0-sum
closed system reparations
repeating historical-monocultural
entrenched distrusted dissociations

Continuing viciously recycling
straight white patriarchal injustices
rather than positive win/win restorations
of positive
herstorical virtue circles,
polyculturally spacious
inclusive webs of EarthMatriarchal Peace.

The proposed 8th prime principle
does not positively promote
therapeutic justice.

Decontextualized focus on what we are against
betrays giving full mindful 4th Principle witness to
our disvalue shadows
against economically exploitive monopolies,
colonizing monocultural trauma,
white patriarchal monotheistic supremacy,
straight cisbinary monotony,
monochromatic anthroprivileged risk
overwhelming Earth’s resilient therapeutic opportunity.

Our health and environmentally safe wellness values
for compassionately mediating our 7th positive principle
breed universal health
and feed unitarian wealth
of sacred EarthMother’s unconditionally warm working web
playing interdependently win/win games
promoting resonantly sentient love lives,
nonviolent wombs
polyculturing sacred communion

Like 8th Principle sperm
universally purposed
to conjoin EarthTribe’s unitarian
green/blue 7th Principle egg.

Our 7th Principle declares our positive joy
for healthy natural life
and wealthy spiritual love
embedded in sacred EarthMother’s empowering web
valuing co-invested AnthroPeace Warriors
co-infested Muses
co-passionate Sages.

Do we need and want an 8th Principle
taking a bold
revolutionary further step
to explicitly articulate what we actively disvalue
as the ecological antithesis
of Earth’s sacred systemic 7th Principle
of a polyculturally inclusive EarthTribe
restoring our sacred green/blue indigenous communion?

I believe our positive principles
of therapeutic health,
empowering a wealthy sacred win/win web of polycultural beauty,
enlightened Earth/Anthro balance,
grows non-violently profound neurosystemic peace,
culminating in peak experiences
of our most recent 7th Principle.

And I believe in the synergetic completion
of perfectly pitched 8 octaves
for articulating MuseTherapy Resilience.

When the first photograph
of Earth’s revolving
green-blue living egg-womb
was broadcast back to Earth,
anthro-privilege could physically see Her
sacred healthy wealth
of profound eco-political value,
in Her health-wealthy prime
7th unitarian value
of PolyCultural Communion.

Now, in this new post-millennial Anthropocene,
we already begin to feel threats
of EarthSystemic oppression,
neurosystemic chronic trauma,
EarthTribe depression,
onset of anthrosupremacist remorse,
rabidly defensive denial
of rapaciously incorporated overpopulation,
despair that Win Universal Earth
and Win Unitarian Anthro healthy 7th Principle Consciousness
of herstorically positive indigenous intent
for whole-systemic thrival
too quickly fades,
foreshadowing today’s 8th Principle dispassionate discernment.

If we would dismantle sacred Earth’s historical-monocultural
systemic trauma Oppressors
of organic regenerators
recreating love-life’s multigenerational
PolyCultural Communion,
Then we might choose to restore 7th Principle EarthJustice
by letting go of less resilient
traditional win/lose anthrosupremacist images
breeding neurosystemic dissociation
and feeding toxic disvalues
of patriarchal monotheistic colonization,
monoculturing cisbinary predation,
capital economic monopolization
of therapeutic EarthMother sacred healing values
choosing regeneratively felt win/win
universally open, transparent
and unitarian holistic, vulnerable
ecotherapeutic webbed, nonjudging
nonshaming systems
for restoring PolyCulturing Communion

Thereby dismantling 8th negative anti-trauma disvalues
confronting Anthropocene privileged systems
of history’s monotheistic imaged
patriarchal natural capitalistic maninfested destiny,
a win/lose devolutionary privileged assault
and dispassionate battery
overpowering EarthTribe’s restorative peace
ecotherapeutic resources.

Can Earth’s monotheistic major force
of retributive injustice nature
and repent
and commit to restore
7th Principle panentheistic wisdom peace
for this,
and the next 7 sacred millennia?

Bicamerally indigenous compassionate minds
want wealth conserving hearts
and need health liberating bodies
to wisely know
neurosystemically intelligent
Win/Win 7th Principle
therapeutic opportunities
for EarthTribe sacred healing
AND Monoculturing AnthroSupremacist
Win/Lose 8th Principle
trauma warnings
against further EarthMother dissociative harm

Against impressive values,
reconnecting love,
reclaiming 7th Principle resources
that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
emotional resonance
spiritual resilience,
mentally glad wealth.


What is THAT about?

and kinda depressing,
I can’t “manage” anger
any better than fear
and contagious distrust
and nearly constant anxiety
and chronic depression.

In nonviolent communication practice circles,
peace networks,
organic therapeutic systems,
“curiosity” slowly grows ascendent
as “patience” to resist negative feelings
and “impatience” with shameless Others
and not so blameless Selves
fades off into a less used lexicon.

Impatience about expressing anger,
verbally and nonverbally,
evokes LeftBrain dominant
corporate management models
for hierarchically oppressive
not really impressive
humorless control.

Curiosity about deep therapeutic win/win potential
for evolving healthcare competencies
comes from a political economy
of co-operative compassion

NOT: intimidating
and frightening scarcity
of control
sufficient to guarantee
a never-ending expansion
of ego-engorgement
through solitary
dualistic non-enlightenment
segregating the StraightWhiteMale
corporate well-capitalized WINners
from us unstraight
unmale frightening
and yet uppity LOSErs

Apparently LeftBrain incapable
of managing our anger issues,
sometimes frightened by vulnerability
and emotional transparency
yet quietly curious about compassion
and neuro-sensory peak
RightBrain prominent
co-invested peak spiritual experiences
theologically transcendent

Exploding boundaries of autonomous ego-defensiveness
and, possibly, even Either/Or,
LeftBrain dominant Cause
OR RightBrain felt Effect,
StraightWhite monotheistic
Capital-theistic compunctions,
monoculturally supremacist,
macroeconomic win/lose predative,
pathologically angry and frightening
terrorized global apartisan politics.

Remarkably unfazed
by climax-trending ecocide
and degenerative patriarchal
LeftBrain narcissistic
Us v Them genocide

Unconscious about our lack of control
to manage our viral global anger
while spiritually and naturally,
theologically and ecologically,
from lack of win/win curious
green cooperative thrival.

and kinda depressing,
we can’t “manage” anger
any better than climate fear
and contagious EarthTribal distrust
and nearly constant neuro-systemic anxiety
and chronic LeftBrain dominant
divisive depression.


Straight White Privileged Silence

Listen to sterile silence
nursing homebound fans
wavering white noiselessness
of silent futile passing

Absence of passion
or creased
and reasoned sadness.

Hear this void of madness,
lack of hunger
or parched thirst
for conversation
splendid nutrition
scandalous emission
empowering immigration
enlightened emigration
or angry fear emanation
of forced solitude migration

Into mortal loss
of sensory reception
political deception
economic perception
theistic inception
septic conception.

Smell nothing.
Taste everything
becomes dust
delustered rust
lust for transcendent
disembodied consummation
omnipresent transportation
omniscient evaporation
full latitude
for fragrance-free
plastic platitudes
feckless attitudes
disdainful blows
to further fertile emanations.

Sing where nothing
settles into rounding octave rings
to never
ever want to dance
in robust spirals

Against depressions
felt repressions
thought impressions
known suppressions
unheard deflation
worn through integration
transcultural conflation

Of panentheistic elegant Zeroes
absorbed by a monstrous
monopolistic silent
slick One

Listening to sterile silence
nursing homebound fans,
white emptiness
of silent
restless passing.

Glare at it.
Rake it in.
Sleep with it
if you dare
to care
without an inch
or squeezed moment
to spare.


What’s Up?

How you doin’?

Why are you feeling
how we are doing
here in our unspoken thoughts?

Right now
perhaps far from our deep
primordial feeling

Of what are your passions

Abundant warm regarding

Or cold scarcity of time
to thrive together

Healthy Me
as polypathic
wealthy We

PolyPhonic Muses
deeply engaging
more wellbeing dipolarity
richly co-arising

Rather than merely amusing LeftBrain
choices Win/Lose ZeroSum

We Win
so Other Loses

While entertaining linear cause-effective
of felt scarcity,

Pre/Post Traumatic Dissonance
cognitive v affective disempowerment
violent internal reactionary
LeftBrain monotheistic
Either DivinelyGood
or HumanNatured FailingSin

reductive StraightWhite PatriarchalCapitalist
or Othering
not market ready
for optimizing AnthroSupremacist
predative opportunities

To re-evaluate how we
are LeftBrain and RightBrain

Responding to AnthroSupremacist
while feeling RightBrain
Both/And Win/Win

Disregarding our shared
Whole Open
yet WarmWombed
Original Sensory/Sexual regenerating system

overwhelmingly repressed

By what passions

Win/Lose ZeroSum
survivalist suppressed

and monocultural duress

Deep and wide
anxiously depressed

Sometimes more
and sometimes less.

Thanks for asking.

And how are you
too a mess?


I’m Fine

His life felt sick.
Filled with ick

And she was sighing,
inside dying.

Yet, when asked,
her response
entirely unresponsive,
“I’m fine.”
puts her compassionate listener
in a double-bind.

Do I ask her if she is intentionally lying
or irresponsibly
out of her self-isolating mind?

Neither one
feels more kind
and patient,
still, uncommunicating
and yet curious.

Could it be
she is embarrassed
about being merely mortal?

A caregiver
without sufficient tools
or even weapons
to assure EarthTribe’s
resonantly healthy non-confrontations
with degenerative trends
sometimes overwhelming
normal regenerative
narrative twists and bends,

A mother
who must only be
an omnipotent caregiver,
without sustained support
as one of us
co-arising care receivers?

What good is universal health care giving
without reciprocal
compassionate care receiving?

And, how could we,
why would we,
when should all Earth’s caregivers
deny our patriarchal climates
of pathology?

When our allies are sick
and filled with unanticipated ick.




The Neighbor’s Wife

He’s been struggling with depression,
She said, so then have I.

It’s our bad news
that competing depressions
breed more contagiously
than our cooperative feeding happiness.

Yet our good news grows:
Depression and positive impression
are equally contagious passions
eruptions into changing flowstreams of consciousness,
evolving conscientiousness,
naked intention,
interdependent awareness,
enchantment and disenchanting stories,
natural causes spiriting effects causing co-acclimating affects,
positive and negative passions,

I’ve been struggling against his self-repression,
she said,
so then he worries about his oppressive powers
financial and political and emotional,
physical and mental.

He doesn’t hit me
or any sentient being
but scares me when he hits
and manhandles against his phone,
kicks against his car,
strikes against his walls and doors and windows,
his property he most interdependently cares about,
relies upon.

This chronic environment of fear,
seeing his violent anger
causes our climate anxiety
and a lack of safely transparent expression,
chronic non-vulnerable repression.

The difference between my suppressed fear feelings
of repression
and his depressed anger feelings,
threatening to disinvest oppression
despite his great attraction to Us,
is a real-talk difference
only if we both know
we are each free to affordably leave,
cut our future health-opportunity losses,
without threat of violent and impoverishing repercussions.

While a free Get Out Of Jail card
and a blinking Safe Exit sign
over our back doors
and front doors
and aside windows
are not much for sharing journeys toward active compassion,
co-operative wonder,
interactive awe,
mutual health and happiness,
prosperous food for mental fitness,
Yet neither is flood insurance
a sign of bad faith in safe and dry land
mutually affordable re-assurance.

is aggressive repression
without freedom to exit

And ego repression
is eco-systemic depression
without mutual freedom to catch and re-catch compassion
with and for each faithful interdependent Other,
sentient and sensed as a safe alliance
for absorbing resonance

And practicing mutual reliance,
practicing re-alliance,
practicing integrity of positive contagious co-passions.

Negative depressions stem from lonely longing
origins internal and external,
As positive impressions
grow from practiced compassion,
Solidarity belonging and bred
within eco-cooperative fed
root nutritional systems,

Fitness energy for actively appreciating
each wounded and wounding Other,
including hims
and hers,
transparently discussing fist-vulnerable hands
and heads,
and stomping, kicking feet,
and bad-news phones
and unreliable cars
and imprisoning homes
and patriarchal supremacists

As if all lives
and interdependent relationships
for continuing depressive competitions
and for altering impressive cooperations.


Can’t Make You Stalk Me

Turn up the lights
Fold up the bed
Turn up those voices
outside my head
Lay out for me
Feed me with lies
Just hold me up, your patron saint
Do matronize me

‘Cause I can’t make you stalk me
if you won’t
You can’t make your mind think something
it don’t
Here in my light,
in these early hours
I will pick up my heart
and not feel your power
But I can’t, no I won’t
‘Cause I can’t make you stalk me,
when you don’t.

I’ll freeze my eyes,
then you won’t see
The heart you don’t feel
when you’re not holding me
Evening will come
and you’ll do what’s wrong
Just give me till then
to give up this song
And you could give up our wrong

‘Cause I can’t make you love us
if you won’t
You can’t make your mind feel something
it don’t
Here in our light,
in these late hours
I will pick up my heart
and I’ll feel our power
But I can’t, no I can’t
‘Cause I can’t make you stalk peace,
when you don’t.


With apologies to Allen Shamblin and Michael Reid who cooperatively wrote one of my favorite songs.


Sweet Revenge

Greatest revenge
perhaps to become even.

Becoming even
to love what and whom Earth has given
and taken,
will give and take,
until we are each even.

Only wonder and no worries
about which gender you are and are not
or prefer to verge and submerge with and without
or even if you prefer them all

Warmest wise investment
perhaps love within and between such events.


In Season And Out

In and around Auschwitz
Barbed wire still weeps
through too long denied rain.

In and around Annihilation
Denied climates fast creep
toward pathology’s pain.

Through surrounding Anger
Charged hate denies sleep
for those who must explain.

In tyrannic Acid
Barbed boundaries sweep
out lies of monstrous strain.


Love’s Last Litany

I have never known alone
as when I lie next to you.

I have never felt orphaned,
as when cramped within our zoo.

I have only become this dark
when missing not missing you.

I am breathing in
hoping to exhale, all through.
I don’t want to want to hear you
when I look past our sad dark eyes.

I can’t bear to sing this song
slow dancing echoed sighs.

I don’t want to be this anymore
becoming drawn to close my door.

If you can love me as I am
please help me find breath’s floor.

I don’t want to play house anymore,
my soul wilts in air this poor.

I don’t want to want to breathe us anymore.

I can’t want to breathe this evermore.
