
Messiahs and Bodhisattvas

What do top and bottom
above and below
leader and follower
day and night
mountain and valley
up and down
above and below
high and low
pole and hole
convex and concave
vertex and vortex
frontsides and backsides
dominant and recessive
north and south
colonizing and creolizing
without and within
transcendent and indigenous
crown and root
sperm and egg
knowledge and wisdom
thought and feeling
mind and body
orthodoxy and orthopraxis
light and power
enlightenment and empowerment
exegesis and eisegesis
capital and corporal
SunFather and EarthMother
salvation and co-redemption
justice and peace
orchestration and co-mediation
accountability and co-responsibility
investment and infestment
co-arising and co-gravitating
have to do with
causing health-loving Egos
and effecting wealth-living EcoSystems?

Asked his
MonoTheistic Yangiversal
messianic thoughts
of her
PanenTheistic Yinatarian
bodhisattva feelings.

Not sure,
s/he replies,
Perhaps messiahs sing
while bodhisattvas dance?


Sacred Grows Integrity

Natural Sacraments

Emerge from what sacred center,
committed to integrity’s potential
become more resilient,
and not fragile

More nature-soul evolving
Earth’s deepest
dark valleyed sacraments
of light and power.

Gandhi regenerated
humane love lives on
inhumane hate
patriarchal colonization
do not.

Even lesser losses
tend to shadow fade
across therapeutic rememorizing space
and laws of positive passion

Bodhisattva ruling
warm wombed pregnant co-attachment
across unconditional win/win
peak messianic experience
of panentheistic timeless time,
wonder of light
awe of deep dark power.

“It gives me ineffable joy
to go on
trying to prove that”
love lives on
where hate cannot.

affirming integrity’s sacred meaning
cooperates with therapeutic bloom,
and not hate’s Loser doom

Win/Lose uncivil wars
and internal traumas
and Othering 0-sum competitive history
of disintegrating ecopolitical hostility
cannot destroy
our NonZero root chakra Soul

resonantly inviting EarthJustice

Peace within
as without
only one orthodox way to live
yet a legion of ways to die,

ZeroSum Capitalistically
pregnant NonZero Soulfully

Sacred Round Integrity
embracing Secular Civil Equity
as universal passion
invites unitarian compassion
as beloved
as bilateral breathing
love-life rivered
anticipating warm empathic regard.

This personal, intimate project
of becoming fully humane
holonically reflects Earth’s divine project
into panentheistic Spirit’s nature:
integral EarthTribe transcendence.

From what pantheistic soul
does inter-religious commitment
become more therapeutic,
and less traumatic?

Healing intimately transcendent potential,
Sacred Integrity’s naturally spiritual,
Earth conservationally liberal
universal life–unitarian love
healthy multisensory
peak experience
merging resilient
Bodhisattva synergy
of EarthTribe sacraments.


When Wondering Why

When wondering why
Earth is
as S/He are

Follow green capital wealth,
he monopolistically advised
for playing more catastrophic
future win/lose games

And yet,
also lead to future win/win learning
with full-spectral
deep mindful
panentheistically organic
green vegetation nature,
and blue sky nurture,
and red skies at night nutrition

Dusky and well-moisturized
nonviolent communication
trauma-informed physically robust health
of a non-anthrosupremacist
nonverbal planet
invites cooperative metaphysical wealth
of a synergetic EarthTribe
unitarian experience

Currently wondering why
Earth is
as S/He are

Where two or three
green gift economies
and green polycultural ecologies,
and green empowering theologies
are thriving worldwide win

Start there to follow co-investments
and here to lead cooperative compassions
toward optimizing personal health
also includes restoring social wealth opportunities
to grow more elegant
and civil
and enlightened
and depolarized
and less stress-triggering

To integrate social
panentheistic capital growth outcomes
with red-is-right fisted trauma prevention
and reducing green climate desecration anxiety

Thereby planning to harvest
improved eco-political health care

And global co-empathic wealth
sacred soul and soil
and sea and seasons

CoPassionate green fragrances
and formed
and functioning

Flowing out past
win/win recognitions
intuited sacred grace

Health Yang-given out
Wealth Yin-received in
futures wondering why
Earth is
as S/He are


Living Healthier Together

That we are

And, that we are together
more than apart,

Rather than are not
and never were

Resourcing regeneration’s universal promise
for growing unitarian integrity

Is not our hottest question,
nor academic topic
for therapeutic conversations,

Curious and courageous
developing health integrity

and wealthier
than ignoring how we struggle
through Western life’s capitalistic
LeftBrain dominant muddle
to the esteemed Paradise top
of a non-existent GoldenRuled patriotic hill

Beaconing and beckoning
enlightened thought/feeling relationships
of win/win togathering compassion
actively dispersing violent
degenerative Lose/Lose
unbecoming entropy

Reversing cooperative Both/And
overwhelming competitive Either/Or

BiCamerally in-between Win/Win v Lose/Lose
analogical relationships

InBetween patriarchal red Capitalism
is not togathering
polyculturally healthy Green Communion

Of organic political integrity
mechanical econometric technology

Unable to comprehend
how we are

And, that we are together
more than apart,

Rather than are not
and never were

Resourcing regeneration’s universal promise
for growing unitarian integrity.


She Didn’t Mean to Play

What Earth didn’t mean to say:

Being pro-life
is like being against
matriotic health
and/or wealth.

Denying communion
for supporting maternal rights
to unhappily choose abortion
is unlike denying anthrosupremacist sacraments
for ecopolitically supporting MotherEarth
traumatic last-rites
to choose globally inclusive Ecocide.

War and fear mongering
are more effective,
more powerfully frightening,
than peace is compassioning,
more empowering healthy
and enlightening wealthy.

Moving on from thinner sympathy,
where healthy wealth is dissonantly fading,
to impassioned empathy
of economic
and politically profound commune-ication
is never poly-entheistically compassionate,
co-investment easy to cooperatively
sacred vocationally
compassionately accomplish

Outside v Inside
in polycultural full-spectrum worldview healthy
integral wealth creolizing patriarchal
monocultural purposes
could not remain
LeftBrain dominant over-rewarded
win/lose reductive
Either/Or deductive dissociated
from ecopolitical ZeroSum scarcity
of transparently anthrosupremacist
win/lose traumatic bare survival experiences

By squeezing
and raping the regenerative life
out of BlueSky/GreenEarth matriarchal physicians
indigenously spiritual/naturally experienced
Yintegrally/Yanging harmoniously about
ecofeminist WholeEarth health-interdependent contexts

Cooperatively co-invested
in Open WholeEarth regenerative wealth
is health
bicameral worldviews;
not so much nationalistic

Is not so much
cooperative tribalistic
NonZeroistic Realistic
RightBrain Trust is Beauty
proven sensory-neural systemic development
resiliently and integrally
beautistic metaphysical
EarthHealth science
re-ligioning Wealth
non-ecosadistic statistics.

We search for secular need for purpose
in our Truth thoughts
to uncover want feelings
for ego/eco-therapeutic
sacred Beauty
polypathic meaning.

We search for secular need for purpose
in our Truth thoughts
to uncover want feelings
for ego/eco-therapeutic
sacred Beauty
polypathic meaning.


Allies Toward Nirvana

Our Buddhist alllies,
moving away from samsara,
like Abrahamic Westerners,
and MidWesterners
and East-West Earners,
emigrate toward nirvana–
secular illusion
evolving toward sacred enlightenment,
natural delusion
revolving into spiritual prelusion,

Yet we have this climatic problem
of pathology,
win/lose evil corrupting
ZeroSum energy systems,
power networks,
regenerative empowerment.

Genesis narratives
speak of empowering Eden,
then the Great Unraveling,
Win/Lose decay into samsara,
left-brain dissonant dominance,
Either EgoMe or eco-you,
RightBrain nirvana win/win recession
awaiting remission

Of a wise ecofeminist serpent
where lusty predation
revolted against God our PeaceCreator.

Like Unitarian–RightYin hemisphere–
Taoists speak not of God as Creator
but of Tao as Regenerative Process
of Earth’s intelligent fractal seasons
reincarnated in DNA’s fractal functions,
double-negative paradox
double-binary primal Four Dimensions
of NonZero-Sum polypathic
neurological nirvana

Evolving from ZeroSum samsara
reverting back toward nirvana

Inhaling EarthJustice
exhaling EgoCentrism
evolving Restorative Justice
revolving AnthroCentrism

Absorbing samsara–
God of capitalism
God of retributive angry injustice
God of systemic racism
God of Yang v Yin
God of Left v Right
God of West v East
God of North v South

Reincarnating nirvana–
polypathic Regenerative Power
BiLateral Light
BiCameral Energy–

Theological cooperative branches
AND root nutritional systems
Revolutionary Win/Win
for all Allies toward Nirvana.


Binding Conversations

I try to live
and feel
and think
and strategize win/win
in that in-between left and right
systemic ecology and global, multicultural theology,
natural relationships and spiritual polypaths,
resilience and resonance,
yuang and yin
explicating and implicated,
extrinsic and intrinsic,
inhale and exhale,
and depression repression suppression recession oppression,
positive and not negative
1 and 0 double-binary

Universal One:
Our Yang goal,
to merge with multicultural empowerment
beginning with polypathic conservations
of intersectional webs
for regenerative life EarthSystem,
And polyphonic
positive harmonic
liberal lovers

Unitarian Zero:
Yin mentoring
energy democracy
within cooperative becoming
belonging health
supplanting left-brain dominant egocentered
longing for autonomous
divisive wealth
empire-building disempowerment
of all Alien win/lose predators

Universal One:
Rather than colonizing history’s
diversity into a single monocultural Yang dogma,
Taoism, like Zeroism,
is a nondualist philosophical tradition
to which no patriarch
has ever been historically validated
with overpowering win/lose colonizing effectiveness
and capitalistic wealth

Unitarian Zero:
Belonging to Earth’s creolizing
multiculturing ecological process
of regenerative health empowerment,
in a 2020 nonsermon
not entitled “Why Unitarian Universalism is Living”
non-revered EcoFeminists sing
and fire-circle dance
to experience reconnected ecological religion
that has always HolyWind and Spirit
indigenously existed everywhere,
and to which everyone
of polypathic left and polyphonic right
ego/eco-balancing health/wealth note
throughout herstory
has always belonged

sacredly and secularly
spiritually and naturally
theologically and ecologically
yin with yang
right with left
Both/And with Either/Or
intuitively felt and deductively thought
imagined and remembered

win/win compassioned
primally empty empathic ego
and secondarily
fully ecosystemic,
timelessly eternal
becoming and belonging
refining and defining
inhaling and exhaling
precessing and recessing
re-investing and divesting…

Note: Influenced by The Gadfly Papers: Three Inconvenient Essays by One Pesky Minister, by Rev. Todd Eklof, especially p. 73.


Changing Thought Systems

It is known throughout Earth’s anonymous
unanimous Commons,
Systems are hard to change.

The more macro-competitive,
The more difficult of all conversion stories

Over pernicious decades,
We tend to add “isms”
to pathological ends
of these global systemic issues.

This polyculturalistic/multiculturalism suffix,
negative appendage,
suggests a pejorative problem
of systemistic stuckness,
where once may have lived
a potential for positive
polypathic and polyphonic change
toward Earth’s greener,
more flexible,

Ism labels warn of possible toxic contents
including racism,
of course,
and white privileged patriarchalism.

These two appear to be old friends,
as do colonialism
and Catholicism
and globalism
and monotheism,
often hiding diverse and sundry mob-rule
in sinister shapes
of secular poly-tickle-listic hyphenated atheism.

Other systemic cousins
on my networking mind
are liberalism
and capitalism
and communism
and socialism
and fundamentalism
and dualism,
separating spiritual development opportunities
from natural undevelopment risks.

Sometimes, though,
usually when I am not in crisis
but feeling emotionally vulnerable anyway,
I wonder if these impenetrable global
and nationalistic
systemic issues could call out
and in
for healthier cooperative thinking.

Not a direct assault on,
most certainly not a war against,
exterior competing systems,
But a more indirect dialogue
inviting a change in individual
and familial
and indigenous communal thinking
about win/win systems.

This cooperative bilateral thinking
scientists have labeled systemic thinking
and multicultural artists have seen and heard
smelled and tasted
touched and felt
sung and danced
as Earth ecosystemic feeling of interdependent living

integral journeys toward global meta-systemic utopia,
where naturally perfect systems thinking
syncs with
spiritually pure communion feeling.

For example,
patriarchalism becomes,
in this explicit in-between double-bounded way,
not only a chronic risk to Earth’s survival
but also an immediate everyday opportunity
to imagine aloud,
to touch with voice and hand,
to walk boldly, sometimes baldly, with feet and mind

Into a ZeroCore place
where two or more overpowering competitive Yangisms
might change evolutionary to revolutionary directions,

Directions revolutionary to evolutionary change might
grow toward one or less
matriarchal cooperative ZeroZone
of Yinistic integrity
for rebirthing regenerational
resonant happiness,
healthier nests,
wealthier eggs,

Synergetic seeds, all about potentiating possibilities
bilateral-fractal DNA discernment systems
thinking about what we are more health-cooperatively feeling

Change for wealthier harmonic becoming ecofeminist
less patriarchal,
so more yang-enthusiastically matriarchal.

Within these boundaries of vulnerable dialogue,
what have appeared to be static constipationisms,
mutual opportunistic issues,
also feel unveiled yin-flow nutritionistic
toward cooperatively appositional opportunities
to feel internal spiritual transactions,

into natural potentialistic,
not so much transcendently spiritualized isms,

Instead, macro-global systems
of Yang’s golden meta-health network
polypaths traveled,
Polyphonically felt absence
of perennially unfree spiritualisms,
primarily and primally due to a collective change of nutritional thinking
in systems growing healthier.

Cooperatively realistic lives
more powerful than competitive unreal estateisms,
acquired ownership of ismic properties
impregnably fragmented plots
and states of suspiciously marginal boundaries

By left-brain dominant apartheid thoughts
overpowering right-brain co-prominent organic nurture-systems
touching realistic baptismal waters plenty warm
and not yet boiling over power.

More transystemically webbed
natural spirits
than monoculturally walled

Nature against
co-passioned spirits
with ecological/theological integrity
changing meta-thought systems
felt as holistic networks for well-being.


Why Positive is Healthier

Positive values,
like health
are not best built
from Yang’s strong conserving top negative emotions
down to Yin’s struggling positive flow-power intention
toward winning nutrition
while winning integrity’s future nurture.

Health care core values
and truly wealthy WinWin communication manners,
grow out from Yinternal Zero (0)
to Yang’s +1.00 holistic co-passionate presence,

+1/0 = 0.(-,-)percent intra-mematic binomial experience,
WinWin double ego/eco-binary,
yin’s short-term compressed
suppressed double-bound
intrapersonal WinWin potential flow-power
returning revolutionarily back out
to recover 2020 mutual sensory-neural adoption
sacred baptismal eco-acclimating adaption
secular/sacred re-marriage
positive health confirmation
transubstantiation of natural/spiritual elements,
nature/nurture climates
of healthy left-embodied/right-mind
win-win integrity’s long-term
positive liberal restoration
inviting less negative conserving retribution
for sins of our mutually ignoring left/right
non-communal past.

Positive faith values,
like health,
are best built
from Yin/Yang ZeroSoul center
here and now
on out through backward transference
and forward projection
Yang/Yin double-binding
ego/eco-global balance.

So says my natural law
and multiculturally rewarded GodVoice
and my spiritual Win/Win rebirthing
holonic BeautyMuse right-hemisphere
here/now, listening in then breathing out
breathed in outside/breathed out inside
autonomously in-between silent Shadow rhythmic
health/wealth whispers of posterity/negentropy

+1 polynomial Yang with (-,-)0 polypathic binomial yin
in-between male/not-not female-soul
midway uracil/cytosine
resiliently restorative integrity
multiculturally revolutionary peace with ego/eco-justice
health with wealth restoring
secular with sacred
co-operating +self/(-,-)other identity/individuation re-education

From inside deep learning (0) here
to outside 1/(-,-)percent binomially now there,
not from top toward bottom,
but from (-,-)1 original bottom of fragmenting Time
to +1.00 outside integral win/win Space.


Inductive-Deductive EcoLogic

-0 + 1 = 1,
but positive or negative 1?
We do not have enough in/ex-formation to say,
perhaps somewhere in-between.

-0 + (+1) = +1
-0 + (-1) = -1

If +1.00%
measures universal solar bright light heat–diastatic
and -1.00% calculates rock-solid unitarian interdependent frozen fusion–entropic,

Then Mother Earth’s Cooperative
Blue-Green Balance
appears to spiral ultra-violet in between.
