
Messiahs and Bodhisattvas

What do top and bottom
above and below
leader and follower
day and night
mountain and valley
up and down
above and below
high and low
pole and hole
convex and concave
vertex and vortex
frontsides and backsides
dominant and recessive
north and south
colonizing and creolizing
without and within
transcendent and indigenous
crown and root
sperm and egg
knowledge and wisdom
thought and feeling
mind and body
orthodoxy and orthopraxis
light and power
enlightenment and empowerment
exegesis and eisegesis
capital and corporal
SunFather and EarthMother
salvation and co-redemption
justice and peace
orchestration and co-mediation
accountability and co-responsibility
investment and infestment
co-arising and co-gravitating
have to do with
causing health-loving Egos
and effecting wealth-living EcoSystems?

Asked his
MonoTheistic Yangiversal
messianic thoughts
of her
PanenTheistic Yinatarian
bodhisattva feelings.

Not sure,
s/he replies,
Perhaps messiahs sing
while bodhisattvas dance?


That Troubling InterDependent Sensory Web

I mean,

Talk about
boundary issues!

I get it,
why the 7th multicultural value,
and most recent
to finally make it in
to sacred UniversalYang/UnitarianYintegral
ecotherapeutic theology,
green ecofeminist ecology,
declares our polypathic RESPECT
for our interdependent sacred web
of life
win/win reincarnating love

As in,
could EarthMothers
get a little RESPECT?

Which just might not fail to mention
that AnthroSupremacists are
a one among many EarthTribe species,
one of the more recent ones,
which stands out with our
dipolar co-arising
win/win neuro-systemic
Regenerative Communication Crowd

As that StraightWhiteMale privileged
overpopulated anthropocentric terrorist species,
that militarized ballistic stinky species,
that predative capitalist extractive species
of anthrosupremacists

Who wouldn’t know a cooperatively-owned
sacred green interdependent
panentheistic web of compassionate
and curious
and therapeutic love life
if s/he walked right up to him/her
and kissed sacred co-empathic MeWe
right on her/his luscious
nutritious lips.

EcoFeminist spiritual experience
interdependently weaves
economic and political webs of nutritious life,
sexual politics,
sacred polycultural emergence,
bicameral polyphonic resonance
felt balance
thoughtful curiosity
cooperative appreciation
liberal sympathy
trust conserving empathy
GreenEarth Gaian wokeness
indigenous YangSunLight/YinEarthPower
co-invested wisdom

Remains stronger
in Eastern philosophical panentheisms,
polypaths reconnecting thoughts
verbalizing natural/spiritual
outside/inside preferences
for monotheistic voices
making LeftBrain dominant
polarizing Inside/Outside choices.

Someday soon
climate trauma
EarthJustice oppression
EarthPeace suppression
EarthInterdependent RightBrain repression

May engage our cultural curiosity
about why RESPECT for this interdependent web
is a healthy and safe EarthTribal direction,
and yet there are other attributes
we might be wise to actively engage
as well.

I’m also feeling,
“We love becoming engaged
within Earth’s interdependent web of life.”

And I also like,
MeWe co-identity
feels co-passionate
LeftHemisphere Voices
interdependently balancing
a complex HolySpirit web
of panentheistic
RightHemisphere Inspiring FeltChoices.

We AnthroCapitalists
sometimes respect sacred Earth’s
interdependent web
of Truth and Beauty love,

And sometimes we appreciate
this sacred life,

And sometimes we over-invest
in more short-term compromised
self-righteous defensive lives
more like apartheid
than an interdependent sacred web,

And sometimes we submit
to a didactic
dogmatic web of fake
chosen people
rightwing or leftwing
bipolar piety.

And sometimes we royally permit
Earth’s wild polycultural experience
to engage
in earliest win/win memories
of embryonic bilateral sensory communion,
nutritional economic networks
of interdependent life.

And sometimes we act out
against EarthTribe survival
as if we believe only the cockroaches
will thrive
in a redhot pathological Anthropocene,
and roaches are our most resilient Elders,

Although, sadly,
perhaps not our happiest
or most liberated
or particularly enlightened progenitors

Well, maybe more consistent
about respecting our interdependent web
of EarthTribe life.

Who knows,

What healthy/safe relationships
cockroaches feel they interdependently need
and cooperatively want.


GreenHealth Heroes

All organic parties
committed to EarthTribe
as My HomeTeam
could become EarthPatriots
experiencing every day is EarthDay;
which, of course
we are revolving through
more resiliently
than ecopolitically polarizing
AnthroSupremacist Apartheid.

Speaking from our felt-within
multipartisan democratic
cooperative co-governing experience
in life’s healthier
and safer feeling
green outdoor communication classrooms

For parents
domestic partners
healthy resilient cooperatively-owned corporations,
elected leaders of those greening corporations
and NonOthering ecopolitical green parties,
green civil, and not so burning-red uncivil, servants
empowering public health and safety GreenTeams
composed of community
liberalove-resonance/conserving green resilience
bipartisan STEAM healthy-policy co-mediators,
multiculturally co-invested healthcare facilitators

and for
within as without
GreenTeam cooperative dialogue
not defensively reacting
to greedy public
and private capital supporters
of divisive
win/lose zero-sum militaristic
fear-mongering debate

Overriding shared
EarthTribe health
and safety agreements
on green restorative
compassionate co-invested values

For engaging in life-long
deep win/win compassionate,
co-empathic listening
as non-violently as a MotherTree,
and green sacred learning
liberally enlightened love of Left
conserving empowered co-invested Right

In this Great About Face
Turquoise Transitional
CoMessianic Sacred Rapture,
at least for Holy EcoSpirited
Indigenously Wise
NonApartisan Bodhisattvas

Retelling green Creation Stories
of bipartisan positive
bicameral dialogue,
actively curious
and nonjudging discussions

To increase multiculturally engaging understanding,
co-empathic economic-ecological win/win
regenerative compassion

For EarthTribe cooperative listening,
steeped in deep experiential roots
of mutual EarthMother sacred trust

Emerging from polycultural GreenSolidarity
relationships grown with enlightened ecofeminist tools

For exploring cooperative ownership
and GreenEarth cooperative management
ecohealth is ego-wealth stewardship

Health and Safety empowerment projects
for local
through global
GreenEarth Tribe.


Pregnant NonParalysis

In feminist political analysis,
when not stuck
in all day systemic paralysis,

Every win/win
v win/lose
v lose/lose energetic trend,
synergetic person,
integral narrative,

Each interdependent development
and apartheid decay,

All seasonal health
and unreasonably greedy
fractured wealth,

Exhales multi-paradigmatic power
more neuro-sensory automatic,
and inhales enlightening Ways
for cooperative Earth’s holonic sacred promise

For Energy’s massively co-passioning
Green CommonSquareDemocracy.

Matriotic enculturing wombs
were not climate created for
and from only wounds
and premature tombs.

Pregnancy is a universal virtue
when multicultural deep listening
enlightens hope
empowering good-humored faith
no longer
less stronger
lacking educational systemic support
due to incoming
outgoing issues
of unconscious monoculturing neglect
and multicultural health under reporting

Spiritual climax
predicts naturally pregnant
eco-political awareness
within healthy wealth subclimate sensors
not overdoing censorships
passing in dualdark
double negative underwhelming
benighted dreamless nights.

Wonder and awesome Earth
prime NonZero Relationship
grows a potential climax experience
becoming more accessibly rose
in absence of coveting
and experiencing egocentric Fame,
too greedy for praise
for doing our communicating best
solidarity duty.

Seeking individualized Power
of personality
of character persuasion
of inordinately capitalized VOICE,

Speaking far beyond personal WORD experience,
avoiding humbling dysfunctional family story choices,
bumbling ego- and anthro-infestment
triumphalistic rejoices
cannot pay well enough
for repressive
oppressive damage
to personal knowledge
and indigenously wise
anonymous win/win
interfaith play and work opportunities

To invest in Power
for what famously infamous purpose?

Competitive StraightWhiteMale privilege
LeftBrain dominant deductive powers
may be Either/Or calculated
and used,
exploited to further reduce non-elites
into gooey stuck infamy,
sinister dark criminalization,
perpetual enslavement
to addiction,
chronic stress,
oppositional defiant
Terrorista vista

Where restorative justice advocates
wear interdependent root systemic mediator hats
of and for win/win compassion

Then and There
matriotic allies
find monoculturing Fame here and now
an inaccessibility issue
for lack of sufficient StraightWhiteMale
privileged domestic peace

LeftBrain fragile Either/Or
competitive nationalistic thinking
dominates EarthTribe’s climatic privilege;

Power to weaponize infamous unhealthy wars
rather than sacred Light
healing our most lovely True
and Beautiful
cooperative divine/humane
integral infamous EarthJustice

Brightening ecowomanist global power
could have no Patriarchal Other-defaming purpose
for EarthHealth wealth
re-ligious meaning,

When all praises sing out
in cooperatively resonant
famously resilient wealthy Voice
for healthy EarthClimate Choice.


The Challenge of Earth’s Time

The challenge of our time
of Earth’s gospel chorus rhyme
recreates humanity’s performance
on this climate crisis climb

This climate chaos time
evolves in sacred blooming


Mellowing lives off key
in glee
on spirit Mother’s EarthShip

This EarthShip Choir
sings a new Mother’s song
meant to sing in gracious concert
within shared habitat of Earth

sweet home
of sacred green smart muses
building civil and humane
peace and just refrain

Worthy of divine,
so fine,
remind of Earth’s wild music
resonating Gaian birth

On our climate chaos climb
the challenge of our time
in Earth’s gospel chorus rhyme.
