
ReCentering Domestic NonViolence

This brisk, sunny March morning, I return from delivering my son to his adult daycare van.

Upon opening The Norwich Times, I delight to read the new Center for Safe Futures “will be taking a huge step forward in how well we can serve the growing number of our neighbors who need help with domestic violence…”

After reading the article, I am delighted about this significant half-step toward a more integrated and holistic service structure to improve safety and well-being outcomes for victims and survivors of violence, assault, stalking, physical and verbal hate-crime abuse, black-market sale pricing for using powerless and unheard and unseen and uncared for human bodies commodified to provide third party capital profits, and other disturbing forms of predative trauma.

Violently polarizing drama threatens trust in neighborhood-felt survival, and our civil, compassionate community thrival, every time we hear, and, god forbid, exhaustively watch depressing, national history-making news brought to us by our uncivil, wounded and wounding retributive criminal justice systems; uncaring, unhealthy, and certainly not holistic empowerment systems for nonviolent reconciliation.

My colleagues on the Norwich Youth, Family, and Recreation Advisory Board have become used to my eagerness to celebrate half-steps toward win/win strategic restorative peace while simultaneously sternly reconsidering our missing nonviolent communication step away from retributive win/lose justice systems. World wide webs pitching prey against predator, cultivating my despair about polarizing dissociative drama rooted in divisive demonizing trauma systems that do not empower resilient health and safely resonant domestic wealth.

Down near the bottom of the first front-page column I read, “Service providers and community partners will work together to break the [systemic trauma] cycle of violence and abuse.” Wow! Now this is an unexpected good news mission statement!

On second thought, it does echo messianic scriptured messages about the Christian Prince of Peace’s salvific mission, and that, so far, feels like an aging, poor in spirit, and increasingly despairing half-empty step toward downsizing EarthJustice expectations for global nonviolent peace and justice.

In my wild decaffeinated morning meditations, this eagerly anticipated aspiration, to break the win/lose bonds of systemic trauma, reminds me of a huge covenant change proposed for discussion at All Souls UU, in New London.

“We covenant to dismantle racism and all forms of systemic oppression.” I wonder how we would practice such powerful “Beloved Community” passion. How could our faith communities help break the vicious cycle of violence, abuse, and emotional neglect fueling neurosystemic trauma?

Perhaps Restorative Justice and Peace Reconciliation practices of nonviolent communication could empower transparent and vulnerable dialogue between defendants and predators, so often brought together and stuck together by addictive codependence–which feels safer, and economically healthier than aching loneliness, emptiness, hopelessness, despair of punishment, shame, blame, Othering judgments that we do not merit unconditional warm regard.

My own therapeutic feelings of hope, informed by Multicultural Community Mediation, focusses on safer and healthier and emotionally wealthier compassionate relationships. Empowering intention and win/win designed retention I cannot find in this article. It misses a redemptive half-step that could prophetically declare we will not tolerate the “vengeance is mine” heresy that perpetuates future victimization. Excommunication brought to us by judicial and police systems inciting weaponized trauma among those voted least likely to succeed by disassociated peers.

Is it reasonable to hope this Center for Safe Futures, and all the best intervention and prevention practices advertised by an expanding Family Justice Center model may be fully baptized in the peace-making waters of Restorative Justice?

Will domestically healthy and safe mission statements survive the ribbon cutting to become resiliently saved from past systemic trauma sins of our Straight White Patriarchal fathers?

I guess I’m still waiting, as my acidic coffee stomach turns cold with impatient curiosity, for some other brilliantly brighter good news front-page article announcing the multiculturally grand virtues of neurosystemic trauma-informed therapeutic projects to ReCenter Healthy Bodies and Safe Mind Wellness Futures.

Compassionate futures that restore virtuous communion circles of therapeutic repair–and not viciously retributive, accountability trauma hierarchies continuing to promise more efficiently enlightened from-above services, still half-stepping toward managing a universally disunitarian pandemic of dissociative despair.


Religion and Other Strange Passions

and other strange passions
and erotic
and hypnotic,
are at their healthiest natural
and safe wealthiest spiritual

Reconnecting compassion
between yesterday’s remembered
conservational enlightenment
and tomorrow’s anticipated
liberating empowerment
restoring EarthPeace healthy wealth.

A peak spiritually experienced Warrior

A peak nature experiencing Muse
of sensexual joy
in colorful
and fragrant play

Conserving cautionary work
for anthroprivileged survival
with birds
and frogs
and insects
and other mammals
giving peaceful voice
to health resonant choice
to mind/body rejoice.

A peak nature spirited Sage
sings while dancing
and thinking about reconnecting

All these thoughtful feelings
with healthy timeless resonance
and pathological
closed down dissonance

And wisdom
to resiliently search
for inside cooperatively
co-invested outside

Nature’s sacred compassions
at their healthiest
and best sacred Muse wealthiest
reconnecting Warriors

between yesterday’s inhaled enlightenment
exhaling tomorrow’s singing
restoring Earth’s organic
orgasmic empowerment.


Getting To Old

I often hear,
“It’s tough getting old.”

I never hear
“It’s tougher not getting old”
because, I suppose,
those who might have spoken
from personal experience
are no longer with us.

I am becoming too familiar
with aches
of ageing alone

All of which invite
my thought,
“It’s tough staying old”

And happy
unconditionally prosperous
elder wise
fully engaged
compassionately warm
win/win resilient

Anticipating this sufficient day
more than anxious
about tomorrow’s losses
solitary encroaching disabilities,
dark nights.

That said,
staying old
feels much easier
and lighter
and brighter
and curiously mightier
than fighting
trying to stay young.


Healthy Caring

Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
I must learn to trust
Earth’s future more

Both Father Sun’s timeless
rounds of enlightenment
and Mother Earth’s
codependent rhythms
regenerating empowerment

And this trusting more
implies unlearning
letting go of trauma’s lessons
in surviving hale and hearty
RightWing distrust

Unenlightened AnthroElitism
within our CommonEnglish languaged voice
and without other physically iconic sounds
and sights
and smells
and tastes

Feelings that matter more
than mere white privileged noise
for self-regenerative thrival
much more healthy
than mere pathic
narcissistic survival

If we would
rediscover sacred Beauty

CoInvested in integrity’s historic
pre-historic win/win revival
and future multiculturing
nonverbal nonviolent
communication potential.


Love’s Sufficient Time

I can accept that love
I have time to learn
and earn

can I embrace compassion
I feel sure appreciates me
far more wisely
than I have earned?

Positive passions more pleasant
than I could ever find sufficient time
to brilliantly learn

My adoration spot
on this comedy central
AnalRetentive Stage
more Left Winged
than Right Singed
defensively sedating.

I am haunted
by an oppressively disabling gap
between what I have sufficient healthy time
to accomplish
to communicate
to experientially articulate
as anemically contrasted
to all I can imagine health
and safe wealth doing
togathering in this day,
this week,
this month,
this year,
this final decade
of my personal AnthroGay Pride
and WhitePrivilege
to prefer Black Lives MultiEnculturing Matter
and wild Paradise
PolyCulturing Pleasure

Win/Win bi-everything trans-thriving
positively contagious
as the clap

On a loved ones back
is my gay worldview sound
of one left hand liberally clapping
out FreeDom
ReStorative Justice

Between my NonViolently WinWin Communicating
brothers and sisters

LeftBrain verbally dominant
claiming Peace
I nonverbally feel
RightBrain left outside
closeted gay emotional neglect

In my polyculturally wise universe
feeling all EarthMother’s love,
Polyester is always Lose/Lose trauma
bad news drama
PolyPathic Win/Win
evokes sacred warm
wet 1 within 0 zen rivers
of deeply penetrating gospel

Good regenerative humor
despite toxic rumors
that my indigenous EarthTribe
intentional family
and trauma-infested community
are suffering from an overheated climate
of monoculturing dementia

Increasingly difficult to recall
the love we have had time to learn
is earned one timeless
warm remembering moment
always liberally Here
as time conserving Now,
unconditionally warm
well-moisturized regard

For healthy hygiene
is next to wealthy

A gay gratitude gift
more than sufficiently
out proud
well endowed.


Learning From Loss

The hardest losses
are those too late to repair
what has been win/win time lost
to despair

Just as love
cannot co-arise
where fear grows
fully uprisen
a prison
predicting anger’s nearby
impetuously apprised

So too,
Freedom cannot thrive
where addiction has hard helped
us feel we are not softly worthy
to survive

“Loser” labelled struggles
with addiction
cannot feel free of affliction
nor can giving in
to addiction’s short-term affections,
powers to feel escape
from personal
and communal,
and political,
and monotheistic

Social judgment,
and shame,
developing hard
stiffly cold silent screaming

Depressing loneliness
self-ostracization issues
win/lose closeted
fear-based shame defenses
against Old School GoldenRule
loss of co-invested love


Nature Nurturing Questions

Why is misery said to love company
while depression demands solitude?

is it always true that nature abhors a vacuum
sometimes true nurture adores expansion?

negatively respond to trauma.

Negatives do not look for like company
but can positively appreciate co-passionate listeners,
lit up not not glisteners,
dark solitude
giving sway
to more festive solidarity

Negative energy,
transforming toward
positive integrity,

Perhaps reparations
reassure these positive feelings
to grow increasingly rational
as negative trauma events
continue to outreach,
and/or discontinue to inreach,
our cooperative,
and/or competitive,
therapeutic plans
problem-solving designs
rational regard
healthy projections
wealthy predictions
positive anticipations
and/or negative anxieties
about recession
negative impression
retribution sticks
are not restoring carrots.

Misery loves solidarity
when ready for some kinda manic,
win/win enthusiastic
dynamic problem-solving

Outside depression’s
secretive locked box,
brain-and-body stormy,
rather than embodied brain full storming
love’s transcendent positive possibilities

Why does re-creative planning
to heal our polymorphic
whole open organic
thinking systems
co-passionately co-invest shared feelings?
negative through positive,
not negative non-zero positive
regifting anticipations.

Why do depression
misery viciously
and virally escalate
in isolation?
excommunicated vacuums
of discommunication

Absorbing left-hemisphere
self-wounding negative labels
for feelings of Introspective Loser
UnreNouned Retard
Dirty Nigger
Floozy Faggot
Bull Dyke
Silly Sissy
Flaming Fool
if not selfing shame
then othering blame,
felt trauma nurtured fear
rebecoming terror’s natural anger.

Why do victims of past win/lose
wallow in a perennial vacuum
denying communal
win/win therapeutic

When does compassionate solidarity
abhor unnatural trauma events
and dispiriting nurtured
disempowering denatured
post-traumatic stress disorders
chronic depression
feelings of all is lost?

Loser Ego
re-cognizing Loser EcoCommunity
inside/outside despair,

beat down
by monopolistic
monoculturing traumatic
weed-choked aggressions

Despite what we hoped
would become a cooperatively managed
health paradise
wealth-resilient garden

Rather than a silent
remilitarizing zone

Fearing I will awake
to yet another day

unable and unwilling to be heard

Asking this loser victim
of self shame
and callous Othering myopic
and epic

Why s/he abhors emotionally negative vacuums
yet silently loves
therapeutic positive ideals

Of communities communicating,
win/win company
co-empowering win/lose problem-solving

To repair
replace chronic trauma risks
with potential therapeutic opportunities
for ecosystemic
co-passionate communication

Decelerating win/lose traumatized communities
of monoculturing trauma climates
by restorying risks of isolating anxious vacuums
with opportunities to anticipate company
healthy community
wealthy solidarity
nonviolent communication

Deep and wide feelings
re-membering eco-matrimonial
sacred integrity’s questions

About primally warm
integrity of sacred swelling


Repair Justice to Restore Peace

Before restoring perfection,
perpetual pleasures
of prosperous peace

I remain responsible,
compulsively responsive,
habitually receptive
to repairing win/lose
past competitive aggressions,
negatively suppressive

My resilient repentance
must include self-forgiveness
for over-stressed addictions
to trauma repressors,
for failing to do my best
on a bad day

I usually fail to trust win/win strategic play
and work my best truth
healthiest way,
wealthiest co-managed gift
of sensory sensate
not always so elderly sedate
indigenous life

Among compassionate EarthTribe
redeemed through co-empathic curiosity
impressed by organic co-invested communication.

I struggle toward win/win intentional
restorative justice
adeptly mediating win/lose
bipartisan conflicts
exploring nonviolent communionations

At peace
remaining cooperatively responsible
responsively receptive

relentlessly repairing wounds
of AnthroSupremacist elitist cold regard
felt both outside blaming
and inside shaming

For cashing out of warm wet pleasures
of unconditional regard
too cheaply
too quickly
too sadly

Even for LeftBrain verbal narcissists,
smugly patriarchal
dishonorable corporate pirates

Champions of retributive poverty-punishing
justice of mercenary prison/court/police/military
preying on our young
and traumatized

Left rightwing outside
StraightWhiteCorporate patriarchal visions
of never needing to repair
vicious win/lose circles
growing capital monopolies
rooted in monotheistic true health values
for win/lose survival
of the RightWing anthropocentric
inhumane bigoted fittest

Devolutionary pathology
inviting further monoculturing climates
tipping toward
ecocidal trauma ideation,
warm and humid stress
fire and wind wilding
while wicked partisan polarization issues
distract my highest and best
therapeutic intentions

Before restoring perfect
perpetual communication pleasures

And prospering bicameral
dipolar co-invested balance

Cooperatively invested
in co-empathic curious gifts
for a more resonant
EarthTribe sacred peace.


Health ReNewing Years

Polymorphic design
for kids from one
to ninety-two
wondering how to see
local through global
EarthJustice trauma prevention
more clearly through

When we recognize
what inspires healthy polycultural design
of polypathic minds
and multiculturing bicameral hearts
and polyphonic non-zero zone
resonant souls

Is both stress-reductive
good humored
win/win strategic practice
and good trauma-informed contextual governance

For safe
and happy co-governance

in this Here and Now
renewing year,
healthy business
and safe good humor
will no longer appear like two
incompatible win/lose
universal Left
v. unitarian Right

Monoculturing Yang dominant
v. polytheistic yin prominent
antagonistically competing WorldViews
v. EarthJustice GoodNews
indigenously opulent wisdom.

Here and Now becomes
our Christ Mass
Pagan Solstice
polypathically healthy
and polytheistically safe
polycultural co-governing
Earth PeaceTrain

PolyMathic win/win happy
socially wealthy
and Earth double-binding wise
co-binary refrain

Merry ChristMass
light peace and dark justice
with you

Is MeWe
two thousand twenty three
universal unitarian
West and Eastern hemispheres
north and south
up and down
out and in
Yang wuwei Yin
cooperatively co-managed


When Profound Feels Sacred

My youngest
of three AfricanAmerican adopted sons
has profound nonwhite
nonverbal cerebral palsy.

in at least not being privileged
or victimized
by internal LeftBrain dominance,
violent micro-aggressions,
zero-sum competitive thinking

Either positively True and Good
or negatively False and Bad,
or humorless

Sacred indigenous consciousness
feels more Right-Elder brainstem
bodymind nondualistic synergy
friendly energy
which is my son’s political blessing
and his capital secularizing
economic disabled curse.

Youngest son communes
with music
more fluidly co-empathic
than linguistic communications

He touches
and sings
and chants
through echoing shouts
and exclamatory barks,
short nonphonetic phrases,
lip smacking,
and belly laughs.

When he cries,
which is seldom,
he cries silently

No vocal cords

Profound inhaling wet gasps
and exhaling sad sacred shakes.

He laughs unconditionally
from his root chakra
warm unguarded soul
and cries
from his buddha
bicameral eyes.
