
ReCentering Domestic NonViolence

This brisk, sunny March morning, I return from delivering my son to his adult daycare van.

Upon opening The Norwich Times, I delight to read the new Center for Safe Futures “will be taking a huge step forward in how well we can serve the growing number of our neighbors who need help with domestic violence…”

After reading the article, I am delighted about this significant half-step toward a more integrated and holistic service structure to improve safety and well-being outcomes for victims and survivors of violence, assault, stalking, physical and verbal hate-crime abuse, black-market sale pricing for using powerless and unheard and unseen and uncared for human bodies commodified to provide third party capital profits, and other disturbing forms of predative trauma.

Violently polarizing drama threatens trust in neighborhood-felt survival, and our civil, compassionate community thrival, every time we hear, and, god forbid, exhaustively watch depressing, national history-making news brought to us by our uncivil, wounded and wounding retributive criminal justice systems; uncaring, unhealthy, and certainly not holistic empowerment systems for nonviolent reconciliation.

My colleagues on the Norwich Youth, Family, and Recreation Advisory Board have become used to my eagerness to celebrate half-steps toward win/win strategic restorative peace while simultaneously sternly reconsidering our missing nonviolent communication step away from retributive win/lose justice systems. World wide webs pitching prey against predator, cultivating my despair about polarizing dissociative drama rooted in divisive demonizing trauma systems that do not empower resilient health and safely resonant domestic wealth.

Down near the bottom of the first front-page column I read, “Service providers and community partners will work together to break the [systemic trauma] cycle of violence and abuse.” Wow! Now this is an unexpected good news mission statement!

On second thought, it does echo messianic scriptured messages about the Christian Prince of Peace’s salvific mission, and that, so far, feels like an aging, poor in spirit, and increasingly despairing half-empty step toward downsizing EarthJustice expectations for global nonviolent peace and justice.

In my wild decaffeinated morning meditations, this eagerly anticipated aspiration, to break the win/lose bonds of systemic trauma, reminds me of a huge covenant change proposed for discussion at All Souls UU, in New London.

“We covenant to dismantle racism and all forms of systemic oppression.” I wonder how we would practice such powerful “Beloved Community” passion. How could our faith communities help break the vicious cycle of violence, abuse, and emotional neglect fueling neurosystemic trauma?

Perhaps Restorative Justice and Peace Reconciliation practices of nonviolent communication could empower transparent and vulnerable dialogue between defendants and predators, so often brought together and stuck together by addictive codependence–which feels safer, and economically healthier than aching loneliness, emptiness, hopelessness, despair of punishment, shame, blame, Othering judgments that we do not merit unconditional warm regard.

My own therapeutic feelings of hope, informed by Multicultural Community Mediation, focusses on safer and healthier and emotionally wealthier compassionate relationships. Empowering intention and win/win designed retention I cannot find in this article. It misses a redemptive half-step that could prophetically declare we will not tolerate the “vengeance is mine” heresy that perpetuates future victimization. Excommunication brought to us by judicial and police systems inciting weaponized trauma among those voted least likely to succeed by disassociated peers.

Is it reasonable to hope this Center for Safe Futures, and all the best intervention and prevention practices advertised by an expanding Family Justice Center model may be fully baptized in the peace-making waters of Restorative Justice?

Will domestically healthy and safe mission statements survive the ribbon cutting to become resiliently saved from past systemic trauma sins of our Straight White Patriarchal fathers?

I guess I’m still waiting, as my acidic coffee stomach turns cold with impatient curiosity, for some other brilliantly brighter good news front-page article announcing the multiculturally grand virtues of neurosystemic trauma-informed therapeutic projects to ReCenter Healthy Bodies and Safe Mind Wellness Futures.

Compassionate futures that restore virtuous communion circles of therapeutic repair–and not viciously retributive, accountability trauma hierarchies continuing to promise more efficiently enlightened from-above services, still half-stepping toward managing a universally disunitarian pandemic of dissociative despair.


Working With Theories

I’m working on this Systems Theory

All existing formal religious traditions
and informal spiritual experience
of Great Sacred EcoLogical Transitions

[e.g. Blue Holocene to
Green AnthroScene]

through our divine monotheistic
and/or polytheistic
and/or atheistic naturalistic
shared one root curiosity system
of healthy resilient enculturing nutrition:

“I’ll believe it
when I can see it,
or hear it,
or maybe safe to smell it,
but probably not safe to taste it,
feel it

Feel spiritually interested
and/or naturally disinterested
in my own personal sensual peak
and valley inside experiences,
yet also our professional education
and empowerment-driven
unconditional integrity
of warm cooperative
co-invested win/win therapeutic intent

Born of body/mind neural root systems
and delivered for
restoring wounded sacred Earth’s
indigenous Physical Resilient HealthSystems
are also MetaPhysically Resonant
Mental Win/Win Synergetic FaithSystems

Yang/Yin BiPartisan Balancing
Natural Economies of Resilient Health Justice
also produce Spiritually Resonant Wealth
of Peace

but not competitive ZeroSum;
more Whole Open Holistic
green cooperative

LeftBrain dominant
verbal enlightening
do not emerge from
Closed MonoCulturally Defensive Systems

dipolar co-arising

Sacred Organically Receptive MotherEarth
RightHemisphere prominent multisensory
indigenously nature/spirit rooted
natural economic nutritional health

cooperative Win/Win
positive sacred co-relationship thrival
robustly complex networks

win/lose survivalist competitive
ecopolitical apartheid corporate transactions

lose/lose negative desecrating trauma-despair
chaotic anti-communion fading egosystems

bipolar not-not polynomially unbalanced

Sacred MotherEarth
spiritually panentheistic
naturally synergetic
ergodic co-balancing energy
positive-1/not negative-0
AnthroPrivileged bicameral balancing health care
neuro-sensory communication systems

matriarchal ancient-lined
spiraling birthing
baptismal waters
within universal
unitarian co-empowering
Original Win/Win EarthMother
peak emergent health is wealth
warm and wet womb
formed and flowing
integral spacetime rebalancing
1-Yang/0-Yintegral co-balancing
Whole Open HealthSystems
incubating mutual warm regard

For bilateral sacred enlightened peaks
umbilically reconnecting
co-empowering valleys

Panentheistically still lurking
in all current quietly mindful
through past nutritional faith-based traditions,
this quiet cooperatively co-invested hope
against all win/lose treasons
of win/win healthy resilient
love reasons

PolyCultural positive perception
was originally rooted in
natural food and elimination
and reproductive
ecological resilient co-operating systems,
biospheres surrounding ego-core identity systems,
plants and living planets.

in this more modern monotheistic branch
of ancient faith traditions
on our Tree of Sacred Indigenous Knowledge,
predative privileged light
and evangelical right
to identify
define and refine
percentage of God’s sacred
humane individuation

As compared against
a monoculturing GoldRuled Standard
StraightWhiteMale supremacist
LeftBrain nouned
monotheistic renouned right to control
exclusive sacred narratives
of divine light’s full manly power
to control all warm nutritioning
water co-gravitating ReSources

Lurking quietly
in poetry and psalms
and parables
of matriarchal sacred history

Rooted in nature-based
oral traditions,
indigenous nondualistic wisdom literature

Not quite so over-invested
in militarized religious war events
and victimizing
in potential win/win ways often ignored
by global ecological history

To write down mythology
and passion narratives
and bodhisattva cooperative
green co-invested
restorative justice healing ceremonies,
passion story telling

Vulnerably personal
and yet transparently professional
ego/ecosystemic open
natural mindbody healthcare
resilient history
iconic, sometimes ironically,
of spiritual eco-panentheistic
indigenous wisdom
Gaian wealthcare synergetic
ancient EarthGoddess integrity
of neuro-organic resonant mystery

Still playing with Her win/win
faith-based resilient
EarthJustice theory

Trauma-informed remains
for explaining to a win/win undamaged child
wondering, in face of emergent ecocide,
why would sacred MotherEarth
think it was a good highest and best use
of valuable organic real estate
to over invest in AnthroPrivilege?

So, I’m playing with this win/win
restoring healthy
wealth co-optimizing
empowering and enlightening
Yang/Yin bilateral ego/eco-resiliently felt
brilliant win/win re-connecting
neurosystemic ancient thrival
organic systems history
of AnthroPrivileged
positive co-relational
lurking sacred mystery theory.


EarthMother EcoMuse

When reading
and singing
and dancing poetry
enspiriting choreography
of emotively ecological

I need not check my LeftBrain dominance
at rhetoric’s healing door,

But bring Him/Her with me
once more

To heal chaos
and restore

What EarthMothers preach
and practice
and adore

No severance between Earth’s natural systemic Truths
and Ego’s spiritually animated
reweaving complex Beauty
denying doubts
not not double-binding Fractures.


Shrouded Clouds

Shrouds mystically cover
sad shadowed environmental things
as clouds hover
over ego/ecological glad relationships,
Earth empowering,

Heaven enlightening
like outside’s natural winds
of evolving tradition
and inside’s spiritual breath
of revolving

In/ExFormational BiCameral Systems
of prickly thought things
and gooey
binomially felt co-relationships.


What We Mean ReConnected

and timeless Muse memory
wears Her integral capacity
to naturally craft a re-ligious spirit
out of any transcendent
transregenerational relationship,

Within any AnthropoCentric
NonViolent Communioning Network.

And, a positively correlating observation,
perhaps both decent and indecent,
sacred and secular,
sensory and sexual,

We can,
and have,
and will continue to
design gods and goddesses
out of any significant
deep and widely polycultural communing
EarthTribe Ancestor,
both enlightening
from above
and without,
and empowering
from below
and within;

Monotheistically transcendent,
and/or panentheistically communing,
imminent co-empathic trans-immanence.

Integrity’s Great ReTurning potential
transubstantiating potency,

Omnipotence individualized
in pride
to be freely and fruitfully known
as an Earth Worshipper
of Her omniscient natural Truths
and omnipresent spiritual Beauty.

But, I would be ticked in Hell
if anyone ever thought of,
and felt from, me
an individualistic Nation Patriot,
same ol’ patristic sad song
and delusional dance

A WELLNESS CAPITALIZED EmpireBuilding Worshipper
of colonizing
Win/Lose ZeroSum monotheistic

Greatly divisive
degeneratively intending
to not creolize within sacred Earth communion,
but to take over secularized resources
for ecopolitical consumption
unto transcendently supreme
StraightWhitePatriarchal AnthrObesity.

An ecologically resilient
and theologically resonant
Patriotic SpiritNature,
like EcoFeminist ReLigioning Integrity,
is potentially healthiest
and wisest

When direct prayers for health,
and wealth petitions to MotherEarth
are for nothing less
than our most regenerative
enlightening and empowering
Truth and Beauty
Heaven and Earth
Spirit and Nature
CoPassionate BiCameral Communion.


UnVoiced Choice

Ego’s mind
happily follows along behind
heart connections to iconic metaphors
felt to belong in metaphonic co-passions

Kinda like heart-path complex feelings
and spatially silent rests

Between seasonal meta-4s of empowering light
meets Truth with Beauty
compassionate conscientific minded
artistry hearted
economics of ecofeminist grace

Filled belonging
binomial hearted
nonverbally integral
experiential relationship memories

Light felt positively inviting
engaging theologically sacred
outside experience

Verbal messages
with thoughtful co-redemptive
ecological images mind/heart integral
nonverbally happy
warm co-empathic relationships

Dreamy heart imaginations
re-membering integrity’s potential heart/mind
interdependent freedoms

Through win/win co-invested re-connecting
Great BiCameral ReTransitions
Green from red patriarchal ego identities

Persisting through their-mind/our-heart
home-light Green
regeneratively matriarchal

Win/win strategically mind/heart co-mediated
sacred holonic EarthTribe

Hearts for lit-up cooperative economics
with mind-empowering politics

Interior nonverbal nutrition
speaking exterior
out-there communication

Bicamerally polypathic
psychological feelings
for polyphonic bilateral neurological systems
more win/win minded
and less lose/lose hearted
nurture mind/hearted nature

Spiritual wealth-progressive theology
of Earth’s health-systemic nature

Win/Win positive heart-flow
hidden within
mind’s win/lose nontherapeutic
left hemisphere punishing force
for monocultural autonomy

Upstream past competitive energy
silently waiting for downstream cooperative

Of dignity’s strong-hearted voice
causing interdependent life

CoArising mental authority
with warm heart effective

Heart sensory mind/body love
reflected in world-view healthy mental/physical life

Images of YangStar
constellations re-membering
re-connecting yintegral

Mind ego-belonging
to heart’s eco-longing
for yet more intimate

Healing inside
while mind metaphorically co-invests
in impassioned outside nature

Old original heart
before left-mind privileged

Yet phylogenically mirrored fractal structure
four seasonal
bilateral light/dark power
dynamic DNA spirals

Yintegrity’s communal potential
YangMind compassion for
Earth’s NonViolent Living Future


Anxious Anticipation Edges

In Permaculture Design,
it is thought that all the richest stuff
is in Earth’s experiential/existential
Boundary Zones of nutrition
communally felt
fed and watered ego/eco-value

somewhat more than more anxious boundaries,
this last depressing and humiliating darker hour
before our sacred revolutionary green cooperative
health/wealth anticipating
co-redeeming GoldenRule
expands beyond all imagined boundaries
of global space
and this right now
restorative green justice place
in timeless time
bilaterally felt double-boundaries

Declaring resilient win/win
health/safety-care interdependence

This co-arising boundary
a multicultural solidarity story
of integrity’s vast EarthTribe
enlightening potential

We would restore polycultural resilience
and with
and for all Earth’s great pandemic
wounding boundaries

Noticing overt rejection of established win/lose
compromised moral/legal authority

Shifts and turns
in unpredicted evolving ways
as such red autonomous authority
competes unsuccessfully
to avoid green co-relational
for present and future freedom
through heart-felt multiculturally inclusive
interdependent boundary experiences
co-passionately advocating

To shrink growing red/green divides
in eco-politically cooperative
solidarity dialogues
and healing discernments
through bicamerally narrow co-emerging
non-violent communicating ways
polypathic win/win
polyculturing neuro-systems

Both ego/eco systemic wealth
of cooperatively-held
green democratic health history
cooperatively unboundaried.


Curiosity OutPlays Patience

Whether LeftBrain dominant
or RightBrain feminist prominent,

Whether outty
or insy,

or slow,

or go,

or no,

or grow,

or blow,

or show,

or flow,

or snow,

or crow,

Yang’s cognitive power pleasure needs
are also Yin’s emotive enlightened paradise feelings

On an octave spiraling communication
double-binding DNA spectrum

For positive blue/green spirituality
redeeming from negative overpriced
and diced red
through blah beige
naturally privileged secularity

trusty truth
is never NotZeroZone Wholeness
ecological Wholesomeness
theological Holiness

original democratic intent
of BiCameral Balance

Across the great dissociative
object/subject apartheid
becoming impatient
with our late
great nature/spirit
transitional polypathic divide

Of LeftBrain restorative Law
And RightBrain win/win ReOrdering
reweaving healthcare systems
for individual wealth spiraling fabric
intrinsic strings reconnecting
holistic EarthPeace safety cloth

As nonviolent nonverbal
green communion
predicts yet more curious compassioned
verbally impassioned
bicameral communication.


Advent of Silent Waiting

Advent of waiting

for 2020 to end
for 2021 to begin
for Christmas
for Hanukkah
for a new federal healthcare administration
for an old misogynistic maladministration to leave
for new hope
for renewed faith
for multicultural communication virtue
for green global communion peace

can be a taxing time of competitive ego-impatience
and/or a time of active
but silently curious ego/eco-systemic
polycultural healing,

A potentiality space
for transformative compassionate communication,
for deep listening
for time’s healthy systemic possibility
to induct anticipation of resonant resilience
quietly overwhelming dissonant disabling anxiety.

Multicultural cooperative community intentions
lighten hoary histories
of personal and collective wounds
and straight white patriarchally privileged competitions,
disappointing divestments
from resilient green social-ecological capital

Curiously accessible
only through narrowly balancing
interdependently collusive health systems
devoid of internally win/lose competitive-bullying tantrums.

Dramatic tantrum competitions
are no substitute for long-term strategic
cooperative healthcare systems
courageously supported
by curiously dipolar co-arising appreciation
for multicultural spaces
in compassionately communicating TransitionTimes

Curious 20/20 Ways
anticipating 20/21 green Means
without need of passive patience
and with great cooperatively-held wants
compelling win/win curiously copassionate
global health communication wealth.


Playing Kinder Power Games

To the Game Theoreticians:
Games are a subset of strategic systems thinking,
which can be rooted in systemic resilience theory
and in systemic racist theory
and probably not in both.

To the Systemic Theoreticians:
Groups playing leadership
and choice-making Games
may be differentiated by
and lose/lose strategic outcomes
ego/eco-bilaterally recentering

Binomially balancing Systems
of YangOut
and YinIntegrity

Restoring win/win cooperatively good outcomes
for anthropoids and LivingEarth ecological systems

Or repeating Win/Lose
as competitively felt
in ecopolitical patriarchal systems
like capitalist games
among white privileged
and kinda snooty
Beach Club
and Golf Club
and Gated Community paid up members
intending to keep out the multicultural ecofeminists
of radically liberal EarthHealth
matriarchal win/win
equals not loseEgo/loseEarth power analysis intention.

Lose/lose outcomes cannot prevail
or sustain,
as is also true of healthy communication systems,
nutritional economic resilient networks,
HumanEgo/DivineEcosystemic primal ZeroZone relationships,
Yang/Yin dipolar
resilient communion systems
for empowering and enlightening
democratically GoldenRule committed residents.

Losing ego-individualistic economists,
and loser ecofeminist green cooperative communication
systemic designers,
use lose/lose scenarios
only as information about what not to xenophobically plan,
anthropocentrically implement,
nihilistically evaluate
to further straight white male
left-brain dominant privilege,
which politically disempowers
health/wealth win/win EarthCare systems

For giving empowering light
of sacred YinRight memory

CoEmpathically knowing/feeling
secular YangLeft CoDemocratic
Health/Wealth Prominence

4Dimensional fractal synergy
of not not ZeroSum NatureLose/SpiritLose
BiCameral/Bilateral health and safety
power and light analysis of life energy systems.

Theories of positive psychological root womb systems
of DNA NonZero Regenerative Zones
are rooted in flowering

Holonic 4D non-violent communication meta-structures
between past regenerative memories Green/Yellow
and future degenerative imaginations
Red/White/Blue privileged
too defensive of angry memory
and too liberal with terrified lose/lose future
eco/ego-bicameral intelligence lost
to healthy DNA-structured 4-nutritional fractals

Emerging into Ultra-NonViolent Future/Past recommunication games,
sacred systemic transubstantiations,
communal groups for sacred/secular creolizations

All marvelously win/win systemic group game
eco-politically naturally healthy
as resiliently
and multiculturally
and spiritually
and neuro-sensory wealthy.
