
EnCulturing Climate Climax Conditions

Why do historically indigenous integrity
and cooperative cultural responsibility

Sound and appear too silent
and invisible
to Capitalist power centers
of immediate reaction
against ecowomanist impassioned co-response

Integral Call and Respond
empowering memories
of enlightening
good-humored interfaith communications
of and for
Earth’s regenerative SeedBearers

Aware of natural
spiritual nonzero-sum empowering
enlightened cooperative economies
of empty wombs
becoming pregnant potential

For political integrity
and cooperative economic co-responsibility.


Fruits of Democratic Spirits

Modern minds,
torn by royalist repressions,
hoped democracy would inhale
and expand

Freedom from depressing suppression,
lack of creative tension,
safe expression.

Freedom to invest
in post-feudal farms
and families
for future fresh respiration.

Lost were more indigenous memories
of ancient creature comforts,
democratic tribal humors
tumors benign
and sometimes malignant,
safe and scary,
significant and sacred.

Indigenous wild minds
worn smooth by felt democratic experience,
shared recreative tensions,
cooperative co-acclimation,
cherished freedom for eco-political integrity
more honorably cooperative
than freedom of competing ego-authority

In 2020 hindsight,
healthy Earth-relationships
for better democratic trust,
predict honorable
and resiliently touched
theological experience.


Not My Responsibility

I am responsible
and responsive
to every human built shelter
I have experienced as home,
mine to use,
to buy further improvements or sell,
to renovate or destroy.

I am responsible
and transparently responsive
to every lot of unimproved real estate,
every plot against healthy soil
and supporting water systems
and plants
and living creatures
who once called this place, home,
this space, habitat
to cooperatively use
to regenerate healthy wealth
and to degenerate diseased corruption.

I am accountable
when cooperative responsibilities
become transparent
from now
back toward Earth’s uncivilized
uncompromised civility,

contemplative silence,
celebrating cacophony,

chaotically complex
beautifully true,
magnificently not mine.


Fragmented Responsibilities

What would it take
to understand
a right to life
includes a right to choose well-being
or failure
for one’s internal identities,
A right to choose
self-embodied empowerment,
is a right to life redemptive choice
over deadening felt loss
of continuous healthy lifetime,
now present
and on through long-term future identities,

Vocations of sacred being wealth
of identity’s integrity,
rooted in EarthTribe experiences,
memories collapsed from all past life-streams.

Perhaps if we reduced abortion charges
from self-righteous indignation against “Murderers”
to a form of relentlessly catastrophic manslaughter
no child of capitalism has not known
at least in lack of active co-investing intention,
passion to open a dialogue door
toward win/win complexly inter-connected solidarity
rediscovered within healing discernment
about who is responsible for choosing this win/lose slaughter
and who is not responsible
for lack of win/win options.

Should we actually find
at least some One innocent enough
to cast the last win/lose might makes right
evolutionary stone
aimed against the rest of us
for massive lack of win/win hope-inspiring integrity

That iconic One
radically free from transparently disvaluing vulnerable lives
and toxic choices
to slaughter part of our sacredly connected selves

Free for listening to our own shared experience
of this interdependent Earth life web,
Longing for more resilient
buoyant healthy,
co-relational, without cancerous mutiny,
liberating Earth life for slow-growing ever deeper
interdependent win/win choice,

and whenever EarthTribe will listen to loss and gain
freedom and pain
internal yet multicultural GoldenRule voices
against throwing stones
against cooperative-intended health care
as if we and they both mattered;

Mother and child,
EarthMother and naked
divinely humanizing children
reborn into Earth’s continuing potential
for unfragmented Paradise.


Engaging the Family Laundry

Perhaps infertile
unwashed memories
of elder v younger,
Goliath v David,
crusades v communion
critical, yet part of chronic, events
speak extended family disengagement truth
to powerful dirty laundry engagement failures.

That disclaimer said,
I have two incomplete conversations
in mind and heart
and what I hope I will eventually learn
from mistakes in anemic compassion
too thin for nobler listening opportunities.

When I was sixteen,
I courageously confronted my dad
about his white supremacist beliefs,
which would not endorse slavery
but were oppressively too comfortable
with White nationalism
and patriarchal white-washed privileged capitalism
Win/Lose meritocracy theology,
evolutionary ethology,

God’s chosen evidence of Black and Brown unfortunate
lack of pure enough LeftBrain intelligence
to successfully care for their own intellectual
and physical
property/properties God given
but in a more niggardly way.

After all, if they were as full of divine grace as we are
then they never would have become forced migrant fieldhands
and robotic domestic servants
before we had robotic domestic servants,
properly satisfied with a basic shack,
self-grown food,
cotton-picking and sugar-caning uniforms,

Rented and unrented servants capable of learning
yet not relentlessly driven by passion
for deeper democratic health interdependent webs of life
empowered each day by dense political understanding,
robust economic awareness of who has power to sell
and who has insufficient power to redeem
what could never be naturally-spiritually commodified
without severely wounded ego-disintegrity,
social madness,
political fury.

When I asked my dad,
Why are you so sure people of color,
especially women,
are so intellectually and emotionally and and mentally inferior to you,
the WhiteMan
living in an all white rural community
and all white nationalist church
fully invested in a white
military-industriously colonizing
authoritarian mess?
And an all white school system
and all white county government
all your life?

He could not point to any experience
of his own white superiority
But he could pull out a Reader’s Digest article
regarding research on standardized LeftBrain tests
with unstated lexicon
and linguistic norms
of dialectally empowered WhiteEnglish DominantSpeak.

My WiseElder dad told me to read it
and get back to his more seniority self
if I had any further naive questions.

That was the end of that conversation.
Question asked
and self-declared orthodox textual reference answered.

A year ago
I asked my White nationalist evangelical older brother
if he would vote for D Trumpian again,
and, if so, why?
Given his Christian God of love
and his GoodNews evangelistic vocation
to bring universal peace
and uniting divine justice to all people
now and in rapturous kingdom at near ill-defined hand
of future Heaven
for all eternity,
red and yellow,
black and white,
they are precious
in His sight.

My brother responded,
While troubled by Trumpian narcissism,
and maybe over-wrought cynicism,
Trump’s anti-immigrant
anti-Islam sectarianism
are a good faith fit
for God scripturally written to be pissed off
about pagan idolatrous hedonists
and uppity women
and lying stealing greedy children
and people too stupid to get it
that God has been strategically designed
in a RightWing dominant WhiteMan’s ancient
apartheid image
of spiritualized
denatured seclusion.

Well, OK,
he explicitly said just the first part,
about keeping out the threatening anti-Christian,
pro-liberal ecofeminist choice,
anti-family values foreigners,
All for building an impermeable moat
around a White privileged patriarchal “Christian” nation
on an awesome well-lit hill,
originally intended to be democratically enfranchised
only for White male property-owners,
possibly including Black and Native American slave property,

But only White property-owners have historically correct autonomous rights
to carry automatic military rifles
and drive gas and oil-hog Hummers to an all-White church
in substantially Black and Brown Flint, Michigan.

When I asked him why keeping Muslims,
and perhaps other Black
and suspiciously Spanish-speaking Brown people out,
was more important to his Christian beliefs
than keeping democratic family health care in
and USA climate therapeutic care
at the top of our global investment budget,
even higher than our ballistic automated threat budget
designed to blow up people
and plants
and planet,
He said he had no interest in that conversation.

The only important conversation for us,
from his fundamental dogma-centered power position,
was how much of the King James Holy Bible
I have properly memorized and adopted,
not adapted,
and invited into my personal everyday relationship with Jesus.

The political Jesus,
unmarried Messiah
and Teacher of following GoodNews Truth
into universal interdependent compassion,
most accessible to a child, wounded and poor in spirit,
when Win/Win Truth invites GoldenRule conflict
between elders and siblings
about signs of extended family integrity
and wonders of divinely humane non-walled communion,
non-apartheid community,
non-violent communication…

Again, I digress
from explicit historical conversations
about experiential evidence for White nationalist privilege
on into internal implications for WinWin empowering communion
where I can sometimes Left with Right childlike balance,
still finding and grasping onto
universally inviting unitarian
co-operative laundry cleaning compassion.


Trumpian Walls of Fear

In a land where campaign threats
have been recast as mandated promises,
where pathological divestments
are reinvented as healthy investments,
a green cry goes out

please help us out here!
How did Mr. Hitler gain unilateral powers for war-mongering investments
of Germany?
Do I recall something about declaring a national emergency?

Which actually was an international emergency
of his own fascist leadership making

I wonder if there were any more Germans
foaming at the mouth to build a nationalistic wall of soldiers
and armaments,
paid for with their own cooperatively intended taxes
and regulatory fees
and blood
and tears lost
during loss of life
in World War One,
than is the U.S. case today

In the USA,
where compassionate boundary issues
have Trumpian infested all Green Commonsense,
that man-made social and language boundaries,
are economically and ecologically best resolved
through establishing more diversely rich robust webs
of economic/ecological cooperation,
humbly acknowledging we are all on Earth together
or about to tear Earth’s climates of health
monoculturally elitist apart.

White patriarchal fascism is a national emergency
already declaring narcissistic war on what’s left
of the U.S. and U.N. compassionate co-investments
in health care climates,
domestic and international,
internal and external,
personal and political,
economic and ecological.


Blue PostThanksgiving Muse

I wonder if best practices for celebrating thanksgiving
for all we have and are already
would not be immediately returned to BlackFriday
celebrating all we do not yet have
and are already not enough.

I would, instead, become more everyday respectful
during this EarthSoul incarnation
empowering my mortal EgoBody.

Earth feeds humanity gratitude.
Humanity breeds future EarthSoul
from generation breathed
and spawned
and beaten
and bled into regeneration.

To let go of Ego’s comfort Home
is to grow eco-responsive strength,
flowing resilience across timeless coincidentally unflowing events,
images watched and heard
and smelled,
tasted and felt,
intimately reknown Soul

To give up on Ego’s fake security
by conserving paranoid defensive rights
to absence of thrival beauty risk
to absorb Earth’s integrity opportunities
multicultural homeless restlessness to travel
and learn,
dance and sing, yet more
from this embedded ancient river of revolving Time
flowing up and down streams of ribboned flow
through nurturing EarthSoul rooted selves.

To release thanksgiving dreams of independent glory
to grab authority of interdependent cooperative governance
of communion, sacred gratitude
knowing secular integrity,
polypathically holonic flow of bilateral Time,
Positive psychology’s systematic ecological creation
of co-acclimating theologians
speaking multiculturally languaged wonder,
after hearing shared global SacredAwe

To abandon Ego’s fear and angry memories
of past isolations and loser Death
embraces co-responsibility for powers of sacred
ecological consciousness
through non-violent communion,
secular synergetic eco-empathic communication, LeftBrain
mindful of interdependent sacred integrity, RightBrain
of EarthSoul’s original HealthHere/WealthNow Intent

What is least ZeroZone unique about each humane becoming Ego
is also what is most resonant
with all prior EarthSoul regenerations
of light and healing word.

What is most homeless about co-arising Identities
wounded and suffering and lost in uniquely passioned ways
is also most EarthCentered Nest

Riding interdependent rivers,
like Moses in a basket,
made of strings from regenerate healthy streaming BiNomialTime,
NaturalTruth with SpiritualBeauty

I would become more thanksgiving responsible
as this EarthSoul
empowering nature/spirit nonduality
co-gravitating ego/eco-consciousness,
still deep listening
for ecological theology
of Original ZeroZone Integrity

Of BiLateral Time
as known in EarthSoul
becoming Here/Now
SpaceTime EcoTheologians
for Gratitude
Original Humane/Divine Democratic CoOperative Attitude.


Heading Out

I said My son
you have your house
and sometimes food,
You have your phone
and sometimes fuel,
You have your girl
and sometimes friends
are also fools

But an uninspiring vacation
won’t work for you
without a sacred green vocation,
a prime goddess avocation
a divine nature revolution
spirit evolution
peaceful resolution
soulful restoration.

What Earth needs now
to hear from you
Is tell Her how
to hear your true.

If you can do that
then She’ll share with you
Why you can come home
in life’s eco-school
where hearts speak out loud
for laws not so cruel.

Teach us how
to cooperate,
Not compete
to masturbate
old ideas
not so great of late,
White House dreams
flame our heads. Berate
what we need
from where we wait
to plant our seeds
to harvest great
what each one sees
on our knees
saluting trees
with freedom’s breeze
to cooperate
and resonate,
not misoperate
tooirresponsibly disassociate.

Seeking now what you would find
if your dad’s ass weren’t far behind
where you would like for us to be
where I listen while you pee
out whatever comes to be
because we plant as our vocation, see
what we harvest as Earth’s most fabulous avocation,
Hot Mama green and glorious vacation

Goin’ out to green associate
what LeftBrain learned to dissociate
from RightBrain ultra-violate.


Trade Wars

Authoritarian DonaldJohn
authoritatively, yet irresponsibly,
declares the U.S. has the worst trade deal
in all of colonizing history.

I suppose
under his free autocratic authority
to re-interpret historic wealth
we were better off
exporting domestic booze and guns
in exchange for domesticated slaves.

Those good old GoldenRulership days
when only white male trader lives
authoritatively mattered.

The opposite of historical integrity
is cultural mendacity


Healing Sciences and Sacred Arts

The Golden Rule,
like Permaculture Design,
teaches we all deserve
the restorative grace we need,
whether victim or predator of innocence
as we can each empathize
with those harmed
and with egocentric predators;
both written across our own
therapeutic live
and pathology of evil
potentiating hearts.

dwells within sacred ecological wisdom.
Experience of our internal-external relationships Universe
where forms of together Here
grace functions of therapeutic Now,
filling each loving and lovely heart and mind
and body with ethical sensory capacities
to restoratively engage both our secular Left deductive
and SacredRight inductive mind
and hearts with cooperative bicameral consciousness
of dissonance within this Universe of conscious confluence.

Religious history
invites us to release
fake-evangelical fundamentals
choosing monoculturing rather than polyculturing goals
among available anthro-centric dualistic choices
not benignly written evenly across our own Left-Right sacred health
optimization of internal-external ecopolitics
through cooperative co-redemptive development
of God’s egalitarian Grace,
of restorative internal justice as also ecosystemic peace
for and within all SacredEarth.

Universal Beauty and Truth and Trust
live within spectral senses.
Ugly and Deceit and Hate
turn nonsenses toward anti-senses
of each sacred ecological beholder.

What science separates to investigate,
solidarity of art with integrating artist,
Creation with Creator and ReCreators,
restores balancing nondual integrity together,
co-arising deeper and wider emergence

Beauty balancing Earth’s sacred interdependent morality
with LeftBrain Truths and Trusts
of health as Win-Win designed
and planned
and cooperatively implemented creolization
of feeling and thought and language,
and pathology of suboptimizing Win-lose,
and anti-health as predative colonizing Lose-Lose,
scientifically accessible
for further exploration
of creolizing polypathic artistic solidarity
with interdependent ethics gracing personal-political aesthetics
of humane-divine Universals,
primal relationship
of scientific integrity
with further aesthetic Beauty potential

Double-binding charm,
elegance of solidarity
as unitive balance
without settling for static uniformity
of thought
and feeling
and culture
and language.

Our Polycultural Golden Rule,
like Permaculture Design
and Restorative Arts and Sciences
teach us we all deserve
the co-arising Grace we need.
