
Let My People Shine

At sixteen
People’s Bible Church
sent me from rural Michigan farm lands
to Moody Bible Institute
in siren-screaming Chicago

Church fathers assumed,
despite curious evidence to the contrary,
that I was a StraightWhiteMale
wanna be choir director

Because I could sing with gospel appeal
and dance with evangelical zeal.

It was in Chicago
I learned some LeftBrain orthodoxy
of RightBrain orthopraxis
I had always felt,
from the Muse within.

This mind/body orthopraxis of singing
peak and valley embodied feelings
as opposed to merely memorizing lyrics
and vocal intervals
and rhythms
and sacred silent rests
in Earth’s indigenous Wisdom

Would sometimes swell up and out
from the souls of my Yang conducting feet

Music beginning with primordial
root chakra Yintegrity
positively impressing our full
sacred neurosystemic embodied

Heading up and down
and all around my heart chakra
mind/body double-binding
in-between nonboundary
where transcendent monotheistic gospel
orchestrating, from above
cherishes EarthMother’s immanent empowerment,
mediating, from within
moving soulful choices
inviting good news Yang voices.

Those instructors who were planning
to more comfortably conduct
with their dominant right wing
orthodox uninspired messaging bodies
did not actively encourage us
to move below our stagnant necks

On the other hand
we had one woman of color
who invited each morning
conducting from the souls of our feet
with sufficient passion
to raise FatherSun’s
octaves of co-enlightenment.

She conducted warm-ups
considerably more athletic
than eremetic

Stretching compassion’s inside muscles
primal joint relationships
bicameral minds and lungs and hearts
while reaching
preaching outside ancient light/power
Musing memories
of dance
and prance
and, occasionally, communal trance.

merely sixteen,
I returned to conservative
rural homophobic xenophobic patriarchal anthro-privileged
RightWing dominant
People’s MonoTheistic Bible Church
more comfortable making metronomic
points like the 4/4
fractal sign
of a triumphantly crowning cross

While singing,
from my own entitled head-voice
repeating orthodox melodies
from disembodied traditional memories

At my peak experience best,
from my core heart chakra diaphragm
breathing in dogmatic history’s choices
while expiring more sacred
gay and trans-inspiring
of ancient healthy sung passions
and wealthy moving beauty
written across every bipartisan resonant heart

Good news singing
and LeftBrain orchestrating
but not really great shoes moving
and RightBrain mediating
cooperative engagement in communal resonance
and community full-bodied
root-systemic resilience

Strong enough to carry
through six days
of secular ecocidal
lack of sacred Yang/Yintegral orthopraxis
transcending mere orthodox
religiously repeated narratives

To more fully embrace
song and dance
gospel-passioned praxis
orchestrating FatherSun’s Yang dusk
while mediating MotherEarth’s Yintegral
empowering redawn
of indigenous nondualistic
nonverbal wisdom

Wellbeing mindful sung
Wellness rooted dance
up and out
from the souls of our feet
on EarthMother’s natural beat.


MusEcology of Peace

I would like to see
and hear
and feel a peaceful day
and silent night

When guns
are as rare as typewriters

When partisan hate
is as extinct as flying dinosaurs

When ranting out of anger
to instill fear
is as astounding
as love letters
written on rice paper
in compassionate cursive.

I would like to hear
free speech
can’t be hate preach
because anger
and fear
and dogmatic rage are limiting
and divisive
and rabidly dissonant,

Conserving win/lose
endlessly expensive
back-and-forth debate

Which does not win/win
free mind and body
resiliently liberate.

Hate speech
costs our favorite EarthTribes
every healthy
and wealthy

Free speech
creates rich
musical and wise compositions,
civil literature,
love stories

Deliberating life
delivering desegregating communities,
purple families,
non-violent muse communications
to sing
our cooperative Truth
and dance
advance our co-invested Grace.

heart-filled discussion
restores free peace

non-violet deep co-passions.

Conducting empowered multicultures
dwelling in enlightened wellbeing

and round cursive spirals
of community wellness danced

In public squares
and parks

Under shade trees
by day
and freely twinkling stars
by night.

I would like to see
and hear
and feel this peaceful day
and silent dancing
purple night

When automated guns
are as rare as electric typewriters

When impoverishing hate
and fear-provoking speech
are as extinct as predative dinosaurs.


My Renegade Sunday School Teacher

Aunt Mary was a small and wiry mother
of six;
four by birth
and two by informal adoption.

She sang in a small querulous voice
yet spoke boldly
filled with loving EarthMother
indigenous wisdom choices.

Aunt Mary was a serenely quiet mentor
and suspiciously happy
Sunday School teacher
in our stern Christian evangelical Bible Church
where divine Revelation
ended with the last apocalyptic
King James chapter.

Closed “Father Has Spoken” inspiration
was not quite so All or Nothing clear
from our Teacher’s polycultural gardener
and permacultural farmer perspective,
with her animal husbandry perceptions
offering a more inclusive Holy Spirit articulating view

Of personal
and communal peak therapeutic experience,
naturally revealing,
spiritually fulfilling
universal salvation
seeking unitarian redemption
finding ever more expansive
universal EarthTribal sensations.

Aunt Mary led our high school class
theological reflections
always in her quiet
compassionate way

A question and respond style
she may have learned from reading Gospel Jesus

The outdoor itinerant Teacher
responding to both hostile
and admiring fan questions

Speaking in Beatitudes,
spoken word Psalms
impromptu Sermons on Mountains.

“What did Jesus mean
when he said Abba is love?”
I might have asked,
hoping to catch her explaining herself away
from the Patriarchal personal knowledge
our straight
good-news privileged preacher
shared from his bully pulpit
about what demonic
not straight
not white
not strong warrior behaviors
God hates.

“Abba is ComPassion”
invites us to become liberal
only in love”
she responds.

This is the reverse side of becoming more conservative
about risky behaviors
and negative attitudes
and demonic platitudes
steeped in hate
traumatic abuse,
and chronic emotional neglect
remaking god into our own dog-
matic worst
bad excuse for a good-news day
degenerative imagination.

“The devil made me do it”
in jest
curiously reminds me of
“Jehovah demands I hate it”
excommunicating those who sin
against my limited
and exclusively safe
peak resonant experiences.

“Violence is mine”
loudly speaks StraightWhitePrivilegedMale
way back in the weaponized Old Testament.

This love we choose
to renew each morning
we often think of as compassion
and Mom-inspired peace
and blissful nurturing light

In contrast to the traumatic night
of a darkened daddy soul

Yet love of God’s creation,
natural Truth
and supernatural Integrity
of wholesome holonic Spirit,
is also openly
and relentlessly curious

About the depths of Earth’s empowering summer soils
and disempowering winter snow,
About resonant healing
yet also dissonant harming,
About both dawn’s light
and dusk’s revolving night.

Embrace liberal love
of our co-arising bicameral
dipolar appositional`Spirits

And conserve deep disregard
for competing bipolar
oppositional Souls

More clear about which sheep
we must be against
than why God created all sheep
for us to adore

Who define alien Others
by whom and what we are commanded
and reprimanded to hate

Don’t even try to understand
and don’t slow-grow the courage
to appreciate

To become more resiliently curious about
and why They/We can
and do love each Other
in some mysterious non-Othering way
beyond LeftBrain dominant understanding.

Liberally love
refinish your human healthy Self
and sacred natural Others
by uniting with whom
and what we love
and faithfully hope to stand.

Explore radically profound courage
to become more deeply
inter-religiously curious about
how to more resiliently choose

Each mindful day
each inclusive hour
each thoughtful moment
within each healthy relationship,
each communion,
each love song
of liberating compassion

Thereby worrying less about
conserving slow-burning
political dispassions.


Political Wisdom

I remember,
back in early pre-colonial days,
when promise
and purposes
of prosperity,
safe wealthy health care
assumed universal EarthTribal goals

For uniting spiritual
mental health
including natural
embodied wealth
for all organic
and mineral
and bone
and teeth
and nails
and hearts
and guts
and root chakras
of woody plants
and patriarchal people
on EarthTribe’s shared
and sacred
matriarchal planet.

And, I remember
not so long ago
when bipartisan cooperative co-investment
in health
was resilient wealth
for people,
and eco-planetary systems
built through resonant nonviolent communications
advocating economic health,
liberally conservational wealth
of panentheistic Earth Communion

Inviting co-investments
in politically enlightened

Powers for restoring EarthTribal
organic health-wealth eco-justice

Promoting ego-resilient peace

For individual communities
and our polycultural
extended families
of species,
Earth enthusiastic ecofeminists

for healthy universal wealthy
unitarian EarthTribe compassionate
resilient regard,
immanently indigenous wisdom

Virtuous sacred circles
restoring Whole Open Systemic justice,
win/win nonviolent cooperatives.


Sketchy Boundary Issues

My left-brain dominant challenge
begs for a worldview
of unconditional warm regard

Which sometimes feels uncomfortably warm
through heated confrontations
confused about whose voice is rightfully speaking
respectfully with whom

And who is listening curiously
and with whom
to practice universal
uniting compassion,
employing warm organically-fed tools
sometimes slow as molasses
in January

Not cold steel weapons,
icicles aimed for the hearts
and minds of difficult Others.

On our best days
and nights
not too coldly distant
and not too heatedly dissonant

Even on our worst traumatic days
and narcissistic dramatic nights,
silent listening voices
urge unconditionally curious regard

To avoid slippery unsafe
unhealthy slopes
of anger blaming lack of patience
and self-shaming fear
reacting against Others’ impatience

that I am not important enough
to respect,
to regard,
to notice,
to matter,
to value,
to appreciate,
to love

Outside my left-hemisphere dominant
claustrophobic box
of mere linear
univocal reason


Inside limbic right-hemisphere resonance,
mindful inside/outside

For integral indigenous mind/bodies
peaceful spirit/natures
recreating co-passionate ego/eco-spirals
transforming queer uniting mirrors
rebalancing yin/yang boundary treasons
reassessing Earth’s safe wealth/health seasons

For white male privileged
left-brain dominant challenges
continuing to punish and divide
insufficient time from sufficient sacred space
for unconditional warm regard.


Resilient Peak Experiences

Gayla Speak Experiences
promote healing events
not intended to contribute to trauma
drama narratives.

Stories we tell
and trust
and thrust
and softly smile about
when we dare to leave
our stiff
stiffling closets.

universal dominants
friendly feasting
with BlueYintegral
unitarian intent

Together praising massively thick
and deeply embedded polarities
of nearly omnipotent
erect and hard patrimony
loving MotherEarth’s holy matrimonies,

Transcending monotheistic challenging attitudes
failing to question long-term outcomes
of dubious commercial
graphic success,
LeftBrain dominant anthrosupremacism
on top
of Others,

YangPole hot resilience
cannot sustain
without YinHole warm
passionately inviting
fully dilated resonance

WuWei balance
of divinely favored Versatility
engaging neurosystemic respect
for healthy work and play shop sharing,
nakedly transparent
vulnerable wealthy caring
for integrity’s warm
unconditionally impassioned

To not feel bought
and sold,
short-term rented
or long-term leased

Instead both offering
and receiving
Pole/Hole equity
co-empathically felt
and touched
by peak impassioned
sacred communion values

Wanting therapeutic fairness
to eliminate all mundane
no talent
no appreciation drama
in our cooperative
pantheistic sex lives

and recreating,
and retightening,
a cooperative
sacred nutritional space

For rethinking our peak
orgasmic win/win experiences
when we felt mountainous
rolling climaxes
and deep valleyed seizures
flowing out
and out
encompassing peace

Lost in ecstasy
present to awesome YangPoles
and wondrous Yintegrity.

Scenes sensory developed
from natural roots
seen through spirited hearts

Longing to both host
and guest,
and receive again

Through joy of warm memory
and sad loss of peak intensity,
despite risk
of subsequent depression,
transcending invitations
and farewells

Domesticated LeftMind enlightenment
and Wild RightBodied empowerment
reproducing root systemic Yintegrity
of natural health
and spiritual safety

Trauma prevention
by means of
Therapy optimization,
flowering Yang/Yin
curious dipolar co-arisings
of co-empathic consciousness

Erect conservation
engaging liberation,
Orthodox monotheistic worship
and Heterodox panentheistic communion,
Monocultural hot Redness
and cool Green
polycultural awareness,
and EarthTribe-democracy,
Monopolistic cathedrals
and EcoFeminist sacred outdoor space,
Good-humored human hypocrisy
and health-wealthy divine integrity

LeftBrain’s fascination
with both trusted Pole
and beautiful Hole
as either lonely Pole
or isolated Hole
could not

Trained by anal-rejecting
well-endowed envying
to achieve best
and brightest light
through patriarchal-capitalist means
and SWM privileged ways

To bless our
RightBrain indigenous
wise bicameral hearts,
and re-imaging

Both Pole and Holistic
And Win/Win nondualistic
peak climatic experiences

Yintegrally therapeutic,
so Yang trauma free
resilient wellbeing narratives
for holistic Holes
and panentheistic Poles
wherever we may sniff
and search
and find
co-gravitating dipolarities

Enlightening Left-Dominant
and empowering Right-Recessive
wise healthy wealth
of well-formed
fluid Paradise.


Warm Acceptance

How would Earth create
and reconnect
a species still needing ecological acceptance?

This need to be accepted
and accepting what cannot be win/win changed
just yet
in troubled
and troubling relationships

This need for acceptance
is born of trauma,
past experiences
not being accepted
as is,
not feeling appreciated,
not unconditionally cherished
warmly accompanied,
by win/win communication

Not tolerating chronic
win/lose aggressive
patriarchal capitalism
as the best RightWing weapon
fighting wars
against economic
and political Appreciation,
nonviolent communication,
compassionate invention
for trauma prevention.

If babies
and marriages
are made in Heaven,
then we should not be surprised
when they are aborted
while surviving silent
patriarchal-colonizing Hell
on ecocidal Earth

Which may speak out for warm acceptance
rather than continuing cold
impatient tolerance
for LeftBrain AnthroSupremacist
fears of dark and shameful
and/or spoiled brat inadequacy

To learn why Earth has created
LeftBrain verbal dominance
for reconnecting
a species still needing ecological acceptance,
unconditional warm regard
for MotherEarth
Restoring sacred Justice

Touched by Her trust
for Yang external Truths
with Yin internal Beauty
thought and felt accompanied
Self and Other
warm NonZero-Soul Acceptance

Is a whole lot healthier
and environmentally safer
than cold Zero-Sum
competitions for Tolerance.


Dancing Pequot River

Flying free
in rooftop ecstasy

Raptor’s wings direct
with feathered pins strong, erect
swelling mountain chests
then wings
brought safely down
protecting Earth’s
most sacred wounds.

Standing Yang
with wings wide spread
Left then Right

Bent over filling in Yin’s flow
extending gratitude for out
bold attitude brought back in
for more sincere
out wanting more
more sacred practice
mindful praxis
moving axis

Practice makes Yang
with Yin
happy together once again
in this million hole
with pole
extravagant excursion
upstream North
growing deep down South
flowing in/out surfing mouth

Dancing round root chakra
river source
to up reach
down stream right
to left dividing swings
gone sacred South

River’s needy mouth
to feed
time’s seas
of timeless pirate peaks
opposing valleyed surf
inhaling exhaled needs

Healthy seasons too tidal full
swelling now and why and how
toward empty skies

Anthrocentric light
invites this ecocical night,
patriarchal might
toward down wombed times
round cycling source
of Great White Father fright

Root wise spread out predation
penetrating river’s source
shifting toward rich mountain rivered valleys
flowing up
then down White streaming pole
with Black uncovered silenced hole,
designing doublebinding
God-dressed nature’s inspiring views

Inviting dawn’s
past sunrise dance
sweeping light
round downstream
falling failing
EarthTribe’s meager
flowing sacred
rivered night

Flying free
on rooftop ecstasy.


Healthy Caring Systems

Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
I must learn to trust
Earth’s future more

Both Father Sun’s timeless
rounds of enlightenment
and Mother Earth’s
codependent rhythms
regenerating rich
soulful soil

And this trusting more
impels healing trauma’s lessons,
surviving hale and hearty lust
for too RightWing earned distrust

Unenlightened AnthroElitism
within our CommonEnglish languaged voice
while dismissing other naturally iconic sounds
and physical sights,
sacred smells
and mental tastes

Feelings that matter more
than mere white privileged noise
degenerating ego v eco-other
for mere win today
lose survival tomorrow

Much less anthro-resilient healthy
this RightFright Yang v yin militaristic
narcissistic AnthroSurvival

And we could also regenerate
more Yang/Yintegrally together,
rediscover strong and sacred Beauty
peak experience passions

CoInvested integrity’s historic
win/win therapeutic revival,
future multiculturing
verbal and nonverbal
compassionately thriving
and not merely nonviolently surviving
1/0 double-binary bipartisan polypaths
polynomial +1P=(-,-)0P, Tao wu-wei bilateral balance
0/1 cisbinary communication’s
and most peak
health (1 Universe)
wealth (0 Full/Empty Synergetic Ego/EcoBalancing)
bipartisan ecopolitical health care potential.

That is where we left off yesterday;
and today let us reconsider a related question
about more personal peak experience outcomes
of a health care bipartisan co-governing system.

First, we notice that robust polycultural systems
of win/win thrival
will always be negatively correlated with
exhausted monocultural failing Lose/Lose chaos

chronic stress
lack of any imaginable and/or remembered system

Re-articulating integrity’s most sacred,
and sometimes sexy,
peak regenerative experiences

Feeding our LeftBrain need for EitherYangly Yes
Or TooYinnish Yes and not yet know

Consistency with prior experiential
labeling of penetrating history.

What are our universal characteristics
defining and refining caring systems?

Sounds like we may be speaking nonviolently
of spacious and NowTimed compassion
and co-investment,
and active curiosity.

That works for me,
so let’s go one LeftBrain dominant step
further into verbally defining
what we might all agree
we win/win intend
to successfully differentiate
our health care resilient thrival systems
from our pathological uncare
unfelt lack of any non-degenerative
LoseLose chaos
chronic ego/ecocidal
lack of unconditional
warm regard,
retributive blaming
and shaming
straight white monotheistic
monopolizing core panentheistic values
monoculturing neurosystemic despair
full-spectral Win/Win suppression
of integrity’s compassionate
warm and caring
systemic potential

This recontextualing process
follows an ecological perception principle (EPP)
that it is not polyvagally possible to imagine
or remember ever feeling a caring system
that could co-incidentally be nonverbally noticed
much less defined
or even moderately refined
as any something
or non-peak co-relationally felt event.

Lack of warm unconditional win/win
sacred panentheistic regard
may feel as chronically anxious
as trying to re-imagine
an uncaring entropic
cold as a closed
vacuum of exflowing

What we are capable of appreciating,
deeply rooted in ecological
and biological experience,
are Caring Systems
and not uncaring non-systems.

To define systems feels challenging
because systems, including organic
and Whole
and Open
and Universal Healthy Caring Systems,
all feel so overwhelmingly
and perhaps sacredly comprehensive,
synergetically complex.

Within your own neurosystemic framework,
robustly thriving,
perhaps even enjoying elegant
and/or multiculturally exotic
and/or polyculturally erotic
peak Aha! Win/Win
Yang/Yintegral co-balancing experiences

As appositionally contrasted
against a monochromatic win now to lose tomorrow
or win EarthHealth Care Systems tomorrow
by sacrificing AnthroWealth Care Systems today

False dichotomies
nurture chronic trauma,
fear and retribution,
fire and thunder,
conspiracy theories,
like the witchhunt
or the devil
made me addictively
and obsessively,
sometimes violently,
sometimes greedily,
sometimes abusively,
sometimes neglectfully,
always anthro-narcissistically
think it
say it
do it to Eco-You

Lose/Win Dissociated
from interdependently nurtured
and anti-spiritually natured
independent Win/Lose surviving

in cooperative home
and Now
in my 71st revolutionary round

Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
deep and widely learning
to trust Earth’s curiously sacred
and courageous
peak health
and valley of integral wealth
win/win health care systemic
Yang InFormation
and Yintegral OutFlow

Networks of not-not
double-binding neurosystemic apposition,
sadly anxious
and gladly anticipating more nonviolent dialogue,
less win/lose zero-sum debate
for and against future’s EarthTribal WinWin gains
rethriving positive regeneration thoughts

Less conservatively unbalanced
degenerative negative
anti-eco/pantheo-logical feelings,
Ego Monotheistic Nature v Eco PanEntheistic Polycultural Spirit

More resident of EarthCare Global Peace Systems
cooperative, so not just competitively capitalistic
ecosystemically co-invested in continental/oceanic balance,
so less win/lose survival of one sovereign entitled nation

Or species
straight white male privileged
LeftBrain verbally dominant
anthrosupremacist win/lose or lose/win
karmic conspiracy anxious theories

Not yet anticipating
more deeply integral possibilities

Health caring systems
invite LeftBrain integrity’s inclusive
ecotheistic EarthTribe
interreligious multiculturing wealth
caring compassion systems

Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
sharing trust
in EarthTribe’s health
wealthy ecofeminist future.


My Black God

My Black God
is real as I could imagine
worrying about defective White People
vulnerable to skin cancer
and fading water-front real estate values
in His traumatic WhiteWashed Anthropocene.

My Black God
is strong as I could imagine
on my luckiest bipolar day
and lustiest bipartisan night.

My Black God
is Source and Soul
and, hopefully, humane
ReSource and RePurposing Spirit

(But, you know…
not necessarily always
business as usual Vanilla)

My Black God
celebrates sacred peak experiences
wherever these may be
nonviolently communioned
and found,
perhaps briefly bound,
with mutually informed consent
to insatiable surprises.

My Black God
holds no boundaries
to multicultural curiosity
about every co-passionate touch,
brown smell,
EarthMan tasty
randy thoughts
with age-appropriate visual stimulation,
simulations deep resounding
regeneratively physical
and mental wealth
of how Father’s Time flies
when having fecund fun
robustly resonant
peak neurosystemic spasms,
and cooperatively friendly repositions
climate and cultural adjustments
hoping for resilient regenerations

My Black God
of universally poignant
urgently cooperative physical health
aerobic exercise
verbal and not so much talking stretch
and sometimes vertical dance
and compassionately cooperative care
not the least bit trauma giving
is also best climax receiving
sacred communion.

My Black God
follows this sacred Yang gift,
however briefly,
with holistically restored
unconditional warm regard
sacred sexual peace,
Informed and OutFlowing JustUs Justice
received and given,
driven toward

My Black God
of compassion’s AnthroScenic period
of ReStorative Justice
after a whole lotta
NonViolent Sacred,
sometimes flirtatious and sexy,
