
Full Moon Surfing

While the sacred ecologist within
re-cognizes Bucky Fuller’s pre-millennial insight

What appears,
from a transcendent distance,
to be a static
entirely monocultural
universal Vertex,
A Black circular Whole
at New Moon midnight,
while circling outside
physical Earth nature

May also feel
like an ecstatic unitarian Vortex
from a co-empathic inside
panentheistic spirit
of complexly synergetic compassion

Especially when experiencing
a peak polycultural
mountain/crown-1.00% SunLight
valley/root-0.00% EarthPower

1 Prickly Here
enters co-invested Gooey 0 Now,
inserts the ghost of Allan Watts
conserving Red
nutritional economic AnthroPrivileged
LeftBrain precessive Vertex
reconnecting with Green
nurturing eco-polycultural EarthTribe
RightHemisphere recessive Vortex

BiCamerally polypathic,
binomially polymathic
throughout Full Moon
peak and valley surfing
in and out-side

In bodied Here
and back out expiring Now
0/1 iconic Peace Warriors,
ironic MusEcologists,
ionic Vertex/Vortex
Crown/Root Sage MetaPhysicists
in hypostatic triune reunion

Right-felt/Left-thought communion
EarthTribe reconnecting
under a Full Moon,
peak and valley
vertex and vortex
crown and root chakra
compassion surfing
in solidarity
with the indigenous wisdom
of prickly Crown MotherTrees
nurturing gooey RootSystemic
co-infested peak experience

Empowering further orthopraxis
with BlackWhole root systemic compassion

vertex-from above
and vortex-from within
panentheistic Integrity.


Sensory Prophets

anticipates new taste
and too often learns anxiety
of past bad taste memories,
deep neurological lessons.

As enveloping touch
anticipates new internal feelings
and, too often, deep learns anxieties
of past dissonant felt memories,
negative reassociations,
deeply felt psychological lessons.

As compelling sight
anticipates new therapeutic sounds,
empowering and enlightening communications,

And, too often,
deep learned anxious depressions
of past LeftBrain historic dominance,
anti re-ligious sounding judgmental dogma
deeply monocultural,
darkly negative
economic and political resounding lessons.

Yang strong faith
anticipates new yinspired green hope
and too often learns dissonance
of past hopes for empowering unity,
win/win integrity
free of requiring economic win/lose endarkening uniformity,
dissonant dissociations,
deep astronomical and revolutionary
lessons in bad-faith pathology

Which may be why
fragrant faithful cultural truths
anticipate tasting
great therapeutic climates
of beauty.


Why Discovery Matters

The Twelfth Principle

Cooperatively adopt
and responsively adapt
for creolizing acclimating
best climate and landscape health practices.

The U.S. today
reweaves two points of national nutritional departure,
both taught in schools
and history books
and multicultural sciences
and scents
and sounds.

LeftBrain dominance,
here in post-millennial enculturing lands,
remembers we came to be
in this U.S. place and time,
because Columbus discovered
the American Continents.

RightBrain nurturing matriarchs,
PermaCultural Designers,
Cooperative Incorporators,
ecologists as ecotherapists
for climate health
by clearing out maladaptic relationships with ecosystems.
seasonal-fractal annual redevelopers
designing and planning DNA regenerative systems,
also remember the WesternHemisphere of the 1000s,
indigenously, from within,
more nature-spirit balancing holonic as healthy,
here all along
uncovering ourselves before Columbus
visited to harvest us.

It is important for LeftBrain dominant ecopoliticians
and teachers,
mentors and parents,
and healthy sustainable incorporating persons,
to finish our cooperative original national Constitution Statement
in ways that both polarities can win further regenerativity,
healthy cooperative wealth.

Columbus did historically discover what became the Americas,
more or less,
as an ecopolitical commodity
for WestEuropean colonization,
immigration by means of
mutually assured aggression
as necessary,
or even just more convenient,
to Christianize,
sometimes violently and rapaciously,
further WhiteMale economic and political patriarchal empowerment.

That happened both as us
and to us.

adopting a RightBrain Sacred Elder
perspective on Turtle Island Paradise,
the old, yet also new, EarthTribal landscape
notices Yang healthy adoption
v. Yin pathology-as-malaptive-Victim.
What creolized into U.S. mutual acclimation
was here all along, potentially, without Columbus,
waiting to uncover further WinWin gratitude
for grace already deeply and indigenously learned
by polypaths
noticing polycultural historical reweaving opportunity,
promise for better AdoptingLeft and AdaptingElderRight
ecopolitical cooperatives,
emerging through fractal annual 4-seasons
of polyphonic
polynomial holonic
Zero-Soul Outcomes
for exterior climate through interior personal health redevelopment,
for those with more of a RightWing Columbus orientation
to whom we have more rapaciously become,
and for those with more Left and Right wings of Eagles
spreading far beyond pre-historic nativity,
patriotic feelings
about healthy landscapes
and courageous climates
of revolutionary life
and dualdark predation.

2020 post-bilateral millennial revision
remembers who and what colonized America
and reweaves who and what developed the Americas
during the prior 1000 years,
while both East and West cultures
virtually (0)Sum ignored us,
and most certainly did not overpopulate
or ElitistChristianize
by demonizing
what SkyWoman created,
Turtle Island ReVolutionary Eden ReForestation,
divine-humane ecotherapeutic
and familial
and tribal
and more patriarchal-matriarchal
domestic through international ecopolitically resonant,
confluent; not dissonant.

WinWin Cooperative EcoPolitics
adopts LeftBrain deductive language and healthy intent
while Elder RightBrain adapts with creolizing regenerative
Sacred EcoLogical
with 2020 balancing bicameral enlightenment.

We are both Prickly Cowboys
and Graceful Indigenous RNA root systemic transgender
polypathic forests,
both lightLeft and dualdark GooeyRight,
creolizing acclimators,
to paraphrase,
and somewhat Gregory Bateson embellish,
and Buckminster Fuller reincarnate,
Alan Watts with Julian Jaynes bicameral ethology
as historical democratizing WinWin purpose.

Cooperatively adoptLeft
and responsively adaptRight
for optimal creolizing acclimation,
best climate and landscape health practices.


Routine Rituals

New Year
yet the same ritualistic routines,
absent their blissfully celebrating roots
buried in more fertile loves and hope-filled times
and might have beens
if not for this today
with these people
on this sacred nurturing Goddess Earth,

Still making more or less nice with FireGod Sun,
whom some experience more condemning and unkind nature,
while others as more enlightened to be helpful spirit,
even kind with manna as Vitamin D
feeding DNA’s further interdependently co-arising potential.

Routine and ritual,
multitasking and acclimating ecosystems,
yang-digesting and yin-nurturing biosystems,
consuming economic PowerOver Ego
and producing Ta(0)Systemic ReGenerativity,

both feeding us regenerative health and nurturance
but also bleeding us of fully invested interest in right now,
where we are,
with whom,
and why
and why notnot could be polypathically otherwise.

Routine, like ritual,
piety, like patriotism,
both feeds us nutrients from Earth’s sacred Creation Stories,
but also bleeds us of cooperative co-investment
within this radically democratic ecological climate,
sometimes degenerative,
cognitive-affective antipathies,
LeftBrain enculturing dominance
noticing, not quite too soon,
RightBrain’s bicameral ego/ecoconscious nurture-flow
of karmic sacred regenerative graced healthy ecotherapy,
reweaving nature-spirit
Yang/Yin nondually co-arising
ReVolution (0)-Universal CoreSoulSum
Black Hole
dualdark (NotLose,NotLose) = +Win,
appositional thermodynamic tensegrity balance (B. Fuller)
PolyPathic Ego/EcoCenter.

both distracting from better celebrations elsewhere
and attracting more celebratory rituals
for more abundant EarthFlows
of sacred karmic grace
so democratically accessible,
these icons of nature’s kindness
right/left outside our doors
and LeftBrain dominant walls.

Our routines are internal celebrations
expressing gratitude with wonder and awe,
open ecoconsciousness as co-empathic,
celebrating this opportunity
this day
this life
this eternal (0) now sacred moment
of Yang opportunity
through Yintegral wisdom’s Earth nurturance,
this PricklyPolitical/EcoGooey moment (Alan Watts)
of climate pathology messages
regarding climate health ecotherapeutic vocational opportunities
accessible right here,
right now,
with the people and plants
we each intentionally share our nurturing lives with
for mutually regenerative health
extending on out to alien wierdo folks
who seem totally clueless,
and yet our co-empathic ecopolitical challenge
to rediscover all creatures prefer cooperative Golden Rules
predicting WinWin evolutioning strategies
over LeftBrain’s egocentric supremacist monoculturing need
to always have the last word,
about everything and everyone on Earth,
yet blind to Ego’s forest of deep learning opportunities
for the stumbling blocks of anthrocentric plutocratic family trees.

Routine, like ritual,
Piety, like polypathic eco-empathic celebrations,
Singing, like dancing,
Speaking, like acting
as if we might care to hear and actually watch out for each other,
both feed our celebrations
and bleed our LeftBrain purgations
of routines reified of reweaving rituals
of deep revolving fertile healthwealth
LeftNature-RightSpirit eco-rituals,
remembering embryonic Matriarchal Nutrition Stories
of mutually cooperative integrity
flowing out what we could mean
by (0)-sum WinWin ReGenerativity.

Yang as universal ultra
with Yin as violet octave-flow exformating
dualdark co-gravities,
double-binding timeless now experience
of Routine
as DNA’s BusinessAsUsual
rituals of sacred celebration
surging within Earth’s abundant
greens and browns and blues and greys
and reds with orange and yellow,
and pink and purple,
and even white and black opaque
and violet rainbow RNA-inspired CathedralEarth
of rhythms and patterns
of sound and sight,
co-passionate delights,
agapic and erotic

Another revolutionary ring
around Earth evolution’s sacred Matriarchal Nurturing Flow,
provoking timeless wonder and polypathically awesome days
and perhaps even multiculturally exotic nights.
Who knows,
you might get RightBrain integrative freedom lucky
liturgically diastatic
regeneratively healthy-wealthy


Ta(0)-zen Climate Healthy PolyPaths

The more continuous from past through future our ego-stretching identity becomes,
the more god/dess-humane omnipotent emerges
our original polypathic multicultural intent
and future climate health practice.

co-empathic democratic trust,
between religious faith systems,
each transubstantiating interdependent spiritual dynamics among ourselves,
we call syncretism.

Reconciling trust between ecopolitical paradigms as health-thru-dying networks of dialectal values,
transliterating our natural ionic,
and ergodic rhythmed dynamics,
we call integrative synergy.

as polypathic space
equivocating coincidental co-arising
bilateral time,
equivalent dipolar images, consciousness
within inductive-empathic notnot polynomial balance.

Yes, all 3D Space and 1DipolarTime are interdependently relative,
but, no, not so normatively relative that
c-squared enlightenment could be any more or less than Eulerian Prime Geo/Eco/Ego DiPolar Systemic Relationship e-squared,
with slow-grow (0)-Core/Care/Sum/Soul MultiCultural Interest/Investment
Fractal-Acidic-Convexing flow-forming regenerate Order.

With such reconciling consilience in (0) mind as (1) body,
it feels increasingly important, even urgent,
to remember that I am most fully Divine Energy
when I fully comprehend we grow health-reconciling active trusters
doing the best we can to democratically re-gather
as NotNot Gods–Wise Elder Nurturing Gaia Goddesses.

We feel primal therapeutic multicultural recalling-incarnating-evolving corollaries:
God is discontinuously me with belief in you,
also half Divine and half Humanizing, humaneing,
wise cooperative regeneration,
becoming and notnot being words-within as informing-without.

We recall intelligent truth as beauty-design genius
across multicultural fields
and paradigms
and rhetorical frames
and landscaped climates of ecotherapeutic health resonance
overpowering dissonant suboptimal underproductive pathologies
to become reconciling polypaths,
eco-consiliating residents of Earth consciousness.

Political Science becomes, then, cooperative studies
of and for ecopolitically cooperate-reconciling powers-with,
not so much corporate-competing suboptimally losing powers-over,
less than omnipotent eco-power balancing intent
stuck in Business As Usual economic practice.

Ecopolitical powers both evolve from and contribute to
future climate health of multicultural regenerativity
as powers of cooperation absorb mono-teleological,
mono-enculturing power-over intent
and capital-hoarding economic non-transactional absence of healthy practice.

It may be helpful to recall investment,
whether time or money, preferably both,
implies hope for fertile outcomes.
Just as science emerged from nature-spirit religious system investments,
to become an independent,
yet also interdependent, anthrocentric learning system,
so too religious experience emerged from eco/geometric rhythmed
philosophically rich words about why continuing cooperative phenomena feel
and think
and taste of richer healthy nutrition,
and discontinuous-competing distrustful phenomena
speak of hate and mutual disgust and anger and fear of godless eternal wilting starvation stink and death
in hellfires of solar great transitional climate regeneration.




Integrity’s Dialects

There is only integrity,
and therefore we are,
and therefore I am

There is only integrity
of and in and for each moment’s potential,
so only integrity as eternal potential,
self-other perpetual regeneration.

There is only ecopolitical integrity for human nature,
so there is only ecological health integrity
for all of Earth’s natures.

Integrity, for humans, behaving with growing ecopolitical maturity,
is regenerative promise,
WinWin potential,
for all Earth’s Tribes,
eco/bio systems.

Integrity? Like synergy?

Yes. Integrity, like active love and karma and grace and synergy.
Integrity, you remember,
integrity of health, happiness, prosperity, beauty, humor
as if we had some Earth-rooted intelligence?
The stuff of national Constitutions for healthy politics,
and internationally cooperative economies
with multicultural ecotherapeutic intent.

Integrity of climate health,
interior landscape yin-within, nondual Elder-Right Brained,
exterior landscaped yang-without, Left Brained dominance of languaged self-as-not-other dual identity consciousness.

Potential for revolutionary polypathic ecopolitical consciousness balance,
bicamerally languaged confluent harmonics stretching dissonant pathologies
into notnot worn-out extinction.

Integrity becomes health
being Integrity’s universal unitarian Tao-potential.

Integrity of EarthTribe’s global DNA preference for co-empathic trust,
aversion to mutually dissonant toxins.

Integrity of regenerating health,
ecopolitical Truth as Beauty,
Animus loving Anima,
Moose Medicine deep listening with Owl Medicine,
Prickly as notnot Gooey (Alan Watts),
Convex-space as Concave implicate bilateral wave-linear primal (0) dimensional relationship within Time (Bucky Fuller with Group Theory’s (0)-soul [=”Core”= “Origin Point”] upgrades),
Yang as notnot dipolar appositional Yin, co-arising and co-gravitating.

So 3-dimensioned Prime Space = 1 bilateral (0)sum dimensional Time=
4D RealTime CoOperative QBit-Octave/BiFractal WinWin Network Design
for integrative health development
synonymous with ReGenesis (0)Zen of TaoBalanced Cooperative-Precessive SpaceTime.

This ReGenesis EcoPolitical Agenda of Earth’s evolution,
yet another political non-party, non-partisan,
multiculturally inclusive across our political spectrum,
combining all paradigms,
syncing areas of expertise and deductive specialization,
across all this vast metaphysical complexity of landscapes,
of languages and dialects as colors,
time as speeding light,
arguing too passionately for integrative comfort of academia,
we already have all information/exformation integrity,
polypathic precedent of DNA-regenerate intelligence,
all Nature’s evidence for cooperatively sustainable evolution through ecological balance,
by merely updating and integrating (0)-sum and ecopolitical-centric
Fullerian Synergy as solar/lunar radiant light-love
fueling Goddess Gaia,
and all Her RNA/DNA Solidarity-Integrity
recreating embryonic Gods and Goddesses,
and all transgenderational colors and organic chemistries in-between
eros and agape
absorbing bad-humored hate,
transubstantiating angry political pasts and their fearful economic futures.

There is only integrity,
and therefore we are organic cooperative integrity,
until we are no more.


Competing in ToughLove Markets

We often think of how best to compete in a very tough love market.
How to look
and smell
and sound our healthiest and highest commodified use
to attract the interest of others
with both similar and diverse sight
and hearing
and fragrance
of trusting radically profound beauty;

A hot package
but also with a warm compassionate
and curiously nimble heart.

Love’s core of becoming
co-arises truth with nutritional trust,
but with vital thrust unfathomably deep listening enthymeme,
echoing Earth’s co-evolve from tribal co-empathic Elders,
licking and munching
on light flights
of horny stardust.

I call my universal Hot Package “Yang”,
why not?
where others have used
Convex (B. Fuller)
Explicate Order (D. Bohm)
Prickly (A. Watts).

Let’s call Yin, then
warm co-empathic trust-nurturing healthy heart
after all
knowing what we always say,
the longer the title
the less competitive our functional value.

Unitarian Yin, whom others have ConCaved,
Implied, rather dialectically,
generally Gooified into a spiritual metaphysical
notnot polynomial
mystical kind of a double-binding humorous mess,
apparently the opposite of anything
one might analogically or ecologically consider equivalent
to The Hot Packages of EarthNature.

When we were babies,
and even more so prior to this incarnation into grace,
we could not distinguish between Yang’s fertile Hot Package
and Yin’s CoPassioning Heart.

But, as we approach looming adolescence,
we have become more LeftBrain Yang dominant,
a lustier search for Hot Earth Packages
of natural regenerativity
polypathically preoccupies our minds
as maturing anthrobodies.

Now what happens as we age?
into more remembered balance of Yang/Yin maturation,
rediscovering our co-arise nonduality
of not too hot and not too cold Earth Body
blissfully content within a warm compassionate
and curiously nimble mind
as healthy bicameral EarthLover/Loved Hearts.

In this sense
grace’s continuing evolutionary journey
invites our re-ascension into Earth’s embryonic YangYin womb
of Hot Fertile Packages
swimming and surfing
through CoOperatively Healthy Hearts
fueling BiCameral MindBodies
toward Future’s (0)Mega ReGenesis.

[Note from non-languaged Yin,
transliterating reverse of above as below:
Cool Empathic Fragrant Flows
of notnot cameral BodyMind,
without nutritional boundaries of imagination,
from Elder’s (0)Riginal DNA/RNA Genesis.]

[Commentary from Hot Fertile MindBody,
RE: Note above, as below:
Notice absence of health/wealth hoarding,
absence of political-economic unnaturally competitive, rabid motives,
with their nondual co-arising paranoid
disecological absence of healthy purpose
fading off into long-term devolution
of what had been embryonically rational ecoconsciousness.]

Nature abhors a vacuum
of healthy
trusting truths as beauty

As do we all,
hunting and gathering within HealthyWealthy Hot BiCameral Packages,
paradigmatic markets descended from nature-spirit bilaterally root/branched communing trees
in WinWin love with polypathically enlightening
notnot love-systemic cooperative market optimization,
both fusion of in-formation and decomposition of not-so-lovely smelling noise,
swollen absence of listening, glistening grace-filling poise.


Random Mainframes

Random frames
my brain
in polypathic goo
refusing to decompositionally chew
enough to defog mystery
of randomness
co-arising evolution
of a fuller consciousness revolution.

Prickly head
with gooey heart
suboptimizing when they are apart
and are not speaking
to where they might find
a more accurate midway mine.

When I want to optimize
my wealth
of mental health,
I decompose nondual co-arising
toward regenerative comprehension,
to decompose
to break apart
in my image-nation
what time’s nature must always regener-ation.

Strictly Prickly Heads,
last of a Left-brain dominant strain.
Gushing GooGlobbed Hearts,
last of a RightWinged
monocultural spring.

If mass is to time
as commodity is to energy,
then commodifiant forms
have two bilateral functions,
buying and selling Time’s value.

We have commodified ourselves
too high
for the energy we have invested
to co-arise Beloved Commons.

Each buy and sell form
of Time’s transaction
follows our Tree of Good and Evil
rather than consuming and producing
Time’s primal choice
of Tree for Life and Death’s
double-bound transparent value.

Commodity incarnates
a market of value,
distilled fuel for even more ego-ownership.

Informational interest
fuels commodification of value
for stripmining Earth
as we stripmine the value of human Time;
while more cooperative interest
energizes optimizing value
for polyculturing Earth
as we polypath our value of eco-logical Time.

If Earth is RNA’s ProGenitor,
our ultimately commodifying “Owner”
and CoRedeemer,
then is ownership of Earth
commodification as
of madness,
polypathology of valuing Good
as loveless usery,
universalism without unitarianism?

Neither cultural hype
nor hippie consciousness
bring immunity to greed
or consistent investment in confluent integrity.
Whereas polypathic genius
does seem to bring some intuitive affinity
to simplicity of life’s value
for Time’s hope and faith and love,
beauty and wisdom;
a more singularly focused consciousness
on how we are created
just how our bones are polymorphically universal
fossils of unitarian revolutions.

I think that I shall never see
an old man buy his first property
going up his rickety stair
to take his blood pressure meds unaware
he will wear the stair with excessive need to pee;
you see,
due to his blood pressure mediludicrosity,
up up the stairs he went
to visit the only bathroom’s cabinets.

We can use actuarial tables
to decompose the value of Time’s investment
in any co-arising system,
whether informational-digital
or analogical-organic,
thereby calculating appropriate life credit and debit
available to this globally networked cooperative community
each hour
or day
or transaction
or week
or month
or year
or time’s ultimately prime relationship
to timeless.

Don’t sell the Commons,
because we have already commodified
even the goods and evils of a life,
whether human,
or a tree,
perhaps we might cooperatively rent goods
and barter services
in exchange for the value of Time’s investment
by the day
or week
or month
or year
or lifetime,
depending on who we be

Yellow wool blanket
with matching satin sashing
just on one end
caressing my neck and chin
reminding of how long and dashing
we have been

Hold me against the chill of parting night.
Hold me with abandon to your fright
to love me
whom you never had enough
of hold me
for the warmth of gathering days.

Random frames
rounding claims,
icons of RNA’s encryption.


Professor Gorey’s Sound Bytes

Professor Gorey
always had a story
filled wit guts and grim
til most folks around these parts
those with their full share of smarts
asked her where she finds her glory.

Grim Reaper
is not my heart’s keeper
and I thank you so for asking
just what I see as our life tasking,
to face our fears as permanent sleepers.

Professor Gorey
how could your story
of climatic strangulations
and cataclysmic slaughter of multiple reiterations
do other than make us snorey?

Story can wake you up
if you drink them with half-filled inductive cup
rather than gulping with competition
while choking on potential cooperation
between what’s contracting down while expanding up.

What is this mystery
we cannot see?
of breathing ego down while eco-up,
soothing prickly cats by playing gooey pups,
confusing what might become
with how we choose to be?

You’ve asked me well
so I must tell,
my gory mystery
of permaculturing history
is what makes my regenerating health so swell.



This piece plays with Alan Watts’ idea that there are two human cultural typologies, in mutually co-arising relationship. Pricklies are competitive-reductive dominant, following Win-Lose Gaming logistics, meaning that if I win then everybody else can lose, if they so choose, that is their business, and none of mine. Gooeys are cooperative-inductive dominant, following Win-Win Gaming logistics, meaning that if I win then everybody else might also be able to win, if they so choose, that is our business together, and We are larger Me.

Much of my economics-as-ecosystem work combines this observation with Julian Jaynes’ theory of the bicameral brain, where Left-ego-center hemisphere plays the role of Prickly, while Right-eco-center hemisphere plays the role of dual-transparently reiteratively balanced (the opposite of cognitive dissonance) DNA-fractal-gooey Elder AnaLogic as EcoLogic. This offers an internal landscape understory of why we notice what we notice through the lens of Positive Psychology, why positive balanced lifestyles, rich in healthy relationships, lead toward optimally regenerative happiness and fully-lived, enriched and enriching, cooperative lives and lifestyles and neighborhoods, and extended families, and tribes, and cultures, and other positive-polycultural information systems, inclusive of digital and binary QBit/8-Byte Octave reverse-hierarchical cooperatively double-bound logic-default Win-Win Gaming systems.

And I agree wholeheartedly with Charles Eisenstein that this cooperative Win-Win ecological economic human-natured game we unfold is sacred in its most cooperatively developed regenerations. and reiterations.


Life’s ReCaying Loom

Hope for richly resonant peaceful warmth
wraps perfectly and mutually redeeming moments
correlatively weaving absorbent straining ropes
woofing full wefted tapestry
subtly suggestive tipping points
predicting dissonantly ruddered resolutions,
transitioning events,
prophesying regenerate Tree of Life RootSystems,
with eco-nomially balanced appositional branches
reaching up toward radiant light’s fuel,
stretching out for full-round octave sounds and sense
of redolent minds and chimes,
healthy harmonizing nutrients of karma-graceful
functioning flows of rich textured design,
faith threading resonant eco-echoing primal relationship,
bicameral balancing co-passioning minds
resounding dipolar pumping hearts
pulsing health-life energy
full places then empty spaces then repolarizing time,
summer then winter than fall harvest rhyme,
productive then contractive then regenerating enthymeme,
YangConvex then YinConcave then (0) soul balancing,
thick-loved then deconstructively despaired then ego-eco appositive,
hope to restore Earth’s tapestry of full-wealth days and nights,
seasons and recycling years,
repurposing lives and rehabilitating species,
memories of futures now passing merged together,
exegetically alive through endless eisegetical love
to hope for co-arising nondual peace fulfilling Earth’s justice landscape,
smiles redeeming mirrored fears with reassurance,
paradise ecstatically reprising purgation’s static loss,
creation reweaving Lose-Lose decadent ego-antilogical risk
absent holes within nature’s bilaterally unwoven syntax,
collective autism of competing Yang opposing Yin’s cooperative ecologic,
prickly vines mutually immune to our gooey interiors,
while permacultured Golden Rule
defines economic optimizing healthy order
and metric weaving logic,
our con-science long aware,
just now culturally revisiting,
transition time to slow grow balance Yang
regenerating double-binding Yin
reforming Yang/Yin’s long bicultural string of information
re-eco-prehending (0)-souled Yang Vertexial Tree of Life and YinDecay
sprouting and singing threading rings
YinYin’s permacultural Win-Win life,
regenetic genesis,
predemptively precessive emergent evolution,
not-not polynomially encultured
root-systemic zero-sum Universal AutoNomial Vortex
of co-gravitating dual-transparent Time’s Tapestry.

Co-arising peace sustains prime polynomial forming relationship
as unitarian relativity functions nondually cohering,
not-not dual boundaried, binomial bicameral time.
