
Preach From Experience

You could tell me your differences,
beat me down with distortions,
in-between fundamentally certain
of Either/Or
Yes or No
Stop or Go;
and never “and”

You also faithfully know sacred reasons
for secularized natural seasons.

You could whisper your silent discernments
in-between Both/And nuanced
curiously growing seasons
of sacred climate doubt

I could be heard and appreciated
beyond self-graced listening
for win/win mind is also spirit
is also health is also wealth
is also bicameral balancing options
for bi-curious co-empathic
communicating operations

For win/win longing nations
and tribes
and species to rebound from this precipice
thrusting forward further secularizing
monopolistically monotheistic
Earth-desecrating AnthroSupremacy

SelfAppointed Sacred Rights
to play anthropocentric win/lose games
against co-passionate MotherNature’s HolyCene

Remains unhappy
with dogmatic rightwing Straight MonoTheistic Defensively
Patriarchal-Capitalist entitled White King’s English
for re-interpreting Her MiddleEastern eco-political narratives
and wisdom literature
and natural/spiritual
physical/mental nondualistic poetry

Monoculturally misappropriated
if not also sensed
internally sacred panentheistic

Promulgating polyculturally robust
creolizing values
not whatever transcendent hierarchical
colonizing disvalues
patriarchally privileged
misogynistically vengeful
extractively punishing demonic
dark lose/lose degenerative WuWay

The opposite of truly free
to healthy choose
Earth’s final sacred Revelation

Rather than stuck in dogmatic
God’s static never-changing word
Hell that burns in an eternal fire
of LeftBrain weaponed words

Yet, Earth will eventually Lose
capacity to support Win/Win juicy life
as we have outgrown Her

Yet, we need not hurry
trauma and win/lose stress
and environmental resource wars along,
distracted by inability to learn
global climate pandemic lessons

There is no resilient health care
for humans
without resonant wealth care
from nonhumans

Reclaimed a sacred WiseWoman
from her PostTraumatic Teacher
and PsychoDynamic Preacher
actively seeking EcoPolitical Win/Win Leaders

To re-member Whole Open EarthTribe’s sacred
historical experience
struggling with restoring
and restorying
entropic closed
secularized EarthScientist Demise

Yang’s LeftBrain privileged
lack of bicamerally balanced
health communicating
resiliently wealthy
post-traumatic win/win
curiously active LeftThought,
but not negatively reactive RightFelt,
bipartisan co-mediated experience

If I could teach you my differences,
sometimes beat down with distortions,
in-between fundamentally certain
of Either/Or Left
hopes also for Both/And Right co-passions

Yes and No
Stop and Go;
and almost never 0-sum
lack of panentheistic healing soul

As we also faithfully know
indigenously wise
sacred gifted reasons
for secularized
natural shifting seasons.


Wounded World

I’ve seen Earth’s epitaph:
S/He did more than Her share
to heal a broken world

Which sometimes seems to invoke anger
because I can touch what’s broken
and other times provoke merely sad
because I can only feel inside
who is also wounded

Earth’s living magic,
watered fertile soil,
red-blooded organic
green clean soul
is not broken
like a worn-out clock
or formerly animated toy
or obsolescent urban block
now gone inevitably bad.

EarthTribe is not so much broken
as win/lose perpetually wounded
Paradise Lost
for our lapse
of good-humored Golden Rules
win/win re-found
happy healthy bodhisattva

What is already broken
requires outside messianic agency,
too objectively disabled
to stimulate subjective healing salvation,
personally feeling better

Emergent internally vital
growing positively viral,
stealing from toxic claustrophobic disarray,
tomorrow’s voices redeemed
by choices erupting therapeutic promise

Organic wounds,
unlike mechanical brokenness,
give internal notice
warnings of disenabling trauma
also enable therapeutic opportunity
to pull and push risk,
to massage and stretch ambiguous feelings
touching each Other’s sinews
and straps,
moral lapse,
dancing mental songs
and embodied raps

Filling in our anti-social lapse
our monoculturing elapse
of warm
and wet
and wild compassion,
integrity’s redemptive fashion.

Brokenness shrouds despair
where wounds invite
our active healthy care
together happiness vocationed
for EarthTribe’s ecstatic day
by faithful contenting way
inclusively inviting
inspirational repair
with those who dare
to share Earth’s communal difference
to heal this wounded world.


On Capitalizing Plants

A Commentary on

“A Note on the [Patriarchal-Capitalist] Treatment
of Plant Names”
by Robin Wall Kimmerer, p. 385

I too often accept
with nary a LeftBrain dominant thought
that our verbalized labels
for individual EgoPersons

To write
“Marvin Appletree”
would be to strip my tree
of His/Her sacred status
as an EarthTribe indigenous
child of MotherEartha
long before my own anthrosupremacist
sense of owning Real Estate
and all the Othered squatters
breathing anonymously on It.

It would be LeftBrain laughable
to write “Mosquito”
if this were in reference
to a flying insect,
any non-individuated
yet potentially annoying
predative Other.

LeftBrain Capitalization
conveys a certain Either/Or divisive distinction,
pejorative dissociation,

The anthrosupremacist position
of humans
normatively communicating outside
our sacred Grand Canyon spaces
and our own Creations
and our own proprietary Estates
esteemed private and corporate ownership
within a Patriarchal hierarchy

Economists have widely adopted
the win/lose Capitalism convention
of not sufficiently capitalizing
investing in the common sacred values
of organic plants
and animals
unless they are included
in a HumanNature narrative
for an official sacred space
place LeftBrain labeled
Holy Spirit Natured Sanctuary.

Thus, the first blossoms
of my favorite RightBrain cooperative gift:
Spring bursting flowers forth
in sacred organic Forests

Are LeftBrain written
as bloodroot
and the pink star
of a California Yosemite National Park
tiger lilly.

This seemingly natural
non-spiritual LeftBrain normative
verbal rulemaking
in Either EgoMine/OrAlienOther labeling
expresses deeply held competitive win/lose assumptions
about HumanNature monopolized
dualistic exceptionalism,

That ego-privileged speakers
and writers
are valued sacredly different
and monotheistically better
than other EarthTribe
Holy Nature/Spirited species
acting as our Othered
also-ran un-invested backdrop,

Mere organic environment
with only the Truth
and Beauty
we so royally assign
on our magnanimous best healthy days
and benign wealthy nights
to revere our Sacred Elders.

Indigenous wisdom
polycultural co-relationship
of all interdependent organic Beings

As equally 7th Principle
unitarian sacred
and ecopolitically
universally important

RightBrain imported

Not in a Patriarchal hierarchy
of ecopolitical scarcity
to merely win/lose survive
otherwise degenerative lose/lose nihilistic
ecocidal outcomes

But a PolyCultural Blue/Green Global Communion
eco-revolving gifts
spiraling circles
of EarthTribe Left/Right balancing life
includes RightBrain emotive love impressions.

So, in my LeftBrain universal ego-narrative
as in my RightBrain sacred
unitarian love life,

I break,
disconnect to reconnect,
without ego-LeftBrain partisan blinders,
to write
and speak
and sing
and dance freely

With my MarvinGaye AppleTree,
with they WiseHeron
and Boisterous Walrus
spirited natures
when I value a panentheistic
human Holy NatureSpirited,
or not;

And sing Health and Safety
Truth and Beauty
bicameral secular/sacred Anthems
of EarthTribe maples,
and bicameral balancing humans

When I value a LeftBrain
EitherMe/OrWe category
AND a RightBrain
polypathically felt
polyvagal complexly abundant
co-passionate win/win

secular/sacred reconception
of consumer commodities
as productive
mindful BiPartisan Gifts

Voting by sacred presence
for resilient EarthTribe
and Right sacred safety

Democratic recycling
dynamic breathing in from above
as out from below
co-passion balancing
MotherEartha energy.


Living Healthier Together

That we are

And, that we are together
more than apart,

Rather than are not
and never were

Resourcing regeneration’s universal promise
for growing unitarian integrity

Is not our hottest question,
nor academic topic
for therapeutic conversations,

Curious and courageous
developing health integrity

and wealthier
than ignoring how we struggle
through Western life’s capitalistic
LeftBrain dominant muddle
to the esteemed Paradise top
of a non-existent GoldenRuled patriotic hill

Beaconing and beckoning
enlightened thought/feeling relationships
of win/win togathering compassion
actively dispersing violent
degenerative Lose/Lose
unbecoming entropy

Reversing cooperative Both/And
overwhelming competitive Either/Or

BiCamerally in-between Win/Win v Lose/Lose
analogical relationships

InBetween patriarchal red Capitalism
is not togathering
polyculturally healthy Green Communion

Of organic political integrity
mechanical econometric technology

Unable to comprehend
how we are

And, that we are together
more than apart,

Rather than are not
and never were

Resourcing regeneration’s universal promise
for growing unitarian integrity.


Thoughtful CoOperative Experiments

Einstein had his mathematical
Thought Experiments,
as did Bucky Fuller.

Eisenstin has our cooperative economics
feeling sacred Win/Win CoInvestments,
as did Jesus of multicultural New Nazareth
and Gautama traveling Buddha.

We all naturally have spiritual Thoughts
with natural organic Feelings,
experiments and curiosities
polyculturally ecopolitical
scientifically noticing ecological systemic empowerment
religiously poly-theological enlightenment
through compassion stories
and nonviolent principles of secular health purpose
with sacred green wealth meaning.


Sorting Through BiNomials

Where do I draw my bilateral line
in a polycultural sandbox?

In-between a merely personal traumatic
loss and suffering event

And a larger staged
critical systemic
potentially multi-generational
traumatic climate event.

Why does it feel important
to distinguish,
and perhaps discriminate
personal from ecopolitical systemic trauma?

Against an InsideEgo post-traumatic stress disordered
And against an Outside EcoClimate post-traumatic stress
Patriarchal/Capitalist disordered
monoculturally fragile
non-universal health
and non-unitarian education
eco-political delivery system

Contrasting EgoIn/EcoOut-gravitating polymathic deductions
rationally concluding wealth optimizing bias
for GoldenRule WinWin health communications

Both/And non-linear nuancing
EitherCause/OrEffect LeftBrain dominant
debate boundaries,
deductively labeled
and crisply verbalized
words as pointed weapons
when more compassionate tools
feel too abstract
and post-traumatic win/lose
chronically stressed,
not articulate,
polarizingly defined

Dipolar co-arising RightMind inductions
invite non-linear Both/And feelings
double-binding cognitive compassion
win/win internal communications

X v Y LeftBrain
Either capitalist economic Space
Or patriarchal political Time
constant zero-sum variables

On our best non-traumatic thriving days
also X/Y-exponential NonZero Zones
exponentially expanding
RightBrain unsuppressed
co-arising resilient health/wealth systemic
binomial dipolarities

Taoist YangSpace valued Matters
equal bilateral in/out
Yintegral Earth health/wealth
restorative justice Time

Bilateral dynamic spiraling,
ecofeminist integral,
bicameral infusion
of resonant serotonin
and resilient dopamine
critical well-being waving back

To and through deep
and wide Post Traumatic StraightWhiteMale Disordered
of indigenously felt nature/spirit
secular/sacred reconnecting
Either/Or = Both/And resilient inter-religioning
polycultural communion
bicameral harmonics.


Experiential Origins

When we lose access
to our most primal Other,
our EarthMother experience
dreamily following DNA’s developmental scripts,
original sacred scripture
of external habitats
becoming internal identities,

We lose not only our spiritual sense of security
but also our natural taste for liberty,
Freedom to go out from our well-conserved womb
and subsequent multiculturing habitats,
home-base to liberally spread seeds of compassion
as we have always known our purposed meaning,
natural-spirited DNA
unfolding and infolding identity.

When personal identity loses access
to natural sight
we can still hear internal spirit memories.

When we lose access
to natural taste
we can still feel ancient spirits in our starving stomachs,
in our insecure and unfree
and too secure and unliberated
and right enlightened integrating
co-acclimating guts.

When we lose capacity
to touch organic nature
we can still feel internal integral spirits,
most without self-conscious voices,
perhaps a few with cries for liberty
and security
or death.

We can smell nature
to know which unseeable spirited winds
waft from which directions,
up and down
left and right
north and south
past and future generations
of light’s actively encultured hope, secure
and unfreedom in despair.

What we naturally lose
we organically incarnate DNA-integrity
gained so far
as individuals,
as species,
as multicultural becoming fragments
extending DNA-latticed families
living multi-generational laced-web systems,

Sometimes playing external nature with internal spirit Win to Win
for liberating compassion,
and sometimes playing sinister nature v spirit
secular outside v sacred inside detached win/lose
no longer actively securing and freeing enlightened restoration
of communal Truth and Beauty integrity;

DNA’s future health/wealth
timeless nurturing
original wombs and integral webs
co-revolving health-wealth thrival.

When we retain conscious attachment
to our primal Other,
and Her primal Others,
our EarthMother experience
originates sacred re-scriptures
speaking through nature
and listening through secure and freeing spirits
of cooperative DNA health development
