
Messiahs and Bodhisattvas

What do top and bottom
above and below
leader and follower
day and night
mountain and valley
up and down
above and below
high and low
pole and hole
convex and concave
vertex and vortex
frontsides and backsides
dominant and recessive
north and south
colonizing and creolizing
without and within
transcendent and indigenous
crown and root
sperm and egg
knowledge and wisdom
thought and feeling
mind and body
orthodoxy and orthopraxis
light and power
enlightenment and empowerment
exegesis and eisegesis
capital and corporal
SunFather and EarthMother
salvation and co-redemption
justice and peace
orchestration and co-mediation
accountability and co-responsibility
investment and infestment
co-arising and co-gravitating
have to do with
causing health-loving Egos
and effecting wealth-living EcoSystems?

Asked his
MonoTheistic Yangiversal
messianic thoughts
of her
PanenTheistic Yinatarian
bodhisattva feelings.

Not sure,
s/he replies,
Perhaps messiahs sing
while bodhisattvas dance?


Servicing The Man

What looks sexy
and aesthetically pleasing
on Society’s well-endowed Page

May not feel so hot
when StraightWhite Daddy’s capital-headed
leads toward Great White Father’s abortion
of global green forests
and blue skies
and sun-warmed water

Cosmic polarizing predations
against holy spirit invitations
results in an EarthTribe clearance sale

Beginning with AnthroSupremacist churches
and synagogues and temples
and spreading to
national outside natural polar imbalance

Repressing inside spiritual
dark wombed
creolizing cathedrals
of remembered co-attachment

Patriarchal greed
for punishing EarthMother panentheistic pleasure
could bankrupt ocean-front insurance companies,
financial loan institutions
now borrowing on Daddy’s borrowed
colonizing monotheistic
monoculturing LeftBrain
verbal anthro-privileged intent
to rapaciously thrive,
win/lose conquer
this self-imposed survivalist
bipartisan competition game

Punishing those who would trespass
against the Royal King’s
root BlackHole sacred chakra.

Transgressions against Patriarchal profits
long and widely capitalized
heads of strong-rooted colonial estates
with bodies sensate

Sometimes olive oiled
oiled with sexy

Deep and thick rooted round chakra tools
for health-wealth care
including Daddy’s root chakra
responding warmly
to unconditional neurosensory

Inviting a more resiliently brilliant
ecofeminist EarthTribe therapeutic tool
balancing peak and valley neurosystemic restorations
for preventing further ego/ecocidal
dogmatically straight
LeftBrain monotheistically privileged
anthromale invasive polar Yang
overpowering defensive round sound Yin,
x-out v. y-in chronic
EarthTribe anthro-hypertension

Related perhaps
to the Royal view
that my sacred God’s root chakra
shouldn’t stink,
much less respond
with transparently warm
and unconditional
no poles or parties barred

For compassionate
peak experience memories
going way back
when Yang sentient SunFather
warmed and lit up
EarthMother’s sacred
BlackVolcanic Holy Spirits
of healthy wealth integrity

bilaterally co-empowering

What looks sexy
and aesthetically pleasing
on EarthTribe’s pantheistic
Yang/Yin stage.


Sundays Free Of Should

Remember the Sabbath
to keep it holy
free of Shoulds.

A should-free cathedral
of intimate athleticism

Exhausts this sabbath light
at long last
widely dawning deeply stronger
and resiliently handsome
dark as night

In virtuously enlightening response
to Saturnight’s weekly exorcism

Yet another weekday week
weak slow-groan degenerjism

Darkly precipitating
sweaty penetrating night seductive mares

All my life
I’ve been waiting for you
my Sunday not not should
embrace every daytime athlete
with unconditional
warm felt regard

Up on two feet
with spiritually natural intent
of sabbath hot passions
but not exclusively hoarding,
frontal poles
and backside holes

Balancing sabbaths neurosensory integrity
extending virally out and virtuously circling in
stretching strength
of bilateral heart pumps
and lung inflations
and limb elations
stretching Sunday loves
and bipartisan 1 plunging into 0
every polynomial weekday
binomial cooperative
convexly concaved
not-not straight but spiraling round
wholesome inside/outside balance

In co-empathic sabbath passions
free of shaming Others
preaching teaching virginal should not
remember SaturNightMare’s
BlackHole peak experience
anticipating this new athletic Sunday Service

ReLigioning Sabbath
to keep it holy
free of Othering Shoulds.


ReGenerating ReVolitions

Warm holes
anticipating slick poles

Wet holes
embracing warm poles

Bipolar linear dark division
flowing downriver nurture valleys
Dipolar round visions
forming mountainous spiral hierarchies
naturally uprising

Ecofeminist journeys inward
Egofatherist conquests
growing outward
and upward

Deep waiting
vulnerable black holiness
before highest transparent
widely diverse
best practice polarities

Wet warm birthing wombs
then dry cold dying tombs

Worm downward holes
wet upward trying poles

Wet yintegrity holes
engaging just right yang poles

As 0
embraces 1
organic revolution.


Enabling Empathy

It’s weird
and sometimes wild
living with a non-LeftBrain verbal dominant
aspiring child,
now young adult

I find myself waiting for him
to nonverbally connect
and correct me
about my patriarchal domineering
economic and political ableist sins
of RightBrain felt omission
from commercial value
and, perhaps worse,
my passionately sacred co-messianic
unconditional co-enabling
sins of RightBrain depressive
trauma approach/avoid
and reiterative recommission.

he never disappoints
going to the right
felt point

Could no more lie
or steal
than feel envy
fueling greed
for tomorrow’s self-sufficient hopes
and egocentric dreams

At night
when we sleep,
if not before
then after an overpowering seizure
He can explain to me

No ancient spiritual 1 experience
could be other than HereNow natural 0 feeling
linear and yet circular
regeneratively enspiraling

Without LeftBrain dominant
defensive weapons
1 protagonist neither can
nor would
nor should
retool and lavishly display 0 word voices
outside inadequately disabled numeric language
for nonverbal co-passion’s inside images

Sensory receptive memories,
cause-effect singular explanations
and co-arising circular narratives
of co-redemptive recycling
spiraling vicious
and virtuous
negative 1 bipolarity
and not-not positive non-0 dipolarity
co-arising appositional circles

Not divorcing physical Nature
outside abled bodies
from not just metaphysical
Spirit inside minds

Deep listening back through neurosystemic compassion
wet and warm
and dispassion
darkly parched and cold
bilateral multicultural
enthymematic health and safe feelings
making and remaking
neurosystemic distinctions

Integrity’s RightOriginal Mind
passion for outside health
and safe internal wealth

Win/Win default
poly-passioned balance

Ego Yang Verbal Left
stern deep-voiced patriarchal
sacred co-passioning
Eco Yintegral NonVerbal Right
pre-bicameral Taoist humming
indigenously outflowing
growing wise CoPassion

For positive-health EarthMother
warm comforting wet wombs
sacred surrounding
positive-wealth AnthroChild
co-operatively panentheistic
belly laughing co-empathic passion

Internally sung and danced
oral wu-wei wisdom traditions
of body/mind
out/inside formation
flowing co-relational balance
synergetic harmony
resonant integrity

Grows wiser pre-verbal
cooperatively positive health
than multigenerational
disabling apartheid nightmares
of polypathic abuse
and monoculturing neglect

Anticipating inside/outside mortal
-1/-0 lose/lose
universal cold
and feverishly hot tremors
predicting dark disuniting trauma.

It feels weird post-peak,
and sometimes wild,
continuing to sacredly aspire
to merit this gift

RightMind panentheistic survival
of LeftBrain talking
ego-monotheistic thriving
exclusive AnthroSpeaking salvation stories

and apparently dying
with a non-LeftBrain verbal prominent
aspiring child,
now contentedly sleeping
in compassionate comfort
and organically warm
sacred joy

dreaming that we feel pleasantly weird,
sometimes provoking wild belly laughs,
feeling free outside a LeftBrain verbal dominant
+1 inside v -0 outside frame
EitherSacred Or SecularizedDisEnfranchisedOther
possibly unhealthy and unsafe
win/lose competitive imbalance

RightMind prominent
warm and wet wombed compassion
emerging -(-0) inside/outside +1
equitable development dreamwork
emergent compassion conversations

and sometimes wild
living within a non-LeftBrain verbal
monoculturally dominant

a more Here/Now
timelessly balancing
copassioning moment
of in/out-digenous
resiliently peaceful wisdom

To choose soulmates
health wealthy
and wisely

As they choose
to dream with you.


Stepping Outside to ReGather

Easy to get stuck inside
my heads outside
our neglected hearts

Breathing in and out togather
fumes of historically fueled
graphite sheeted walls
too all-encumbering to smell
as monoculturing trauma

Failure to wonder
nuanced appositional
bipartisanly dipolar
looking for mediating
median win/win dispositions
still felt alone inside
too all-encumbering

for buoyant
unconditional gratitude,
sacred panentheistic regard
for MeWe potential co-passionate

Hard to remain unstuck
outside my self-too-serious walls

Outside my age-appropriately lust
for good-humored transparent
mind/heart bipartisan embodied
spirited natural bust

Inside my vulnerable skin,
sacred root bilateral

Red RightWing integrity
of indigenously wise
bicamerally thoughtful
green positive feelings

Fresh transcending verbal-yang
and nonverbal-yin

Win/Win Green LeftWing Yang
either/or deficient
RightWing Resistance
to LeftBrain
magnificently efficient

1/0 co-binary
co-arising dipolar

polymathic universal
and polypathic unitarian
polyphonic octaves
of double-binding double-fractal
health is social wealth
co-invested nutritional policy

PolyCultural resilience
non-violently win/win championed
power-with healthy bicameral democracy
for internal/external better homes and communities

Balancing inside-only
zero-sum thoughts
chronic leftbrain dominant trauma

Creolizing with GreenGaian
polypathic win/win
unconditional co-mediating regard

For both secular thoughts
and sacred 1+Yang/-(-0)Yin
root chakra

WuWei balanced
tipping point ego/ecosystemic balance
for co-governing health and safety

dialectical sacred circles
of regenerative communionation

bicameral co-binary information processing
co-passionate binomial win/win
co-binary resilient compassion structures
cooperative owned best
when indigenously managed
with ecofeminist L/R=1/0 co-empathic
restorative ego/eco-justice
co-governing healthy democracy
Taoistically indigenous space/time
bicameral co-empathic wisdom:

Easy to get stuck inside
my heads outside
my own neglected
win/lose traumatized
RightBrain connected heart

Hard to remain unstuck
outside my self-too-serious
anthrosupremacist walls
to blessings

More universally sacred synergies
unconditionally EarthTribe co-invested
warm and joyfully trans-sectarian
copassionate regard
for unitarian health
and better LeftBrain verbally dominant
nonviolent safety
from further Win/Lose
polyvagally neuro-systemic
chronic genocidal lose/lose trauma
leading to ecocidal climate drama.


Peak EarthWise Regard

Elder indigenous RightBrain
peak win/win resonant experience
is not ego-centric
because interdependent organic systems
are not monopolized by anthropocentric
LeftBrain monotheistic dominance.

RightBrain prominent ecstasy
fulfills win/win co-invested play
of ecologically interdependent
sacred cooperative polycultural wu-wei
democratic energy neuro-systems
secular health Left
embracing sacred wealth integrity
reforming bicameral elder Right
polytheistic polyvagal
ancient communication networks

Commonly held by organic life and death
EarthTribal panentheistic inside/outside views

Ego-inside spiritually introverted subjects
also Eco-Other natural co-empathic objects

of Right/Left bicameral
peak win/win experiences
not autonomously egocentric
because EarthTribal identities
are not peculiarly anthropocentric
as is monotheistic
monoculturing win/lose LeftBrain dominance

Worshiping anthro-exceptional world views
like Straight White Corporate AlphaMale
historical privilege
as compared to cooperative
sacred polycultural ecofeminists

Engaging peak natural/spiritual
nondualistic grace
of bicamerally balanced ecofeminist
vocations and vacations

Advocating total co-investment
in nonviolent communication
for restoring peak experiences
of EarthPeace, empowered right
is also EarthTribal Justice, enlightened left.


MisGuided Meditations

I am sorry
about my judgmental,
sadly disdainful,
in earlier messages.

Even worse,
I remain embarrassed
for spreading it out
for key staff
and leaders
to well-positioned see
and hear
and feel,
touched by toxicity.

My training
and experience
includes community mediation.

Within this mindful context,
I have tried to understand
what you want,
what you are learning,
what feeds and waters you
in your Presidential Position.

Your responses:

  1. that you know
    and care
    about our residential members,
  2. that you have unusual expertise,
    skills training,
    and/or Business Administration experience
    not available from other members,
    at least not any
    willing to step up
    and out into saying,
    Yes, I’ll help.

I failed to fully fit these
with past mediation interviews.

I was not as surprised by the second one,
as by the first,
because usually those seeking arbitration help
feel they live
in a high-risk win/lose
zero-sum system
punishing loss,
while looking for
their personal most loss-avoidant path
toward personal gain.

More closely regarding #2,
that you have unusual contractor,
business and project budgeting,
business management,
and significant financially successful property management experience

I was impressed
with what you bring
to our leadership table

And yet this does not,
in and of itself,
speak to skill sets
of the Board.

On the contrary,
it seems to me
all this volunteer work
must detract from where your most cost-effective
personal focus needs to be
on your too busy workdays,
probably extending into evenings
and family/friend-lost weekends.

With regard to #1,
knowing and appreciating
win/win health and safety feelings
for residential members

This also did not sound
quite like my personal experience
could typically recall.

When I ask for personal motives,
usually what win/lose business men
speak of begins with financial motivations,
sometimes secondarily supported
by ecological concerns,
occasionally theological beliefs,
political aspirations,
retaining a positive community relations image,
community leadership aspirations,
wanting to be perceived
as a good and competent leader,
in the case of religious constituencies,
wise spiritual Elder.

I have clearly failed
to understand why
you want to continue
Presiding over the Board.

This remains a mystery
shared by everyone I’ve asked.

When I share with them
your two responses to
“What’s in Presidency for you?
this fits with their
Successful Business Leader view
but raises dissonant questions

How could you afford to donate
this much time
and personal interest
without any personal financial return?

This dissonant mistrusting feeling
grows further
by those who have been residents
for many years
yet still do not feel seen or heard

So how could you know
and care about us?

As a mediator
with therapeutic,
nonviolent communication

What do I do with my inability
to accurately and compassionately empathize
with you
on your journey toward fulfillment,
and, preferably, unconditional regard?

To truly understand
and support you
in your personal and social
health and safety self-interest,
and to continue as our business leading

I do not know how
to do both of those things,
and no one who encouraged me
to join the Board
wants me to support you.

That said,
one way sure not to help you
or me understand
and support you
is to publicly judge,
and/or blame you
for circumstances beyond your responsibility
and authority to control.

If I have done that,
when I have done that,
while I am doing that,
I have not been a good person,
I have been a disappointing
multiculturally trained to listen
community-mindful mediator

I have not practiced
even basic nonviolent communication skills

are experiencing further high-risk
chronic trauma
as a result of my negligence.
For these failures on my part,
I apologize.

I often recall
a line of self-discovery
learned from a favorite
and famous spiritual director

in your life now,
and perhaps in your past,
has been with you
at your most passionate
positive best?”

These are often romantic,
and sometimes earlier
healthy and safe parental
win/win relationship histories.

“How would that person,
or those people,
probably describe your sense of humor?”

If you have no idea,
you might want to start there
to therapeutically respond
to deeply engrained
chronic stress disorder.

If you do have an idea,
some warm and welcoming ideas
about what helps you laugh with yourself
(not at yourself)
and with another you trust
and have found attractive,
in some integrally soulful way,
then try to use that co-passion tool
to feel better about yourself,
your personal relationship history,
and your potential
for future healthy
and good-humored
nonviolent communication
for achieving resiliently co-mediated
health and safety outcomes.


Why Meaningful Space Heals Purposeful Time

Why did you think then
Why do you feel now

You are OK to park here?
drive here?
breathe in here?
stop breathing out here?
love here?
live here?
eat here?
defecate here?
urinate here?
peak here?
fall apart here?
exercise here?
sleep here?
practice here?
reflect here?
act here?
heal here?
destroy here?
appeal here?
repeal here?
unravel here?
reweave here?
fornicate here?
make love here?

Play here as now?
Work here, and now?
Demand here, more now?
Invite here as now?
Initiate here, and now?
Conclude here is also now?
Breed here as now?
Feed here, and now?
Devour here, more now?
Regurgitate here feels now?
Learn here, as now?
Teach here and now?
Meditate here now?
Preach here is now?
Prophecy here will become back there?

Exhort here as now?
Impress here for now?
Repress here against now?
Suppress here was also now?
Oppress here loves now?
Invest here and now?
Divest here as not now?

As compared to there?
As part of liberally rooted
thinking Now
conserving felt back Then.


Rooting Around With Values

The economics student
was gaily rooting around
absorbing nutrients
like compassion
investing in deep learning
positively resonant roots
and negatively dissociative
branching values
and toxic disvalues

When s/he had a bold
green epiphany

These cooperatively positive values
will also inspire
“Nutritional health
co-arises green economic wealth.”

An ecofeminist textbook
not yet streaming
polyculturally accessible
thus continuing
a chronic NorthWest Hemisphere dominant
cultural mystery

Why two negatives
trust equality
of positive
polypathic energy
regenerating nurturing integrity
of synergetically fused co-passion

This economic empowering
and enlightening principle
applied throughout any polynomial
YangTime 1
equals polymathic Yintegral Whole 0 Space

Spreading Open EcoOrganic Green Systems
empowering squared-fractal
dialectical binomial spiraling

LeftBrain dominant integrity
equals RightBrain bicameral NonZero-FullSum
0-not(not) dipolar co-arising balance
also not-not

Dominant Capital Yang
monoculturally overpowering
Recessive but Positive
Yintegral Nutrient Flow

1 Whole EarthSystem
naturally over under-spirited
0 full encircling systems
co-binary valued
as Positive Universal-Yang/Unitarian-Yintegral Balance

Green EcoFeminist economics
also health/wealth cooperative politics

Positively eco-politically regenerative
LeftBrain healthy space
dipolar co-arising
not(not) degenerating RightBrain wisdom

Indigenous wisdom time
revolving toward integrity’s green Earth
economic potential
for investing
in natural love song infesting
enjoying this spiritual co-passion
dance reunion

happy wealthy
ecofeminist enlightened
masculine empowering poli-statistics

Peaceful green cooperative
global revolution
resonating revoiving values
of indigenous LeftBrain winning
is also winning
for RightBrain feelings
about EcoFeminist Earth

Economic spirit
of nutritional systems
NonZero WholeSum designed

To harbor
and co-passion,
and co-liberate,
universal health integrity
of green uniting wealth.
