
Messiahs and Bodhisattvas

What do top and bottom
above and below
leader and follower
day and night
mountain and valley
up and down
above and below
high and low
pole and hole
convex and concave
vertex and vortex
frontsides and backsides
dominant and recessive
north and south
colonizing and creolizing
without and within
transcendent and indigenous
crown and root
sperm and egg
knowledge and wisdom
thought and feeling
mind and body
orthodoxy and orthopraxis
light and power
enlightenment and empowerment
exegesis and eisegesis
capital and corporal
SunFather and EarthMother
salvation and co-redemption
justice and peace
orchestration and co-mediation
accountability and co-responsibility
investment and infestment
co-arising and co-gravitating
have to do with
causing health-loving Egos
and effecting wealth-living EcoSystems?

Asked his
MonoTheistic Yangiversal
messianic thoughts
of her
PanenTheistic Yinatarian
bodhisattva feelings.

Not sure,
s/he replies,
Perhaps messiahs sing
while bodhisattvas dance?


ReWeaving ReLigioning ReConnections

It seems unlikely
Left Hemisphere’s
Either 100% Positive-On
Or 0% Negative-Dormant circuitry

Could change
toward polypolarizing
Right Hemisphere’s
Both Full
And NonZero Empty
And Silent Soul feelings

Devoid of unilaterally dissonant monoculturalism,
monotheistic judging voices,
depressing anthro-supremacism,
predicating overwhelming chaos,
underwhelming complexity
of unnatural lose-Me/lose-We despair
for fading
formerly healthy memories
of ecosystemic robust climates

For our already wounded children
and their affective climates
of high lose/lose risk
negatively correlated
with fading win/win opportunities
to rediscover
great Green EcoFeminist healthcare

For our future poly/mono-cultural
health of LeftHemisphere rational
verbal appreciation

For RightHemisphere wealth
of green eco-systemic
resilient body-health/mind-wealth

Ritualizing sacred green redeemers
Prophets of holy panentheistic
regenerative healthcare

Composed of dynamic spiraling revolutions,
emerging systems
remembering lunar ecocycles
of LeftHemisphere enlightenment,
RightHemisphere both/and co-empathic
passionate wisdom,
dipolar co-arising light/dark

Reweaving health/wealth
ReConnecting co-empathic evolutionals
like Yang/Yin
liberal love/conservational mental yintegrity
co-investing Left/Right
in Green poly-systemic health
resilience of hidden appositionals
in co-operating co-passion

BiPolar sexual orientations
including dipolar co-arising transcendent Saints
AND TransPanTheistic seductive Sinners

Straight poles
and transgender holes,
tops and bottoms,
aboves and belows,
co-enlightnment and affective wise empowerment
together seeking blue/green global climates
of health-caring balance

In a NonZero systemic zone
Open to secular holistic
AND sacred panentheistic understandings
overwhelming global
health/wealth care
both Eco/Theo-Logical

ReGenerating similarities
in double-negative equals positive balancing
win/win optimizing
resilient global healthcare
open wounded nest

That positive Polynomial (P) worldviews
LeftHemisphere dominant
are also
negative NotPolynomial (NP)
views of RightHemisphere
win/win healthy v lose/lose pathological
heuristic both/and theoretical experience

DiPolar co-arising
liberal Yang lovers
and conservational-integral
GreenBeauty ecofeminist
global healthcare

To inter-religiously interconnect
multicultural values for health
with our polycultural STEAM experience
of resilient green ecosystemic
Open Systemic
holistically healthy-wealth

holistic/empty narcissistic ZeroZone
for EarthTribe’s global wealthshare
equivalently balancing
green/blue healthcare

interdependent red-blooded
USA patriotism
for Green MotherEarth,

sacred Home.


Muse of Integrity

the Why
of my prayers,
deep learning anticipations

Music of Integrity
throughout compassion’s timeless
walking wounded prayers

Felt inside Win/Lose violent history
of uncivil suffering
of Either/Or non lullaby

Discord rooted and stuck
in fundamental lack of soul
for multicultural flowing courage
swelling BothNature/AndSpirited lungs
and throats
and tongues
and bicameral hearts
and bilateral hands
discovering capital heads
in copassionately curious root
compelling well-sung

the What of my prayers,
invoking lyrics

Win/Win bicameral health/
wealth of vocal ecopolitical analysis
advocating Golden Ruled individuals

Witnessing trauma’s global light
shedding shadows
whispering ecotherapeutic local power,

Enlightened mystic minds
within empowered bodies,

Balancing egos
within harmonic neuro-ecosystems
spiraling binomial
double binary dynamics
healthing HeadVoice
co-invested wealthing

the How of my active prayer
as dancing DNA regenerations
choreographing bilateralized experience
that social-psycho consciousness
is not first a matter of unsung healthy faith
but of primordially felt resonant wealth experience,
through co-empathic copassionate music practice

Singing staffed ribbons
inscribing vibrato octaves sung
well-rung resonance
both multicultural
and nonviolent,

Both nutritional
and win/win cooperative communal
ego/eco-therapeutic corollary chorus

Searching out resilient myths
of beauty’s truthful history,
thought as felt
co-empathic mystery

Unfolding Head
and Hand
and Heart

TriPolar bilateral communication
of vastly deep healthy wealth
long-term resilience
speaking up for WholeEarth Open
Radiant FullSpectral Light
and SoundPower Systems

For achieving the How
of our cooperative
co-invested operas
and spoken word projects,

Beauty prayers
hummed in mythical well-being
vibrating therapeutically together

Growing less isolation nightmares
and “Fix Apartheid SundaySin For Us”
empty prayers
invoking militarized self-righteousness
and other dystopian
Straight White privileged
LeftBrain Dominant
universal nation
patristic capital invocations
Either EgoWins/Or Eco-Loses

Closed NeuroSystemic
Devolutionary W/L AnthroGame Theory

Cognitive/Affective dissonance
socio-psychological trauma
chronically stressed
disintegrative miseducating losses
outweighing cisintegral muses
natural/spiritual extended peer
muse dynamic systems

Avoiding unhealthy prayers
for unwealthy
unwise vocalizations.


Critical NonViolence Theory

Compassion does not speak in judgment;
at least not before sufficient listening
on the extending edge of gratitude.

Therapeutic sciences now speak
as one with inter-religious mystics,

That kindness
is physically and mentally therapeutic
for those who receive
and especially those who adeptly give,
while cooperatively enlightening.

While we readily see this bilateral correlation
of kind-therapy
and mean-pathology
when counseling couples
and quarreling kids
and mediating sometimes ancient
multigenerational family disputes,

We less often consider historical
and larger present day applications
to things like slavery
white supremacy

Competitive capitalist drive to win/lose survive
without cooperative communion to win/win thrive

These utillitarian
competitive issues are all antithetical to kindness
of multiculturing communions,
to the exercise of healthy democratic communion,
to resiliently transgenerational wealthy communities

Where compassion seldom speaks
in win/lose evolving/devolving judgment,
and not before sufficient win/win
deep dynamic
revolutionary listening.


Holy Wind

These are post-revolutionary gay ’20s,
without pre-revolutionary SpeakEasies,
replaced with ListenHard
to global climates of LeftBrain dominant despair.

Margaret Meade encourages
urges small winds
assembled in privatized circles,
yet still dreaming of love’s great evolving liberty,
winning healthy democracy
to win wealthy economies
to win resilient ecology
to win resonant polypathic theology,

To remember
small compassioned groups
are the only Holy Winds
to ever have started cultural revolutions
more matriarchal,
less patriarchal,
more yin,
less yang,
more LeftWind sacred,
less RightStorm secularized
corporate uber-rights of egocentric personism,
UnHoly EarthRage nihilism.

And so our children led us out
from our WarmBreeze Sanctuary,
All Souls monotheistic
toward Republican Party Leadership Committees,

All Souls polytheistic toward Green Party Conclaves
for win/win economic/ecological sacred new deals,

All Souls atheistic
synergizing local Democratic Party Counsels,
conventions for green democratic inventions
in and for and of healthiest,
most resonant and resilient,
dipolar co-arising wealth,

All Souls agnostic creolizing Libertarian Party compassion
for those within segregated ideological atmospheres,
too removed from personal-political-economic-ecological experience,
longing to be free as Holy
restoring peace as EarthWind Justice
renaturing trusted warm atmospheric experience
as well as mind-thought.

Within these several atmospheric dialogues
each Party noticed our mutual self-knowing interests
in cooperative green health care,
given as received co-passions
exhaled as inhaled,

But now more Sacred Wind of revolution
more coperative democratic wealth
of Holy Wind health,

as resonant
as resilient
brilliant polypathic
bicameral bi-polynomial
bi-lateral thinking/feeling Revolution WindStorms

In compassionate democratic delight
yet conserving liberal futures
in more warmly nurtured children,
still wet-wombed Holistic Occupiers
Earth-worshiping WindStorm

Supported win/win consensus
by all leadership Parties,
and it began right here
in this All Souls Holy Climate

Listening out and down into these revolutionary gay ’20s,
without Green SpeakEasies as yet
but still non-violently co-invested in ListenHard Parties
to global climates of RightBrain ecofeminist
indigenous Holy Wind,
still singing through one small ultra-violet voice.


Note: Holy Wind is a left-brain dominant anglicization of the Navaho vocalization for “atmosphere” and “dynamic climate change.”

Naomi Klein, “On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal” p. 126


Fundamentalist Compassion

What is dogmatically
unchangingly fundamental to Christianity,
and to all win/win positive faith systems,
is certainly not capitalism’s ZeroSum economic assumptions
in which winner god takes all
from loser satan.

But, what is fundamental compassion’s truth
is profoundly sacred
globally open-systemic theology
of HolySpirit co-passion
eco-compassion could multiculturally become
integrity’s great transitioning potential
healthiest wisdom wealth.

What is ecstatically changing
deep and wide
to learn positive win/win bicameral neuropsychology
is another ecologically co-passionate
systematic re-creation theology.

If you have read
Iain McGilchrist’s
“The Master and his Emissary:
The Divided Brain and the [Un]Making of the Western World”
Julian Jaynes’
“The Origin of Consciousness
in the Breakdown
of the Bicameral Mind”
Edward DeBono’s “[Bi]Lateral Thinking”
Robert Norton and David Benders
“Communication and Consequences:
[Natural/Spiritual] Laws of Interaction”
Rob Brezny’s
“Pronoia is the Antidote to Paranoia”
preferably more simultaneously
than sequentially,

Does your experience while reading feel anything like?…

Euphoric self/other-perpetuating climax
double-boundary refining
binomial self/other co-passioning
courageous and curious discovery

Uncovering within Earth’s natural/spiritual recovery,
explicating/implicating unfolding
ego/ecological balancing
virtuous win/win verbing un-renouned
explicate/implicate circles
of effluent ecofeminist/affluent ego-patriarchal
subjective/historical enculturing objectives
healthiest optimizing wealth.

If so,
did you happen to notice
whether or not, or something in-between,
this integral/holonic perceptual frame
was more cognitive/affective confluent with THC?

If so,
did your mindbody seem to be producing/consuming
a self/other-perpetuating oxytonic flush/rush?

If so,
have your friends/family become more opently curious
about your newish win/win integrity
as contrasted with your earlier unreformed
fundamentally competitive win/lose evolutionary theories
rooted in lose/lose ultimate ego-centric mortal fears
and angers
and devilish mortal self-hatred?

As expressed in cognitive/affective chronically stressed voices
and depression
and emotionally disassociated messages
about left-brain courage
and right-brain curiosity,
Yang awesome strength
and Yin integrity’s potential wonder

To re-consider all the unfolding left-brain facts
of Earth’s unraveling lose/lose trends,
And then push through to win/win ecofeminist matriarchal joy
in polypathic
polynomial paths

As EarthMother’s Way
fills each ego-balancing day
and eco-polyphonic night
with co-polypathic
echoes not-not bilaterally affective
multi-enculturing Right.


On OrganicGreen Memes

A syllogism or other argument,
logical and ecological and theological,
in which a relational premise
or the rationally robust conclusion
is [0] unexpressed.

All truth is healthy
All beauty is truth
Therefore, All Beauty is [truly] Healthy

All trust grows democracy
All active distrust fuels elitist supremacy
Therefore, All isolating distrust smothers democracy

Where truth and trust remain confluently enthymematic
and resiliently so.

Effluent intuitive memory,
in which one remedial subject
follows in-between the co-acclimating
minor center of the Other side’s ZeroZone Earth purpose
for passionately nurturing comfort or punishment,
for regenerating organic balance or imbalance,
for healing and moving ego’s muted heart and voice
eco-therapeutically forward

Beauty speaking ecstasy
Green as leaves and grass
absorbing hues of blue and red
as ecofeminist Black lives
ultra-nonvioletly refuse to splatter
mere punishing avoidance
of healthy cultural climate goals,

Enthymematic rainbow allies
for restoring cooperative democratic responsibilities,

Enthymematic in-between tipping points
actively seeking feeling/thinking reparation opportunities
to move all EarthTribe’s 3/5ths human theocracy
to 4/4 RealTime Democracy
in balancing keys of C
for CommonSense
YinSquared = Yang BigBang enlightenment,
bicameral secular freedom
for green peace sacred conservation
of almost Here with Now
enthymematic prememories
without closed
dead reduced conclusions

Primal MuseSoul syllogisms,
MajorLeft and MinorRight
not not co-relationally balancing
Healthy WuWei EnthyMemes.


Seen But Not Heard

I remain stuck
and struck
by children to be seen behaving
but preferably not heard
regardless of behavior,

But especially not heard criticizing their WiseElders
or, probably worse, mimicking them;
although some parents,
especially grandparents,
do see mimicry as graceful flattery
and occasionally a disgraceful lesson–
our children hope to see and hear us
behaving healthy, in return.

This feels very like future employees
to be seen functioning properly
according to corporate wealth-enculturing rules
and not to be heard
criticizing their WiseSuperiors.
Which may have nothing to do
with seniority or merit or wisdom,
much less all three,
or with WinWin supervisory therapeutic skills.

Seen obeying
and not heard criticizing
also feels like an evangelical fundamentalist
of God is Win
and the Devil makes us Lose–
a fascist punisher of bad behavior
and intrusive colonizing speech

Waiting his patriarchal turn
to play God
getting retributive even
bullying those disgraceful not listened to
rather than loving all (green) seen
as graceful learning DNA/RNA eco-mimicry.

Work That Reconnects
Future Searches
for God as cooperative Gaian Hypothesis,
syncretic PositivEnergy Democratic co-facilitators,
disciples of healthy grateful co-listening,
taking graceful health-directing turns

ReConnecting parents with children who watch
and act
and grow
with pride of co-creation
listening to EarthTribe voices
with polycultural
mnultigenerational compassion

These FutureSeekers
and developers
do not monoculturally confine
restorative voices of OrthodoxGod
to retributive NotSoWise PunishingElders.

WinWin CoDesigners
appreciate each voice of sacred dignity
including Wise NewBorn Integrity,
yang still with yin delight
Ego co-arising Sacred ElderEco.

Patriarchal doers
and global movers
and planet shakers,
but not plant terrorists and punishers,
are also FirstNation Matriarchal
holy global spirit-listeners,
from whom we originally Gaia re-incarnated,

Heard DNA with RNA more solidarity empowered
PositivEnergy Democracy
restoratively therapeutic
and seen less
as non-violent cooperative weakness.

And yet,
even with all that said
and probably not a prayer of being heard,
I remain stuck
and struck
by children to be seen
and preferably not heard
by God
and Allah
and parents
and future WinLose punishing employers,
monoculturing owners and colonizers
more than polyculturing co-operators
and DNA-RNA WiseElder creolizers.


Slow-Sure Building

“The idea of building something once to last
tends to occur to…practical people later in life,
after they have reconstructed a few things
they thought were good enough
at the time.”
David Holmgren, “Permaculture Principles and Pathways”

There is only
of each moment’s potential.

We are yintegrity flow
of yang’s x promise.

Where “x” equals:

Ecology, in Earth sciences
Biology, in life sciences
CoOperativity, in economic trans-actional evolutionary/devolutionary sciences
Democracy, in political sciences
Creolization, in evolutionary linguistics
Synergy, in Bucky Fuller’s 0-prime fractal geometrics
Syncretism, in religious and cultural studies
Deep Learning, in pedagogical theory
Consilience, in E.O. Wilson
Bilateral Processing, in Edward DeBono
Bicameral Balance, in Julian Jaynes’ ethology of anthropological history
Wisdom, in literature
Deduction, in-duction diction
ExFormation, in-formation
Reversion, in spacetime
3D causal space, in reverse temporal 4D image reflection
spiraling waves, in reiterative communication theory
feedback looping space, in two-dimensional pace
fractal bilaterals, in regenerative RNA/DNA systems
WinWin 0-sum harmony-seeking reiterations, in Game Theory
double-bindary, in digital polynomial strings of theory
double-negative thesis, in positive hypothesis
zero, in appositional dipolarity
notice, in understanding progress
value, in calculating qualitative quantities of symmetry
Golden Ratios, in Golden FlowRules
positive, in notnot
Yang, in YinSquared
Eulerian prime 0 relation, in speed of light fractal correlation, apposition
EcoLogos, in Earth’s creolizing ego democratizations of YangYin Center

“See the [impatient egocentric] dark,
recognize its power,
but do not feed it.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, “Braiding Sweetgrass”

And certainly don’t vote for it.
Don’t even nominate it
for further self-infested powers.
