
Polite Mess

like kindness,
may not sell newspapers
or win the partisan debate

unlike deviliciousness,
will not win the civil war
nor leverage the biggest tax rebate

But integrity
is the world wide web of nature
that composed the paper
and incubates
the peace we celebrate
when impolite love to hate
of systemic trauma gates
recede well past faded
therapeutic empathy,
becoming civilly sedate

Singing while dancing
in politely well-said company
not seen
or heard from
of late.


Repair Justice to Restore Peace

Before restoring perfection,
perpetual pleasures
of prosperous peace

I remain responsible,
compulsively responsive,
habitually receptive
to repairing win/lose
past competitive aggressions,
negatively suppressive

My resilient repentance
must include self-forgiveness
for over-stressed addictions
to trauma repressors,
for failing to do my best
on a bad day

I usually fail to trust win/win strategic play
and work my best truth
healthiest way,
wealthiest co-managed gift
of sensory sensate
not always so elderly sedate
indigenous life

Among compassionate EarthTribe
redeemed through co-empathic curiosity
impressed by organic co-invested communication.

I struggle toward win/win intentional
restorative justice
adeptly mediating win/lose
bipartisan conflicts
exploring nonviolent communionations

At peace
remaining cooperatively responsible
responsively receptive

relentlessly repairing wounds
of AnthroSupremacist elitist cold regard
felt both outside blaming
and inside shaming

For cashing out of warm wet pleasures
of unconditional regard
too cheaply
too quickly
too sadly

Even for LeftBrain verbal narcissists,
smugly patriarchal
dishonorable corporate pirates

Champions of retributive poverty-punishing
justice of mercenary prison/court/police/military
preying on our young
and traumatized

Left rightwing outside
StraightWhiteCorporate patriarchal visions
of never needing to repair
vicious win/lose circles
growing capital monopolies
rooted in monotheistic true health values
for win/lose survival
of the RightWing anthropocentric
inhumane bigoted fittest

Devolutionary pathology
inviting further monoculturing climates
tipping toward
ecocidal trauma ideation,
warm and humid stress
fire and wind wilding
while wicked partisan polarization issues
distract my highest and best
therapeutic intentions

Before restoring perfect
perpetual communication pleasures

And prospering bicameral
dipolar co-invested balance

Cooperatively invested
in co-empathic curious gifts
for a more resonant
EarthTribe sacred peace.


When Resonant

My spiritual vulnerability
to feel persuaded
and powers to persuade
emerge curiously informed
by Others speaking suggestions
and my own inside power digestions
not yet said out loud

Yet co-arising
from life’s multi-generational crowd
EarthDay choir
singing and dancing every day
for Earth’s integral potential,
green organic health
reproducing Green capitalized wealth,

as outside

as below

Suggestions that land
with percussive persuasion.

“Maybe you need appreciation
for who you are

Maybe I want
more integrity,
positive neurosystemic
sacred holonic energy?


Weapons Down Anger

is such a useful learning silence tool,
when not too short-term
ballistically reactive,

I have seldom noticed
when my own hot-burning issues
cold turn into
a Self and Other harsh
punishing vengeance weapon.

When left unnoticed,
by forgiving lack of ego-supremacist

By explicit co-invested intentions
of nonviolent verbal communication
informed by nonverbal win/win felt intuition,
bipartisan green consensus

For paying forward residual profits
of bicamerally balanced
co-passionately held

Now silently neglected
in a more long-term LeftBrain dominating
colonizing monoculture
of win/lose shame and blame

Xenophobic supremacist
lingering long before and after
royalist reactionary

Playing with BusinessAsUsual
Zero/Sum Closed degenerating
risky systemic compromises

Falsely agreeing
to disagree
about who profits more
from Mutually Assured Destruction
yet feeling everybody loses
in an overheated war,
no one left
to silently
reflectively keep score

camouflaging unresolved potential
for healthy and safe
win/win cooperative
green economic and political
integrally compassionate

Perhaps this angry turn
to burning out red hot revenge,
win/lose capital monopolistic,
vengeful and jealous,
self-rightenously extractive
and divinely-inspired
patriarchal straight white monotheistic

Omniscient ego-saving face
of nation-states
reporting dull Loser
unhealthy climate
fading statistics
sometimes more masochistic
about deserving
emotional and erotic neglect
and physical
dispiriting abuse
from EcoFeminist Earth

in other less than sanely sacred spaces,
capitalistic gotcha games

most win/win effectively
by bodhisattva-grade Win/Win
co-invested commitment

out loud disagreeing
against RightBrain felt
disagreement feelings

Cognitive/Affective co-punishing dissonance
chronic underlying trauma
of silence
rewarmed toward therapeutic potential
co-arising cooperative reflection

While quietly accepting
and silently celebrating
renewing awareness
of inhumane win/lose Business As Usual
rediscovered as less powerful and health enlightened
than win/win cooperative co-investment
in democratic co-governance sharing
caring about all Lose/Lose traumas,
big and small,
and long ago

Renewing spacious multiculturing revivals
recommiting to humane/divine
Win/Win restorative justice,
therapy of active musing
polypathic joy
of Open Organic Systems

EarthTribe’s regenerative life
inclusive love
rerooting sacred hope

That agreeing
what is LeftHemisphere health care
giving communion
and receiving resilient resonance
is also RightHemisphere
intersectional safety
secure unitarian interdependence,
serene universal security

and where short-term uniting
ego/eco dancing dopamine
greets long-term universally co-passionate
singing serotonin

As night
dawns dance revolving into each new
bicameral play day

Remembering silent righteousness
trailing stone cold anger,
silent sails
back through pre-history
of polyvagal neuro-systems

long before international anger
became such a useful learning silent tool
when not RightWing fired up

Leading to ballistics
as if short-term war
might finally lead
to peaceful climate health

As nonviolent co-empathic silence
leads toward
active cultures
musing forth health compassion.


Between EarthWorld Views

The differences I hear
between Right and Left political Wings
and personal Hemispheres,

Right world views
are capitalistically clear that I
have made more than my fair share
of unhealthy,
and disempowering
personal autonomously irresponsible choices.

Left EarthSystemic views
are equally clear/unclear
that We have made too much
extractive and degenerative unfair shares
of unhealthy,
economic and politically unenlightened
and disempowering
and lose/lose nihilistic
Straight White Male privileged
plutocratic rather than democratic

We each and all
live somewhere between these two views
of sacred Earth
and a Western secularizing
monoculturing World;

Not in logical opposition
but in eco/theo-logical apposition.

Not necessarily a bipolarizing
unenlightened experience;
Potentially a dipolar
co-arising power and light
reconnecting integral memory
of CoPassionate feelings
and needs
and win/win cooperative wants.


Polarizing Positions

It might be time
of the season
to recall
bipartisan reason

To remember
that we against you
and you against we
does not grow
a balance of powerful democracy

But, instead of balanced empowerment,
mutual cooperation,

Firing up eco-political double-binding
promises to relentlessly hate
what I resonantly like
and like
what I ambitiously hate,
offers only competitive
unbalanced runaway disempowerment.

Evolution of power,
requires dipolar both/and
healthy democracy Trust
where devolution of powers,
fade either/or polarizing away
from empowering resilient democracy.

Polarizing positions
are neither healthy
or wealthy
nurturing dispositions.


If I Were S/He

If I were S/He
I would look downstream
for a power so high
this mythic enlightenment feels sacredly deep
and widely therapeutic
mystical in feeling,
practical in application.

If I were She
I would declare a new Wisdom:
National superpowers corrupt
toward fundamentally polarizing RightWing dominance
Just as global enlightenment heals
toward evangelical gospel GreenQueen
MotherEarth empowerment.

If I were S/he
I would break ballistics
into cooperatively-owned shovels
shares in bioregional GreenPeace
non-violent warriors inviting
never demanding
health is wealth co-passions

Planting peace with shade trees
and berry bushes,
enriching sandy soils
supporting water
then remediated living waters
flowing toward deep
wide surfing seas

Seasons and daughters
eco-governing five-star reasons
to both vacation
and vocation
in cooperative integrity.

If I were S/He
I would breathe out Holy Spirits
and breathe back in sacred Father’s SunLIght

Powers of bicameral
secular/sacred Great Green/Blue CoPassions

For feminist economics
supporting healthy MotherEarth
green democratic biosystems
deeply healthy and widely wealthy ecosystems,
theologically SheCoLogical.

If I were She
I would first change all First Amendment
Rights to fight
with free but misinforming speech
and armed/threatening militarized
corporate-supported assembly;
To CoResponsibly Right to non-violent
eco-politically accountable speech
and disarming co-empathic Invocations,
sacred cooperative economic visions
of EarthTribe health care planning

Enlightening copowers
defending multicultural health
and global LivingCreatures,
BioSystemic Creation,
EarthClimate Safety.

Then our grateful Republicans,
now having learned how to listen
more conservationally Win/Win Green
and healthy red-blooded matriarchal
Don’t Mess With Mama!
and Her long-term health care plans
to move Her great grandkids
onto Her green platform,
cooperatively owned plantation,
organic farm,
clean pure deep river-front
with wide panoramic mountain view
Sacred Habitat

Peculiarly South-faced
filled with past resilient regenerative light
of Holy ExtendedFamily Ghosts
of slaves
and morally unfree to love
replacing fear and anger,
and drunken self-loathing.

If I were S/He
I would grab on to Restoring Climate Justice
with all our best non-violent, most joyful and liturgical,
not dirgical, communication
letting go of Retributive
FearPrivileged Punishments

Yielding downstream wide
and upstream deep co-empathically enlightening
and cooperatively empowering
Patriarchal CoPassions
with Matriarchal S/He
bicameral co-prominence

Left out of RightWing capital acquiring
zealous corporate plans
to vote against HealthyGreen ecotherapeutic climates
of feeling powerful liberating health
and conserving enlightened EarthMother wealth

Of EcoFeminist Wisdom,
If I were S/He.


Comparison Investing in CEOs

Ask not
only what a Biden Presidency
will do to Wall Street,

Ask also
what will Wall Street
receive/not receive
from a continuing Trump
and nationalist Republican
legacy of public
and global,
and spiritual
health divestment.


Social Justice Does Not Kill Nations

I heard from PrimeAryan DT
that socialism kills nations.

I thought it was fascist totalitarianism
that killed nations,
the lack of democratic social intelligence,
social investment,
non-violent communication,
win/win social justice.

My grandparents,
at least on my mother’s side,
who seemed ancient and fragile to me,
often opined,
“When you lose your health,
you love everything.”

I don’t know if they literally meant everything:
your faith,
your active hope,
your love,
your integrity,
your egocentric voice,
your hate,
obsessive-compulsive wealth,

Probably they meant only everything good,
all things social,
Beauty fading into inconsequential,
Truth into lack of significant meaning,
Life into absence of future purpose.

I was young and apparently immortal
and could not hear their wiser warning.

Now older,
I find I have little more to add
to health’s imperative
standard for resilient Wealth:

much older and more integral,
historically and multiculturally deeper
than money,
or even humanity;

older, even, than verbal communication
about healthy v pathological social-system experience.

So, why isn’t this same observation
first on the list of every political party’s platform,
every faith community’s regenerative mission statement?

If we lose our democratic win/win social health,
we’ve lost our greatest wealth.

If we optimize
our actively co-invested trust
in global interdependent health,
we regain our most resilient dreams
of cooperatively-owned wealth,
communal peace
served up with personal integrity.

“Make America Great Again”
whether triumphantly declared as “mission accomplished”
or somewhat more humble,
errs in dreaming way too small

When we could more robustly
compassionately choose
“Make Earth Healthy Again”

Which would, of course,
also make America wealthy
in all the democratic social positives,
and none of the aristocratic anti-social negatives


I guess sometimes healthy restorative justice
is more like exploratory win/win polycultural justice,
more pro-social green peace meadows
than elitist
grab and crab grass.


Comedy of Impeaching Errors

The Republican congressmen,
and I do mean white privileged straight men,
came to their Democratic opposition
concerned about how depressing
December can be,
and all of winter,
come to think and feel
of dark discerning Advent,

So maybe we could stage
a comedic debate
about Trumpism,

To say the most extravagant truths
and untruths
and anti-truths
repeatedly aimed across each other’s non-listening brows,
to speak to American voters back home
of how much more reasonable they are

As they learn to transparently discuss
what we pretend to vulnerably debate,
as if we truly cared
about what our great
great grandfathers
thought and felt about great enlightenment era
liberal democratic theory
rooted in theoretical
without much experiential
cooperative co-investment,
social-political well-being
more deeply rooted in inclusive trust
and not disloyal royal mistrust
and not unconstitutional anti-trust
against global democratic social, psychological, ecological-theological health,

Wealth of trusting solidarity
subcultures and subclimates,
lefts and rights,
global ecology and local economy,
all more cooperatively amusing and good-humored,
like Ben Franklin more
and like Benedict Arnold less.

The greenish Democrats
felt this white nationalist comedy proposal
a great impeaching drama idea
to be staged immediately
with straight-forward urgency

To defend universal mental health-care
constitutional well-being inside covenants
and other serious bicameral empowering matters.

So, while winking left-eyed,
these farcical RightWing stand up comedians
and repeatedly
reminded horrible Green Democratic Predators,
Pretentious Prosecutors of True Public Health and Safety,
they are thereby,
and heretoforth,
staging a painfully tragic revolutionary Coup,
without the military, just yet.

The Democrats respond,
repeatedly underlining
a most portentous liberal educated view:

The climatic sky is falling,
but you want to argue about differences
between our great
great grandfathers,
overly exercised about capitalist political theory,
while all white male privileged
and many, if not most,
slave-owners and hopelessly straight,
some of whom actually sold off property
(now liberally known as non-elite labor force)
to pay off their cooperative membership dues
to financially launch this non-partisan
revolutionary confection
known as the U.S. of A.

why does the prospect of President Pence
lead you to so quickly claim
a revolutionary Coup,
a denial of your Republican RightWing
straight white privileged incorporated patriarchy
that nominated
this unlikely anointed duality?

Now rabid Republicans
smell some not so funny meat:

You have hated Trump
since we profitably nominated him
and his Christianity Today muzzling
and smug side-kick
praying for a better heterosexual Rapturous Day.

This kangaroo Pelosi court
is not about green and clean and healthy people
and planet;

It is also not about narcissism
and anthropocentrism
and xenophobia
and greed
and disassociative psychosis
and climate anxiety,
and over-populated rabidity,
and unhealthy patriarchal morbidity,
and globally tragic pathology
and other LeftBrain too-dominant associated pathologies.

But, this charade
reminds of your original ill-intent
against the cooperative win/win healthcare needs
of The People!

Almost half of whom
actually voted for this Trumpian self-promoting Messiah
of monocultural climate pathology Denialism,
not realizing that underneath his InExperienced Emperor clothes,
lurked a naked anti-trust of Other,
anti-SacredTrust in Transparent Truth,
against Health/Wealth Faith,

Invested in AntiHope for a Great Unraveling Body
of AntiChrist Red UnHealthy
straight White male and Earth CoFragility,
reactionary repression

Where once lived Right-tragic and Left-comedic
AnthroPrivilege of conscious good-humored Communication
and healthier wisdom about Fake AnthroSupremacy
of unconscious BadHealth DisConnection,
Lose/Lose absence of wealthy associations,
cooperative co-investments, past through future
win/win green democratic communions,
secularLeft and sacredRight

The Great Impeachment Debate
was discussed
and win/win v lose/lose v win/lose non-partisan discerned
by multicultural mediators,
restorative justice green-economy pundits,
permaculture design integral-ZeroZone value optimization ecologists,
LaughTherapy compassionate Buddhists,
Tao NonZeroSum NonViolent NonDualists,
Ego/EcoFeminist Therapists,
Indigenous FireCircles,
Owls and Hawks and Eagles and Ravens and Crows,
Air and Fire,
Soil and Water,
Atmosphere breezes
stirring deep and wide Waters
resiliently seeking Resonance,
Sweet ProPeachments
Ways and Win/Win Means.

A consensus quickly emerged;
organic systems,
polypathic energy democracies
felt this Impeachment Debate was over-acted,
under cooperatively framed;
overly rhetorical,
under musical, or even lyrical;
overly repetitive
and yet under-resiliently resonant,

And undernourishing of good humor,
under-watered for long-term green health,
under-fed by compassion
and ego/ecotherapeutic bicameral intent
and warm accompaniment happiness.

With inappropriate debate themes
for teaching small children cooperative dialogue skills
and other forms of civil green communion trust
suitable for growing any healthy democracy,

We found bipartisan support
to mutually stop under-investing
in a wealthy sense of bilateral tragic-humor
to re-empower potential climates
now sadly disempowering.

Note: Much of the underlying theme associating healthy humor with feelings of cooperative trust has been informed by a contemporary, yet classic, political empowerment theory that the underlying emotive prerequisite to develop and maintain any truly democratically healthy relationship is trust–more important even than feelings of loyalty, and felt needs of uniformity more than cooperatively-held unity.  This provokes a consciousness of left-brain investment in Uniform States in creative/divisive tension with right-brain investment in compassionately United-Interdependent States, of America, geopolitical hemispheres, Earth, extended families, associated species, etc…
